the instructions in chapter 3, DE-PRESSURIZING.
13. After de-pressurizing remove the filter holder by turning it to the left. Then
push the thumb-guard of filter holder over the hot rim of the basket. Dumb
the used coffee and rinse the basket and the filter holder under running
Cappuccino and Latte are the most popular espresso-based coffee drinks. It is
important that you follow the steps below precisely, otherwise you might not
have enough steam pressure to froth and steam milk properly.
1. Follow the steps 1 through 8 in chapter 6. PREPARING ESPRESSO.
2. Make sure the dual frother is screwed on properly and the metal sleeve is in
the "up" position (fig 7).
3. Fill a pitcher with 6 to 8 oz. of cold milk. The pitcher should have at least a
12 oz. capacity. Or fill two cappuccino cups with 3 to 4 oz. of milk each and
set aside. Turn the selector switch to the "cup" symbol. After approx. 2 1/2
minutes hot water will start forcing its way through the coffee into the carafe.
4. When the espresso coffee has reached the "steam" mark on the carafe,
turn the selector switch back to the "0" position. At this time there is
enough pressure and steam build-up in the boiler to froth and steam.
5. Place the frother into the pitcher, so that the black tip is completely
immersed into the milk and the tip does not hit the bottom of the pitcher.
6. Turn the selector switch to the "steam" position. With the metal sleeve in
the "up" position hot steam will be injected into the milk, heating it up.
7. Latte (steaming only): For 4 oz. of milk, steam for about 20 seconds to
warm the milk sufficiently then turn the selector switch back the "0" position.
For 8 oz. of milk, steam for about 35 seconds.
Always return the
selector switch to the "0" position before you remove the pitcher or your
cup from the frother to stop the steam output (If you remove the pitcher or
cup with the selector switch in the steaming position, hot steam will splatter
the milk!).
8. Cappuccino (steaming and frothing): For 4 oz. of milk, steam for about 10 to
15 seconds, then push the sleeve down (fig. 7), while the frother is
immersed in the milk. The frother will now make a "slurping" sound and
milk froth will form on top of the steamed milk. Continue for about 10 to 20
seconds until you have enough froth. Stop the frother by turning the selector
switch to the "0" position.
9. Set the pitcher or the cups with the steamed / frothed milk aside.
10. Continue brewing espresso by turning the selector switch to the "cup"
symbol until the brewing noise increases and steam develops around the
filter holder. Now it's time the stop the brewing process to avoid burning
your espresso coffee. Turn the selector switch to the "0" position.
11. Remove the glass carafe and combine espresso and milk. Add sugar to
taste. Cappuccino: sprinkle the milk froth with cinnamon or chocolate shav-
ings and serve immediately. Now follow steps 11 - 13 under chapter 6
PREPARING ESPRESSO. Wipe the frother clean with a damp cloth.
When using chocolate milk you can prepare Mocca Latte or Mocca