heart rate test. After the test, the green light will stay
on for 3 seconds if the test proves to be successful
and red light will be on for 3 seconds if the test fails.
Led will be red when have GPS location.
Led will be green when have WiFi location.
6. Main functions
6.1 SOS emergency alarm
Long press SOS key for 3 seconds. Watch will be on
“alert state”.
Loop dialing 3 SOS numbers for two times. It will
stop when the call is answered. If no answer, it will
continue dialing for two times.
At the same time the watch can send a message to
main phone number (default “off”), and at the same
time send alert message to the App
6.2 Voice chat
Intercom between watch and App: Briefly press key
2 to listen to a voice recording; press and hold key 2
for voice recording and to send the voice recording to
the App after releasing the key
6.3 Callback
You can request watch callback to any phone
number from the app.
6.4 Voice monitoring
To use the voice monitoring function in the app,