4.4 User interface
The CP700BMW can be controlled like the original CD Changer. There is no
visible difference in the CDC menu in your head unit. To start playback, go into
menu “Entertainment” or choose “CDC” in the main menu (depends on the
head unit model). The 6 CDs correlate to the 6 main folders on the SD card.
4.5 Supported MP3 file formats
The device supports only files that are CD sampling quality. This means the
sampling rate must be 44,1kHz stereo. If you convert your CDs to MP3 files,
you most likely have it in the correct format. If you have files from other
sources (youtube, itunes rip) then it mayb be the case that these files do have
a different sampling rate. You can easily check and correct this with our “CP-
Checker” tool for MS Windows™. This tool can be found on the SD card that
somes with each Cp700BMW. Alternatively you can download it from the web
site of Cartain™.
, Support, CP700/CP600 MP3 file checker tool
After you have installed the program “CP Checker”, insert your SD card with all
your misuc, click on “Select drive” and select the drive that is your SD card
reader with your SD card. Then click “Start Check”. The programm runs
through the card content and converts all files to a safe and working format
5. Operating state / indicator light
The LED (light emitting diode) on the front plate (1) shjows the current state
of the CP700BMW. The LED has three possible color states: red, gren and
yellow/orange. The following table lists all possible opertation states:
LED indication
Sleep mode (or no voltage applied)
No SD card inserted
Ready, but not playing.
No files for playback found*
Slow flashing green
Playback active
Slow flashing yellow
Not yet implemented
Red/yellow flashing
Error reading/writing to SD card