Turning off:
Tap the screen to
activate it. Swipe your finger
from left to right or vice versa to
scroll through the menu items.
Stop when you see the «Other»
menu. Hold your finger on the
screen for a few seconds to enter
the submenu. Scroll through the
menu until you see “Power off”
on the display . Hold your finger
on the screen for a few seconds
until the device turns off.
Connecting to a smartphone:
charge the smartwatch,
turn it on, activate bluetooth on your smartphone,
download and install Canyon Smart Watch application
Canyon Life by scanning the QR code below, open
Canyon Life app->press” Setup”->”Pair device”->”
Start”-> choose your watch from pair device list
(SW73) -> press ”ADD DEVICE” and you will see
Device successfully connected. Use the application
to apply needed settings: turn on periodic heart rate
measurement, fill in your body parameters, select apps
that you want to receive notifications from, etc.
by moving your finger left or right, you can
scroll through the menu items. Hold and press to
select a function or go to the sub-menu.