Mastering the Calculator using the Casio fx-82MS
This is one in a series of booklets prepared to assist students who are learning to use a
calculator. They have been prepared by staff in The Learning Centre from the Learning and
Teaching Support Unit (LTSU) at USQ. The series comprises:
Mastering the calculator
Using the Casio fx-100s (also suitable for Casio fx-570)
Using the Casio fx-100AU
Using the Casio fx-82LB
Using the Casio fx-82TL
Using the Casio fx-82MS
Using the Sharp EL-531LH
Using the Sharp EL-556L
Using the Sharp EL-531RH
The instructions in this booklet only explain some of the keys available on your calculator
necessary for basic work in data manipulation. If you require more assistance please contact
The Learning Centre. If you would like information about other support services available
from The Learning Centre, please contact
The Learning Centre (TLC)
Learning and Teaching Support Unit (LTSU), S-Block
The University of Southern Queensland
Telephone: 07 4631 2751
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 07 4631 1801
Home page:
Note the booklets are also available online at the above address (follow the prompts).