12–SR-IOV Configuration
Configuring SR-IOV on Linux
BC0154501-00 P
Review the command output (
) to confirm that actual VFs
were created on bus 4, device 2 (from the 0000:00:02.0 parameter),
functions 0 through 7. Note that the actual device ID is different on the
PFs (8070 in this example) versus the VFs (8090 in this example).
Figure 12-9. Command Output for sriov_numvfs
12. To view a list of all PF and VF interfaces, issue the following command:
ip link show | grep -i vf -b2
shows example output.
Figure 12-10. Command Output for ip link show Command
13. Assign and verify MAC addresses:
To assign a MAC address to the VF, issue the following command:
ip link set <pf device> vf <vf index> mac <mac address>