Time of status : determines the lenght of the switching relay (if I need to restart the switch, on
which hangs Ether4). If 0, the relay switches permanently.
- mark for the internal relay – displays the status of auxiliary relay contacts
- mark for the transistor output– displays the status of signal to the transistor base
2.9 XML
Analog values and alarm states are provided through status.xml
Value<0 – 15> – analog values
alarm – status of the inputs
salarm – which alarms are used
error – measurement fault
valarm – alarm of limits exceeding
measure – which values are measured
calarm – status of the user alarms
cmeze – limits of user alarms
cmod – mode for user alarms
– index of the measured thermometer
Output states are in rele.xml
period<0 - 1> - if the relay was switched with set time of switching, this value determines the time
to switch back
status<0 - 5> - output status
type<0 - 5> - determines the type of output
0 … output is not connected
1,2 … relay is on output
3-8 … transistor is on output
Status of the inputs in the form of text are in texta.xml
talr<0 - 7> - input status
2.10 Reset the device
Using the site /config/tinit.htm can reset the device or putting in default settings