All information contained herein is strictly confidential
APPEB1006 User Manual rev1.0, 31-May-2005 page 4 of 6
© CAP-XX Pty Limited 2005
The user must decide on what is the end voltage of the Li ion battery and what
current gives acceptable light for the Torch. Of course the user may also decide that it
is acceptable to have slightly less light output as the battery nears its end voltage
(after all, most users are familiar with this behavior in an incandescent torch).
Current Control
The FLASH current is factory set to 1.0 Amp. It can be reduced by turning R25 (10k pot) anti-
clockwise. The maximum LED current rating is 2 Amps. The FLASH current needs to be
adjusted prior to the TORCH current because the FLASH setting affects the TORCH setting
but not vice versa.
The TORCH current is factory set at 100mA. It can be reduced by turning R26 (2k pot) anti-
External Flash LED
An External white LED (or other load) can be connected to the board via J5. This also
requires that the on-board LED (D5) be bypassed with J6. Alternatively, a second flash LED
(LXCL-PWF1) can be connected in parallel to D5 across J6 (pin 2 is +ve).
AutoTorch/External Torch Mode Control
If J12 is jumpered, then Torch mode will be permanently on (Auto Torch). Alternatively, an
external control signal connected to pin 2 of J12 will select Torch mode when Hi (3V – 5V).
This logic signal drives the gates of M8, M9, and M10 and must source 0.1mA to develop
3.3V across R36.
Flash PulseTimers/External Flash Pulse Control
There are two on-board 555 timers. One generates the FLASH on-time and the other
generates the off-time. The FLASH trigger from these timers is connected to the Current
Control circuitry via J8. J8 is jumpered for normal operation. An external triggering circuit can
be connected by removing the jumper from J8 and connecting the external signal to pin 1 of
J8. There is a 33k pull down resistor on this pin. A logic high signal on this pin will take a
FLASH. Make sure that this signal is < 100ms long and does not occur for at least another 2s
otherwise the thermal limits of the white LED (D5) will be violated and it will be destroyed.
Auto Flash
If J13 is jumpered then the two 555 timers will be continuously triggered to generate an 80ms
flash pulse every 2.5s.
Further Information
CAP-XX will be pleased to provide further information on the applications described here,
and on the use of supercapacitors in any application. Please use the contact details on the
header page, or visit the cap-XX web site.