R e s i d e n t i a l S p l i t - 6 0 H z R 2 2 & R 4 1 0 A
R e v. : 5 J u n e , 2 0 0 8
W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t i n g a n d C o o l i n g S y s t e m s
Air Pad with
access hole
Existing Pad larger than 22" x 33" [54 x 84cm]
Bottom view
of Unit
22" x 33"
[56 x 84cm]
Drill 3" [76mm] holes for
clearance of 1-1/4" [32mm] pipe
with 1/2" [13mm] wall insulation
Figure 2: 50YDS/GT-GS Installation
Figure 3: GT-S Installation
External Flow Controller Mounting
The Flow Controller can be mounted beside the unit as
shown in Figure 7. Review the Flow Controller installation
manual for more details.
Swivel Nut
Stainless steel
snap ring
Brass Adaptor
Hand Tighten
Do Not
Figure 4: Water Connections (Indoor Compressor Section)
Water Connections-Residential (Distributor) Models
Residential models utilize swivel piping
ttings for water
connections that are rated for 450 psi (3101 kPa) operating
pressure. The connections have a rubber gasket seal
similar to a garden hose gasket, which when mated to the
ush end of most 1” threaded male pipe
ttings provides
a leak-free seal without the need for thread sealing tape or
joint compound. Insure that the rubber seal is in the swivel
connector prior to attempting any connection (rubber seals
are shipped attached to the swivel connector). DO NOT
OVER TIGHTEN or leaks may occur.
The female locking ring is threaded onto the pipe threads
which holds the male pipe end against the rubber gasket,
and seals the joint. HAND TIGHTEN ONLY! DO NOT