MN702GE 060320
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Burner applications
Follow all instructions in this manual, the primary control data sheet and the
appliance manual.
Adjust the nozzle selection/firing rate if necessary due to positive overfire pres-
sure and/or altitudes more than 2,000 feet above sea level. See the NOTICE
under the Ratings information at right. Where appliance application information
is available, the recommended firing rate and burner information will include
appropriate adjustments for positive overfire pressure and recommendations
for high altitudes. Follow the appliance manual guidelines when available.
Damage or shortage claims
The consignee of the shipment must file damage or shortage claims imme-
diately against the transportation company. See the NOTICE on page 1 for
burner carton information.
When calling or writing about the
Please provide us with the UL serial number and burner model number
to assist us in locating information. This information can be helpful when
troubleshooting or obtaining replacement parts.
Codes and standards
702GAS burners are U.L. listed for the U.S., certified to comply with:
UL 795, for use with natural gas or propane.
CUL certified CSA B140.2.1.10, CGA3.4-1973
Burner labels list compliance, when required, with special local, state or
provincial approvals.
702GAS burners can be configured for local code compliancy.
United States installations
Burner/appliance installations in the United States must comply with the
latest editions of:
Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Burners, ANSI Z21.8.
National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.
National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
All additional applicable national, state and local codes. Regulations of
these authorities take precedence over the general instructions provided
in this manual.
Altitude 2,000 feet max. (see NOTICE below)
Gas Input
.....................................................High fire: 840 to 1,600 MBH
............................................................Natural gas or propane
Gas Train
(available in straight or angled configuration)
....................(2) Main gas valves & RV-61 or RV-81 regulator
................................. Butterfly gas valve for input regulation
.... 1" gas train standard; 1¼", 1½" or 2" gas train available
Power .......................................................120V/60 Hz/1-Phase
Limit circuit input (RM7895C or RM7897C) .... 120 vac/60 hz
Control circuit load (120 vac) ...................................1.2 amps
Motor ........................ 1/2 hp, 3450 rpm, 48-frame, “N” flange
.................... 115 / 208-230 vac/60 hz/1-ph, 8.4 / 3.8-4.2 amps
Gas valve power ................................................ 120 vac/60 hz
Damper motor ...............................................Siemens SQN71
Ignition & P
imary Control
..................Carlin Model 41800 solid state electronic ignitor
Ignition voltage ......................................................9,000 volts
Primary control ..................................... Honeywell RM7897C
...........................................................................UL Listed (US)
Reduce nozzle/firing rate when required – Maximum burner
capacity is reduced when overfire pressure is positive and for
altitudes above 2,000 feet. See below, and adjust firing rate/
nozzle selection if necessary.
General information
702GAS — Maximum firing rate for
positive overfire pressure and high altitude
Overfire pressure
(Inches w.c.)
Gas – MBH
For altitudes more than 2,000 feet above sea
level, reduce the above capacities an additional 4% per
1,000 feet higher than 2,000 feet above sea level.