Carlisle 10 69 46 EU Instruction Manual Download Page 7

Instruction Manual 






Page 7 of 20 

Issue: 3.5 


H:\SERVICE MANUALS\FLUID HANDLING\AGITATORS\Agitator Rotary Unit Electric Nord R3.5.doc 



Directions for Working Safety

This Product has been  constructed accordi ng to advanced technol ogi cal standards and i s operati onally reliable.  Damage may, however, 
resul t if i t is used i ncorrectly by untrained persons or used for purposes other  than those for which i t was constructed.

The l ocally current regulations for safety and preventi on of accidents are val id for the operati on of this product under al l ci rcumstances.

Internati onal, nati onal and company safety regulations are to be observed for the  installation and operation of this product, as wel l as the 
procedures invol ved in maintenance,  repai rs and cleaning.

These  instructions are i ntended to  be read, understood and observed in all  points by those responsi bl e for this product.  These  operating 
and maintenance i nstructi ons are i ntended to ensure trouble free operati on.  Therefore,  it i s recommended  to read these i nstructi ons 
carefull y before start-up.  Bi nks PCE cannot be  held responsi ble for damage or malfunctions resulting from the  non-observance of the 
operati ng instructions. These i nstructions i ncluding regulations and techni cal drawings may not be copied, distri buted, used for
commercial  purposes or gi ven to others either  in ful l or i n part without  the  consent of Binks PCE.
We reserve the  right to alter drawi ngs and speci fi cations necessary for the technical improvement of thi s product without  noti ce.

Equipment Misuse Hazard

Equipment misuse can cause the  equi pment  to rupture or mal function and result i n seri ous injury.

Thi s equipment i s for professi onal  use onl y.

Read al l  instruction manual s, tags, and l abels before operati ng the  equipment.

Use the  equi pment  only for i ts i ntended purpose.

Do not  alter or modi fy this equi pment. Use  only genuine Bi nks PCE parts and accessories.

Check equipment  dail y. Repai r or replace worn or damaged  parts i mmedi ately.

Do not  exceed the maxi mum working pressure stated on the  equi pment  or i n the  Techni cal Data for your 
equi pment.  Do not  exceed the maxi mum working pressure of the l owest rated component  in your system.

Use fl uids and sol vents whi ch are compati bl e wi th the  equi pment wetted  parts. Refer  to the  Techni cal  Data 
secti on of al l equi pment manuals. Read the  fl uid and solvent manufacturer’s warni ngs.

Route hoses away from traffi c areas, sharp edges, moving parts, and hot surfaces. Do not  expose hoses to 
temperatures  above 82°C  (180°F) or bel ow —40°C (—40°F).

Do not  li ft pressuri zed equi pment.

Comply with al l appl icable l ocal, state, and national  fire, el ectri cal, and safety regul ati ons.

Fire, Explosion and Electric Shock Hazard

Improper groundi ng, poor venti lation, open flames or sparks can cause a hazardous condi tion and resul t in a fi re, 
explosi on, or el ectric shock.

When i nstal led and operated i n accordance wi th its instructions, the pump  i s approved for operati on i n Zone 1 
(Europe) & Divi sion 1 (North Ameri ca), hazardous l ocati ons. (ATEX Cat 2)

Electri cal  equipment must be  installed, operated, and serviced onl y by trai ned, qual ified personnel  who ful ly 
understand the  requi rements stated i n thi s i nstruction manual.

Ground the  equi pment  and al l other electri cal l y conductive objects in the spray area. After  groundi ng test wi th 
ohmmeter  to ensure earth  conti nuity is 1 ohm or l ess. 

Keep  all  covers tight whi le the motor i s energi zed.

If there  is any stati c sparking or you feel  an electri c shock whil e usi ng this equipment, stop sprayi ng/di spensing 
immediately. Do not use the equipment  unti l you identi fy and correct the  probl em.

Provi de fresh ai r ventil ati on to avoi d the buil d up of flammabl e fumes from  sol vents or the  flui d being 

Keep  the  pumpi ng area free  of  debri s, i ncluding sol vent, rags, and gasol ine.

Electri cal ly di sconnect all equipment i n the  pumpi ng area.

Exti ngui sh all  open flames or pi lot l ights in the spray/di spense area.

Do not smoke i n the  spray/di spense area.

Do not turn on or off any li ght swi tch i n the spray/di spense area whil e operating or i f fumes  are present.

Summary of Contents for 10 69 46 EU

Page 1: ...Electric Drive Rotary Agitators Vertical Mounted 10 69 46 Inverter Model EU 50 28 61 Variator Model EU 10 69 73 Inverter Model USA 10 69 75 Variator Model USA 10 69 74 Inverter Model Japan 10 69 76 Va...

