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Manual – ARZ 5 – ARZ 60, ARZ 204
Erstellt: cschneider
Freigabe: Abé
Version 06
Datum: 29.11.2013
Datum: 29.11.2013
4. Deflation and Packing of the Tent
4.1 Deflation
a) Take out everything of the tent.
b) Take especially care of little stones, loose chippings and peaky objects.
c) Press down and turn anticlockwise in- and deflations valves to open them. The air needs about 5 to 10
minutes to exhaust.
d) Exhaust the air properly with the hand-pump or electrical blower.
4.2 Folding and Packing
a) Spread out tent roof even and flat.
b) Loosen all fixtures. Lay cords on the tent.
c) Collect all pegs, clean and pack them.
Fold the tent. Depending on the desired packed dimensions the way of folding changes. Generally the
tent should be folded in the same way as it was folded originally.
Clean the tent as much as possible during folding.
f) Start at the back side. Roll in tent and squeeze out the remaining air with your knees.
Fold up the front part of the tent, lay out packing bag and fold back.
h) Go on rolling the tent in the same direction on the packing bag.
i) Close valves and put on protective caps, close the buckles of the bag.
j) Pack all accessories.