About the Mobile Video Converter
The Mobile Video Converter converts popular PC-based video formats into a special video
format that can be seen, heard and enjoyed on your CASSIOPEIA
Color Palm-size PC. The
Desktop PC-based video formats that can be converted and played on your Color CASSIOPEIA
include, MPEG-1, AVI
and QuickTime.
How to use the Mobile Video Converter
After the dialog window labeled, "CASIO Soft – Mobile Video Converter v1.0” appears on your
screen, type in the "Path" of the "Source" video file you wish to convert or click on the
"Browse" button to locate the appropriate "Source" video file.
Activating the “Browse” feature will launch this window (shown below):
Click on the down arrow button (shown) to help sort through all available “Source” video files
found within your Desktop PC.
Tap the [Open] button when finished.