Canon MP560 - PIXMA Color Inkjet On-Screen Manual Download Page 851

Advanced Guide




Problems with Scanning

 > Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor

Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor

Check 1: Increase the scanning resolution.


Check 2: Set the scale to 100%.

Some applications do not display images clearly if the image is too small.

Check 3: If moire (stripe pattern) appears, take the following measures and
scan again.

On the Basic Mode tab of ScanGear (scanner driver), select Magazine(Color) in Select Source.

Basic Mode Tab

On the Advanced Mode tab of ScanGear (scanner driver), set Descreen in Image Settings to ON.

Image Settings


If moire appears when you scan a digital print photo, take the above measures and scan again.

If you use MP Navigator EX, set Document Type to Magazine(Color) or enable Descreen in the Scan
Settings dialog box and scan again.

Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)

Check 4: Check the monitor's color depth.

From the Start menu, select Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Adjust screen resolution
to open the Display Settings dialog box. Set the color depth to Medium (16 bit) or Highest (32 bit).

Windows XP:

From the Start menu, select Control Panel > Display to open the Display Properties dialog box. On
the Settings tab, set Colors to Medium (16 bit) or Highest (32 bit).

Windows 2000:

From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Display to open the Display Properties dialog
box. On the Settings tab, set Colors to High Color (16 bit) or True Color (32 bit).

Check 5: Clean the Platen and Document Cover.

Cleaning the Platen Glass and Document Cover

Check 6: If the document is in poor condition (dirty, faded, etc.), use
Reduce Dust and Scratches, Fading Correction, Grain Correction, etc. in
Image Settings on the Advanced Mode tab of ScanGear (scanner driver).

Image Settings

Check 7: If the color tone of images is different from the original document,
take the following measures and scan again.

On the Advanced Mode tab of ScanGear (scanner driver), set Image Adjustment in Image Settings to


Image Settings

Open the Preferences dialog box from the Advanced Mode tab of ScanGear (scanner driver) and set
Color Matching on the Color Settings tab.

Color Settings Tab

Page top

Stran 851 od 958 strani

Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor

Summary of Contents for MP560 - PIXMA Color Inkjet

Page 1: ...čnika Tiskanje tega priročnika MC 4136 V1 00 Osnovna navodila Povzetek o tem izdelku Izpopolnjena navodila Podroben opis delovanja tega izdelka Odpravljanje težav Stran 1 od 958 strani Canon MP560 series On screen Manual ...

Page 2: ... podatkov v računalnik Uporaba različnih funkcij optičnega branja Tiskanje iz računalnika Tiskanje fotografij s programom Easy PhotoPrint EX Tiskanje dokumentov Windows Tiskanje dokumentov Macintosh Druga raba Tiskanje obrazcev predlog na primer črtanega papirja Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz digitalnega fotoaparata ali mobilnega telefona Nastavitve naprave Uporabne aplikacije programske opreme...

Page 3: ...naprave in osnovni postopki ki jih morate poznati pred začetkom uporabe Glavni deli Pogled od spredaj Pogled od zadaj Pogled na notranjost Nadzorna plošča Pomikanje po menijih na zaslonu LCD Izbira menijev na začetnem zaslonu Izbira elementov nastavitve Drugi postopki Na vrh strani Stran 3 od 958 strani Pregled naprave ...

Page 4: ...apirja 4 Zadnji pladenj Naložite fotografski papir ali ovojnice ki so primerne za uporabo v napravi Hkrati lahko vstavite dva ali več listov iste velikosti in vrste papirja ki se potem podajajo posamezno Glejte Nalaganje papirja 5 Zaslon LCD zaslon s tekočimi kristali Prikaže sporočila izbore menijev in stanje delovanja Pred tiskanjem si lahko na LCD zaslonu ogledate predogled fotografij Opomba Če...

Page 5: ...jajo posamezno Glejte Nalaganje papirja 12 Vrata za neposredno tiskanje Če želite omogočiti neposredno tiskanje priključite napravo združljivo s standardom PictBridge na primer digitalni fotoaparat ali enoto Bluetooth Unit BU 30 Glejte Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz digitalnega fotoaparata ali mobilnega telefona V ta vrata lahko vstavite tudi pogon USB Glejte Vstavljanje pogona USB Enota Blueto...

Page 6: ...emite ga da odstranite zagozden papir 16 Priključek za napajalni kabel Sem priključite priloženi napajalni kabel Pogled v notranjost 17 Lučki za črnilo Prikažeta stanje črnilnega vložka tako da svetita ali utripata rdeče Glejte Preverjanje stanja črnila 18 Vzvod za zaklep tiskalne glave Zaklene tiskalno glavo Pomembno Po namestitvi tiskalne glave tega vzvoda ne dvigujte 19 Nosilec tiskalne glave N...

Page 7: ...rave mora biti pokrov za dokumente zaprt Pomembno Kako izključiti napajalni kabel Ko po izklopu naprave izključite napajalni kabel lučka VKLOP Power ne sme svetiti Če napajalni kabel izključite iz električne vtičnice medtem ko lučka VKLOP Power sveti ali utripa naprava morda ne bo več mogla tiskati pravilno saj tiskalna glava ni zavarovana 2 Gumbi ki se uporabljajo pri krmarjenju po menijih na zas...

Page 8: ...čnega branja itd 9 Gumb OK Izbere meni ali element nastavitve Glejte Pomikanje po menijih na zaslonu LCD Razreši napako med tiskanjem ali poskrbi da naprava po odstranitvi zagozdenega papirja normalno deluje Na vrh strani Stran 8 od 958 strani Glavni deli ...

Page 9: ...itev potrebnih za tiskanje Uporaba vrtljivega izbirnega gumba B Vrtljivi izbirni gumb je namenjen izbiranju menijev ali elementov nastavitev Vrtljivi izbirni gumb lahko uporabljate na dva načina Oba sta primerna za upravljanje naprave D S prstom zavrtite vrtljivi izbirni gumb da izberete elemente ali E Pritisnite gumb ali da izbirate med elementi Če je v teh navodilih označeno da lahko uporabite g...

Page 10: naprave ali natisnete obrazce predloge na primer črtan papir itd Glejte Ko tiskanje obledi ali barve niso pravilne Čiščenje valja podajalnika papirja Nastavitve naprave ali Tiskanje obrazcev predlog na primer črtanega papirja Indeks fotografij Photo index sheet Z indeksom fotografij lahko preprosto natisnete fotografije ki so na pomnilniški kartici ali pogonu USB Glejte Uporaba indeksa fotograf...

Page 11: ...elect and print Drugi postopki Izbira elementov na dnu zaslona LCD Če želite izbrati elemente ki so prikazani na dnu zaslona LCD uporabite funkcijska gumba F Če želite izbrati desni element pritisnite desni funkcijski gumb če pa želite izbrati levi element pritisnite levi funkcijski gumb Prikazani elementi se razlikujejo glede na zaslon Stran 11 od 958 strani Pomikanje po menijih na zaslonu LCD ...

Page 12: ...e o funkcijah ali navodila za nalaganje papirja 1 Pritisnite gumb za navigacijo H Prikaže se zaslon NAVI Opomba Če pritisnete gumb Nazaj Back ko se prikaže zaslon NAVI se odpre začetni zaslon 2 Z vrtljivim izbirnim gumbom gumb ali izberite element in pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu LCD Preklic tiskanja kopiranja ali optičnega branja Če želite preklicati tiskanje kopiranje ali optič...

Page 13: ... fotografij shranjenih na pomnilniški kartici pogonu USB Spreminjanje nastavitev Uporaba različnih funkcij Tiskanje fotografij v različnih postavitvah Spreminjanje prikaza Prirezovanje fotografij iskanje fotografij po določenem datumu Popravki slik Tiskanje fotografij z datumom posnetka ali številko datoteke Vstavljanje pomnilniške kartice Preden vstavite pomnilniško kartico Vstavljanje pomnilnišk...

Page 14: ... morate Pomnilniško kartico na kateri so shranjene fotografije Glejte Preden vstavite pomnilniško kartico Pogon USB s shranjenimi fotografijami Glejte Vstavljanje pogona USB Papir za tiskanje fotografij Glejte Vrste papirja ki jih je mogoče uporabljati 1 Priprava za tiskanje 1 Vključite napravo Glejte Nadzorna plošča 2 Naložite papir Glejte Nalaganje papirja Fotografski papir velikosti 10 x 15 cm ...

Page 15: ...rtico ali pogon USB Pomnilniška kartica Vstavite jo v režo za kartico tako da bo STRAN Z NALEPKO OBRNJENA V LEVO Informacije o vrstah pomnilniških kartic ki so združljive z napravo in mestih kamor jih lahko vstavite najdete v poglavju Vstavljanje pomnilniške kartice Pogon USB Vstavite ga v vrata za neposredno tiskanje Glejte Vstavljanje pogona USB Prikaže se zaslon za izbiranje fotografij Stran 15...

Page 16: ...tkov s pomnilniške kartice prek nadzorne plošče na napravi Če želite natisniti slikovne podatke s pomnilniške kartice na začetnem zaslonu izberite možnost Nastavitve Settings Nastavitve naprave Device settings in še Napredne nastavitve Advanced settings nato nastavite možnost Označba beri piši Read write attribute na Ni možno pis iz rač Not writable from PC Slikovne podatke ki so shranjeni na pogo...

Page 17: ...lite spremeniti nastavitve uporabite vrtljivi izbirni gumb gumb ali F da izberete element ki ga želite spremeniti nato pritisnite gumb OK G Glejte Izbira elementov nastavitve in Spreminjanje nastavitev Opomba Ko je pri možnosti Vrsta medija Media type izbran Navaden papir Plain paper za Velik strani Page size pa A4 ali LTR 8 5 x11 8 5 x11 LTR se za Vir papirja Paper source prikaže Kaseta Cassette ...

Page 18: ...tico oz pogon USB se prikaže začetni zaslon Če želite odstraniti pomnilniško kartico glejte Odstranjevanje pomnilniške kartice Če želite odstraniti pogon USB glejte Odstranjevanje pogona USB Spreminjanje nastavitev Z vrtljivim izbirnim gumbom gumb ali lahko spreminjate nastavitve tiskanja kot so velikost strani vrsta papirja in kakovost tiskanja Za spreminjanje nastavitev glejte Izbira elementov n...

Page 19: ...erite ali je izbrani papir naložen v vir papirja ki je prikazan na zaslonu Podrobnosti o nastavitvi vira papirja najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Opomba Nastavitve velikosti strani vrste papirja kakovosti tiskanja popravila slike tiskanja brez obrobe itd se shranijo in bodo prikazane naslednjič ko bo izbran Meni pomnilniške kartice Memory card menu tudi če napravo izklopite ...

Page 20: ...yout print Tiskanje nalepk Sticker print Tiskanje zajetih inform Captured info print Tiskanje indeksa fotogr Photo index print Natisni vse fotografije Print all photos Tiskanje foto za os izkazn ID photo size print Tiskanje koledarja Calendar print Spreminjanje prikaza Prikaz fotografij lahko spremenite s pritiskom na levi funkcijski gumb ko se na dnu zaslona prikaže možnost Spremin prikaza Change...

Page 21: ...te samodejno ali ročno npr prilagajate svetlost kontrast in barvni odtenek lahko pa slikam dodate tudi učinke VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix ON privzeto Tiskanje fotografij z datumom posnetka ali številko datoteke Če želite natisniti fotografije z datumom posnetka ali številko datoteke pritisnite levi funkcijski gumb da izberete Nastav datuma Date setting ali Nas št datotek File no setting ko se ...

Page 22: ...Nastav datuma Date setting Nas št datotek File no setting Na vrh strani Stran 22 od 958 strani Uporaba različnih funkcij ...

Page 23: ...z obliko zapisa Exif 2 2 2 21 Če pomnilniško kartico formatirate v računalniku morda ne boste združljiva s to napravo Pomnilniške kartice za katere ne potrebujete prilagojevalnika Pomnilniška kartica SD Secure Digital Pomnilniška kartica SDHC Kartica MultiMediaCard Kartica MultiMediaCard Plus Kartica Compact Flash CF Podpira Type I II 3 3 V Microdrive Memory Stick Memory Stick PRO Memory Stick Duo...

Page 24: ...isanje iz računal USB Writable from USB PC ali Pisanje iz rač po omr Writable from LAN PC ne morete natisniti slikovnih podatkov s pomnilniške kartice ali shraniti optično prebranih podatkov na pomnilniško kartico prek nadzorne plošče na napravi Ko režo za kartico uporabite kot pogon pomnilniške kartice računalnika odstranite pomnilniško kartico na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings Nas...

Page 25: ...ačene z zvezdico namestite prilagojevalnik za kartice in jih vstavite v režo za kartico kot je prikazano spodaj Za Memory Stick Duo Memory Stick PRO Duo ali Memory Stick Micro s prilagojevalnikom velikosti Duo Za pomnilniške kartice SD Secure Digital SDHC MultiMediaCard MultiMediaCard Plus kartico miniSD kartico miniSDHC kartico microSD kartico microSDHC Memory Stick Memory Stick PRO Memory Stick ...

Page 26: ...te ikono izmenljivega diska in nato kliknite Izvrzi Eject Če možnost Izvrzi Eject ni prikazana na zaslonu preverite ali lučka za dostop sveti in nato odstranite pomnilniško kartico Če ste režo za kartico uporabili prek omrežja LAN v računalniku ni treba izvesti varne odstranitve Če uporabljate računalnik Macintosh povlecite ikono pogon v Trash koš 1 Odprite pokrov reže za kartico 2 Preverite ali l...

Page 27: ...v USB z varnostno funkcijo 1 Vstavite pogon USB v vrata za neposredno tiskanje Preden vstavite pogon USB v vrata za neposredno tiskanje se prepričajte ali je pogon pravilno usmerjen Odstranjevanje pogona USB 1 Prepričajte se da naprava iz pomnilniškega ključka USB ne bere podatkov ali nanj zapisuje Na zaslonu LCD preverite če je postopek branja ali pisanja zaključen Pomembno Medtem ko naprava delu...

Page 28: ...Na vrh strani Stran 28 od 958 strani Vstavljanje pogona USB ...

Page 29: ... Kopiranje Kopirate lahko v različnih načinih npr v načinu za povečanje pomanjšanje ali kopiranje dveh strani izvirnika na en sam list papirja Kopiranje Spreminjanje nastavitev Uporaba različnih funkcij kopiranja Na vrh strani Stran 29 od 958 strani Kopiranje ...

Page 30: ...h je mogoče uporabljati 1 Pripravite napravo za kopiranje 1 Vključite napravo Glejte Nadzorna plošča 2 Naložite papir Glejte Nalaganje papirja Preverite ali je v kaseti naložen navaden papir velikosti A4 Opomba V kaseto naložite navaden papir velikosti A4 B5 A5 ali Letter Ostale velikosti ali vrste papirja naložite na zadnji pladenj 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek ...

Page 31: ...umb gumb ali A da izberete element ki ga želite spremeniti nato pritisnite gumb OK B Glejte Izbira elementov nastavitve in Spreminjanje nastavitev Opomba Ko je pri možnosti Vrsta medija Media type izbran Navaden papir Plain paper za Velik strani Page size pa A4 B5 A5 ali LTR 8 5 x11 8 5 x11 LTR se za Vir papirja Paper source prikaže Kaseta Cassette Ko so izbrane druge velikosti ali vrste papirja s...

Page 32: ... 5 naprej da kopirate nov izvirnik Meni Kopija Copy lahko zaprete in odprete začetni zaslon če pritisnete gumb Domov Spreminjanje nastavitev Z vrtljivim izbirnim gumbom gumb ali lahko spreminjate nastavitve tiskanja kot so velikost strani vrsta papirja in kakovost tiskanja Za spreminjanje nastavitev glejte Izbira elementov nastavitve 1 Povečava Magnification Določite način povečave pomanjšave Meri...

Page 33: ...ektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Opomba Če je izbrana možnost Dvostransko kopiranje Two sided copy za Velik strani Page size izberite A4 ali LTR 8 5 x11 8 5 x11 LTR za možnost Vrsta medija Media Type pa izberite Navaden papir Plain paper Če izberete možnost Kopija 2 na 1 2 on 1 copy ali Kopija 4 na 1 4 on 1 copy is selected za Velik strani Page size izberite A4 ali LTR 8 5 x11 Če izbere...

Page 34: ...ranje Special copy lahko izdelate različne vrste kopij Podrobnosti najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Dvostransko kopiranje Two sided copy Kopija brez roba Borderless copy Kopija 2 na 1 2 on 1 copy Kopija 4 na 1 4 on 1 copy Ponovitev slike Image repeat Brisanje okvirja Frame erase Prirezovanje Trimming Popravljanje Masking Na vrh strani Stran 34 od 958 strani Uporaba različnih...

Page 35: ...grafij iz natisnjenih fotografij Natisnjene fotografije lahko znova natisnete v različnih postavitvah Vnovično tiskanje natisnjenih fotografij Uporaba različnih funkcij Tiskanje fotografij v različnih postavitvah Popravki slik Na vrh strani Stran 35 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij iz natisnjenih fotografij ...

Page 36: ... morate Natisnjene fotografije Papir za tiskanje fotografij Glejte Vrste papirja ki jih je mogoče uporabljati 1 Pripravite se za vnovično tiskanje natisnjenih fotografij 1 Vključite napravo Glejte Nadzorna plošča 2 Naložite papir Glejte Nalaganje papirja Fotografski papir velikosti 10 x 15 cm 4 x 6 palcev naložite na zadnji pladenj 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek i...

Page 37: ... ni prevelik Fotografije niso položene preblizu roba steklene plošče Fotografije ki so manjše kot kvadrat s stranico 1 palec 25 mm ne bodo pravilno optično prebrane Spodaj naštete vrste fotografij morda ne bodo pravilno optično prebrane Fotografije ki niso pravokotne oblike ali so nepravilnih oblik na primer izrezane fotografije Popolnoma bele fotografije Fotografije z belo obrobo Robovi fotografi...

Page 38: ... koraka 2 in 3 5 Pritisnite gumb OK 4 Začnite tiskati 1 Potrdite velikost strani vrsto papirja kakovost tiskanja itd Preverite ali ste za možnost Velik strani Page size izbrali velikost 10x15cm 4 x6 4 x6 10x15cm in ali ste za možnost Vrsta medija Media type izbrali fotografski papir Opomba Če želite spremeniti nastavitve izberite vsak element posebej in pritisnite gumb OK Glejte Spreminjanje nasta...

Page 39: ...kanje pritisnite gumb Zaustavi Stop Meni Enost tisk foto Easy photo reprint lahko zaprete in odprete začetni zaslon če pritisnete gumb Domov Potrdite sporočilo in izberite Da Yes da izbrišete podatke za optično prebrano sliko Na vrh strani Stran 39 od 958 strani Vnovično tiskanje natisnjenih fotografij ...

Page 40: ...h Postavitev fotografij in tiskanje lahko izberete tudi z drugimi funkcijami poleg Izbiranje in tiskanje Select and print Tiskanje nalepk Sticker print Natisni vse fotografije Print all photos Popravki slik Slike lahko popravite s pritiskom na levi funkcijski gumb ko se na dnu zaslona prikaže možnost Napredno Advanced Slike lahko popravljate samodejno ali ročno npr prilagajate svetlost kontrast in...

Page 41: programsko opremo Optično prebrane podatke lahko shranite tudi na pomnilniško kartico ali pogon USB ki ga vstavite v napravo Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik Priprava na optično branje z uporabo nadzorne plošče Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik Uporaba različnih funkcij optičnega branja Na vrh strani Stran 41 od 958 strani Optično branje ...

Page 42: ...ilnike MP Drivers in aplikacijo MP Navigator EX z namestitvenega CD ja Setup CD ROM če še ni nameščen ali če ste ga odstranili Za namestitev gonilnikov MP Drivers in aplikacije MP Navigator EX izberite MP Drivers in MP Navigator EX v možnosti Custom Install Ali sta vrsta izvirnika in način obdelave določena v programu MP Navigator EX Če želite optično prebrane izvirnike posredovati v računalnik z ...

Page 43: TWAIN če je le mogoče Use TWAIN software whenever possible da počistite možnost Nato zaprite program Image Capture in ga znova zaženite Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik 1 Izberite postopek optičnega branja 1 Vključite napravo Glejte Nadzorna plošča 2 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite možnost Optično branje Scan in pritisnite gumb OK 3 Z vrtljivim izbirnim gumbom gumb ali izberite...

Page 44: ...em Ne odpirajte pokrova dokumenta in ne premikajte vstavljenega izvirnika dokler optično branje ni končano Opomba Pritisnite gumb Domov da zaprete meni Optično branje Scan in prikažete začetni zaslon Opomba Položaj in velikost izvirnika morda ne bosta pravilno optično prebrana glede na vrsto izvirnika Če optično branje ni bilo izvedeno pravilno glejte elektronski priročnik Izpopolnjena navodila da...

Page 45: ...pravo ki bo shranila podatke Pogon USB USB flash drive Pomnilniška kartica Memory card Izbira različnih obdelav podatkov Če želite poslati optično prebrane podatke v računalnik lahko za prebrane podatke izberete način obdelave v primeru da za vrsto dokumenta ni izbrana možnost Samo optično branje Auto scan Shrani v računalnik Save to PC Shrani kot dat PDF Save as PDF file Priloži e pošti Attach to...

Page 46: ...Na vrh strani Stran 46 od 958 strani Uporaba različnih funkcij optičnega branja ...

Page 47: ... lahko na preprost način natisnete z aplikacijo Easy PhotoPrint EX ki je priložena napravi Tiskanje fotografij s programom Easy PhotoPrint EX Uporaba različnih funkcij programa Easy PhotoPrint EX Tiskanje dokumentov Windows Tiskanje dokumentov Macintosh Za operacijski sistem Mac OS X razl 10 5 x Za operacijski sistem Mac OS X razl 10 4 x ali Mac OS X razl 10 3 9 Na vrh strani Stran 47 od 958 stran...

Page 48: ...k Namestite Easy PhotoPrint EX z namestitvenega CD ja Setup CD ROM če še ni nameščen ali če ste ga odstranili Če želite namestiti Easy PhotoPrint EX v pogovornem oknu Custom Install izberite Easy PhotoPrint EX 1 Priprava za tiskanje 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena Glejte Nadzorna plošča 2 Naložite papir Glejte Nalaganje papirja Fotografski papir velikosti 10 x 15 cm 4 x 6 palcev naložite na ...

Page 49: ...e Photo Print Opomba Poleg možnosti Photo Print lahko izberete tudi Album Calendar Stickers Glejte Uporaba različnih funkcij programa Easy PhotoPrint EX 3 Izberite fotografijo ki jo želite natisniti 1 Izberite mapo kjer so shranjene slike 2 Kliknite sliko ki jo želite natisniti Pod izbrano sliko se prikaže število kopij 1 izbrana slika pa se prikaže v območju za izbrane slike A Hkrati lahko izbere...

Page 50: ...izberete Automatically Select bo naprava papir podajala iz kasete Če izberete druge velikosti ali vrste papirja kot je npr fotografski papir bo naprava podajala papir z zadnjega pladnja Če izberete napačno velikost strani ali vrsto papirja bo naprava papir morda podajala iz napačnega vira papirja ali pa naprava morda ne bo tiskal z ustrezno kakovostjo 4 Kliknite Layout Print 5 Izberite postavitev ...

Page 51: ...iknite Canon XXX Printer kjer je XXX ime vaše naprave V orodni vrstici kliknite ikono tiskalnika da prikažete seznam tiskalnih poslov v teku Če želite med tiskanjem postopek preklicati izberite želeno tiskanje na seznamu Ime Name in kliknite Brisanje Delete Če želite začasno ustaviti posel v teku kliknite Zadrži Hold Če želite začasno ustaviti vse posle na seznamu kliknite Začasno ustavi tiskalnik...

Page 52: ... EX Podrobnosti najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Ustvarjanje tiskovin S svojimi fotografijami lahko ustvarite album ali koledar Album Calendar Nalepke Stickers Izpis postavitve Layout Print Popravki slik Če želite slike prilagoditi popraviti ali izboljšati samodejno ali ročno uporabite možnosti Red Eye Correction Face Sharpener Digital Face Smoothing Brightness Contrast itd ...

Page 53: ...pir Glejte Nalaganje papirja Preverite ali je v kaseti naložen navaden papir velikosti A4 Opomba V kaseto naložite navadni papir velikosti A4 B5 A5 ali Letter na zadnji pladenj pa druge velikosti ali vrste papirja na primer fotografski papir 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja 4 V ustreznem programu ustvarite ali odprite dokument ki ga želite natisnit...

Page 54: v razdelku Paper Source možnost Automatically Select Opomba Nastavitve lahko spremenite Toda ko spremenite velikost papirja za tiskanje pri možnosti Printer Paper Size preverite ali nastavitev za velikost strani Page Size v meniju Page Setup ustreza vrednosti ki je nastavljena v programu Podrobnosti najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Če izberete navaden papir velikosti A4 B...

Page 55: ...a potrdite polje Preview before printing V nekaterih programih funkcija predogleda morda ni na voljo Na zavihkih Main ali Page Setup lahko določite podrobne nastavitve za tiskanje Podrobnosti najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila 7 Začnite tiskati Če želite začeti tiskati kliknite Natisni Print ali OK Opomba Če želite preklicati tiskalni posel ki je v teku na napravi pritisnite g...

Page 56: ...irja Preverite ali je v kaseti naložen navaden papir velikosti A4 Opomba V kaseto naložite navadni papir velikosti A4 B5 A5 ali Letter na zadnji pladenj pa druge velikosti ali vrste papirja na primer fotografski papir 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja 4 V ustreznem programu ustvarite ali odprite dokument ki ga želite natisniti 5 Odprite pogovorno ok...

Page 57: ... papirja bo naprava papir morda podajala iz napačnega vira papirja ali pa naprava morda ne bo tiskal z ustrezno kakovostjo 5 Preverite ali ste v meniju Paper Source izbrali Automatically Select Opomba Podrobnosti glede drugih nastavitev za Paper Source najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila 6 Izberite kakovost tiskanja v možnosti Print Quality V tem primeru bomo izbrali možnost St...

Page 58: ... 10 3 9 Opomba Zasloni v tem razdelku prikazujejo tiskanje v operacijskem sistemu Mac OS X v 10 4 x 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena Glejte Nadzorna plošča 2 Naložite papir Glejte Nalaganje papirja Preverite ali je v kaseti naložen navaden papir velikosti A4 Opomba V kaseto naložite navadni papir velikosti A4 B5 A5 ali Letter na zadnji pladenj pa druge velikosti ali vrste papirja na primer fo...

Page 59: ...rja bo naprava papir morda podajala iz napačnega vira papirja ali pa naprava morda ne bo tiskal z ustrezno kakovostjo 5 Preverite ali ste v meniju Paper Source izbrali Automatically Select Opomba Podrobnosti glede drugih nastavitev za Paper Source najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila 6 Izberite kakovost tiskanja v možnosti Print Quality V tem primeru bomo izbrali možnost Standar...

Page 60: ...ite Brisanje Delete Če želite začasno ustaviti posel v teku kliknite Zadrži Hold Če želite začasno ustaviti vse posle na seznamu kliknite Ustavi posle Stop Jobs Po preklicu tiskalnega posla bodo morda izvrženi prazni listi papirja Če se vodilne črte ne natisnejo pravilno poravnano ali če rezultati tiskanja niso zadovoljivi prilagodite položaj tiskalne glave Glejte Poravnava tiskalne glave Na vrh s...

Page 61: ...ikacije programske opreme ki jih lahko uporabljate z napravo Tiskanje obrazcev predlog na primer črtanega papirja Tiskanje različnih obrazcev predlog Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz digitalnega fotoaparata ali mobilnega telefona Tiskanje fotografij z napravami ki so združljive s standardom PictBridge Tiskanje fotografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje Nastavitve naprave Uporabne aplikacije...

Page 62: ...ključite napravo Glejte Nadzorna plošča 2 V kaseto mora biti naložen navaden papir velikosti A4 A5 ali Letter Glejte Nalaganje papirja v kaseto 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja 2 Izberite obrazec predloge 1 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in pritisnite gumb OK 2 Izberite Tiskanje predloge Template print in pritisnite gumb OK 3 Upor...

Page 63: ...en papir Plain paper in je ne morete spremeniti 2 Pritisnite gumb ali da določite število kopij 3 Pritisnite gumb Barvno Color ali Črno Black Naprava začne tiskati Tiskanje različnih obrazcev predlog Naslednje predloge lahko natisnete z možnostjo Tiskanje predloge Template print Črtan papir 1 Notebook paper 1 8 mm razmika 8 mm spacing Črtan papir 2 Notebook paper 2 7 mm razmika 7 mm spacing Črtan ...

Page 64: ...papir 12 črt Staff paper 12 staves Rokopisni papir Handwriting paper Vrstice s 3 črtami Rows of three lines Tedenski urnik Weekly schedule Navpično Vertical type Mesečni urnik Monthly schedule Koledar Calendar type Na vrh strani Stran 64 od 958 strani Tiskanje obrazcev predlog na primer črtanega papirja ...

Page 65: ... standardom PictBridge ne glede na proizvajalca ali model Pomembno Za priključitev katere koli naprave ki je združljiva s standardom PictBridge na ta tiskalnik ne uporabljajte kabla USB ki je daljši od 3 metrov saj to lahko vpliva na delovanje drugih zunanjih naprav Opomba PictBridge je standard za neposredno tiskanje fotografij brez računalnika in je namenjen za povezovanje naprav kot so digitaln...

Page 66: ... lahko slikovne podatke natisnete brezžično iz mobilnih telefonov ali računalnikov združljivih s tehnologijo Bluetooth Podrobnosti o postopku najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Na vrh strani Stran 66 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz digitalnega fotoaparata ali mobilnega telefona ...

Page 67: ...iskanje informacij Exif ki so shranjene v fotografiji nastaviti kot prednostno ko je izbrana možnost VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix ON Nastavitve LAN LAN settings Brezž omrež akt neakt WLAN active inactive Izbere vklop ali izklop brezžičnega omrežja LAN Nast brezžič omrežja Wireless LAN setup Konfigurira brezžično povezavo LAN glede na dostopno točko ali okolje povezave Če dostopna točka podpira ...

Page 68: ...ritisnete enkrat Nast tiska iz mob tel Mobile phone print setting Ta možnost določi papir ali popravljanje slik ko tiskate iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje Ta nastavitev se prikaže le tedaj ko je na napravo priključena enota Bluetooth Nastavitve Bluetooth Bluetooth settings Spremeni nastavitve Bluetooth npr ime naprave ali geslo Ta nastavitev se prikaže le tedaj ko je na napravo priključena e...

Page 69: ...estite Solution Menu z namestitvenega CD ja Setup CD ROM če še ni nameščen ali če ste ga odstranili Če želite namestiti program Solution Menu v pogovornem oknu Custom Install izberite Solution Menu Gumbi prikazani na zaslonu se lahko razlikujejo glede na državo ali regijo nakupa Če želite zagnati aplikacijo Solution Menu v meniju Start izberite Vsi programi All Programs ali Programi Programs Canon...

Page 70: ... papirja ne da bi bilo potrebno odrezati robove lahko pa si ogledate predogled strani in izberete tiste ki jih želite natisniti Easy WebPrint EX ni na voljo v operacijskih sistemih Windows 2000 in Macintosh Pomembno Kopiranje ali urejanje dela ki je zaščiteno z avtorskimi pravicami je brez dovoljenja lastnika avtorskih pravic protizakonito Dovoljeno je le za osebno uporabo uporabo znotraj doma ali...

Page 71: ...elite namestiti program Easy WebPrint EX kliknite prikazana navodila in jim sledite Easy WebPrint EX lahko namestite tudi z namestitvenega CD ja Setup CD ROM Za namestitev programa Easy WebPrint EX v možnosti Custom Install izberite Easy WebPrint EX Če želite v računalnik namestiti Easy WebPrint EX potrebujete Internet Explorer 7 ali novejšo različico pri čemer mora biti računalnik povezan z inter...

Page 72: ... postopki za nalaganje izvirnikov za kopiranje oziroma optično branje Nalaganje papirja Vir papirja za nalaganje papirja Nalaganje papirja v kaseto Nalaganje papirja na zadnji pladenj Vrste papirja ki jih je mogoče uporabljati Vrste papirja ki jih ni mogoče uporabljati Nalaganje izvirnikov Nalaganje izvirnikov Postopki za nalaganje izvirnikov za posamezno funkcijo Izvirniki ki jih lahko naložite N...

Page 73: bo tiskal z ustrezno kakovostjo Podrobnosti o nalaganju papirja v posamezen vir papirja najdete v poglavju Nalaganje papirja v kaseto ali Nalaganje papirja na zadnji pladenj Nalaganje navadnega papirja v kaseto Ko uporabljate navadni papir velikosti A4 B5 A5 ali Letter ga naložite v kaseto Naprava med tiskanjem samodejno podaja papir iz kasete če za tiskanje v nastavitvah tiskanja na nadzorni p...

Page 74: ...Na vrh strani Stran 74 od 958 strani Nalaganje papirja ...

Page 75: ...rmacije o velikosti in teži papirja ki ga lahko uporabljate s to napravo najdete v poglavju Vrste papirja ki jih lahko uporabljate 1 Pripravite papir Poravnajte robove papirja Če je papir zvit ga naravnajte Opomba Skrbno poravnajte robove papirja preden ga naložite Če tega ne storite se papir lahko zagozdi Če je papir zvit nežno upognite zvite robove v nasprotno smer da ga zravnate Podrobnosti o t...

Page 76: ...a papir vstavite v napravo Potisnite jo do konca v napravo 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja Opomba Ko naložite papir Ko napravo uporabljate za kopiranje ali tiskanje brez uporabe računalnika velikost in vrsto naloženega papirja izberite v možnosti Velik strani Page size in Vrsta medija Media type pri nastavitvah papirja v vsakem meniju na začetnem ...

Page 77: ... vrsto naloženega papirja v gonilniku tiskalnika in sicer v možnostih Printer Paper Size ali Paper Size in Media Type Glejte Tiskanje dokumentov Windows ali Tiskanje dokumentov Macintosh Na vrh strani Stran 77 od 958 strani Nalaganje papirja v kaseto ...

Page 78: ...ost kreditne kartice se papir lahko zagozdi 1 Pripravite papir Glejte Pripravite papir v poglavju Nalaganje papirja v kaseto Poravnajte robove papirja Če je papir zvit ga naravnajte 2 Naložite papir 1 Odprite oporo za papir in jo dvignite nato pa jo nagnite nazaj 2 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja 3 Potisnite vodili papirja A da ju odprete in naložit...

Page 79: podajal pravilno Opomba Papirja ne nalagajte nad oznako za mejo nalaganja D Opomba Ko naložite papir Ko napravo uporabljate za kopiranje ali tiskanje brez računalnika velikost in vrsto naloženega papirja izberite na zaslonu z nastavitvami v posameznem načinu in sicer v možnostih Velik Stran 79 od 958 strani Nalaganje papirja na zadnji pladenj ...

Page 80: ... samolepilnimi zavihki Ovojnice katerih lepilni zavihki so že navlaženi in lepljivi 1 Pripravite ovojnice Pritisnite na vse štiri vogale in robove ovojnic da jih poravnate Če so ovojnice zvite pridržite nasprotna vogala in ju previdno zasukajte v nasprotno smer Če je vogal zavihka ovojnice prepognjen ga poravnajte Sprednji rob lahko poravnate v smeri vstavljanja tudi s pisalom Na zgornjih slikah j...

Page 81: ...i Comm Env 10 v oknu Envelope Size Setting 3 Na kartici Orientation izberite Landscape 1 Izberite Envelope v možnosti Media Type 2 Na kartici Paper Size izberite DL Envelope ali 10 Envelope 3 Izberite ležečo postavitev v možnosti Orientation Pomembno Če velikosti in usmeritve za ovojnice ne določite ustrezno bo naslov natisnjen obrnjen na glavo ali zasukan za 90 stopinj Opomba Če se opravilo natis...

Page 82: ... Windows ali Tiskanje dokumentov Macintosh Na vrh strani Stran 82 od 958 strani Nalaganje papirja na zadnji pladenj ...

Page 83: ...r 8 5 x 11 palcev Pribl 150 listov Pribl 50 listov Navaden papir Plain paper Plain Paper Ovojnice 4 10 ovojnic Ni mogoče naložiti 5 6 Envelope Izvirni papir družbe Canon Naziv papirja Št modela 1 Meja za nalaganje papirja Meja za nalaganje na izhodni pladenj za papir Nastavitve za vrsto papirja Zadnji pladenj Kaseta Nadzorna plošča Gonilnik tiskalnika Za tiskanje fotografij Fotografski papir Pro P...

Page 84: ...ali Zadnji pladenj Rear tray za Nast za pod nav pap Plain paper feed settings Podrobnosti o nastavitvah najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila 4 Na voljo le pri tiskanju iz računalnika 5 Če se ta papir podaja iz kasete se naprava lahko poškoduje Vedno ga naložite na zadnji pladenj 6 Priporočamo da pred neprekinjenim tiskanjem odstranite že natisnjen list iz izhodnega pladnja za pa...

Page 85: Hagaki 2 7 87 x 5 83 palcev 200 x 148 mm Comm Env 10 4 12 x 9 50 palca 104 6 x 241 3 mm DL Env 4 33 x 8 66 palca 110 x 220 mm Choukei 3 4 72 x 9 25 palcev 120 x 235 mm Choukei 4 3 54 x 8 07 palca 90 x 205 mm Youkei 4 4 13 x 9 25 palca 105 x 235 mm Youkei 6 3 86 x 7 48 palca 98 x 190 mm Kartica 2 16 x 3 58 palca 55 x 91 mm Wide 4 x 7 10 palca 101 6 x 180 6 mm Nestandardne velikosti Velikost po m...

Page 86: ...5 B5 in Legal ter ovojnic Za tiskanje brez obrob na celotno stran lahko uporabite navaden papir samo kadar tiskate iz računalnika Vendar pa se to lahko pozna pri posledično manj kakovostnem tisku Priporočamo da najprej poskusno natisnete kopijo na navaden papir Na vrh strani Stran 86 od 958 strani Vrste papirja ki jih je mogoče uporabljati ...

Page 87: ... razen za izvirni papir Canon Papir ki je tanjši od razglednice vključno z navadnim papirjem ali papirjem iz bloka narezanim na manjše velikosti ko tiskate na papir velikosti A5 ali manjši papir Slikovne razglednice Razglednice na katerih so nalepljene fotografije ali nalepke Ovojnice z dvojnimi zavihki ali samolepilnimi zavihki Ovojnice s hrapavo ali obdelano površino Ovojnice katerih lepilni zav...

Page 88: ...preverite ali ste zaprli pokrov Nalaganje izvirnikov Izvirnike ki jih želite kopirati ali optično prebrati lahko naložite na stekleno ploščo 1 Naložite izvirnik na stekleno ploščo 1 Odprite pokrov za dokumente Pomembno Na pokrov dokumenta ne postavljajte nobenih predmetov Ko je pokrov dokumenta odprt lahko ta predmet pade v zadnji pladenj in povzroči nepravilno delovanje naprave 2 Izvirni dokument...

Page 89: ...2 Previdno zaprite pokrov za dokument Na vrh strani Stran 89 od 958 strani Nalaganje izvirnikov ...

Page 90: ...ega dokumenta z računalniškim programom Izvirnik položite S STRANJO KI JO BOSTE OPTIČNO PREBRALI OBRNJENO NAVZDOL in ga poravnajte z oznako Pomembno Naprava ne more optično brati v osenčenem območju A 1 mm 0 04 palca od robov steklene plošče Naložite natisnjene fotografije v možnost Enost tisk foto Easy photo reprint V meniju Optično branje Scan izberite Računalnik PC in preberite natisnjeno fotog...

Page 91: ...4 palca od robov steklene plošče in vsaj 10 mm 0 4 palca narazen A 10 mm 0 4 palca Opomba Funkcija Skew Correction samodejno popravi izvirnike ki so postavljeni pod kotom ki meri do približno 10 stopinj Nagnjenih fotografij katerih dolga stranica meri 180 mm 7 1 palca ali več ni možno popraviti Na vrh strani Stran 91 od 958 strani Postopki za nalaganje izvirnikov za posamezno funkcijo ...

Page 92: ...revija ali časopis Natisnjena fotografija razglednica vizitka ali DVD CD Velikost Š x D največ 8 5 x 11 7 palca 216 x 297 mm Opomba Če želite na stekleno ploščo naložiti debel izvirnik npr knjigo lahko to storite tako da z naprave odstranite pokrov za dokumente Podrobnosti o tem kako odstranite ali pritrdite pokrov za dokumente najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Na vrh strani ...

Page 93: ... ko se papir ne podaja pravilno Zamenjava črnilnega vložka Postopek zamenjave Preverjanje stanja črnila Ko tiskanje obledi ali barve niso pravilne Tiskanje vzorca preverjanja šobe Pregledovanje vzorca preverjanja šobe Čiščenje tiskalne glave Globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave Poravnava tiskalne glave Čiščenje valja podajalnika papirja Čiščenje blazinice v kaseti Na vrh strani Stran 93 od 958 strani...

Page 94: ...lnih vložkov znamke Canon Dotakanja črnila ne svetujemo Ko črnilni vložek odstranite ga takoj zamenjajte Naprave ne smete pustiti brez črnilnih vložkov Za zamenjavo uporabljajte nove črnilne vložke Če vstavite rabljene črnilne vložke se šobe lahko zamašijo Pri uporabi takšnih vložkov vas naprava tudi ne bo mogla ustrezno obvestiti kdaj morate zamenjati vložek Ko vstavite črnilni vložek ga ne odstr...

Page 95: za optično branje pokrov Opomba Ko se nosilec tiskalne glave pomika v položaj za zamenjavo lahko naprava oddaja takšen zvok kot med delovanjem 3 Odstranite črnilni vložek pri katerem lučka hitro utripa Pritisnite jeziček A in dvignite vložek ki ga želite odstraniti Ne dotikajte se vzvoda za zaklepanje tiskalne glave B Pomembno S črnilnim vložkom ravnajte previdno da si ne umažete obleke ali oko...

Page 96: ... umažete prstov Ko odstranite zaščitni pokrovček ga zavrzite Pomembno Ne dotikajte se električnih stikov E na črnilnem vložku To lahko povzroči nepravilno delovanje naprave ali onemogoči tiskanje Pomembno Črnilnega vložka ne stresajte saj lahko črnilo izteče in vam umaže roke ali bližnjo površino S črnilnim vložkom ravnajte previdno Ne stiskajte črnilnih vložkov ob strani saj lahko pride do puščan...

Page 97: ...h vložkov z napravo ne boste mogli tiskati Namestite vse črnilne vložke 6 Nekoliko odprite enoto za optično branje pokrov in jo nato previdno zaprite Opomba Če se ko zaprete enoto za optično branje pokrov na zaslonu LCD prikaže sporočilo o napaki glejte poglavje Odpravljanje težav v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Ko začnete tiskati po zamenjavi črnilnega vložka se samodejno začne či...

Page 98: ...Na vrh strani Stran 98 od 958 strani Zamenjava črnilnega vložka ...

Page 99: ... na zaslonu LCD lahko preverite tudi med tiskanjem Prek lučk za črnilo 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena in nežno odprite izhodni pladenj 2 Dvignite enoto za optično branje pokrov do konca Glejte Dvignite enoto za optično branje pokrova do konca v razdelku Postopek zamenjave 3 Preverite lučke za črnilo Ko preverite stanje lučke za črnilo zaprite enoto optičnega bralnika pokrov Lučka za črnilo ...

Page 100: ...žku dokler se ne zaskoči na mestu V nasprotnem primeru se prepričajte ali ste z dna črnilnega vložka odstranili oranžni zaščitni pokrovček Če je funkcija za zaznavanje ravni preostalega črnila onemogočena zamenjajte črnilni vložek Glejte Postopek zamenjave Če lučke po vnovični namestitvi črnilnih vložkov še vedno ne svetijo je prišlo do napake in naprava ne more tiskati Oglejte si sporočilo o napa...

Page 101: ...rnila in ustrezno ukrepajte Če izboljšate kakovost tiskanja v nastavitvah za gonilnik tiskalnika bodo rezultati tiskanja morda boljši Podrobnosti najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Ko je izpis zabrisan ali neenakomeren 1 korak Glejte Tiskanje vzorca preverjanja šobe Glejte Pregledovanje vzorca preverjanja šobe Ko očistite tiskalno glavo natisnite in preglejte vzorec preverjanj...

Page 102: ...a Postopek vzdrževanja lahko izvedete tudi iz računalnika Podrobnosti najdete v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Na vrh strani Stran 102 od 958 strani Ko tiskanje obledi ali barve niso pravilne ...

Page 103: ...i več listov navadnega papirja velikosti A4 ali Letter 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja 4 Natisnite vzorec preverjanja šobe 1 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve Settings 2 Izberite Vzdrževanje Maintenance in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Vzdrževanje Maintenance 3 Izberite Vzore...

Page 104: ...isotnost vodoravnih belih prog 2 Na zaslonu za potrditev izberite tisti vzorec ki je bolj podoben natisnjenemu vzorcu preverjanja šobe Za A ni manjkajočih črt ali vodoravnih belih prog v vzorcih 1 in 2 1 Izberite Vsi A All A in pritisnite gumb OK Čiščenje ni potrebno 2 Potrdite sporočilo in pritisnite gumb OK Ponovno se prikaže zaslon Vzdrževanje Maintenance Opomba Pritisnite gumb Domov da zaprete...

Page 105: ... Očistite tiskalno glavo Prikaže se zaslon za potrditev čiščenja 2 Izberite Da Yes in pritisnite gumb OK Naprava začne postopek čiščenja glave Glejte Čiščenje tiskalne glave Na vrh strani Stran 105 od 958 strani Pregledovanje vzorca preverjanja šobe ...

Page 106: ...avo 1 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve Settings 2 Izberite Vzdrževanje Maintenance in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Vzdrževanje Maintenance 3 Izberite Čiščenje Cleaning in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon za potrditev 4 Izberite Da Yes in pritisnite gumb OK Naprava začne postopek čiščenja glave Ne izvajajte drugih postop...

Page 107: ...čiščenjem tiskalne glave Glejte Globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave Na vrh strani Stran 107 od 958 strani Čiščenje tiskalne glave ...

Page 108: ...itve Settings in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve Settings 2 Izberite Vzdrževanje Maintenance in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Vzdrževanje Maintenance 3 Izberite Globinsko čiščenje Deep cleaning in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon za potrditev 4 Izberite Da Yes in pritisnite gumb OK Naprava začne postopek globinskega čiščenja glave Ne izvajajte drugih postopkov dokler glo...

Page 109: ...praviti je tiskalna glava morda poškodovana Obrnite se na servisni center Opomba Pritisnite gumb Domov da zaprete meni Nastavitve Settings in prikažete začetni zaslon Na vrh strani Stran 109 od 958 strani Globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave ...

Page 110: ... velikosti A4 ali Letter Uporabite papir ki je bel in čist na obeh straneh 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena 2 Preverite ali ste v kaseto naložili enega ali več listov navadnega papirja velikosti A4 ali Letter 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja 4 Natisnite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave 1 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in prit...

Page 111: ...Yes in pritisnite gumb OK 5 Optično preberite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave da prilagodite položaj tiskalne glave 1 Položite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave na stekleno ploščo Položite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave Z NATISNJENO STRANJO OBRNJENO NAVZDOL in poravnajte oznako v zgornjem levem kotu lista z znakom za poravnavo 2 Previdno zaprite pokrov za dokumente in pritisnite gumb OK Naprava ...

Page 112: ...navzdol položen na pravo mesto Glejte Odpravljanje težav v elektronskem priročniku Izpopolnjena navodila Opomba Pritisnite gumb Domov da zaprete meni Nastavitve Settings in prikažete začetni zaslon Če rezultati tiskanja še vedno niso zadovoljivi potem ko ste položaj tiskalne glave nastavili po zgoraj opisanih navodilih poskusite položaj tiskalne glave ročno prilagoditi iz računalnika Podrobnosti n...

Page 113: ...OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve Settings 2 Izberite Vzdrževanje Maintenance in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Vzdrževanje Maintenance 3 Izberite Čiščenje valja Roller cleaning in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon za potrditev 4 Izberite Da Yes in pritisnite gumb OK 5 Izberite vir papirja ki ga želite očistiti Zadnji pladenj Rear tray ali Kaseta Cassette in pritisnite gumb OK 4 Očistite va...

Page 114: ... izvrže papir Opomba Pritisnite gumb Domov da zaprete meni Nastavitve Settings in prikažete začetni zaslon Če težava niti po čiščenju valja podajalnika papirja ni odpravljena se obrnite na servisni center Na vrh strani Stran 114 od 958 strani Čiščenje valja podajalnika papirja ...

Page 115: ...ali več listov papirja Če želite očistiti blazinico v kaseti sledite spodnjemu postopku Pripraviti morate bombažno palčko 1 Izvlecite kaseto iz naprave in odstranite ves papir 2 Z vlažno vatirano palčko očistite obe strani blazinice A Pomembno Blazinico morate po čiščenju popolnoma posušiti Če težave niste odpravili se obrnite na servisni center Na vrh strani Stran 115 od 958 strani Čiščenje blazi...

Page 116: ...Izpopolnjena navodila Odpravljanje težav Kazalo Dodatek Dodatek Pravne omejitve pri uporabi naprave in slik Nasveti za uporabo naprave Na vrh strani Stran 116 od 958 strani Dodatek ...

Page 117: ... Potrdila o vlogah Poštne znamke preklicane ali ne Identifikacijske značke ali grbi Dokumenti v zvezi s služenjem vojaškega roka ali rezervisti Čeki ali menice ki jih izdajajo vladne agencije Prometna dovoljenja in potrdila o lastništvu Potovalni čeki Boni za hrano Potni listi Dokumenti v zvezi s priseljevanjem Davčni kolki preklicani ali ne Obveznice ali druga potrdila o zadolženosti Delnice Dela...

Page 118: ...z barvilom se uporablja predvsem za tiskanje fotografij ilustracij itd pigmentno barvilo pa za tiskanje besedilnih dokumentov Vsako črnilo je namenjeno drugi uporabi zato tudi v primeru da določenega črnila zmanjka tiskalnik ne bo uporabil drugega za isto opravilo Če določenega črnila zmanjka ga morate zamenjati Tiskalnik izmed obeh samodejno uporabi ustrezno črnilo odvisno od vrste papirja ali na...

Page 119: ...ka Če ne izberete vrste papirja rezultati tiskanja morda ne bodo zadovoljivi Glejte Nalaganje papirja Na voljo je več vrst papirja papir s posebnim površinskim premazom za visokokakovostno tiskanje fotografij in papir za tiskanje dokumentov Možnosti Vrsta medija Media type na nadzorni plošči ali Media Type v gonilniku tiskalnika omogočata različne nastavitve za posamezne vrste papirja npr uporaba ...

Page 120: ...prave v bližino drugih električnih naprav na primer fluorescentnih svetilk Napravo postavite vsaj 15 cm stran od drugih električnih aparatov npr fluorescentnih svetilk Če je naprava postavljena bliže takšnim napravam se lahko zgodi da ne bo delovala pravilno zaradi šuma fluorescentnih svetilk Opomba glede uporabe naprave v brezžičnem omrežju LAN Ker mikrovalovna pečica in brezžični sistem LAN upor...

Page 121: ...vnega peresa izsuši in postane neuporabna čeprav je pokrita se tudi tiskalna glava lahko posuši ali zamaši če je ne uporabljate dalj časa Priporočamo da napravo uporabljate najmanj enkrat mesečno Opomba Odvisno od vrste papirja se lahko črnilo razmaže kadar se območja tiskanja dotaknete z označevalcem ali barvno paličico ali razlije kadar območje tiskanja pride v stik z vodo ali znojem Barve so ne...

Page 122: papirja Tiskanje Ustvarjanje albuma Zagon programa Easy PhotoPrint EX Izbiranje papirja in postavitve Izbiranje fotografij Urejanje Tiskanje Tiskanje koledarjev Zagon programa Easy PhotoPrint EX Izbiranje papirja in postavitve Izbiranje fotografij Urejanje Tiskanje Tiskanje nalepk Zagon programa Easy PhotoPrint EX Izbiranje papirja in postavitve Izbiranje fotografij Urejanje Tiskanje Postavitev...

Page 123: ... Print Tiskanje podatkov o fotografiji Shranjevanje fotografij Odpiranje shranjenih datotek Druge nastavitve Sprememba postavitve Sprememba ozadja Dodajanje fotografij Zamenjava položajev fotografij Zamenjava fotografij Spreminjanje položaja kota in velikosti fotografij Obrezovanje fotografij Dodajanje okvirja Tiskanje datumov na fotografije Dodajanje komentarjev Dodajanje besedila Shranjevanje Na...

Page 124: ...anje svetlosti Prilagajanje gostote Prilagajanje kontrasta Simulacija slike Predstavitev slikovnih podatkov z eno barvo Predstavitev slikovnih podatkov z živimi barvami Glajenje nazobčanih obrisov Spreminjanje lastnosti barv za izboljšanje obarvanosti Zmanjšanje šuma fotografije Pregled gonilnika tiskalnika Operacije gonilnika tiskalnika Gonilnik tiskalnika Canon IJ Kako odpreti okno z nastavitvam...

Page 125: ...grafij ki so shranjene na pogonu USB Elementi nastavitev Tiskanje z uporabo indeksa fotografij Uporaba priročnih funkcij tiskanja Tiskanje fotografij shranjenih na pogonu USB v različnih postavitvah Nastavitve za tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pogonu USB Tiskanje več fotografij na en list papirja izpis postavitve Tiskanje nalepk Tiskanje vseh fotografij Tiskanje indeksa fotografij Tiskanje...

Page 126: nastavitve tiskanja iz mobilnega telefona Optično branje Optično branje Optično branje slik Optično branje slik Pred optičnim branjem Nameščanje dokumentov Shranjevanje optično prebranih podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico z nadzorno ploščo naprave Shranjevanje optično prebranih podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico z nadzorno ploščo naprave Elementi nastavitev Brisanje optično prebra...

Page 127: ...gacijskega načina Zavihek za optično branje uvažanje dokumentov ali slik Zavihek za ogledovanje in uporabo slik na računalniku Zavihek za optično branje po meri z enim klikom Zaslon za fotografije dokumente plošča okno optično beri uvozi Pogovorno okno za nastavitev optičnega branja fotografije dokumenti Pogovorno okno za shranjevanje Pogovorno okno Shrani kot datoteko PDF Pogovorno okno z nastavi...

Page 128: ...ičnega bralnika Zagon ScanGear gonilnik optičnega bralnika Optično branje v osnovnem načinu Optično branje v izpopolnjenem načinu Optično branje v samodejnem načinu Optično branje več dokumentov hkrati s programom ScanGear gonilnik optičnega bralnika Popravljanje slik in prilagajanje barv s ScanGear gonilnik optičnega bralnika Popravljanje slik zmanjšanje ostrine zmanjšanje prahu in prask popravek...

Page 129: ... za predogled Uporaba priročnih funkcij kopiranja Posebno kopiranje Special copy Nastavitve za posebno kopiranje Kopiranje na obe strani papirja dvostransko kopiranje Kopiranje dveh strani na eno stran Kopija 2 na 1 Kopiranje štirih strani na eno stran Kopija 4 na 1 Kopiranje brez obrob Kopija brez obrob Ponovitev slike na strani Ponovitev slike Kopiranje debelih izvirnikov kot so knjige Brisanje ...

Page 130: ...zden papir Papir se je zagozdil v reži izhodnega papirja ali v zadnjem pladnju Papir je zagozden v napravi v transportni enoti Zagozden papir ni odstranjen ko je v uporabi funkcija samodejnega obojestranskega tiskanja V drugih primerih Na zaslonu računalnika se prikaže sporočilo Prikazano je naslednje sporočilo Napaka št B200 Napaka v tiskalniku Izklopite tiskalnik in izključite kabel za napajanje...

Page 131: ...iz indeksa fotografij ne poteka pravilno Prikaže se Neuspešno optično branje indeksa fotografij Prikaže se Izbrane fotografije ni mogoče natisniti Cannot print the selected photo natisnjena je drugačna fotografija ali prazna stran papir se podaja preden je tiskanje končano Pomnilniške kartice ni mogoče odstraniti Težave pri optičnem branju Optični bralnik ne deluje Program ScanGear gonilnik optičn...

Page 132: mogoče pravilno zaznati položaja ali velikosti slike Dokument je nameščen pravilno toda optično prebrana slika je poševna Dokument je nameščen pravilno toda pri optično prebrani sliki se spremeni usmerjenost Če težave ne morete odpraviti Pogosta vprašanja Navodila za uporabo gonilnik tiskalnika Splošne opombe gonilnik optičnega bralnika Uporaba programa Easy PhotoPrint EX Uporaba programa MP Na...

Page 133: ...očnika Uporaba podokna Vsebina Uporaba okna Razlaga Tiskanje tega priročnika Uporaba ključnih besed pri iskanju dokumenta Registriranje dokumentov v Moj priročnik Simboli v tem dokumentu Blagovne znamke Na vrh strani Stran 133 od 958 strani Uporaba tega priročnika ...

Page 134: ...kazan v podoknu za vsebino na levi strani elektronskega priročnika so dokumenti povezani s tem naslovom prikazani v oknu za razlago na desni strani Ko kliknete na levi strani se prikažejo podrejeni naslovi dokumenta Opomba Kliknite da zaprete ali prikažete podokno Vsebina Na vrh strani Stran 134 od 958 strani Uporaba podokna Vsebina ...

Page 135: ...raba tega priročnika Uporaba okna Razlaga Uporaba okna Razlaga 1 Kliknite zelene znake da se premaknete na ustrezni dokument 2 Kazalec se premakne na vrh tega dokumenta Na vrh strani Stran 135 od 958 strani Uporaba okna Razlaga ...

Page 136: ...orno okno Nastavitve možnosti Option Settings Nato lahko nastavite tiskalno opravilo Natisni naslov dokumenta in številko strani Print document title and page number Ko je to potrditveno polje označeno se ime priročnika in številka strani natisneta v glavi na vrhu dokumenta Natisni barvo ozadja in slike Print background color and images Ko je to potrditveno polje označeno se natisneta barva ozadja...

Page 137: ...e število strani za tiskanje 4 Izvedba tiskanja Potrdite število strani ki bodo natisnjene in nato kliknite Da Yes Dokumenti ki so trenutno prikazani se natisnejo Natisni izbrane dokumente Želene dokumente lahko izberete in natisnete 1 V meniju Izberi cilj Select Target izberite Izbrani dokumenti Selected Documents Na seznamu Dokumenti ki bodo natisnjeni Documents to Be Printed se prikažejo naslov...

Page 138: ... polja vseh naslovov dokumentov Kliknite Predogled tiskanja Print Preview če želite preveriti rezultat tiskanja preden dejansko natisnete dokument 3 Kliknite kartico Nast tiskanja Print Setup Na kartici Priprava strani Page Setup izberite tiskalnik in po potrebi določite enostavne nastavitve tiskanja 4 Kliknite Začni tiskanje Start Printing Prikaže se sporočilo ki potrjuje število strani za tiskan...

Page 139: ...isnejo Pomembno Če želite natisniti vse dokumente boste potrebovali veliko papirja Pred tiskanjem v pogovornem oknu Natisni potrditev števila strani Print Page Count Confirmation preverite število strani ki bodo natisnjene V pogovornem oknu Predogled tiskanja Print Preview lahko spremenite povečavo tiskanja tako da bo ustrezala širini papirja ali pa nastavite razmerje povečave Če pa podatki za tis...

Page 140: ... Opomba Vnesete lahko do 10 ključnih besed za iskanje oziroma do 255 znakov Vseeno je ali vnesete velike ali male črke Program lahko išče tudi ključne besede ki vsebujejo presledke Če želite hitro poiskati dokument za branje vnesite ključne besede kot je opisano spodaj Če želite izvedeti kako upravljati s funkcijo ki jo uporabljate Vnesite ime menija ki je prikazan na nadzorni plošči te naprave al...

Page 141: Any Keyword Dokumenti ki vsebujejo vsaj eno od vnesenih ključnih besed 4 Prikažite temo ki bi jo radi prebrali Na seznamu rezultatov iskanja dvokliknite ali pa izberite in pritisnite Enter naslov dokumenta ki ga želite prebrati Ko se prikažejo dokumenti ki spadajo pod izbrani naslov so najdene ključne besede na njih označene Opomba Če spremenite vnos ključne besede in opravite več iskanj se zgo...

Page 142: ...f My Manual Opomba Dokumente lahko dodate v Moj priročnik tudi na naslednje načine Če dodate dokument v moj priročnik se med ikonami dokumenta v podoknu za vsebino prikaže oznaka Na seznamu Nedavno prikazani dokumenti Recently Displayed Documents dvokliknite dokument ki ga želite dodati v Moj priročnik ali izberite dokument in pritisnite Enter da prikažete naslov nato pa kliknite Dodaj Add Z desno...

Page 143: ...priročnika List of My Manual se dokument prikaže v oknu za razlago Opomba Če želite izbrisati dokument s seznama Seznam Mojega priročnika List of My Manual na seznamu izberite naslov dokumenta in nato kliknite Izbriši Delete ali pritisnite Izbriši Delete Na vrh strani Stran 143 od 958 strani Registriranje dokumentov v Moj priročnik ...

Page 144: ...or Neupoštevanje navodil lahko zaradi nepravilnega delovanja opreme povzroči telesne poškodbe ali materialno škodo Upoštevajte navodila da zagotovite varno uporabo Pomembno Navodila s pomembnimi informacijami Ne spreglejte teh navodil Opomba Navodila kot opombe v zvezi z uporabo ali dodatna pojasnila Velja za postopke v operacijskem sistemu Windows Velja za postopke v operacijskem sistemu Macintos...

Page 145: ...govna znamka podjetja Apple Inc registrirani v ZDA in drugih državah Adobe Adobe Photoshop Adobe RGB in Adobe RGB 1998 so blagovne znamke ali zaščitene blagovne znamke podjetja Adobe Systems Incorporated v Združenih državah Amerike in ali drugih državah Bluetooth je blagovna znamka podjetja Bluetooth SIG Inc ZDA in po licenčni pogodbi jo uporablja Canon Inc Wi Fi je zaščitena blagovna znamka organ...

Page 146: ...popolnjena navodila Tiskanje iz računalnika Tiskanje iz računalnika Tiskanje s priloženo programsko opremo Tiskanje z drugo programsko opremo Na vrh strani Stran 146 od 958 strani Tiskanje iz računalnika ...

Page 147: ...ramsko opremo Kaj je Easy PhotoPrint EX Tiskanje fotografij Ustvarjanje albuma Tiskanje koledarjev Tiskanje nalepk Postavitev izpisa Popravki in obdelava fotografij Vprašanja in odgovori Nastavitve tiskanja fotografij Druge nastavitve Na vrh strani Stran 147 od 958 strani Tiskanje s priloženo programsko opremo ...

