1. This is a “UNIVERSAL” restraint system. It is approved under Regulation Nº44/04
series of amendments, for general use in vehicles and is suitable for most, although not
all, vehicle seats.
2. It can be correctly installed if the vehicle manufacturer has stated in the instruction
manual that the vehicle is equipped for the installation of a “UNIVERSAL” restraint system
for this age group.
3. This restraint system has been classed as “UNIVERSAL” under stricter conditions than
those applied to previous designs that do not carry this notice.
4. If in doubt consult the safety seat manufacturer or retailer.
1. This is an ISOFIX SYSTEM FOR CHILDREN. Approved under Regulation nº44,
Addendum 5, 04 series of amendments, for general use in vehicles fitted with an ISOFIX
fastening system.
2. It can be installed in vehicles with positions approved as “ISOFIX positions” (as
detailed in the vehicle manual), depending on the category of the child safety seat and
the fasteners.
3. The mass group and the ISOFIX size class for which this device is intended is: B1 (9
kg-18 kg).
1. This is a “SEMI UNIVERSAL” child restraint system and is suitable for installation in the
vehicles and with the seat positions indicated on the vehicle list inside this packaging.
2. Other vehicles and seat positions may also be suitable for this restraint system.
3. If in doubt consult the manufacturer or retailer.
Only suitable for use in vehicles fitted with three-point seat belts with or without a retractor,
approved under UN/ECE 16 or equivalent standard.