2000-Hour Maintenance
After 2000 hours of truck operation, in addition to the
100, 500 and 1000-hour maintenance, forks in use shall
be inspected at intervals of not more than 12 months
(for single shift operations) or whenever any defect or
permanent deformation is detected. Severe applications
will require more frequent inspection.
Fork inspection shall be carried out by trained personnel
to detect any damage that might impair safe use. Any fork
that is defective shall be removed from service. Reference
ANSI B56.1-2005.
Inspect for the following defects:
Surface cracks
Straightness of blade and shank
Fork angle
Difference in height of fork tips
Positioning lock
Wear on fork blade and shank
Wear on fork hooks
Legibility of marking
Fork Safety Kit 3014162 contains wear calipers,
inspection sheets and safety poster. Also available is
fork hook & carriage wear gauge 209560 (Class II) and
209561 (Class III).