and go to arm state, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information
“Wrong Password”.
After go to shock alarm state, the system will check shock sensor, if the shock sensor is trigger (
continuously shock can trigger the shock alarm to avoid trigger by mistake
), the tracker will send alarm
and location information by SMS to the authorized phone number, and send the alarm information to the
website server, also the tracker will call the authorized number A first, if no answered then B and C, if 3
authorized all no answered, then stop calling, If the tracker is triggered continually, every authorized phone will
receive max 3 alarm SMS per hour.
The shock alarm SMS is as follow:
Shock Alarm
Send SMS “SHOCKALARMOFF*123456” to tracker, “SHOCKALARMOFF” is a command, “123456” is
password, the tracker will send back the information “Set Shock Alarm OFF” to indicate the operation is
success and disable the shock alarm, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send
back information “Wrong Password”.
After disable the shock alarm, the system will not check shock sensor again. Also send SMS
“CANCELALARM*123456” to the tracker can cancel this alarm setting.
Shock alarm notice by sending SMS & calling can be enabled ON or OFF, please refer
Senior Operation &
Setting 5
8. Enable And Disable Overspeed Alarm (No Platform Necessary)
Send SMS “OVERSPEEDALARMON*123456*SSS” to the tracker number, “OVERSPEEDALARMON” is
command, “123456” is password, “SSS” is the setting alarm speed, unit is km/hour. The tracker will send back
the information “Set Overspeed Alarm On :SSS km/h” .
After enable overspeed alarm, the system will check the speed every 5 minutes. If the speed is higher
than the setting speed, the tracker will send alarm and location information by SMS to the authorized phone
number A (only send to A), The authorized phone will receive max 3 alarm SMS per hour, one hour later it will
be active again.
The overspeed alarm SMS is as follow:
Overspeed Alarm
Current Speed:110km/h,Setting:100km/h
Send SMS “OVERSPEEDALARMOFF*123456” to the tracker number, “OVERSPEEDALARMOFF” is
command, “123456” is tracker password, the tracker will send back the information “Set Overspeed Alarm