Version 13.02.2013
The dvbLOGiC has the possibility to connect and remotely control by navigation buttons a
pre-programmed device. The device list in the device control table shows the pre-
programmed remote channels and the related IR-remote cables STA-xxx which must be
ordered separately for the control of the device.
Using the respective STA-xxx IR-control cable, interconnect the yellow female 3pin
AMP connector of harness C3C-AVIR and the IR-port of the AV-source.
Using an RCA-cable, interconnect the female RCA-port AV1 of the tuner-box
DVBC-M436 with the AV-output of the AV-source.
The pink ACC-output wire (+12V max 1A) of harness C2C-BMW02 can be connected
to the ACC-input wires of the connected device to switch it on. It c12V when
the navigation computer is running.
Installing AV-source’s IR-sensor additionally
Additionally to the control via OEM navigation, it is possible to install the original IR-sensor
of a connected device. By using the respective Y-adapter (e.g. STA-Y35MM or STA-RJ12) for
the IR-Port of the connected device, the controls of navigation AND device’s IR-sensor can be
connected and used simultaneously. Installation of the IR-sensor is recommended as the
controls via navigation are limited, and not all functions may be covered.