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Updated 10/29/2020
Carlson Software Inc.
33 East 2
Maysville, KY 41056
Phone: (606) 564-5028
Fax: (606) 564-6422
8) Power on the BRx7 Rover and make sure the
UHF antenna
is screwed in to bottom of the receiver
9) Tap Equip / GPS Rover and repeat Step #2 above to connect to the Rover by Bluetooth
10) In the Receiver tab type in the Antenna height of 6.5617 feet set to
"Vert" for vertical if you are using the 2 meter pole that comes with it
11) Tap the RTK tab and set it for "Device:
Internal Radio
" and make
sure to check the box next to "Use any Base ID"
12) Tap the "wrenches" next to "Device: Internal Radio" and fill it out
using the exact same settings as the ones you used for the base setup
above then tap the Green Check to save your changes
1 watt
Channel: 1: 0 Mhz
New Channel Frequency:
Channel Spacing:
Forward Error Correction:
If you used a custom frequency for the base other than 461.0000 you will need to type in the same
exact frequency you used for your Base Radio in the “New Channel Frequency” box below “1: 0MHz” to
make sure your Rover radio is properly matched with the base radio
13) Now you can tap the Green Check to initialize the Rover and go into Equip / Monitor Skyplot and
check to see if you are getting a FIXED solution