Time defrosting
Turn the oven on using the
Select the TIME DEFROSTING function
Using the
- +
buttons, you can change the defrosting time in 5-second intervals.
If you press
- +
for longer than 3 seconds, the time setting speeds up;
When finished entering settings, press
to began defrosting with a countdown of the time on the display.
The defrosting time must be
set or it won’t work.
The power of the microwave will be regulated automatically to obtain the best possible result.
The beep signals the end of the program.
Defrosting by weight
ATTENTION: sometimes the oven will tell you to turn over the food for a better result.
Turn on the oven with the
Select the DEFROST BY WEIGHT function
The display shows the weight to be set, starting from an
initial minimum weight of 50g. With
- +
you can increase or
decrease the weight and, then, with
confirm the choice;
At the end of the programming, select the
function and the defrosting program and the time countdown begins.
The beep notifies you of the end of the program.
The microwave’s power supply will be automatically regulated to obtain the best possible result.
The table below shows the main defrosting programs based on the main categories of food: