BC0154501-00 P
Driver Installation
This chapter provides the following information about driver installation:
Installing Linux Driver Software
“Installing Windows Driver Software” on page 20
“Installing VMware Driver Software” on page 23
Installing Linux Driver Software
This section describes how to install Linux drivers with or without remote direct
memory access (RDMA). It also describes the Linux driver optional parameters,
default values, messages, statistics, and public key for Secure Boot.
Installing the Linux Drivers Without RDMA
Installing the Linux Drivers with RDMA
Linux Driver Optional Parameters
Linux Driver Operation Defaults
Importing a Public Key for Secure Boot
Cavium now supports QConvergeConsole (QCC) GUI as the
management tool across all Cavium QLogic adapters. QLogic Control Suite
(QCS) GUI is no longer supported for the 45000 Series Adapters and
adapters based on 57
controllers, and has been replaced by the
QCC GUI management tool. QCC GUI provides single-pane-of-glass GUI
management for all QLogic adapters from Cavium.
In Windows environments, when you run the QCS CLI and Management
Agents Installer, it will uninstall the QCS GUI (if installed on the system) and
any related components from your system. To obtain the new GUI, download
QCC GUI for your adapter from the Marvell Web site (see