Page 148: ...y PhotoPrint EX is installed on a computer that already has Easy LayoutPrint installed Easy LayoutPrint will be replaced by Easy PhotoPrint EX Note Printing on paper larger than A4 is available with supported printers only See your printer manual for details See Help of Easy PhotoPrint EX for descriptions of Easy PhotoPrint EX screens Click Help in a screen or dialog box or select Easy PhotoPrint ...

Page 149: ...h the following applications MP Navigator EX Ver 1 00 or later ZoomBrowser EX Ver 5 8 or later Supported Image File Formats Extensions BMP bmp JPEG jpg jpeg TIFF tif tiff PICT pict pct Easy PhotoPrint image files epp Important When selecting an image if there is a TIFF file in the selected folder the image may not be displayed correctly or Easy PhotoPrint EX may shut down depending on the TIFF for...

Page 150: EX 2 Selecting a Photo 3 Selecting the Paper 4 Printing Try This Correcting and Enhancing Photos Printing Vivid Photos Reducing Photo Noise Cropping Photos Photo Print Printing Dates on Photos Photo Print Printing Multiple Photos on One Page Printing an Index Printing ID Photos ID Photo Print Printing Photo Information Saving Photos Opening Saved Files Questions and Answers How Can I Move or C...

Page 151: ...Page top Stran 151 od 958 strani Printing Photos ...

Page 152: ...Software Printing Photos Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX 1 From the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears Page top Stran 152 od 958 strani Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX ...

Page 153: ...ct the folder that contains the image you want to print from the folder tree area The images in the folder will be displayed as thumbnails miniatures Important If Easy PhotoPrint EX is started from another application MP Navigator EX ZoomBrowser EX or Digital Photo Professional the folder tree area will not be displayed The images opened in the application will be displayed as thumbnails 3 Click t...

Page 154: ... the number of copies shown in the box click Down arrow You can change the order of photos using the list located at the top right corner of the screen You can select the printing order from Sort by Date and Sort by Name Note You can correct or enhance the selected image before printing Correcting and Enhancing Photos See Help for details on the Select Images screen Page top Stran 154 od 958 stran...

Page 155: ...d paper to be used Printer Paper Source Paper Size Media Type Note The paper sizes and media types may vary depending on the printer See Help for details The paper sources may vary depending on the printer and the media type Note You can print photos with more vivid colors or you can reduce the photo noise Printing Vivid Photos Reducing Photo Noise See Help for details on the Select Paper screen P...

Page 156: ... use Click a borderless layout to print borderless photos Note The layouts that can be selected may vary depending on the printer paper size and media type 3 Click Print Important When you print on large size paper such as A3 A3 some computers cannot print properly if you print more than one page or copy at a time It is recommended that you print page by page when you print on such paper While pri...

Page 157: ... bottom may become wider than the other How Do I Print with Even Margins Note You can crop images or print dates on photos Cropping Photos Photo Print Printing Dates on Photos Photo Print You can correct or enhance the selected image before printing Correcting and Enhancing Photos You can specify advanced Photo Print settings number of copies print quality etc in the Preferences dialog box To disp...

Page 158: the Paper and Layout 3 Selecting a Photo 4 Editing 5 Printing Try This Correcting and Enhancing Photos Changing Layout Changing Background Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Framing Photos Printing Dates on Photos Attaching Comments to Photos Adding Text to Photos Saving Opening Saved Files Questions and Answer...

Page 159: ...How Can I Move or Copy the Saved File What Is C1 or C4 Page top Stran 159 od 958 strani Creating an Album ...

Page 160: ...oftware Creating an Album Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX 1 From the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears Page top Stran 160 od 958 strani Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX ...

Page 161: ...tions dialog box select Front or Front Back for Cover and click Options Select the Double page album checkbox to enable the spread page layout consisting of two page master In a double page album you can arrange an image across the left and right pages You can customize the page numbers position font size etc in the Page Number Settings dialog box To display the Page Number Settings dialog box sel...

Page 162: ...over inside pages or back cover You can customize the date position size color etc in the Date Settings dialog box To display the Date Settings dialog box select the Print date checkbox in the Change Layout dialog box and click Date Settings 5 If you want to change the background click Background The Change Background dialog box appears In the Change Background dialog box you can paint the backgro...

Page 163: tree area will not be displayed The images opened in the application will be displayed as thumbnails 3 Select the image s you want to print and click one of the buttons below To print on the front cover click Import to Front Cover To print on the inside pages click Import to Inside Pages To print on the back cover click Import to Back Cover The selected image s are displayed in the selected ima...

Page 164: ...To delete all images from the selected image area click Delete All Imported Images Note See Help for details on the Select Images screen Page top Stran 164 od 958 strani Selecting a Photo ...

Page 165: ...tion Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Framing Photos Printing Dates on Photos Attaching Comments to Photos Adding Text to Photos Important The edit information will be discarded if you exit Easy PhotoPrint EX without saving the edited album It is recommended that you save the item if you want to edit it again The page numbers on the front and back covers of the album are displayed as follo...

Page 166: ...C4 Back cover Saving Note See Help for details on the Edit screen Page top Stran 166 od 958 strani Editing ...

Page 167: ...s if you select the Duplex Printing checkbox after selecting a printer that supports automatic duplex printing and media type that supports duplex printing Select this checkbox to print on both sides of the paper automatically The paper sources may vary depending on the printer and the media type You can set a custom print quality level in the Print Quality Settings dialog box To display the Print...

Page 168: ...3 Click Print Note See Help for details on the Print Settings screen Page top Stran 168 od 958 strani Printing ...

Page 169: ...X 2 Selecting the Paper and Layout 3 Selecting a Photo 4 Editing 5 Printing Try This Correcting and Enhancing Photos Changing Layout Changing Background Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Framing Photos Printing Dates on Photos Adding Text to Photos Setting Calendar Display Setting Holidays Saving Opening Saved Fil...

Page 170: ...Questions and Answers How Can I Move or Copy the Saved File Page top Stran 170 od 958 strani Printing Calendars ...

Page 171: ...ftware Printing Calendars Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX 1 From the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears Page top Stran 171 od 958 strani Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX ...

Page 172: ... can be selected You can add holidays to your calendar Setting Holidays 3 Select a layout for Design If necessary make advanced settings on the calendar and set the background Note You can customize the calendar display font colors of the dates and days of the week position and size of the calendar etc Setting Calendar Display You can paint the background in a single color or paste an image file t...

Page 173: ...See Help for details on the Page Setup screen Page top Stran 173 od 958 strani Selecting the Paper and Layout ...

Page 174: ...niatures 3 Select the image s you want to print and click Import to Inside Pages The selected image s are displayed in the selected image area You can also select the image s you want to print by dragging them into the selected image area Note To delete an image in the selected image area select the image you want to delete and click Delete Imported Image To delete all images from the selected ima...

Page 175: ...os Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Framing Photos Printing Dates on Photos Adding Text to Photos Setting Calendar Display Setting Holidays Important The edit information will be discarded if you exit Easy PhotoPrint EX without saving the edited calendar It is recommended that you save the item if you want to edit it again Sav...

Page 176: ...See Help for details on the Edit screen Page top Stran 176 od 958 strani Editing ...

Page 177: ... the paper Automatic appears if you select the Duplex Printing checkbox after selecting a printer that supports automatic duplex printing and media type that supports duplex printing Select this checkbox to print on both sides of the paper automatically The paper sources may vary depending on the printer and the media type You can set a custom print quality level in the Print Quality Settings dial...

Page 178: ...Note See Help for details on the Print Settings screen Page top Stran 178 od 958 strani Printing ...

Page 179: ...rint EX 2 Selecting the Paper and Layout 3 Selecting a Photo 4 Editing 5 Printing Try This Correcting and Enhancing Photos Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Framing Photos Adding Text to Photos Saving Opening Saved Files Questions and Answers How Can I Move or Copy the Saved File Page top Stran 179 od 958 strani P...

Page 180: ...oftware Printing Stickers Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX 1 From the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears Page top Stran 180 od 958 strani Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX ...

Page 181: ...n Print date Use the same image in all frames Note Paper sizes other than Photo Stickers cannot be selected Select the Use the same image in all frames checkbox to use the same image in all the frames on the page You can customize the date position size color etc in the Date Settings dialog box To display the Date Settings dialog box select the Print date checkbox and click Date Settings Note See ...

Page 182: ...niatures 3 Select the image s you want to print and click Import to Inside Pages The selected image s are displayed in the selected image area You can also select the image s you want to print by dragging them into the selected image area Note To delete an image in the selected image area select the image you want to delete and click Delete Imported Image To delete all images from the selected ima...

Page 183: ...sitions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Printing Dates on Photos Adding Text to Photos Important The edit information will be discarded if you exit Easy PhotoPrint EX without saving the edited stickers It is recommended that you save the item if you want to edit it again Saving Note See Help for details on the Edit screen Page top Stran 183 od ...

Page 184: ...the printer and the media type You can set a custom print quality level in the Print Quality Settings dialog box To display the Print Quality Settings dialog box select Custom for Print Quality and click Quality Settings You can adjust the printing position in the Adjust Print Position dialog box To display the Adjust Print Position dialog box click Print Position You can specify the print range a...

Page 185: ...Page top Stran 185 od 958 strani Printing ...

Page 186: ...X 2 Selecting the Paper and Layout 3 Selecting a Photo 4 Editing 5 Printing Try This Correcting and Enhancing Photos Changing Layout Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Printing Dates on Photos Adding Text to Photos Saving Opening Saved Files Questions and Answers How Can I Move or Copy the Saved File Page top Stran...

Page 187: ...Software Printing Layout Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX 1 From the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX Easy PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears Page top Stran 187 od 958 strani Starting Easy PhotoPrint EX ...

Page 188: ...s section Paper Size Orientation Print date Note See Help on the paper size that can be selected You can customize the date position size color etc in the Date Settings dialog box To display the Date Settings dialog box select the Print date checkbox and click Date Settings 3 Select a layout from Layouts Note The layouts may vary depending on the Orientation Note See Help for details on the Page S...

Page 189: ...iatures 3 Select the image s you want to print and click Import to Inside Pages The selected image s are displayed in the selected image area You can also select the image s you want to print by dragging them into the selected image area Note To delete an image in the selected image area select the image you want to delete and click Delete Imported Image To delete all images from the selected imag...

Page 190: Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Printing Dates on Photos Adding Text to Photos Important The edit information will be discarded if you exit Easy PhotoPrint EX without saving the edited layout It is recommended that you save the item if you want to edit it again Saving Note See Help for details on the Edit screen Page top Stran 19...

Page 191: ... select the Duplex Printing checkbox after selecting a printer that supports automatic duplex printing and media type that supports duplex printing Select this checkbox to print on both sides of the paper automatically The paper sources may vary depending on the printer and the media type You can set a custom print quality level in the Print Quality Settings dialog box To display the Print Quality...

Page 192: ...Note See Help for details on the Print Settings screen Page top Stran 192 od 958 strani Printing ...

Page 193: ...lly analyze the captured scene and apply suitable corrections Using the Auto Photo Fix Function Red Eye Correction Function You can correct red eyes caused by a camera flash Using the Red Eye Correction Function Face Brightener Function You can brighten dark faces caused by bright background Using the Face Brightener Function Face Sharpener Function You can sharpen out of focus faces in a photo Us...

Page 194: ...Adjusting Images Page top Stran 194 od 958 strani Correcting and Enhancing Photos ...

Page 195: ...he File menu Once image is corrected with Auto Photo Fix and saved it cannot be corrected again with Auto Photo Fix Also Auto Photo Fix may not be available for images edited using an application digital camera etc manufactured by other companies 1 Select photos in the Select Images screen then click Correct Enhance Images The Correct Enhance Images window appears Note You can also display the Cor...

Page 196: ...elect the Apply to all images checkbox Select the Prioritize Exif Info checkbox to apply corrections primarily based on the settings made at the time of shooting Deselect this checkbox to apply corrections based on the image analysis results It is recommended that you normally select this setting 5 Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save corrected images as new files No...

Page 197: ...d select the Enable Red Eye Correction checkbox 1 Select photos in the Select Images screen then click Correct Enhance Images The Correct Enhance Images window appears Note You can also display the Correct Enhance Images window by clicking Correct Enhance Images in the Layout Print or Edit screen In that case only the image displayed in Preview can be corrected enhanced See Correct Enhance Images ...

Page 198: ...eck the result Click Reset Selected Image to undo the correction operation If you want to apply the correction to all the selected images at once select the Apply to all images checkbox Manual Correction 3 Click Manual then click Correct Enhance 4 Click Red Eye Correction Note Effect levels can be changed using the slider below Red Eye Correction Move the cursor over the image The shape of the cur...

Page 199: ...rrected Images You can save corrected images as new files Note To save only the image you like click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images Only JPEG Exif file format is available for corrected images 7 Click Exit Important The corrections will be lost if you exit before saving corrected images Page top Stran 199 od 958 strani Using the Red Eye Correction Function ...

Page 200: ...ect Images screen then click Correct Enhance Images The Correct Enhance Images window appears Note You can also display the Correct Enhance Images window by clicking Correct Enhance Images in the Layout Print or Edit screen In that case only the image displayed in Preview can be corrected enhanced See Correct Enhance Images Window for details on the Correct Enhance Images window 2 Select the image...

Page 201: ...rk appears on the upper left of the image Note You can also drag to rotate the selected area Click Undo to undo the preceding correction operation 6 Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save corrected images as new files Note To save only the image you like click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images Only JPEG Exif file format is available...

Page 202: ...ears Note You can also display the Correct Enhance Images window by clicking Correct Enhance Images in the Layout Print or Edit screen In that case only the image displayed in Preview can be corrected enhanced See Correct Enhance Images Window for details on the Correct Enhance Images window 2 Select the image you want to correct from the list displayed in the lower part of the Correct Enhance Ima...

Page 203: ...k Reset Selected Image to undo the correction operation If you want to apply the correction to all the selected images at once select the Apply to all images checkbox Manual Correction 3 Click Manual then click Correct Enhance 4 Click Face Sharpener Note Effect levels can be changed using the slider below Face Sharpener Move the cursor over the image The shape of the cursor changes to Cross 5 Drag...

Page 204: ...on 6 Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save corrected images as new files Note To save only the image you like click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images Only JPEG Exif file format is available for corrected images 7 Click Exit Important The corrections will be lost if you exit before saving corrected images Page top Stran 204 od 958 s...

Page 205: ...e Images window appears Note You can also display the Correct Enhance Images window by clicking Correct Enhance Images in the Layout Print or Edit screen In that case only the image displayed in Preview can be corrected enhanced See Correct Enhance Images Window for details on the Correct Enhance Images window 2 Select the image you want to enhance from the list displayed in the lower part of the ...

Page 206: ... Reset Selected Image to undo the enhancement operation If you want to apply the enhancement to all the selected images at once select the Apply to all images checkbox Manual Enhancement 3 Click Manual then click Correct Enhance 4 Click Digital Face Smoothing Note Effect levels can be changed using the slider below Digital Face Smoothing Move the cursor over the image The shape of the cursor chang...

Page 207: ... 6 Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save enhanced images as new files Note To save only the image you like click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images Only JPEG Exif file format is available for enhanced images 7 Click Exit Important The enhancements will be lost if you exit before saving enhanced images Page top Stran 207 od 958 stran...

Page 208: ...window by clicking Correct Enhance Images in the Layout Print or Edit screen In that case only the image displayed in Preview can be corrected enhanced See Correct Enhance Images Window for details on the Correct Enhance Images window 2 Select the image you want to enhance from the list displayed in the lower part of the Correct Enhance Images window The image appears in Preview Note If only one i...

Page 209: ...te Click Undo to undo the preceding enhancement operation 6 Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save enhanced images as new files Note To save only the image you like click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images Only JPEG Exif file format is available for enhanced images 7 Click Exit Important The enhancements will be lost if you exit befo...

Page 210: ...ance Images in the Layout Print or Edit screen In that case only the image displayed in Preview can be corrected enhanced See Correct Enhance Images Window for details on the Correct Enhance Images window 2 Select the image you want to adjust from the list displayed in the lower part of the Correct Enhance Images window The image appears in Preview Note If only one image is selected the thumbnail ...

