3237 • X6 02/2018
3 ]
Check the level indicated on the tank monitor
located on the DC control center.
4 ]
Check the waste system warning light. Empty
the waste tank if the indicator shows a reading
of at least 3/4 full. See
Tank and/or Optional Gray Water Tank” on
A warning light in the master head will
illuminate when the waste tank is 3/4 full.
If the red indicator is not lit, proceed to the
next step.
5 ]
Press the FLUSH button located on the wall-
mounted FLUSH/ADD WATER control mechanism.
6 ]
If the toilet bowl is dry, press the ADD WATER
switch, which is located on the FLUSH/ADD
WATER control mechanism.
If the waste system is not going to be used for two or
more weeks, flush 2-3 gal (8-11 L) of freshwater through
the head. Flushing water will flush the waste in the hoses
to the tanks. Removing the waste from the hoses will
decrease odors onboard.
The sanitation system contains a single centrally located
polyethylene waste tank. It is important to observe local
regulations on discharge.
Dockside Discharge
Using the dockside discharge method, waste is stored
in the waste tank until it is transferred to a dockside
pumpout station. If a gray water tank is installed, water
drained from the showers and sinks is stored in the gray
water tank until it is discharged at a dockside pumpout
Discharging waste overboard is illegal in many areas of the
United States.
It is everyone’s responsibility to comply with all applicable
federal, state, and local laws when using the overboard
discharge system. Discharging waste overboard in
restricted areas will result in significant penalties. It is
important to follow international regulations against marine
pollution (MARPOL) and respect it as much as possible.
Use a harbor or marina pumpout facility to empty the
holding tank before leaving harbor.
1 ]
Locate a dockside pumpout station.
2 ]
If a gray water tank is installed, make sure the
Y-valve, which is located in the engine room, is set
to the correct position. The Y-valve allocates the
WASTE tank or GRAY WATER tank to be emptied.
3 ]
Remove the waste deck plate, labeled WASTE,
using the waste tank deck key supplied with the
4 ]
Attach the pumpout vacuum hose to the WASTE
deck fitting. Make sure to have a secure connection
between the transfer hose and the deck fitting.
5 ]
Activate the pumpout vacuum. The pumpout
vacuum transfers onboard waste to the dockside
holding station.
6 ]
Flush the waste tank, after all waste is removed:
a ]
Pour at least 3 gal (11 L) of freshwater through
the WASTE deck fitting.
b ]
Reattach the vacuum hose to the deck fitting,
and activate the pumpout vacuum to remove
the freshwater and any remaining waste.
7 ]
Replace the deck plate.
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