MODE BUTTON — This button selects whether the thermo-
stat is set for heating, cooling, emergency heat, auto (heat and
cool as needed), or off modes.
DONE BUTTON — This button saves the settings when
completing a setup or programming step.
UP BUTTON — This button is used to increment the current-
ly chosen value (temperature, clock, calendar, etc.).
DOWN BUTTON — This button is used to decrement the
currently chosen value (temperature, clock, calendar, etc.).
“SOFT KEYS” BUTTONS — There are 6 soft key buttons.
The soft keys are used to select the onscreen indicator directly
above that specific button. These indicators can change based
on the actions of the user.
Set Time and Date —
The user must set the time and
date before the thermostat’s programming features can be used.
Perform the following procedure:
1. Open the thermostat front panel door.
2. Press the SET button. The screen will show the word
“clock” on the left of the display and the time will be
shown on the bottom. Press the SET button again.
3. To set the correct hour, press the soft key underneath the
hour indicator, and then press the UP or DOWN button to
adjust the value.
4. To set the correct minutes, press the soft key underneath
the minutes indicator, and then press the UP or DOWN
button to adjust the value.
5. To set the correct date, press the SET button until the
screen displays the word “calendar” and the date is shown
on the bottom of the screen.
6. To set the correct month, press the soft key underneath
the letter M (month), and then press the UP or DOWN
button to adjust the value.
7. To set the correct day of the month, press the soft key un-
derneath the letter D (day), and then press the UP or
DOWN button to adjust the value.
8. To set the correct year, press the soft key underneath the
letter Y (year), and then press the UP or DOWN button to
adjust the value.
9. Press the DONE button to finish.
10. Close the thermostat door.
Setting or Changing Heating and Cooling Set
Points —
The Edge
Pro thermostat is installed with preset
heating and cooling temperature settings. The user can use
these settings or program new settings. The user can also tem-
porarily change the temperature from the programmed set
The thermostat will hold these changes for two hours or un-
til the next programmed cycle begins. The words “temporary
hold” will be displayed while this is in effect. To change the
amount of time that the temperature is on hold, press the soft
key under the hold hours or minutes indicators. Then press the
UP or DOWN button to adjust the hold time. Close the door
when done.
To change the temperature for the specified “temporary
hold” period, perform the following. Open the front thermostat
door. An arrow will be displayed next to the words “off,”
“heat,” or “cool” in the upper right corner on the screen, de-
pending on the mode the system is in. If it is the first time the
thermostat is being used, the “heat” indicator will be displayed.
The preprogrammed heating or cooling temperatures are dis-
played in a box at the bottom of the screen. Change the dis-
played temperature set point by pressing the UP or DOWN
button until the desired setting is reached.
To change other temperature set points, press the MODE
button. The arrow will move to the next mode and the screen
will show the related temperature set point in a box. Then press
the UP or DOWN button to change the displayed set point.
When there are arrow indicators next to both of the heat and
cool indicators, the heating and cooling set points are both dis-
played at the bottom of the screen. The user can change either
one by pressing the soft key underneath the set point to be
changed. Press the UP or DOWN button to adjust the tempera-
ture. Repeat the process for the other set points if necessary.
Press the DONE button when finished.
Holding Temperature Set Points —
The user can
override the programmed temperature settings and hold the
temperature at a specific setting without the temperature
changing during the next programmed period. To override the
temperatures, perform the following:
1. Open the door.
2. Press the SCHEDULE button. The arrow will move to
the hold indicator.
3. The screen will display the set point temperature. To
change the set point temperature, press the UP or DOWN
button. The temperature will stay at the new setting until
it is released from the hold.
4. To change the heating set point when the cooling set
points are displayed (and vice versa), press the MODE
button until the arrow moves to the desired mode. Press
the UP or DOWN button to change the set point.
5. To return the temperature to the preset level for that time
period, press the SCHEDULE button until the arrow
moves to the “follow schedule” indicator.
6. Close the door.
Unoccupied Override —
The OCCUPIED button is
only active:
• during the unoccupied periods
• when Hold is active
• when Holiday is active
The OCCUPIED button is inactive during occupied periods
(OCC, OCC2, and OCC3). When the user presses the OCCU-
PIED button, the set points change to the occupied settings and
the temporary hold timer is set for two hours. The user can ad-
just the temporary hold timer to any value in 15-minute incre-
ments from 15 minutes to the maximum number of hours spec-
ified by the installer in configuration option 38.
soft keys
Fig. 2 — Thermostat Front Panel Buttons
Summary of Contents for 33CS2PPRH-02
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