General Problem
Possible Cause
Front Panel Display
On, Gun Switch On,
No kV at Gun, Motor
Not Rotating
Excessive Current
Excessive Shocking
Defective spray gun or high voltage cable.
The connectors J2 and J3 on the PC
Mainboard or the connection 2TB-1 not
be properly attached to their respective
Loose or broken wire in power supply.
Main PC board defective.
Short in cable or gun
Defective main PC board
Defective high voltage multiplier
Discontinuity in ground circuit
Test gun switch and cable (See Spray Gun’s
Service Manual).
Properly attach connector J3 and verify that trigger
input line is connected into the 5th position from bot-
tom of case. Verify continuity between 1CON-3 and
J3-5 (See Figure 18). Properly attach J2 and verify
continuity between 1CON-2 and J2-3 as well as J2-2
and 2TB-1(B).
Perform a Current Output Test on the power supply.
If proper readings are obtained, check cable or spray
gun for cause. (See Spray Gun’s Service Manual.)
Check all wiring connections for integrity. Repair
wiring as needed.
Send entire unit in for repair.
Remove cable from power supply. If problem goes
away, check gun or cable for cause.
Replace high voltage multiplier.
Perform the Ground Test Procedure as describe in
the “Maintenance” section of this manual.
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