User manual for APPEB1002 Revision 2.1, Oct 2019
General Purpose CAP-XX Supercapacitor Evaluation Board
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Figure 4: illustration for installing a GY cell to APPEB1002
If only a single GY cell is required there must be a wire link made to short out the unused GY cell
positive and negative pins, shown as a red wire in the right side of figure 5. When two GY cells are
needed, both cells should be installed as shown above and the two GY cells must be identical
parts as illustrated on the left side of figure 5. Even though dual cell cylindrical modules are
available from CAP-XX, the APPEB1002 requires using 2 separate single cells in series. This
allows evaluation of different balancing options. The dual cell modules have their balancing circuit
built in so instead of using a GY25R51B22S505R0, 5F, 5.5V dual cylindrical cell module, use 2 x
GY12R71B020M106R 10F, 2.7V cells in series.
Figure 5: illustration of GY cell configuration, left – dual cells, right – single cell
Charging options
There is a 6-pin header located near the power input terminal that function as a link jumper to
easily change charging methods.
Direct Charging
This option connects the input directly to the supercapacitor without any protection or current limit.
This should only be used if the input power source is high impedance or the source has its own
current limit. To enable this option, place the jumper link on the top row of header marked