Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 20-40VM900010-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 40VM-10SI Pg 8 04-20 Replaces: New
© Carrier Corporation 2020
5. To go back to the Home screen by pressing the return
arrow at the bottom on the screen as shown below in
Fig. 17.
Fig. 17 —Return to Home Screen
6. The screen below (Fig. 18) shows the number of units
connected to the controller.
Fig. 18 —Home Screen Showing Number of Units
For other features and function on the Touch Screen Central
Controller, refer to the Touch Screen Central Controller
Installation Manual.
Q. How is the ductless indoor unit displayed on the touch
screen central controller?
A. The ductless unit will always appear as a high wall. The
icon cannot be change to match the indoor unit style
(for example – cassette will appear as high wall).
However, you can change the name (for example
Q. Is the DLS indoor unit controlled by the VRF or DLS
wall controller?
A. DLS indoor unit is controlled by the VRF wall
controller connected to HA/HB of the interface.
Q. What are the functions you can control through the
touch screen central controller for the DLS indoor unit?
A. The functions controlled through touch screen central
controller for the DLS indoor unit are:
• Set mode
• Set temperature
• Set airflow
• Set indoor unit address
• Set auxiliary heater
• Error codes
Q. What are the functions you can control through the
VRF wall controller for the DLS indoor unit?
A. The functions you can control through the VRF wall
controller for the DLS indoor unit are:
• Set mode
• Set temperature
• Set airflow
• Set indoor unit address
• Set auxiliary heater
• Error codes
Q. If there is a multi-zone system with (3) indoor units
serving (3) different zones / rooms, do I need (3)
separate DLS VRF interface?
A. Yes, you need (3) separate DLS VRF interfaces for
each DLS indoor unit.
Q. If there is a multi-zone system with (3) indoor units
serving the same zones / rooms, can I implement group
control option?
A. No, group control is NOT an option. All the DLS
indoor units will need separate DLS VRF interfaces.
Q. Instead of the touch screen central controller, can I tie
the DLS VRF interface to the BACnet interface?
A. No, the DLS VRF interface will not work with the
BACnet interface.
Q. How many DLS VRF interfaces I can connect to the
touch screen central controller?
A. You can connect up to a total of (48) DLS VRF
interfaces to touch screen central controller, (8) DLS
VRF interface per communication channel.
Q. Does the DLS VRF interface need network address?
A. Yes, each DLS VRF interface would need network
address. The address should be between 0 to 7 and
unique. Similar to addressing ODU / system on the
VRF side.
Q. Does the DLS indoor unit need a unique ID?
A. Yes, each DLS indoor unit will need a unique ID. The
address on the wall controller as well as the touch
screen controller should match; otherwise an error will
be displayed on the controller.