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Updated 10/29/2020
Carlson Software Inc.
33 East 2
Maysville, KY 41056
Phone: (606) 564-5028
Fax: (606) 564-6422
The Carlson BRx7 GNSS receiver requires SurvCE or SurvPC Version 6.08 or higher.
Here is the instructions for connecting a BRx7 base and rover using the internal UHF radios:
1) Power on your BRx7 base and then tap Equip / GPS Base and set it for Manufacturer: Carlson and
Model: BRx7
2) Tap the “Comms” tab and set it for “Type: Bluetooth” and
“BT Type: Windows Mobile” and tap the “wrenches” icon to the
right. Tap “Find Device” and follow the prompts to select the
serial number of your BRx7 base then tap the Bluetooth plug
icon in the top middle
3) Then tap the Receiver tab and tap next to "
" and measure up to
the line where the top Blue cap meets the bottom Grey housing as
shown in the image above (
where the Arrow points to the red line
) for
your base Antenna Height
4) Attach the silver metal bracket to the bottom of the BRx7 base then
attach the short cable to the UHF antenna port under the dust cap.
Then connect the
403-470 MHz
antenna to the bracket so it
points straight up in the air.
5) Tap the RTK tab and set it for "Device: Internal Radio" and
"Message Type:
6) Tap the "wrenches" next to "Device: Internal Radio" and fill out the
radio using the settings below then tap the Green Check:
1 watt
Channel: 1: 0 Mhz
New Channel Frequency:
Channel Spacing:
Forward Error Correction:
If you have an FCC licensed frequency or a custom frequency you
want to use you can type this into the “New Channel Frequency” box
and it will program Channel #1 to the new frequency.
7) Tap the Green Check and use one of the options in the
“From New Position” or the “From Known position” to start the GPS base