Peak Level Event Alert
A Peak Level Event occurs whenever CO concentrations are greater than
100 PPM. The display will alternate between "PCO" and the currently
measured CO concentration, (0-999), even if that concentration has returned
to 0 PPM, (see Peak Level Memory section below to display peak level CO
from the event). The display will alternate continuously on AC power, and will
briefly display once every minute on DC only. This will continue until:
1. The unit goes into alarm or,
2. CO concentration level drops below 100 PPM and the user clears the
Peak CO Memory, (see Peak Level Memory Reset section below)
If the CO concentration is greater than 30 PPM and less than 100 PPM,
the display will indicate the measured CO concentration only.
Peak Level Memory
When the Peak Level button is pressed and held, the display shows the
highest CO reading taken by the CO alarm since its last reset or power
up. The Peak Level display feature will display levels between 11-999
PPM. Although the Peak Level feature will display levels below 30 PPM,
these levels will not result in an alarm no matter how long the device is
exposed to these levels. The Peak Level feature is helpful in identifying if
you have had a CO reading since resetting the alarm.
Concentrations of CO between 1 and 30 PPM can often occur in
normal, everyday conditions. Concentrations of CO below 30 PPM may
be an indication of a transient condition that may appear today and
never reappear. Some CO conditions may start out as low level leaks but
could develop into CO concentrations that may become harmful.
Peak Level Memory Reset
Press and hold the Peak Level button, then press and hold the Test/Hush
button. When the number on the display reads "0", release both
buttons. The memory will be cleared and the alarm will begin
monitoring for CO.
At end of unit life, locate the deactivation/discharge switch and push the
switch in the direction shown until switch clicks
into place. This will silence the end of unit life
life or low battery chirping, drain the battery,
and render the unit safe for disposal.
6. Operating Characteristics