User Manual
Version 3.0
Hoists and Enable Selection Buttons for the 10 and 12 Button OCUs
The buttons for switching to a different hoist are shown in the diagram and charts below.
Figure 10: Hoists and Enable Selection Buttons for 10 and 12 Button OCUs
– 12 Button OCU
Lifting gear sequence 0
– 5
for lifting gear I+II
Lifting gear sequence 6
– 9
for lifting gear I
Lifting gear sequence 11 -
13 for lifting gear I+II
Lifting gear sequence 10
for lifting gear I+II
– 12 Button OCU
Lifting gear sequence 6 - 9
for lifting gear II
Lifting gear sequence 11
13 for lifting gear III + IV
S73 and S74 (second step)
Enable sequence 10
S67- 10 Button OCU
Lifting gear sequence 0
– 5
for lifting gear I+II
Lifting gear sequence 6
– 9
for lifting gear I
Lifting gear sequence 11 -
13 for lifting gear I+II
Lifting gear sequence 10 for
lifting gear I+II
– 10 Button OCU
Lifting gear sequence 6 - 9
for lifting gear II
Lifting gear sequence 11
13 for lifting gear III + IV
S69 and S70 (second step)
Enable sequence 10