Description of operation
t e c h n i c a l
Attempts to spin
If the washing machine detects unbalanced clothes in the spin cycle it will follow this
The total number of attempts to start spinning is 20, divided according to these
In the
rst 6 attempts, the maximum unbalanced limit allowed is 550g.
From the 7th to 18th attempts the maximum unbalanced limit allowed is 800g and
nal speed is less than the nominal speed, for example a 1,200 r.p.m. washing
machine will spin at 1,000 r.p.m.
For the 19th and 20th attempts, the maximum unbalanced limit allowed is 1,500 g.,
and the
nal spin speed will be 650 r.p.m., except in washing machines with a nominal
speed of 700 r.p.m., which will spin at 400 r.p.m.
This number of attempts to reposition the clothes in the drum will increase the total
programme time by 20 minutes.
At the end the LCD screen will display CO3. This is not considered a fault as it warns
the user about the security measure the circuit has detected.
If an imbalance is detected in the rinse phase, the number of attempts will not exceed