The time interval default is 30 seconds, and it can be changed by sending SMS “INTERVAL*1234568*T”
(T is from 030 to 999, unit is seconds).
Under this working mode, the battery working time will reduce to only about 40 hours.
Mode 3 ------ Shock Control ON/OFF
SMS is : MODE*123456*3
Under this mode, the tracker normally is power off, if the tracker is triggered by shock sensor, the tracker
will power on automatically, and then locate and upload the location to the server by setting time interval, if no
shock sensor trigger, the tracker will turn off GPS & GPRS, and stop upload location to server, and then power
off, at this condition the tracker can not receive any sms & calling.
The time interval default is 30 seconds, and it can be changed by sending SMS “INTERVAL*1234568*T”
(T is from 030 to 999, unit is seconds).
Under this working mode, the battery working time will reduce to only about 40 hours.
7. Set Upload Interval Time
Send SMS “INTERVAL*123456*T” to the tracker, “INTERVAL” is command, “123456” is password, “T” is
the interval time from 30 to 999, unit is seconds. The tracker will send back information “Set Interval time T OK”,
if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”. 30
seconds is the default interval time. Longer upload interval time can save battery and GPRS data cost, the total
mileage on the platform will have big error if the interval time is bigger than 30 seconds.
8. Start / Stop Upload Location to Server by SMS
This command is only suit for working mode 2 & 3.
Send SMS “STOP*123456” to the tracker, “STOP” is command, “123456” is password. The tracker will
send back information “Stop upload location to server”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the
tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”. After receive this command the tracker will stop upload
location to server under working mode 2 & 3.
Send SMS “START*123456” to the tracker, “START” is command, “123456” is password. The tracker will
send back information “Start upload location to server”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the
tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”. The tracker default will upload location to server under
working mode 2 & 3.
9. Check Tracker ID:
The tracker ID is print on the label of the tracker, if the label is missing, send SMS “ID*123456” to tracker,
in which, “ID” is the fixed command and “123456”is the password. The tracker will reply SMS “ID:
809201512345678”, in which, “809201512345678” is the ID and every tracker corresponds to the only number.
This number is used to differ the tracking uploaded to the website from others. the last 7 digital number of the
tracker ID is the user name and password of the tracker on the tracking platform
, for example
the tracker ID is : 809201512345678, and then the user name on the platform of this tracker is : 2345678, and