The air conditioning systems can produce heat when operated in reverse cycle mode. However,
reverse cycle operation is affected by the temperature of the sea water. The cooler the water, the less
heat available.
A source of AC power is needed to operate the air conditioner; either shore power or from the
generator. A separate shore cable provides power for the air conditioner/heating system (shore #2 on
the AC panel). The generator provides power for both shore #1 and shore #2.
There are two air conditioning units, one for the salon and one for the master berth. To run either or
both assure the air conditioning seacock is open and the seawater strainer is clean (located beneath the
cockpit hatch). Turn on the air conditioning water pump and either or both A/C unit switch(s).
Use the control panels to select the mode and temperature. The control for the master berth is on the
port buckhead at the foot of the bed and the salon control panel is on the side of the cabinet at the top
of the stairway to the berths.
There are five control buttons along the bottom of the control panel. Leftmost is the power button.
Turning the A/C system on displays the current temperature. To the right are the up/down buttons for
selecting the desired temperature . The first push of either displays the existing setting, the second
and following push(s) raises or lowers the setting. The fourth button to the right selects the fan speed
as indicated by the leds above the button; the right most button selects the mode as indicated by the
led above this button. In the ‘auto’ mode the unit will cool or heat as required to maintain the
selected temperature.
All electronic manuals are located in the black Carver manual case.
VHF Radio
There is one VHF RADIO, it is located at the flybridge helm. Make sure the VHF breaker located at
the helm DC panel is “on”. Turn on by clockwise rotation of the volume/power switch. Always
monitor channel 16 while underway.
Depth Sounder
There is one DEPTH SOUNDER, located at the flybridge helm. To activate the DEPTH SOUNDER,
press the depth sounder switch on the bridge DC panel. Set the scale, shallow alarm, and deep alarm
as desired. The sounder should provide reliable readings in shallow waters. If in doubt, switch it off,