Flip the power switch (to the left for AC power or to the right for DC power) to turn
on the pump and begin priming. If pump fails to prime after 1 min., see
troubleshooting guide on page 18.
After the pump is primed and water
begins filling the three filter cartridge
housings, starting with the Stage I
filter #1 and moving to the left,
depress and hold the red air release
valve button at the top of each filter
housing (Figure 7) to purge air from
the system.
After purging all air from the system,
allow the system to pump roughly 2
minutes to pass at least 1 gallon of
water through the filters before using
the cleaned water. This applies to
both brand new and previously used
filter cartridges.
Figure 7: Air release valves on filter housing
Make a note of the initial pressure reading on the gauge located on top of Stage I
filter housing #1. This information will be needed to decide when the filters need to
be changed.
It is normal to observe a small amount of black powder in the filtrate during the
initial flushing period.
With brand new cartridges, the unit will operate at a flow rate of 0.5 gpm. It is
normal for the flow rate to decrease with continued use. The rate at which the flow
rate decreases will depend upon the properties of water that is being filtered. Water
containing higher levels of suspended solids and/or microbial contamination will
cause the flow rate to decrease more quickly.
When re-priming the pump using wet cartridges, the maximum priming height may
be reduced. In this situation, pressing the air release valve button on top of the
Stage I filter #1’s housing assembly will aid in the priming process (see Figure 7). If
this fails, it may be necessary to reduce the vertical distance between the CB Tech
WaterBox™ and the water source, or use the one-way valve attachment (Figure
8) to manually prime the system.
Air release valves