2530, 2531, 2537
SPECIFICATIONS: Maximum specifications refer to individual attributes. It is not
implied that
all maximums can be performed simultaneously. If more than one
maximum is considered, check with your CAT PUMPS supplier to confirm the
proper performance and pump selection. Refer to individual pump Data Sheets for
complete specifications, parts list and exploded view.
LUBRICATION: Fill crankcase with CAT PUMPS custom-blend, ISO-68 hydraulic
oil per pump specifications [84 oz., 2.5 L]. DO NOT RUN PUMP WITHOUT OIL IN
CRANKCASE. Change initial fill after 50 hours running period. Thereafter, change
oil every
3 months or 500 hour intervals. Oiler adjustment is vertical to start feed,
horizontal to stop feed, dial to adjust flow rate. Additional lubrication may be re-
quired with increased hours of operation and temperature.
PUMP ROTATION: Pump was designed for forward rotation to allow optimum
lubrication of the crosshead area. Reverse rotation is acceptable if the crankcase oil
level is increased slightly above center dot to assure adequate lubrication.
PULLEY SELECTION: Select size of motor pulley required to deliver the desired
flow from Horsepower Requirement and Pulley Selection Chart (refer to Tech
Bulletin 003 or individual Data Sheet).
MOTOR SELECTION: The motor or engine driving the pump must be of adequate
horsepower to maintain full RPM when the pump is under load. Select the electric
motor from the Horsepower Requirement Chart according to required pump
discharge flow, maximum
pressure at the pump and drive losses of approximately
3-5%. Consult the manufacturer of gas or diesel engine for selection of the proper
engine size.
MOUNTING: Mount the pump on a rigid, horizontal surface in a manner to permit
drainage of crankcase oil. An uneven mounting surface will cause extensive
damage to the pump base. To minimize piping stress,
use appropriate flexible
hose to inlet and discharge ports. Use the correct belt; make sure pulleys are
aligned. Excessive belt tension may be harmful to the bearings. Hand rotate pump
before starting to be certain shaft and bearings are free moving.
LOCATION: If the pump is used in extremely dirty or humid conditions, it is
recommended pump be enclosed. Do not store or operate in excessively high
temperature areas or without proper ventilation.
INLET CONDITIONS: Refer to complete Inlet Condition Check-List in this manual
before starting system. DO NOT STARVE THE PUMP OR RUN DRY.
Temperatures above 130°F are permissible. Add 1/2 PSI inlet pressure per each
degree F over 130°F. Elastomer or RPM changes may be required. See Tech
Bulletin 002 or call CAT PUMPS for recommendations.
C.A.T.: Installation of a C.A.T. (Captive Acceleration Tube) is recommended in
applications with stressful inlet conditions such as high temperatures, booster pump
feed, long inlet lines or quick closing valves.
avoid deadhead overpressure condition and severe damage to the pump or system.
Install a
Pulsation Dampening device on the discharge head or in the discharge line
as close to the head as possible. Be certain the pulsation dampener (Prrrrr-o-lator) is
properly precharged for the system pressure (see individual Data Sheet.)
reliable Pressure Gauge should be installed near the discharge outlet of the high
pressure manifold. This is extremely important for adjusting pressure regulating
devices and also for proper sizing of the nozzle or restricting orifice. The pump is
rated for a maximum pressure; this is the
pressure which would be read at the
discharge manifold of the pump, NOT AT THE GUN OR NOZZLE.
Use PTFE thread tape or pipe thread sealant (sparingly) to connect accessories or
plumbing. Exercise caution not to wrap tape beyond the last thread to avoid
tape from becoming lodged in the pump or accessories. This condition will cause a
malfunction of the pump or system.
PRESSURE REGULATION: All systems require both a primary pressure regulating
device (i.e., regulator, unloader) and a secondary pressure safety relief device
(i.e., pop-off valve, safety valve). The primary pressure device must be installed on
the discharge side of the pump. The function of the primary pressure regulating
device is to protect the pump from over pressurization, which can be caused by a
plugged or closed off discharge line. Over pressurization can severely damage the
pump, other system components and can cause bodily harm. The secondary safety
relief device must be installed in-line between the primary device and pump or on
the opposite side of the manifold. This will ensure pressure relief of the system if the
primary regulating device fails. Failure to install such a safely device will void the
warranty on the pump.
If a large portion of the pumped liquid is by-passed (not used) when the high
pressure system is running, this by-pass liquid should be routed to an adequately
sized, baffled supply tank or to drain. If routed to the pump inlet, the
by-pass liquid
can quickly develop excessive heat and result in damage to the pump. A
temperature control device to shut the system down within the pump limits or multiple
THERMO VALVES must be installed in the by-pass line to protect the pump.
NOZZLES: A worn nozzle will result in loss of pressure. Do not adjust pressure
regulating device to compensate. Replace nozzle and reset regulating device to
system pressure.
PUMPED LIQUIDS: Some liquids may require a flush between operations or before
storing. For pumping liquids other than water, contact your CAT PUMPS supplier.
STORING: For extended storing or between use in cold climates, drain all pumped
liquids from pump and
flush with antifreeze solution to prevent freezing and
damage to the pump. DO NOT RUN PUMP WITH FROZEN LIQUID (refer to Tech
Bulletin 083).
Optimum performance of the pump is dependent upon the entire liquid system and will be obtained only
with the proper selection, installation of plumbing, and operation of the pump and accessories.
All systems require both a primary pressure regulating device (i.e., regulator, unloader) and a secondary pressure safety relief device (i.e., pop-off valve, safety valve).
Failure to install such relief devices could result in personal injury or damage to the pump or to system components. CAT PUMPS does not assume any liability or responsibility
for the operation of a customer’s high pressure system.
PN 30053 Rev H 1643
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Phone Fleet 44 1252-622031 — Fax 44 1252-626655
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Heiveldekens 6A, 2550 Kontich, Belgium
Phone 32-3-450.71.50 — Fax 32-3-450.71.51
e-mail: [email protected] www.catpumps.be
Buchwiese 2, D-65510 Idstein, Germany
Phone 49 6126-9303 0 — Fax 49 6126-9303 33
e-mail: [email protected] www.catpumps.de
World Headquarters
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Phone (763) 780-5440 — FAX (763) 780-2958
e-mail: [email protected]
International Inquiries
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The Pumps with Nine Lives