Instruction Manual
Page 7 of 20
Issue: 3.5
H:\SERVICE MANUALS\FLUID HANDLING\AGITATORS\Agitator Rotary Unit Electric Nord R3.5.doc
Directions for Working Safety
This Product has been constructed accordi ng to advanced technol ogi cal standards and i s operati onally reliable. Damage may, however,
resul t if i t is used i ncorrectly by untrained persons or used for purposes other than those for which i t was constructed.
The l ocally current regulations for safety and preventi on of accidents are val id for the operati on of this product under al l ci rcumstances.
Internati onal, nati onal and company safety regulations are to be observed for the installation and operation of this product, as wel l as the
procedures invol ved in maintenance, repai rs and cleaning.
These instructions are i ntended to be read, understood and observed in all points by those responsi bl e for this product. These operating
and maintenance i nstructi ons are i ntended to ensure trouble free operati on. Therefore, it i s recommended to read these i nstructi ons
carefull y before start-up. Bi nks PCE cannot be held responsi ble for damage or malfunctions resulting from the non-observance of the
operati ng instructions. These i nstructions i ncluding regulations and techni cal drawings may not be copied, distri buted, used for
commercial purposes or gi ven to others either in ful l or i n part without the consent of Binks PCE.
We reserve the right to alter drawi ngs and speci fi cations necessary for the technical improvement of thi s product without noti ce.
Equipment Misuse Hazard
Equipment misuse can cause the equi pment to rupture or mal function and result i n seri ous injury.
Thi s equipment i s for professi onal use onl y.
Read al l instruction manual s, tags, and l abels before operati ng the equipment.
Use the equi pment only for i ts i ntended purpose.
Do not alter or modi fy this equi pment. Use only genuine Bi nks PCE parts and accessories.
Check equipment dail y. Repai r or replace worn or damaged parts i mmedi ately.
Do not exceed the maxi mum working pressure stated on the equi pment or i n the Techni cal Data for your
equi pment. Do not exceed the maxi mum working pressure of the l owest rated component in your system.
Use fl uids and sol vents whi ch are compati bl e wi th the equi pment wetted parts. Refer to the Techni cal Data
secti on of al l equi pment manuals. Read the fl uid and solvent manufacturer’s warni ngs.
Route hoses away from traffi c areas, sharp edges, moving parts, and hot surfaces. Do not expose hoses to
temperatures above 82°C (180°F) or bel ow —40°C (—40°F).
Do not li ft pressuri zed equi pment.
Comply with al l appl icable l ocal, state, and national fire, el ectri cal, and safety regul ati ons.
Fire, Explosion and Electric Shock Hazard
Improper groundi ng, poor venti lation, open flames or sparks can cause a hazardous condi tion and resul t in a fi re,
explosi on, or el ectric shock.
When i nstal led and operated i n accordance wi th its instructions, the pump i s approved for operati on i n Zone 1
(Europe) & Divi sion 1 (North Ameri ca), hazardous l ocati ons. (ATEX Cat 2)
Electri cal equipment must be installed, operated, and serviced onl y by trai ned, qual ified personnel who ful ly
understand the requi rements stated i n thi s i nstruction manual.
Ground the equi pment and al l other electri cal l y conductive objects in the spray area. After groundi ng test wi th
ohmmeter to ensure earth conti nuity is 1 ohm or l ess.
Keep all covers tight whi le the motor i s energi zed.
If there is any stati c sparking or you feel an electri c shock whil e usi ng this equipment, stop sprayi ng/di spensing
immediately. Do not use the equipment unti l you identi fy and correct the probl em.
Provi de fresh ai r ventil ati on to avoi d the buil d up of flammabl e fumes from sol vents or the flui d being
Keep the pumpi ng area free of debri s, i ncluding sol vent, rags, and gasol ine.
Electri cal ly di sconnect all equipment i n the pumpi ng area.
Exti ngui sh all open flames or pi lot l ights in the spray/di spense area.
Do not smoke i n the spray/di spense area.
Do not turn on or off any li ght swi tch i n the spray/di spense area whil e operating or i f fumes are present.