Tighten the quick release or the seat post binder bolt.
Take care not to overtighten the seat post binder bolt
or quick-release. Please note the details given in
“Adjusting the saddle to the correct height”
as well as the permitted tightening torques in chapter
“General notes on care and inspection”
and follow the
instructions of the component manufacturers, as well.
Remove the protective film and sleeves from the han-
dlebars. Hold the handlebars tight while you do this
so that they do not drop and get damaged.
It is recommended that you remove the protective
material in general by hand. In case you do not suc-
ceed, carefully use a box cutter or a pair of scissors.
Release the clamping bolts of the stem face plate and
remove the face plate.
When using a box cutter make sure neither
to damage the component nor to hurt
yourself. Make it a rule to cut away from you and
the component!
Clamp your Canyon with the aluminium seat post into
the workstand or ask a helper to hold your Canyon
during the assembly.
Do not clamp a frame tube or a carbon
seat post of your Canyon in the holding
jaws of the workstand!
Please note the details given in chapter
“Special characteristics of carbon”
, as
Make sure the handlebars are accurately centred in
the stem clamp. Take care that the bowden cables are
not twisted or bent, but run in a smooth curve to the
cable stops or brakes. Retighten the clamping bolts
until they lightly hold the handlebars in place. Do not
finish mounting the handlebars until you have mount-
ed the wheels.
Remove both protective caps from either side of the
front wheel axle.
Insert the quick-release from the rotor side into the
hollow axle of the front wheel. Make sure there is one
spring on either side of the hub. When mounting the
springs on either side of each wheel, make sure their
small-diameter ends face the hub.
The quick-release lever is mounted to the left side,
i.e. opposite the chain drive.
Take the quick-release for the front wheel out of the
small part box. Release the counternut and remove
one of the springs from the quick-release skewer.
Assemble your Canyon by using the
Canyon torque wrench enclosed with the