1. I
• During negative pressure wound therapy, the SVED® and dressings are a closed system and are NOT vented
to atmosphere.
• During negative pressure wound therapy, when a canister fills with fluid, it should be replaced immediately.
Fluid will not be removed from the dressing once the canister is full.
1.4 Safety Tips
Keep Therapy On
The SVED® should be operated at least 22 hours out of every 24-hour period. Contact your healthcare professional if
therapy stops or if the device is OFF for more than 2 hours in a 24-hour period. Your healthcare professional will need to
change your dressing.
If the SVED® alerts or does not seem to operate properly, see
3.2 Troubleshooting
Monitoring the Wound
Inspect the dressing frequently to ensure that the dressing is collapsed and that therapy is being delivered in a
consistent manner. Monitor wound, canister and tubing for signs of active bleeding. Monitor around your wound
or incision for signs of infection or other complications. Signs of possible infection may include fever, tenderness,
redness, swelling, itching and rash, increased warmth in the wound area, sudden incerease in pain, purulent discharge
or a strong odor. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heacache, dizziness, fainting, sore throat with swelling of the mucous
membrane, disorientation, high fever, refractory hypotension, orhtostatic hypotension, or periwound induration (a
sunburn-like rash) may be added signs of more serious complications of infection. Extra care and attention should be
given if there are any signs of possible infection or related complications. Infection can be serious. With or without the
SVED®, infection can lead to many adverse complications including pain, discomfort, fever, gangrene, toxic shock, septic
shock and various other complications. With signs of more serious complications of infection, discontinue the use of the
SVED® until the serious infection is diagnosed and properly treated by your healthcare professional.
NPWT Dressing Use
Your healthcare professional will apply and change your dressings for you.
Monitoring the Tubing/A.C. Power Adapter Cord
Do not allow tubing or A.C. Power Adapter Cord around the neck area.
All dressing components of the NPWT Dressing Kit are packaged sterile. The decision to use clean versus sterile/
aseptic technique is dependent upon your healthcare professional’s preference. SVED®, the NPWT Dressing Kits, the
canisters and other accessories are made without natural rubber latex.
Be sure to comply with all other
1.2 Contraindications
1.3 Precautions
for the SVED®.