Page 211: adjusted images as new files Note To save only the image you like click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images Only JPEG Exif file format is available for adjusted images 6 Click Exit Important The adjustments will be lost if you exit before saving adjusted images Page top Stran 211 od 958 strani Adjusting Images ...

Page 212: ... or Edit screen or in the Layout Print screen of Photo Print 1 Toolbar Toolbar Zoom In Zoom Out Displays the enlarged or reduced preview of the page Full Screen Displays the entire image in Preview Compare Displays the Compare Images window You can compare the images before and after the correction enhancement side by side The image before the correction enhancement is displayed on the left and th...

Page 213: ...or Photo Print Photo Print allows you to automatically apply suitable corrections to all photos when printing Select this option in Color correction for printing on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog box To display the Preferences dialog box click Settings in the Layout Print screen or select Preferences from the File menu Prioritize Exif Info Select this checkbox to apply corrections prim...

Page 214: ...x Face Sharpener Sharpens out of focus faces You can adjust the effect level using the slider Digital Face Smoothing Enhances skin beautifully by removing blemishes and wrinkles You can adjust the effect level using the slider Apply to all images Automatically corrects all the images displayed in the list OK Applies the selected effect to the selected image or all images Reset Selected Image Cance...

Page 215: ...soften the image Show through Removal Removes show through of text from the reverse side or removes the base color Adjust the show through level to prevent text on the reverse side of thin document or the base color of the document from appearing on the image Move the slider to the right to increase the show through removal effect Defaults Resets each adjustment brightness contrast sharpness blur ...

Page 216: ...ecify the area you want to apply the effect to You can adjust the effect level using the slider Digital Face Smoothing Enhances skin beautifully by removing blemishes and wrinkles You can specify the area you want to apply the effect to You can adjust the effect level using the slider Blemish Remover Removes moles You can specify the area you want to apply the effect to OK Applies the selected eff...

Page 217: ...Exit Click to close the Correct Enhance Images window Page top Stran 217 od 958 strani Correct Enhance Images Window ...

Page 218: ...pplication Software Questions and Answers Questions and Answers How Can I Move or Copy the Saved File Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from How Do I Print with Even Margins What Is C1 or C4 Page top Stran 218 od 958 strani Questions and Answers ...

Page 219: ...l For example when you save a file named MyAlbum el1 a folder named MyAlbum el1 Data is automatically created in the same folder that contains the MyAlbum el1 file If you want to move or copy the MyAlbum el1 file to another folder move or copy the MyAlbum el1 Data folder as well The MyAlbum el1 Data folder contains the photos used in the album Note The icons may vary depending on the items Importa...

Page 220: ...he Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from As shown below printing starts from the left side of the image displayed in the Layout Print screen Outputs the paper in the direction as the arrow indicates See your printer manual for details on how to load paper to print on the front back etc Page top Stran 220 od 958 strani Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from ...

Page 221: ...ding on the image and printer To always print with even margins select the Always crop images when selecting a layout with margins checkbox on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog box To display the Preferences dialog box click Settings in the Layout Print screen or select Preferences from the File menu Crop the photo to apply even margins individually Cropping Photos Photo Print Note This s...

Page 222: ... What Is C1 or C4 What Is C1 or C4 When an album is printed labels such as C1 and C4 are printed as page numbers The C1 and C4 represent the front cover and back cover respectively C1 Front cover C2 Inside the front cover C3 Inside the back cover C4 Back cover Page top Stran 222 od 958 strani What Is C1 or C4 ...

Page 223: ... Settings Printing Vivid Photos Reducing Photo Noise Cropping Photos Photo Print Printing Dates on Photos Photo Print Printing Multiple Photos on One Page Printing an Index Printing ID Photos ID Photo Print Printing Photo Information Saving Photos Opening Saved Files Page top Stran 223 od 958 strani Photo Print Settings ...

Page 224: a photo before printing Important This function is available only with a printer that supports Vivid Photo This function is not available when Enable ICC Profile is selected on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog box Note Even if you select the Vivid Photo checkbox this effect applies only to the print result The original image or preview image will not be affected Page top Stran 224 od ...

Page 225: ...hoto Noise Reduction checkbox in the Select Paper screen to reduce noise in the image and make the printed photos more vivid Important This function is not available when Enable ICC Profile is selected on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog box Note When the noise is severe change Normal to Strong The noise reduction effect applies only to the print result The original image or preview imag...

Page 226: ...ut Print screen or double click the preview image Move the white frame to the portion to print and click OK Note To move the cropping area place the cursor within the white frame and drag it Drag the white lines to enlarge reduce the cropping area Select the The Rule of Thirds checkbox to display white broken lines To create a balanced composition drag any of the intersecting points white squares ...

Page 227: ...The cropping effect applies only to the print result The original image will not be cropped See Help for details on the Crop window Page top Stran 227 od 958 strani Cropping Photos Photo Print ...

Page 228: To print the date the photo was taken on the photo click Date Settings in the Layout Print screen then select the Print date checkbox in the Date Settings dialog box Note The date is displayed in the short date format mm dd yyyy etc specified in your operating system See Help for details on setting dates Page top Stran 228 od 958 strani Printing Dates on Photos Photo Print ...

Page 229: ...tails on how to select photos Selecting a Photo The available number of photos and layout may vary depending on the media type Photos are arranged in the following order Example Borderless x4 You can change the printing order in Printing Order on the Print tab of the Preferences dialog box You can select the printing order from By Date By Name and By Selection To display the Preferences dialog box...

Page 230: ...ex print will be disabled if you select any of the following paper sizes Credit Card You can print up to 80 images on one page Note See the following section for details on how to select photos Selecting a Photo Photos are arranged in the following order Example Index x20 You can change the printing order in Printing Order on the Print tab of the Preferences dialog box You can select the printing ...

Page 231: ...Page top Stran 231 od 958 strani Printing an Index ...

Page 232: ...elect Paper screen and select a layout of the ID photo from the layouts in the Layout Print screen Note See the following section for details on how to select photos Selecting a Photo Photos are arranged in the following order Example ID Photo 3 5x4 5cm You can change the printing order in Printing Order on the Print tab of the Preferences dialog box You can select the printing order from By Date ...

Page 233: ...Page top Stran 233 od 958 strani Printing ID Photos ID Photo Print ...

Page 234: ...Exif information side by side To print them select Letter 8 5 x11 or A4 for Paper Size in the Select Paper screen and select Captured Info from the layouts in the Layout Print screen Note See the following section for details on how to select photos Selecting a Photo This function is available only on paper sizes Letter 8 5 x11 and A4 Page top Stran 234 od 958 strani Printing Photo Information ...

Page 235: ...n the Layout Print screen When the Save As dialog box appears specify the save location and file name then click Save Important If you edit a saved file and save it again the file will be overwritten To save a file again with a new name or to a different location select Save As from the File menu and save Note Save will not be displayed in the Select Images or Select Paper screen Page top Stran 23...

Page 236: ...en using 64bit Edition of Windows Vista or Windows XP the contents of files cannot be displayed on Explorer 2 Select the file you want to open and click Open The Layout Print screen appears Note Easy PhotoPrint EX supports the following file format extension Easy PhotoPrint EX Photo Print file el6 3 Edit the file if necessary Note You can open files created with Easy PhotoPrint EX with the followi...

Page 237: ...You can also open a recently used file by clicking the file name shown in the File menu Page top Stran 237 od 958 strani Opening Saved Files ...

Page 238: Background Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Framing Photos Printing Dates on Photos Attaching Comments to Photos Adding Text to Photos Saving Setting Holidays Setting Calendar Display Opening Saved Files Page top Stran 238 od 958 strani Other Settings ...

Page 239: ...e subsequent pages to fill all the frames in the new layout If the number of layout frames is decreased Pages with the new layout will be added until all the images on the pages with the current layout can be fitted If you change the current layout for the front or back cover to one that has fewer layout frames any image that does not fit in the new layout will be deleted starting with the last im...

Page 240: ...e following will happen If the number of layout frames is increased Images will move from the subsequent pages to fill all the frames in the new layout If the number of layout frames is decreased Pages with the new layout will be added until all the images on the pages with the current layout can be fitted Note The layouts that can be selected may vary depending on the Paper Size and Orientation S...

Page 241: ...f in the Edit screen then click Change Background Note The screens for Album printing are used as examples in the following descriptions The screens may vary depending on what you create Select the type of background you want to use in the Change Background dialog box When Select from samples is Selected Select the image you want to use from Samples and click OK Note Select from samples will be di...

Page 242: ...ternet connection fees apply This function may not be available in some regions Exit Easy PhotoPrint EX before installing backgrounds When Single color is Selected Select the color you want to use from Standard color or Custom color and click OK When Image file is Selected Set Image File Path and Image Layout then click OK Stran 242 od 958 strani Changing Background ...

Page 243: ...Note See Help for details on how to set the background in the Change Background dialog box Page top Stran 243 od 958 strani Changing Background ...

Page 244: ...ou want to add from the thumbnail window on the right Note Click an image to select it background turns blue or deselect it background turns white You can also select multiple images Select an option for Add to and click OK Important You can add up to 20 images at one time to a single page Up to 99 of the same images can be added to all pages combined You cannot add two or more of the same image a...

Page 245: ...images Click Swap Image Positions in the Edit screen Note The screens for Album printing are used as examples in the following descriptions The screens may vary depending on what you create Select the target and source images you want to swap then click Swap When you finish swapping all images you want to swap click Back to Edit Page top Stran 245 od 958 strani Swapping Positions of Photos ...

Page 246: ... click the Imported Images tab and select the image you want to replace with from the thumbnail window and click OK Important You cannot select multiple images in the Replace Image dialog box Note If you select multiple images in the Edit screen and use the replacement function all the images selected in the Edit screen will be replaced with the image selected in the Replace Image dialog box When ...

Page 247: ...o change the position or size in the Edit screen and click Edit Image or double click the image Set the Center Position Rotation and Size then click OK Note You can also change the position and size of an image by dragging it in the Edit screen Select an image in the Edit screen then click Free Rotate and drag a corner of the image to rotate it See Help for details on the position and size of imag...

Page 248: ...ecessary portions of the image by selecting the necessary portions Select the image you want to crop in the Edit screen and click Edit Image or double click the image Click the Crop tab in the Edit Image dialog box Drag the white squares on the image to change the area to be cropped and click OK Note See Help for details on cropping Page top Stran 248 od 958 strani Cropping Photos ...

Page 249: ...ickers and Layout Print Select the image you want to frame in the Edit screen and click Edit Image or double click the image Click the Frame tab in the Edit Image dialog box Select the frame you want to use from Frames and click OK Important You cannot print dates on framed photos Note Select the Apply to all images in the page checkbox to add the same frame to all the images on a Stran 249 od 958...

Page 250: ...u can download additional materials for free Internet connection is required to access the website Internet connection fees apply This function may not be available in some regions Exit Easy PhotoPrint EX before installing frames Search frames will be displayed only if Album has been selected See Help for details on frames Page top Stran 250 od 958 strani Framing Photos ...

Page 251: ... screen and click Edit Image or double click the image Click the Date tab in the Edit Image dialog box Select the Show date checkbox Set the Text Orientation Position Font Size and Color then click OK Important You cannot print dates on framed images Note The date is displayed in the short date format mm dd yyyy etc specified in your operating system See Help for details on setting dates Stran 251...

Page 252: ...Page top Stran 252 od 958 strani Printing Dates on Photos ...

Page 253: ... in your album The photo name shooting date and comments are displayed from top to bottom in a comment box Important You cannot attach comments to Photo Print Calendar Stickers and Layout Print Select the image you want to attach comments to in the Edit screen and click Edit Image or double click the image Click the Comments tab in the Edit Image dialog box Stran 253 od 958 strani Attaching Commen...

Page 254: ... the checkboxes of the items you want to display and enter comments Set the size and color of font and position of the comments etc then click OK Note See Help for details on comments Page top Stran 254 od 958 strani Attaching Comments to Photos ...

Page 255: used as examples in the following descriptions The screens may vary depending on what you create Select the Text tab in the Edit Text Box dialog box and enter text Note In the Edit Text Box dialog box you can change the position angle and size of the text You can also set the color and line of the text box See Help for details To change the entered text select it and click Edit Text Box The Edi...

Page 256: descriptions The screens may vary depending on what you create When the Save As dialog box appears specify the save location and file name then click Save Important If you edit a saved file and save it again the file will be overwritten To save a file again with a new name or to a different location select Save As from the File menu and save Note Save will not be displayed in the Page Setup or...

Page 257: ... click Setup Period Holiday in the Edit screen and click Set Holidays in the Calendar General Settings dialog box to display the Holiday Settings dialog box To add a holiday click Add The Add Edit Holiday dialog box appears To edit a saved holiday select it and click Edit To delete a holiday select it and click Delete To delete all the saved holidays within your calendar period click Clear Stran 2...

Page 258: Holiday Name and specify the date Select the Set as Holiday checkbox to display that day as a holiday in your calendar Note See Help for details on each dialog box Page top Stran 258 od 958 strani Setting Holidays ...

Page 259: ...tion size etc Click Settings in the Page Setup screen of Calendar or select a calendar in the Edit screen and click Setup Calendar to display the Calendar Settings dialog box Important The Position Size tab is displayed only when the Calendar Settings dialog box is displayed from the Edit screen Note See Help for details on the Calendar Settings dialog box Page top Stran 259 od 958 strani Setting ...

Page 260: ...l view Important When using 64bit Edition of Windows Vista or Windows XP the contents of files cannot be displayed on Explorer 2 Select the file you want to open and click Open The Edit screen appears Note Easy PhotoPrint EX supports the following file formats extensions Easy PhotoPrint EX Album file el1 Easy PhotoPrint EX Stickers file el2 Easy PhotoPrint EX Calendar file el4 Easy PhotoPrint EX L...

Page 261: ...y PhotoPrint EX with the following methods besides from Library in Menu Double click or click the file From the File menu click Open then select the file you want to edit You can also open a recently used file by clicking the file name shown in the File menu Page top Stran 261 od 958 strani Opening Saved Files ...

Page 262: ... z drugo programsko opremo Tiskanje z drugo programsko opremo Različni načini tiskanja Spreminjanje kakovosti tiskanja in popravljanje slikovnih podatkov Pregled gonilnika tiskalnika Na vrh strani Stran 262 od 958 strani Tiskanje z drugo programsko opremo ...

Page 263: ...he Stapling Margin Borderless Printing Fit to Page Printing Scaled Printing Page Layout Printing Poster Printing Booklet Printing Duplex Printing Stamp Background Printing Registering a Stamp Registering Image Data to be Used as a Background Printing an Envelope Switching the Paper Source to Match the Purpose Displaying the Print Results before Printing Setting Paper Dimensions Custom Size Page to...

Page 264: ...ues that were preset 3 Select the print quality Select High Standard or Fast that matches your purpose for Print Quality 4 Select the paper source Select Automatically Select Rear Tray Cassette Continuous Autofeed or Paper Allocation that matches your purpose for Paper Source Important The paper source settings that can be selected may differ depending on the paper type and size 5 Complete the set...

Page 265: ...Click Save to register the specified settings For instructions on registering settings see Registering a Frequently Used Printing Profile Page top Stran 265 od 958 strani Printing with Easy Setup ...

Page 266: ...ecify them with the application the procedure for selecting a page size and orientation is as follows You can also set page size and Orientation on the Quick Setup tab 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Select the paper size Select a page size from the Page Size list on the Page Setup tab 3 Set Orientation Select Portrait or Landscape for Orientation Check Rotate 180 degrees check box when y...

Page 267: ...Quick Setup tab 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Specify the number of copies to be printed For Copies on the Page Setup tab specify the number of copies to be printed 3 Specify the print order Check the Print from Last Page check box when you want to print from the last page in order When you do this you do not need to sort pages into their correct order after printing 4 Set up collated p...

