Cassida 9900R 2-Pocket Mixed Currency Counter & Sorter
This mode is available by pressing either the MODE button or the mode name on the touch
screen until “DSORT” is displayed on the home screen.
DSort mode (aka “Design Sort mode”) allows the user to count and sort bills of the same currency
by their design type. The design type of the first bill in the hopper determines the sorting and
counting design type for the whole stack. The machine will not count and will sort out any bills
having a different design type by directing them into the reject pocket. Total number of bills and
total value will be displayed on the home screen. When the operation is complete, a detailed
report can be viewed by pressing the REPORT button. Report of the rejected bills can be viewed by
pressing Rejected Bills on the touch screen.
To return to DSORT mode from another mode, press the MODE button or the mode name on the
touch screen until “DSORT” is displayed.
3.7 DSort Mode
This mode is available by pressing either the MODE button or the mode name on the touch screen
until COUNT is displayed on the home screen.
COUNT mode allows to simply count the total number of bills without recognizing their
denomination and counting their value. Counterfeit detection is disabled as well in COUNT mode.
To return to COUNT mode from another mode, press the MODE button, or the mode name on the
touch screen, until “COUNT” is displayed.
3.8 Count Mode