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 688500-510-515 G20NE 






9.  The power pressure of this equipment should conform to the supply voltage of this product.

10. The user should install the suitable power switch, fuse and leakage-protector near to the equipment.

11. Before starting up, you should check whether the socket you want to use is grounded.

12. Ensure whether all the connections of all the electric elements of the product are firm or not, and 

whether the safety grounding is reliable or not.

13. When you change the power cable, you should select the same model cable and: it is only allowed to 

let a professional electrician do this.

14. Never use other parts than the ones which are from CaterChef.  

CaterChef is not taking any responsibilty for damage caused by the use of other (non-related) parts.

15. If you need to (re)connect, repair or maintain the applaince, do not do this by yourself.  

This is forbidden. This must always be done by a professional electrician.

16. If there are any abnormal phenomenons during usage, you must stop the appliance directly.  

After checking you can continue to use it as long as it is safe. Do not repair the appliance by yourself.  

This should always been done by a technical professional.

17. During operation or cooling down: always keep the appliance out of reach of children.  

This, mainly to prevent burning injuries.


Before operating for the first time, clean the device with warm water, a wet cloth and a small amount of 

detergent. Do not rinse the appliance under the tap, this could cause serious damage to the appliance.  

In addition, make sure that you have dried it properly before you start operating the device.


1.  Never leave the area around the appliance during use. 

(Use also includes the cooling down period).

2.  Never move the appliance during use.

3.  Never touch the baking plate during use.

4.  The device should only be used for its intended purpose.

5.  Cooling down: After usage (and after turning thermostat back to 0 and turning the switch OFF), the 

appliance needs to cool down for a minimum time of 30 minutes. To prevent any burning injuries or 

other danger, do not touch, move or use the appliance during this period of time.

6.  After usage, turn off the switch.

7.  After usage the electricity needs to be cut from the socket to prevent fire hazard.  

This to prevent short circuit or danger.

8.  When you move the product from its place, always pick it up from the lower side of the appliance. 

Never pick it up from the upper side (baking tray) to prevent any damage to the appliance.


1.  The thermostat is placed in front of the product (control panel) and it’s used to turn the display case ON 

and OFF and to set the crepe maker to the desired temperature.

2.  Turn the power ON by turning the thermostat in b 50 and +300°C. Rotate the thermostat 

clockwise, and set the desired baking temperature. In this exact moment, the indicator light will go ON. 

Which means that the machine is powered and the heating tubes start to work. When the temperature 

reached the required temperature, the thermostat will stop heating the elements automatically. At the 

same time, the indicator light will turn OFF.

3.  If the temperature of the cabinet falls down slightly, the heating elements will be powered ON 

automatically and the indicator light will light again. The temperature will rise again to ensure the 

desired temperature (within a certain range), constantly. 

Pay extra attention:

1.  Always turn the thermostat back to 0 after use. Do not forget to remove the plug from the socket.

2.  Under the baking plate there is a removable tray which is designed to collect waste and moisture. 

Never place any objects inside this tray to prevent dangerous situation. It could even cause fire due to 

the high temperatures that will be reached during baking.