Page 268: ... application and this printer driver the number of copies may be multiplied numbers of the two settings or the specified printing order may not be enabled Print from Last Page and Collate appear grayed out and are unavailable when Booklet is selected for Page Layout Print from Last Page appears grayed out and is unavailable when Poster is selected for Page Layout Note By setting both Print from La...

Page 269: ...r driver setup window 2 Specify the side to be stapled Check the position of the stapling margin from Staple Side on the Page Setup tab The printer analyzes the Orientation and Page Layout settings and automatically selects the best staple position When you want to change the setting select from the list 3 Set the margin width If necessary click Specify Margin and set the margin width and then cli...

Page 270: ... and margin width Important Staple Side and Specify Margin appear grayed out and are unavailable when Borderless Poster or Booklet is selected for Page Layout Scaled is selected for Page Layout When Duplex Printing is also selected only Staple Side can be specified Page top Stran 270 od 958 strani Setting the Stapling Margin ...

Page 271: ...h as a photo without providing any margin around it select borderless printing The procedure for performing borderless printing is as follows You can also set borderless printing in Additional Features on the Quick Setup tab Setting Borderless Printing 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set borderless printing Select Borderless from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab Click OK when th...

Page 272: and bottom depending on the type of the media used When the ratio of the height to the width differs from the image data a portion of the image may not be printed depending on the size of the media used In this case crop the image data with an application software according to the paper size Note When Plain Paper is selected for Media Type on the Main tab borderless printing is not recommended...

Page 273: ...Page top Stran 273 od 958 strani Borderless Printing ...

Page 274: ...ayout list on the Page Setup tab 3 Select the paper size for the data Using Page Size select the page size that is set with your application 4 Select the print paper size Select the size of the paper loaded in the machine from the Printer Paper Size list When the Printer Paper Size is smaller than the Page Size the page image will be reduced When the Printer Paper Size is larger than the Page Size...

Page 275: ...5 Complete the setup Click OK When you execute print the document will be enlarged or reduced to fit to the page size Page top Stran 275 od 958 strani Fit to Page Printing ...

Page 276: Select Scaled from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab 3 Select the paper size for the data Using Page Size select the page size that is set with your application 4 Set the scaling rate by using one of the following methods Select a Printer Paper Size When the printer paper size is smaller than the Page Size the page image will be reduced When the printer paper size is larger than the P...

Page 277: ...ill be printed with the specified scale Important When the application software with which you created the original has the scaled printing function configure the settings on your application software You do not need to configure the same setting in the printer driver When Scaled is selected the Staple Side list box appears grayed out and is unavailable when Duplex Printing is not selected Note St...

Page 278: ...Selecting Scaled changes the printable area of the document Page top Stran 278 od 958 strani Scaled Printing ...

Page 279: ... Select Page Layout from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the printer driver 3 Select the print paper size Select the size of the paper loaded in the machine from the Printer Paper Size list Setting the layout of two pages of the document from left to right is complete 4 Set the number of pages to be printed o...

Page 280: ...r To change the page arrangement order select an icon from the list to change the page placement order Page Border To print a page border around each document page check this check box 5 Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab When you execute print the specified number of pages will be arranged on each sheet of paper in the specified order Page top Stran 280 od 958 strani Page Layout Pr...

Page 281: ...rge print like a poster The procedure for performing poster printing is as follows Setting Poster Printing 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set poster printing Select Poster from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the printer driver 3 Select the print paper size Select the size of the paper loaded in the...

Page 282: ...e page number you want to print To print multiple pages specify by separating the pages with commas or entering a hyphen between the page numbers Note You can also specify the print range by clicking the pages in the settings preview 5 Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab When you execute print the document will be divided into several pages during printing After all poster pages have...

Page 283: the page selection click OK When you execute print only specified pages will be printed Important When Poster is selected the Duplex Printing Staple Side and Print from Last Page appear grayed out and are unavailable Since poster printing enlarges the document when printing it the print results may become coarse Page top Stran 283 od 958 strani Poster Printing ...

Page 284: ...he center The procedure for performing booklet printing is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set booklet printing Select Booklet from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the window 3 Select the print paper size Select the size of the paper loaded in the machine from the Printer Paper Size list 4...

Page 285: ...etup tab When you execute print the document is automatically printed first on one side of a sheet of paper and then on the opposite side When the printing is complete fold the paper at the center of the margin and make a booklet Important Booklet cannot be selected when a media type other than Plain Paper Hagaki A or Hagaki is selected for Media Type When Booklet is selected Duplex Printing Stapl...

Page 286: ...t having to turn over the paper 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set automatic duplex printing Check the Duplex Printing check box on the Page Setup tab and confirm that Automatic is checked 3 Select the layout Select Normal size or Fit to Page Scaled or Page Layout from the Page Layout list 4 Set the print area When you perform duplex printing the print area of the document becomes slight...

Page 287: ...e from the list 6 Set the margin width If necessary click Specify Margin and set the margin width and then click OK 7 Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab When you execute print duplex printing will be started Performing Duplex Printing Manually You can perform the duplex printing manually 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set duplex printing Check the Duplex Printing check box...

Page 288: ...selected from the Page Layout list When Booklet is selected from the Page Layout list Duplex Printing and Staple Side appear grayed out and are unavailable After printing the front page there is an ink drying wait time before starting to print the back page Operation stops temporarily Do not touch the paper during the time You can change the ink drying wait time at Custom Settings on the Maintenan...

Page 289: ...ate time and user name The Background function allows you to print a light illustration behind the document data The procedure for performing stamp background printing is as follows Printing a Stamp CONFIDENTIAL IMPORTANT and other stamps that are used often in companies are pre registered 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Click Stamp Background on the Page Setup tab The Stamp Background di...

Page 290: ...round Two bitmap files are pre registered as samples 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Click Stamp Background on the Page Setup tab The Stamp Background dialog box opens 3 Select the background Check the Background check box and select a desired background from the list The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the Page Setup tab 4 Set the background det...

Page 291: ...function of booklet printing Related Topics Registering a Stamp Registering Image Data to be Used as a Background Page top Stran 291 od 958 strani Stamp Background Printing ...

Page 292: ...te and register a new stamp You can also change and register some of the settings of an existing stamp Unnecessary stamps can be deleted at any time The procedure for registering a new stamp is as follows Registering a New Stamp 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Click Stamp Background on the Page Setup tab The Stamp Background dialog box opens 3 Click Define Stamp The Stamp Settings dialog ...

Page 293: ...Text appears grayed out and is unavailable when Date Time User Name is selected Placement tab Select the stamp position from the Position list You can also select Custom from the Position list and specify coordinates for X Position and Y Position You can also change the stamp position by dragging the stamp in the preview window To change the stamp position angle type a value in the Orientation box...

Page 294: ...he setup Click OK The Stamp Background dialog box opens again The registered title appears in the Stamp list Deleting an Unnecessary Stamp 1 Click Define Stamp in the Stamp Background dialog box The Stamp Settings dialog box opens 2 Select the stamp to be deleted Select the title of the stamp you want to delete from the Stamps list on the Save settings tab Then click Delete Click OK when the confi...

Page 295: ...register it as a new background You can also change and register some of the settings of an existing background An unnecessary background can be deleted at any time The procedure for registering image data to be used as a background is as follows Registering New Background 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Click Stamp Background on the Page Setup tab The Stamp Background dialog box opens 3 ...

Page 296: ...ave settings tab and enter a title in the Title box and then click Save Click OK when the confirmation message appears 7 Complete the setup Click OK The Stamp Background dialog box opens again The registered title appears in the Background list Changing and Registering Some Background Settings 1 Select the background for which the settings are to be changed Check the Background check box in the St...

Page 297: ...og box The Background Settings dialog box opens 2 Select the background to be deleted Select the title of the background you want to delete from the Backgrounds list on the Save settings tab and then click Delete Click OK when the confirmation message appears 3 Complete the setup Click OK The Stamp Background dialog box opens again Page top Stran 297 od 958 strani Registering Image Data to be Used...

Page 298: ...ows 1 Load an envelope into the machine Fold down the envelope flap Orient the envelope so that the flap is on the left and the folded surface is facing down and load in the rear tray 2 Open the printer driver setup window 3 Select the media type Select Envelope from Commonly Used Settings on the Quick Setup tab 4 Select the paper size Select Comm Env 10 DL Env Youkei 4 105x235mm or Youkei 6 98x19...

Page 299: ...n the envelope Important When you execute envelope printing guide messages are displayed To hide the guide messages check the Do not show this message again check box To show the guide again click the View Printer Status button on the Maintenance tab and start the Canon IJ Status Monitor Then click Envelope Printing from Display Guide Message of the Option menu and change the setting to on Page to...

Page 300: your purpose Automatically Select Plain paper whose Page Size is Letter 8 5 x11 A5 A4 or B5 is fed from the cassette Other sizes of plain paper and paper types other than plain paper are fed from the rear tray Rear Tray Paper is always fed from the rear tray Cassette Paper is always fed from the cassette Important Plain paper that is not Letter 8 5 x11 A5 A4 or B5 and paper types other than pla...

Page 301: ...ocation setting the printer automatically feeds paper from the cassette If not the printer feeds paper from the rear tray To change the paper allocation settings click Paper Allocation specify the Paper Size to be loaded in the cassette and then click OK When you load frequently used plain paper in the cassette the printer feeds paper from the rear tray when the print data uses a different type of...

Page 302: ...for displaying the print result before printing is as follows You can also set the print results display on the Quick Setup tab 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set the preview Check the Preview before printing check box on the Main tab 3 Complete the setup Click OK The Canon IJ Preview will start and the print result will be displayed before printing Related Topic Canon IJ Preview Page to...

Page 303: ...p tab 1 Set the custom size in the application software On your application s paper size feature specify the custom size Important When the application software that created the document has a function for specifying the height and width values use the application software to set the values When the application software does not have such a function or if the document does not print correctly use ...

Page 304: ...the Width and Height of the paper to be used Then click OK 5 Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab When you execute print the data is printed with the specified paper size Page top Stran 304 od 958 strani Setting Paper Dimensions Custom Size ...

Page 305: ...ecifying Color Correction Optimal Photo Printing of Image Data Adjusting Colors with the Printer Driver Printing with ICC Profiles Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Brightness Adjusting Intensity Adjusting Contrast Simulating an Illustration Representing Image Data with a Single Color Presenting Image Data with Vivid Colors Smoothing Jagged Outlines Changing Color Properties to Improve Coloration ...

Page 306: ...toning Method You can individually set the combined representation method for the print quality level and the halftoning method The procedure for setting the print quality level and the halftoning method is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Select the print quality Select Custom for Print Quality on the Main tab and click Set The Custom dialog box opens Stran 306 od 958 strani Se...

Page 307: ...ct Auto the data is printed with the optimal halftoning method for the selected print quality 4 Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab When you execute print the data is printed with the specified quality level and halftoning method Important Certain print quality levels and halftoning methods cannot be selected depending on the settings of Media Type Note When the part of the object is not p...

Page 308: ...rayscale printing Check the Grayscale Printing check box on the Main tab 3 Complete the setup Click OK When you execute print the document is converted to grayscale data It allows you to print the color document in monochrome Important When the Grayscale Printing check box is checked the printer driver processes image data as sRGB data In this case actual colors printed may differ from those in th...

Page 309: ...During Grayscale Printing color inks may be used as well as black ink Page top Stran 309 od 958 strani Printing a Color Document in Monochrome ...

Page 310: ...image data effectively select ICM When you want to use an application software to specify a printing ICC profile select None The procedure for specifying color correction is as follows You can also set color correction on the Quick Setup tab by choosing Photo Printing under Commonly Used Settings and then choosing Color Intensity Manual Adjustment under Additional Features 1 Open the printer drive...

Page 311: ... Canon paper in an application software to print data 4 Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab When you execute print the data is printed with the specified color correction method Important When ICM is disabled in the application software ICM is unavailable for Color Correction and the printer may not be able to print the image data properly When the Grayscale Printing check box on the Main ...

Page 312: ...hod depends on the color space Adobe RGB or sRGB of the image data or the application software to be used There are two typical printing methods Check the color space Adobe RGB or sRGB of the image data and the application software to be used and then select the printing method suited to your purpose Adjusting Colors with the Printer Driver Describes the procedure for printing sRGB data by using t...

Page 313: ...fy them use a printing ICC profile in the application software and select settings for color management The procedure for adjusting colors with the printer driver is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Select the media type Select the type of paper loaded in the machine from the Media Type list on the Main tab 3 Select the print quality Select High Standard or Fast that matches you...

Page 314: ...e the setup Click OK on the Main tab When you execute print the printer driver adjusts the colors when printing the data Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Brightness Adjusting Intensity Adjusting Contrast Page top Stran 314 od 958 strani Adjusting Colors with the Printer Driver ...

Page 315: ...e input ICC profile specified in the image data To use this printing method use your application software to select color management items and specify an input ICC profile and a printing ICC profile in the image data Even if you print using a printing ICC profile that you created yourself or one for special Canon paper from your application software be sure to select color management items from yo...

Page 316: ... an ICC Profile with the Printer Driver and then Print Print from a program that cannot identity input ICC profiles or does allow you to specify one by specifying input ICC profiles from printer profiles of the printer driver When printing Adobe RGB data you can print the data with the Adobe RGB color space even if the application software does not support Adobe RGB 1 Open the printer driver setup...

Page 317: ... and click Set Manual Color Adjustment dialog box opens 5 Select color correction Click Matching tab and select ICM for Color Correction 6 Select the input profile Select an Input Profile that matches the color space of the image data For sRGB data or data without an input ICC profile Select Standard For Adobe RGB data Stran 317 od 958 strani Printing with ICC Profiles ...

Page 318: ...sary click Color Adjustment tab and adjust the color balance of Cyan Magenta Yellow and adjust Brightness Intensity and Contrast settings and then click OK 8 Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab When you execute print the data is printed with the color space of the selected image data Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color ...

Page 319: ...intensify cyan and to diminish yellow so that the overall colors are more uniform No adjustment Adjust Color Balance The procedure for adjusting color balance is as follows You can also set color balance on the Quick Setup tab by choosing Photo Printing under Commonly Used Settings and then choosing Color Intensity Manual Adjustment under Additional Features 1 Open the printer driver setup window ...

Page 320: ...up Click OK on the Main tab When you execute print the document is printed with the adjusted color balance Important When the Grayscale Printing check box on the Main tab is checked Cyan Magenta and Yellow appear grayed out and are unavailable Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Brightness Adjusting Intensi...

Page 321: ...pecification is changed Light is selected Normal is selected Dark is selected The procedure for adjusting brightness is as follows You can also set brightness on the Quick Setup tab by choosing Photo Printing under Commonly Used Settings and then choosing Color Intensity Manual Adjustment under Additional Features 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Select the manual color adjustment On the M...

Page 322: ...ta is printed at the specified brightness Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Intensity Adjusting Contrast Page top Stran 322 od 958 strani Adjusting Brightness ...

Page 323: ...r adjusting intensity is as follows You can also set intensity on the Quick Setup tab by choosing Photo Printing under Commonly Used Settings and then choosing Color Intensity Manual Adjustment under Additional Features 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Select the manual color adjustment Select Manual for Color Intensity on the Main tab and click Set The Manual Color Adjustment dialog box o...

Page 324: ...ute print the image data is printed with the adjusted intensity Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Brightness Adjusting Contrast Page top Stran 324 od 958 strani Adjusting Intensity ...

Page 325: ...ure for adjusting contrast is as follows You can also set contrast on the Quick Setup tab by choosing Photo Printing under Commonly Used Settings and then choosing Color Intensity Manual Adjustment under Additional Features 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Select the manual color adjustment On the Main tab select Manual for Color Intensity and click Set The Manual Color Adjustment dialog b...

Page 326: ...xecute print the image is printed with the adjusted contrast Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Brightness Adjusting Intensity Page top Stran 326 od 958 strani Adjusting Contrast ...

Page 327: ...ocedure for performing Simulate Illustration is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set the Simulate Illustration If necessary check the Simulate Illustration check box on the Effects tab and adjust the Contrast Moving the slider to the right lightens the image data and moving the slider to the left darkens the image data The current settings are displayed in the settings preview o...

