PQTSoft Remote
Useful Information
PQTSoft Remote
erated by the measured value (“max. input value”). “
Min. out-
put value
”: value expressed as % of the zero of the output
range (0-20mA, 0-10V, etc.) that is generated by the minimum
measured value (“min. input value”).
Example 1:
to measure a consumed power up to 100kW
and retransmit it with a signal from 4 to 20mA, the
module to be used is AO1026 (2x from 0 to 20 mA)
or AO1050 (1x from 0 to 20mA); the instrument is to
be set-up as follows:
• Variable: W
(active system power)
• max. input value: 100.0 kW;
• min. input value: 0.0 kW;
• max output value: 100.0% corresponds to 20mA, then:
(100*max. output)/fullscale output=100*20mA/20mA =100%
• Min. output value: 20.0% corresponds to 4mA, resulting from:
(100* min. output) / fullscale output= 100*4mA/20mA= 20%
Example 2:
to measure both the consumed power (up to
100KW) and the generated power (up to -100kW), and
retransmit it with a signal from -10 to +10V, the module to be
used is AO1033 (2x ±10VDC) or AO1057 (1x ±10VDC). The
parameters can be setup as follows:
• Variable: W
(system active power)
• Max. input value: 100.0 kW;
• Min. input value: -100kW;
• Max. output value: 100.0% corresponds to 10V, then:
(100*max. output)/ fullscale output = 100*20V/20V=100%.
• Min. output value: 0.0% corresponds to -10V, then: (100*
min. output)/fullscale output= 100* 0V/20V= 0%; in this case
also the “total” excursion of the analogue output is to be
considered, therefore from -10V to +10V=20V
As a consequence, when the power is -100kW, the output
will be -10V, when the power is 0, the output will be 0V and
when the power is 100kW the output will be +10V.
Example 3:
the whole range of the values admitted for the
variable PF corresponds to values between C 0.00 and L
0.00 (for each phase) which, after retransmission, will be
respectively 0 and 20mA. When PF is equal to 1 (since it is
in the middle of C 0.00 and L 0.00), the output will be equal
to the centre of its scale, that is 10mA. As a consequence,
the instrument is to be setup as follows:
• Variable: PF L1 (or L2 or L3);
• Max. input value: L 0.001: the max input value will correspond to
C if its sign is negative and to L if its sign is positive.
• Min. input value: C 0.000; the min input value will correspond to
C if its sign is negative and to L if its sign is positive.
• Max output value: 100%;
• Min. output value: 0.0%
The min. input value to be set for L is 0.001 to avoid any unde-
sired variations of the analogue outputs.