Note: You need an external source for music files.
When you press this button you will be taken to a screen which allows you to select files to
create a play list. The Play Mode allows you to change the way the play list is handled. Loop will
repeat until you stop it. “Randomly play until all finished” will randomly play all songs once.
“Randomly play and repeat” will randomly play until you stop it. You may also change the play mode
with the red key while playing. A USB stick, CD or DVD are all external devices. Choose external and
then the device you are using. you will be presented with a list of files. press enter on the file to select
it. when you have made your selection highlight add or you may just add all. This will move the
selected files to the selected window. When your play list is complete press the blue button to play it.
Note: You need an Internet connection for web to function.
When you press this button you will be taken to a screen to choose a website to visit. You may
choose a website to visit from the list included or you may enter your own using the red button. You
may remove a site with the green button. Press the blue button to open the selected page.
Note: an external USB CD/DVD drive is required for CD listening.
Pressing the CD button allows you to play a CD in a connected drive. The controls work like a
standard CD player.
CW1000S User Manual v.0.7 8
Copyright 2006 CaptiveWorks Inc