Wild Stick 120
(2). Crow. In this mode the two out-
board ailerons move to the up posi-
tion and the flaps move to the down
position. This is a very high drag con-
dition and will allow you to make
very steep descents, then slow to a
crawl to land. It is also used to do
the “Harrier”. In this maneuver you
slow the plane down, flip the switch
for the crow configuration, and
slowly feed in full up elevator. The
plane will get into a very high angle
of attack , 50 to 60 degrees. you will
have to use the throttle to maintain
the attitude. The crow set-up make
the plane very stable in this attitude.
It is recommended that before trying
these different modes that you fly
the plane with a standard set-up to
get used to the plane. When turning
on the different flight modes be sure
to have plenty of altitude for your
first tries. Because of the large con-
trol surfaces, the plane can get out
of control very quickly if you are not
ready for it or if you have something
not set up correctly. If the flight
modes are not set-up correctly, the
plane could be unflyable in that con-
figuration, so be ready to turn it off
if you cannot handle it.
Thank you buying the Wild Stick 120
so go have some fun.