BC0154501-00 P
Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface (ACPI)
specification provides an
open standard for unified operating
system-centric device configuration and
power management. The ACPI defines
platform-independent interfaces for
hardware discovery, configuration, power
management, and monitoring. The specifi-
cation is central to operating
system-directed configuration and Power
Management (OSPM), a term used to
describe a system implementing ACPI,
which therefore removes device manage-
ment responsibilities from legacy firmware
The board that interfaces between the
host system and the target devices.
Adapter is synonymous with Host Bus
Adapter, host adapter, and board.
adapter port
A port on the adapter board.
Advanced Configuration and Power
A measure of the volume of data that can
be transmitted at a specific transmission
rate. A 1Gbps or 2Gbps Fibre Channel
port can transmit or receive at nominal
rates of 1 or 2Gbps, depending on the
device to which it is connected. This corre-
sponds to actual bandwidth values of
106MB and 212MB, respectively.
Base address register. Used to hold
memory addresses used by a device, or
offsets for port addresses. Typically,
memory address BARs must be located in
physical RAM while I/O space BARs can
reside at any memory address (even
beyond physical memory).
base address register
basic input output system
Basic input output system. Typically in
Flash PROM, the program (or utility) that
serves as an interface between the
hardware and the operating system and
allows booting from the adapter at startup.
challenge-handshake authentication