CARVIN RX1200L User Manual Download Page 2

Quick StaRt up

If you’re like most new owners, you’re probably in a hurry to 

plug your mixer in and use it. Here are some brief instructions 

to get you going quickly. With the mixer unplugged and the 

unit turned off, complete the following procedures:


•  Be sure to plug your mixer into the proper voltage for your 

country. The RX1200L is available in either 120V or 240V 

models. The RX1200R works from 90-250VAC.

•    Use  only  a  grounded  (3  prong)  power  outlet  to  prevent  a 

shock hazard. This gives the quietest grounding for your 



•  For balanced microphones, use a shielded cable and plug 

into the XLR MIC inputs.

•  For high output devices like instruments & keyboards, plug 

into the LINE input jacks using a shielded cable. Be sure 

the LINE/INS switch is in the “OUT”  position.


•  Set  all  channel  and  master  LEVEL controls to their OFF 


•  Set all HI, MID, and BASS controls and the graphic equal-

izers to their center “flat - no boost or cut” position. 

•  Adjust all channel “PAN” controls to their center  position. 

•  Connect your speakers and monitors at the rear panel.

• Turn the mixer on by the rear POWER SWITCH and watch 

for the front POWER LED to come on. Your mixer is now 
ready to operate by turning the levels up.


Mic channel featuReS

1. line input/inSeRt JackS

The LINE input is a 1/4” phone jack designed for balanced 

or unbalanced line or instruments. Examples of these inputs 

would be guitar, keyboard or CD player.  The line input can 

be used at the same time the mic input is being used. For 

channels 1-6, this jack becomes an insert when the INSERT 

switch is pushed “IN”. (see #2.)

2. inSeRt SWitch

The LINE/INS switch changes the function of the channel’s 

1/4” jack. The “OUT” position is for normal LINE level inputs. 

Pressing the switch “IN” changes the jack into an INSERT 

with SEND and RETURN. This allows you to place effects 

on the channel after the GAIN control for lowest noise. To 

insert effects (such as a compressor, etc.) use a 1/4” stereo 

splitter adapter.

Connections are TIP-SEND and RING-RETURN.

3. XlR MicRophone input

The XLR MIC input is designed for balanced low impedance 

microphone and DIRECT OUT signals.  The high performance 

mic preamps do a superb job of noise reduction, but to get 

the lowest noise adjust the GAIN control properly (see #5). 

Note: Make sure the phantom power is switched off before 

connecting or disconnecting microphones to the mixer. 

4. channel leVel contRol

The LEVEL control adjusts the volume of the channel before 

going to the PAN control. Here is where the individual chan-

nel volumes are adjusted to make up the overall mix at the 

MAIN L/R outputs. Start with the LEVEL set between 3-5.

5. Gain contRol / pk led

The GAIN control varies the input level on both the LINE and 

MIC input jacks by 40dB. With a LOUD input signal, (loud 

vocal, hard hits on drums, etc...) 

turn up the GAIN control until a strong signal is present. If 

the “PK” LED shows or distortion is heard, the input stage 

is being overdriven. Lower the GAIN control until the LED 

does not light.  

6. channel pan contRol

The PAN control sends the channel signal to the MAIN L/R 

outputs. If stereo placement is needed, turn the PAN control 

toward the LEFT or RIGHT position.    

7. eff 1 & eff 2 contRolS

The EFF 1 and EFF 2 controls adjust the levels sent to the 

dual effects processors and to the EFF 1 and  EFF 2 SND 

jacks. The effects controls are post-channel level and 

automatically track the channel’s LEVEL & tone controls. 

Reduce these levels if PEAK LEDs are flashing on the effects 


8. Mon 1 & Mon 2 contRolS

The MON 1 and MON 2 level controls adjust the volume of 

the channel going to the monitor amps. The monitor level 

control is a pre-channel level control.  This means it is unaf-

fected by adjustments from the channel level. The purpose 

for this is the monitor mix adjustments can be made without 

disturbing the main mix.

9. channel tone contRolS

Each channel features active 3-band tone controls LO, 
MID, and HI. These function as boost (clockwise) or cut 
(counter-clockwise) controls. The center 0 is the “flat” 
or no effect position. The LO and HI controls are shelv-
ing type with corner frequencies at 80Hz and 11.5k Hz 

respectively. The MID control is a band pass type centered 
at 750Hz.

10. line/tape in l-R input JackS 

(ch 12)

The L-R TAPE IN RCA inputs are ideal for connecting a MP3 

or CD player. The L-R LINE 1/4” jacks can be used for a stereo 

instrument  (keyboard, etc.) or for returning from a stereo 

effects processor. Input level is controlled from the channel 12 

LEVEL control.

MaSteR Section featuReS

11. Main l/R leVel (aMpS 1&2) 

The MAIN L/R control is the master volume control for all 

channels. The MAIN L/R signals are sent to GRAPHIC EQs 

1&2  that feed the AMPS 1&2, the LEFT and RIGHT XLR 

output jacks, and the MONO (SUB) output jack.

12. MonitoR 1& MonitoR 2 leVelS 

(aMpS 3&4)

The  MONITOR 1 and  MONITOR 2 levels are sent to the 
GRAPHIC EQs  which feed the AMPS  3 & 4, and the 

MONITOR 1&2 output jacks.

13. MuSic BReak SWitch

The MUSIC BREAK feature turns off all inputs except for the 

last channel (ch 12). This is useful during breaks. This allows 

pre-recorded music to be played through the TAPE IN  jacks. 

The channel 12 MIC, TAPE and LINE inputs are left active 

for announcements or solo performers. The remaining input 

channels (1-11) are turned OFF eliminating feedback or other 

unwanted sounds from open mics during breaks or changes. 

The internal effects are also muted.  

14. tape out leVel

The TAPE OUT level sends the MAIN L/R signal (pre graphic 

EQ) to the TAPE OUT RCA jacks for recording. If the TAPE 

OUT is being used to record, make sure the recorder’s 

outputs are not connected to the CH12 TAPE IN jacks, or 

feedback may occur.

15. tape out JackS

The L-R TAPE OUT RCA jacks send the MAIN L/R signals 

(pre graphic EQ) for recording. Output level is adjusted at 

the TAPE OUT control.

16. uSB poWeR poRt

The USB POWER PORT allows charging of an MP3 player, 

or to power accessories such as LED lighting.

Connect audio from devices to the TAPE L-R inputs on 

channel 12. 

17. left & RiGht XlR outputS

The LEFT and RIGHT balanced XLR line outputs are the same 

signals that feed the internal AMPS 1&2.  Use these outputs 

for additional power amps or recording gear.

18. Mono (SuB) XlR output

The  MONO (SUB) output combines the MAIN L/R output 

signals that feed the internal AMPS 1&2.  Use this output for 

additional power amps or amplified subwoofer.

RX1200l, RX1200R contRolS