Page 2: potentially explosive atmospheres Basic methods and requirements EN 13463 5 Non electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres Protection by constructional safety EN 13463 8 Non...

Page 3: ...islation Operating Principle An AC induction electric motor drives an in line gearbox which in turn drives a shaft and stainless steel three bladed paddle assembly A robust coupling connects the gearb...

Page 4: ...however particularly with waterborne paint to maintain a high fluid level in the mix tank Mechanical Variator Controlled The rotational speed of the paddle assembly is controlled by adjustment of the...

Page 5: ...f unit Clockwise Shaft Connection 20 female Speed control Inverter Control Manual Variator Inverter Output 20 80 Hz Manual Hand wheel Adjustment Supply Connection Inverter Control Manual Variator 400v...

Page 6: mass greater than 7 5 in total of magnesium titanium or zirconium Operator shall ensure that there is less than 1 Ohm resistance between metallic parts of the mounting assembly and agitator shaft...

Page 7: ...Repair or replaceworn or damaged parts immediately Do not exceed the maximum working pressurestated on the equipment or in the Technical Data for your equipment Do not exceed the maximum working press...

Page 8: ...ut Pinch points are basicallyanyareaswhere there are moving parts WEAR SAFETY GLASSES Failure to wear safetyglasses withside shields couldresult inserious eye injuryor blindness NOISE HAZARD You maybe...

Page 9: ...Instruction Manual Page 9 of 20 Issue 3 5 H SERVICE MANUALS FLUID HANDLING AGITATORS Agitator Rotary Unit Electric Nord R3 5 doc Assembly Drawing Vertical Agitator Inverter 106946 106973 106974...

Page 10: ...USA 1 106973 2 193613 ELECTRIC MOTOR 0 4KW JAPAN 1 106974 3 192744 SUPPORT HOUSING MACHINING 1 4 192745 SHAFT CLAMP 1 5 165664 M8 x 35 GRUBSCREW 4 6 165108 M8 SPRING WASHER 4 7 163144 M8 HEXAGON NUT...

Page 11: ...Instruction Manual Page 11 of 20 Issue 3 5 H SERVICE MANUALS FLUID HANDLING AGITATORS Agitator Rotary Unit Electric Nord R3 5 doc Assembly Drawing Vertical Agitator Variator 106948 106975 106976...

Page 12: ...06975 2 193613 ELECTRIC MOTOR 0 4KW JAPAN 1 106976 3 192744 SUPPORT HOUSING MACHINING 1 4 192745 SHAFT CLAMP 1 5 165664 M8 x 35 GRUBSCREW 4 6 165108 M8 SPRING WASHER 4 7 163144 M8 HEXAGON NUT 4 8 1927...

Page 13: ...Instruction Manual Page 13 of 20 Issue 3 5 H SERVICE MANUALS FLUID HANDLING AGITATORS Agitator Rotary Unit Electric Nord R3 5 doc Installation Mounting Detail 760mm MAX Depending on Model...

Page 14: ...anual Page 14 of 20 Issue 3 5 H SERVICE MANUALS FLUID HANDLING AGITATORS Agitator Rotary Unit Electric Nord R3 5 doc 5 min Installation Mounting Detail Alternate mounting for vertical mounting agitato...

Page 15: ...then loosely insert 2 off M4 grub screws 10 6 Lubricate o ring 15 with suitable grease and fit to the bottom of the support housing Assembly to Mix Tank 1 Position the Motor Gearbox housing assembly o...

Page 16: the units are sealed for life so top up of oil is only necessary as required It is recommended however to change the oil during a overhaul of the agitator when the unit is removed from the mix tank...

Page 17: ...r shaft clamp Ensure the Flinger is still firmly clamped to the shaft before doing this as the shaft will drop slightly until the flinger rests on the bottom of the support housing This prevents the a...

Page 18: ...aft paddle Shaft coupling loose Retighten and check movement Gearbox bearings worn Remove unit and replace gearbox bearings and seals Excessive noise coming from unit No or low oil in gearbox or varia...

Page 19: ...Instruction Manual Page 19 of 20 Issue 3 5 H SERVICE MANUALS FLUID HANDLING AGITATORS Agitator Rotary Unit Electric Nord R3 5 doc Notes...

Page 20: ...lbiss com br vendas carlisleft com br Tel 55 11 5641 2776 Fax 55 11 5641 1256 WARRANTY POLICY Binks products are covered by Carlisle Fluid Technologies five year materials and workmanship limited warr...
