Lep SM470B1002-1EN
Issued 03-2010
If the fuel is mixed with the engine oil, the oil is diluted to deteriorate its lubricating property resulting in accelera-
tion of wear.
Water content allows inside of the fuel tank to rust which in turn blocking the fuel line and the fuel filter.
In cold weather, fill the fuel tank at the end of the day's work, in order to prevent the formation of conden-
This may also cause wear and seizure of the machine components.
If atmospheric temperature goes below the freezing point, moisture content in the fuel forms fine particle of ice
allowing the fuel line to be clogged.
Obtain table of analysis for the fuel you are using from the fuel supplier to confirm that it meets the crite-
ria described above.
If a fuel which does not meet the specifications and the requirements for the diesel engine, function and
performance of the engine will not be delivered. In addition, never use such a fuel because a breakdown of the engine
or an accident may be invited.
Guarantee will not be given to a breakdown caused by the use of a improper fuel.
Some fuels are used with engine oil or additives mixed together with diesel engine fuel.
In this case, do not use these fuels because damage to the engine may result as the fuel has been contaminated.
It is natural that the emission control regulation of 3rd-stage will not be cleared in case where a fuel that does not
meet the specifications and the requirements is used.
Use the specified fuel for compliance of the exhaust gas control.
It you use diesel fuel which contains much sulfur content more than 2500 ppm, be sure to fol- low the
items below for the engine oil selection and maintenance of engine parts. Guarantee will not be given to breakdowns
caused by not to follow these items.
1 Selection of engine oil
Use API grade CF-4 or JASO grade DH-1.
2 Exchange the engine oil and engine oil filter element by the periodical interval reported on the Operator’s
3 Inspect and exchange the EGR (*)parts and fuel injector parts of engine every 3000 hour of use.
* EGR: Exhaust Gas Recircultion
Maintenance of fuel filters
Be sure to use the genuine fuel filters.
The fuel injection system is precisely constructed and the genuine filter employs finer mesh than conventional fil-
ters to improve protection of machine equipment.
If a filter with coarse mesh is used, foreign object passing through the filter enters into the engine so that machine
equipment can wear out in a short period of time.
If a fuel filter other than the genuine filter is used, guaranty will not be applied to a fault caused by the
use of a wrong filter.
Two kinds of fuel filter, the pre-filter and the main filter, are mounted on the machine.
Be sure to use the genuine fuel filters and replace them at the periodic intervals reported on the operator’s Man-
Since the pre-filter also has a function of water separation, discharge water and sediment when the float
reaches lower part of the filter elements. CHECK EVERY DAY before to start the engine.
Time to replace filters may be advanced according to properties of the fuel being supplied.
• Therefore, take measures to prevent dust or water from being entered in the fuel tank when sup- plying fuel.
• When supplying fuel directly from a fuel drum can, leave the drum as it stands for a long period of time to supply
clean fuel standing above a precipitate.
• If it is hard to leave the drum for a long period of time, install a fuel strainer and a water separator before the fuel
tank of the machine to supply clean fuel.
Water drain cock is provided on the bottom side of the fuel tank.
• Drain water before starting the engine every morning.
• In addition, remove the cover under the tank once a year to clean up inside of the tank.