Precautions and warnings
This device was manufactured and tested according to the standards listed in this
manual and is shipped from the factory under perfect technical safety conditions.
In order to uphold these conditions and to guarantee safe use of the device, users
must adhere to the indications and symbols used in this manual.
Before using the device, check that the rated voltage and the network voltage are
Prior to any work for which the instrument's housing must be opened, make sure that
it is not connected to a power source. The condensers inside the instrument may be
charged, even if it is no longer connected to a power source. When it is unsafe to use
the instrument, it must be switched off and secured against any accidental use.
Safe use is not guaranteed in the following circumstances:
• the instrument is obviously damaged,
• the instrument is out of order,
• after an extended storage period in unfavourable conditions,
• after severe damage during transport.
The device described in this manual is intended to be used only by qualified and
trained personnel. Maintenance and/or repair operations for which the product
The C'DiagTouch
is an apparatus for measuring continuity .
The controller allows for continuity and RMS voltage measurements.
It may be used alone or mounted on the boom arm CATU C'DiagTouch
Associated with the CP- 100B, you can increase the capabilities and features of
your CP- 100C to perform isolation measures. The CP- 100B is sold separately.
See page 28 for how to pair your controller with a CP- 100B .
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