Page 328: ...follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set Monochrome Effects Check the Monochrome Effects check box on the Effects tab and select your desired color When you use Select Color move the Color slider to specify the color you want The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the printer driver 3 Complete the setup Click OK When you execute print the image w...

Page 329: ...grayed out and is unavailable Page top Stran 329 od 958 strani Representing Image Data with a Single Color ...

Page 330: ...the human skin color natural By using this function you can make vivid hues appear even more vivid The procedure for performing Vivid Photo is as follows You can also set vivid photos on the Quick Setup tab by choosing Photo Printing under Commonly Used Settings and then choosing Additional Features 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set Vivid Photo Check the Vivid Photo check box on the Eff...

Page 331: ...printing low resolution images from Web pages The procedure for performing Image Optimizer is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set image optimizer Check the Image Optimizer check box on the Effects tab 3 Complete the setup Click OK The photos and graphics will be printed with jagged outlines smoothed Note Depending on application software or resolution of image data the image op...

Page 332: ...Page top Stran 332 od 958 strani Smoothing Jagged Outlines ...

Page 333: ... is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set Photo Optimizer PRO Check the Photo Optimizer PRO check box on the Effects tab Normally there is no need to check the Apply Throughout Page check box Images within each page are optimized on an image by image basis Note Check the Apply Throughout Page check box when printing image data that has been processed such as being cropped or rota...

Page 334: ...ox on the Page Setup tab Define Stamp is selected in the Stamp Background dialog box on the Page Setup tab and the bitmapped stamp is configured Note Depending on images the Photo Optimizer PRO may have no discernible effect Page top Stran 334 od 958 strani Changing Color Properties to Improve Coloration ...

Page 335: for performing Photo Noise Reduction is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set Photo Noise Reduction Check the Photo Noise Reduction check box on the Effects tab and select Normal or Strong for the level 3 Complete the setup Click OK When you execute print the image will be printed with the digital camera noise being reduced Note It is recommended to select Normal for most case...

Page 336: ... resolution of image data effects of digital camera noise reduction may not be obvious When this function is used for other than photos taken by digital cameras image may be distorted Page top Stran 336 od 958 strani Reducing Photo Noise ...

Page 337: Overview of the Printer Driver Overview of the Printer Driver Printer Driver Operations Canon IJ Printer Driver How to Open the Printer Driver Setup Window Maintenance Tab Canon IJ Status Monitor Canon IJ Preview Page top Stran 337 od 958 strani Overview of the Printer Driver ...

Page 338: ...imulating an Illustration Representing Image Data with a Single Color Presenting Image Data with Vivid Colors Smoothing Jagged Outlines Changing Color Properties to Improve Coloration Reducing Photo Noise Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer Changing the Print Options Registering a Frequently Used Printing Profile Setting the Paper Source for Plain Paper Managing the Machine Power Reducing...

Page 339: ...Driver Help You can display the Help describing the driver setting items through the printing preferences screen of the Canon IJ printer driver To view all descriptions of a tab Click the Help button on each tab A dialog box opens displaying a description of each item on the tab You can also click the link found in the description of an item to display a description of the linked dialog box To see...

Page 340: ...ry and there may be more steps For details refer to the user s manual of your application software Open the Printer Driver Setup Window through the Start Menu Follow the procedure below to perform maintenance operations such as print head cleaning or to configure printing profile that are common for all application software 1 Select items from the Start menu as shown below In Windows Vista select ...

Page 341: ...achine maintenance or change the settings of the machine Features Cleaning the Print Heads Cleaning the Paper Feed Rollers Aligning the Print Head Position Checking the Print Head Nozzles Setting the Paper Source for Plain Paper Cleaning Inside the Machine Managing the Machine Power Related Features Reducing the Machine Noise Changing the Machine Operation Mode Page top Stran 341 od 958 strani Mai...

Page 342: ...hes automatically when data is sent to the printer When launched the Canon IJ Status Monitor appears as a button on the task bar Click the status monitor button displayed on the task bar The Canon IJ Status Monitor appears Note To open the Canon IJ Status Monitor when the printer is not printing open the printer driver setup window and click View Printer Status on the Maintenance tab When Errors O...

Page 343: ...t within the printer driver and allows you to check the document layout print order and number of pages You can also change the media type and paper source settings When you want to display a preview before printing open the printer driver setup window click the Quick Setup tab or the Main tab and check the Preview before printing check box When you do not want to display a preview before printing...

Page 344: ...e z uporabo nadzorne plošče naprave Tiskanje črtkanega papirja ali papirja za grafe Kopiranje Tiskanje iz pomnilniške kartice Tiskanje s pogona USB Tiskanje fotografij iz natisnjene fotografije Na vrh strani Stran 344 od 958 strani Tiskanje z uporabo nadzorne plošče naprave ...

Page 345: ...lošče naprave Tiskanje črtkanega papirja ali papirja za grafe Tiskanje črtkanega papirja ali papirja za grafe Tiskanje predlog kot sta črtkan papir ali papir za grafe Na vrh strani Stran 345 od 958 strani Tiskanje črtkanega papirja ali papirja za grafe ...

Page 346: ...u izberite Nastavitve Settings in nato pritisnite gumb OK 4 S kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali gumbom izberite Tiskanje predloge Template print in nato pritisnite gumb OK 5 S kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali gumbom izberite predlogo ki jo želite natisniti in nato pritisnite gumb OK Na voljo so naslednje predloge Črtan papir Izbirate lahko med tremi oblikami razmika med vrsticami Črtan papir ...

Page 347: ...sni papir Tedenski urnik Natisnete lahko obrazec tedenskega urnika Mesečni urnik Natisnete lahko obrazec mesečnega urnika Opomba Karo papirja ne morete tiskati na papir velikosti B5 6 Z gumbom izberite velikost papirja nato pritisnite gumb OK Opomba V meniju Obojestr enostr tiskanje Duplex simplex printing izberite Obojestr tiskanje Duplex printing za tiskanje na obeh straneh papirja 7 Pritisnite ...

Page 348: ...Izpopolnjena navodila Tiskanje z uporabo nadzorne plošče naprave Kopiranje Kopiranje Kopiranje Uporaba priročnih funkcij kopiranja Na vrh strani Stran 348 od 958 strani Kopiranje ...

Page 349: ...zberite možnost Kopiranje Copy nato pa pritisnite gumb OK 3 Naložite papir 4 Izvirnik naložite na stekleno ploščo 5 Potrdite velikost strani in vrsto papirja Opomba Če želite spremeniti nastavitve izberite element in pritisnite gumb OK Elementi nastavitev Nastavitve velikosti strani in vrste papirja se shranijo v vsakem načinu Pri tiskanju kopij lahko na zaslonu ki se prikaže ko pritisnete levi gu...

Page 350: ... pokrova steklene plošče ali odstranjujte izvirnika s steklene plošče dokler kopiranje ni dokončano Opomba Če medtem ko je na zaslonu prikazana možnost Predogled Preview pritisnete desni gumb Funkcija Function si lahko na zaslonu za predogled ogledate sliko iztisa Prikaz zaslona za predogled Če želite preklicati kopiranje pritisnite gumb Zaustavi Stop Na vrh strani Stran 350 od 958 strani Kopiranj...

Page 351: ...a Določite gostoto Spreminjanje nastavitev gostote 3 Velikost strani Izberite velikost strani naloženega papirja 4 Vrsta medija Izberite vrsto medija naloženega papirja 5 Kakovost tiskanja Kakovost tiskanja prilagodite glede na izvirnik Pomembno Če ste uporabili nastavitev Hitro pred hitrost Fast speed priority vrsto medija pa nastavili na Navaden papir Plain paper vendar kakovost ni bila tako dob...

Page 352: ...prosto pomikanje ali gumbom in nato kliknite gumb OK da dokončate nastavitev Prednastavi razmerje Preset ratio Za povečanje ali zmanjšanje kopij lahko izberete enega od privzetih razmerij Na zaslonu ki se prikaže ko izberete Prednastavi razmerje Preset ratio izberite razmerje s kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali gumbom ali in nato kliknite gumb OK da dokončate nastavitev Opomba Ko izberete možnos...

Page 353: Intenziteta Intensity pritisnite desni gumb Funkcija Function da samodejno prilagodite gostoto v sladu z izvirnikom na stekleni plošči in nato sliko natisnite Drsnik za prilagoditev gostote na zaslonu LCD se po prilagositvi spremeni na Samodejno Auto Pomembno Ko je izbrana možnost Samodejno Auto gostote ne morete spreminjati s kolescem za preprosto pomikanje Pritisnite desni gumb Funkcija Funct...

Page 354: ...krova za dokumente ali odstranjujte izvirnika s steklene plošče dokler kopiranje ni dokončano 1 Predogled izvirnika Prikaže se izvirnik ki je položen na stekleno ploščo Če je prikazana slika zamaknjena najprej preberite razdelek Nalaganje papirja izvirnikov nato pa izvirnik pravilno vstavite in ponovno prikažite zaslon za predogled ter si oglejte izvirnik 2 Velikost strani Čez sliko se prikaže okv...

Page 355: ...tran Kopija 2 na 1 Kopija 4 na 1 4 on 1 copy Štiri izvirne strani lahko kopirate na en list papirja tako da pomanjšate vse slike Na voljo so štiri različne postavitve Kopiranje štirih strani na eno stran Kopija 4 na 1 Ponovitev slike Image repeat Sliko lahko večkrat kopirate na eno stran Napravo lahko nastavite tako da samodejno izbere število ponovitev slike ali pa število določite sami Ponovitev...

Page 356: ...nje Special copy Opomba Ko uporabljate te funkcije ne morete izbrati nekaterih možnosti za nastavitve povečave velikosti strani in vrste papirja Če najprej določite nastavitev Posebno kopiranje Special copy bodo možnosti ki niso na voljo na zaslonu z nastavitvami osnovnega kopiranja onemogočene ali skrite Če najprej izvedete nastavitve osnovnega kopiranja uporabite nastavitev Posebno kopiranje Spe...

Page 357: ...ite navodilom na zaslonu 2 Pritisnite gumb Barvno Color za barvno kopiranje ali Črno Black za črno belo kopiranje Opomba Optično branje druge strani izvirnikov lahko preskočite in kopirate le prvo stran Po optičnem branju prve strani izvirnikov ki ga izvedete s pritiskom gumba Barvno Color ali Črno Black pritisnite levi funkcijski gumb da na zaslonu ki se prikaže izberete možnost Nat spred str Pri...

Page 358: ... branje drugega lista izvirnikov lahko preskočite in kopirate le prvi list Po optičnem branju prvega lista izvirnikov ki ga izvedete s pritiskom gumba Barvno Color ali Črno Black pritisnite levi gumb Funkcija Function da na zaslonu ki se prikaže izberete možnost Natisni prvi list Print first sheet Če se med optičnim branjem na zaslonu LCD prikaže sporočilo Pomnilnik naprave je poln Device memory i...

Page 359: ... Color za barvno kopiranje ali Črno Black za črno belo kopiranje Opomba Če želite natisniti le eno dve ali tri strani pritisnite levi gumb Funkcija Function da po optičnem branju zadnje strani ki jo želite kopirati izberete Natisni zdaj Print now Če se med optičnim branjem na zaslonu LCD prikaže sporočilo Pomnilnik naprave je poln Device memory is full nastavite kakovost tiskanja na Standardno Sta...

Page 360: ...navodilom na zaslonu 2 Pritisnite gumb Barvno Color za barvno kopiranje ali Črno Black za črno belo kopiranje Opomba Ker je kopirana slika povečana tako da se prilega celotni strani bodo robovi mogoče nekoliko odrezani Po potrebi lahko spremenite širino obrezovanja od robov izvirne slike Podrobnosti lahko najdete v razdelku Količina razšir kopiranja Extended copy amount Podrobnosti o velikostih in...

Page 361: ...da samodejno izbere število ponovitev slike ali pa število določite sami Nastavitve za posebno kopiranje 1 Izberite možnost Ponovitev slike Image repeat nato pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu 2 Pritisnite gumb Barvno Color za barvno kopiranje ali Črno Black za črno belo kopiranje Opomba Del optično prebran iz izvirnika je odvisen od nastavitve možnosti pomanjšava povečava Na vrh stra...

Page 362: ...lor za barvno kopiranje ali Črno Black za črno belo kopiranje Opomba Zaprite pokrov za dokumente Okoli slike je lahko viden ozek črn rob Ta funkcija odstrani samo temne obrobe Če je optično prebrana knjiga pretanka ali če se naprava uporablja blizu okna oz v svetlem okolju lahko ostane nejasen črn okvir Če je barva izvirnika zelo temna naprava ne razlikuje med barvo dokumenta in senco Robovi bodo ...

Page 363: ...nji kot območja za obrezovanje tako da sledite navodilom na zaslonu LCD 2 Ko določite območje za prirezovanje pritisnite gumb OK Na zaslonu za predogled si lahko ogledate predogled iztisa 3 Pritisnite gumb Barvno Color za barvno kopiranje ali Črno Black za črno belo kopiranje Opomba Če potem ko na zaslonu Prirezana slika Trimming image pritisnete gumb OK za prikaz zaslona z nastavitvami tiskanja p...

Page 364: ...sni spodnji kot območja za popravljanje tako da sledite navodilom na zaslonu LCD 2 Ko določite območje za popravljanje pritisnite gumb OK Na zaslonu za predogled si lahko ogledate predogled iztisa 3 Pritisnite gumb Barvno Color za barvno kopiranje ali Črno Black za črno belo kopiranje Opomba Če potem ko na zaslonu Popravljena slika Masking image pritisnete gumb OK za prikaz zaslona z nastavitvami ...

Page 365: ...kanje iz pomnilniške kartice Tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pomnilniški kartici Uporaba priročnih funkcij tiskanja Uporaba priročnih zaslonskih funkcij Nastavljanje reže za kartico kot pogona za pomnilniško kartico računalnika Na vrh strani Stran 365 od 958 strani Tiskanje iz pomnilniške kartice ...

Page 366: ...skanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pomnilniški kartici Informacije o osnovnem postopku tiskanja s pomnilniške kartice najdete v razdelku Tiskanje s pomnilniške kartice Elementi nastavitev Tiskanje z uporabo indeksa fotografij Uporaba priročnih funkcij tiskanja Na vrh strani Stran 366 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pomnilniški kartici ...

Page 367: ...sno od funkcij 1 Velikost strani Izberite velikost strani naloženega papirja 2 Vrsta medija Izberite vrsto medija naloženega papirja 3 Kakovost tiskanja Kakovost tiskanja prilagodite glede na izvirnik 4 Tiskanje brez roba Izberite tiskanje z robom ali brez njega Opomba Če za vrsto medija izberete možnost Navaden papir Plain paper bo fotografija natisnjena z robom tudi če izberete možnost Brez roba...

Page 368: ...e datoteke hkrati Tudi če sta izbrani obe možnosti Datum VKL Date ON in Štev datotek VKL File no ON se natisne le datum ko je bila fotografija posneta Če želite natisniti številko datoteke izberite Datum IZKL Date OFF 3 VKL sam pop foto Če izberete nastavitev VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix ON naprava prepozna prizor ali obraz osebe in nato samodejno izbere najbolj primeren popravek za vsako fotog...

Page 369: ...j Če rezultati tiskanja niso sprejemljivi ko izberete možnost VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix ON izberite Ročni popravek Manual correction in določite vse spodaj navedene dodatne nastavitve 1 Popravek rdečih oči Na portretih popravi rdeče oči ki jih povzroči fotografiranje z bliskavico Odvisno od vrste fotografije rdeče oči morda ne bodo popravljene ali pa bodo morda popravljeni drugi deli in ne o...

Page 370: ...črnih območjih 5 Posvetlitev obraza Osvetli zatemnjen obraz na fotografiji ki je bila posneta proti svetlobi 6 Image optimizer Popravi in zgladi nazobčane robove za tiskanje 7 Svetlost Prilagodi svetlost 8 Kontrast Prilagodi kontrast 9 Barvni odtenek Prilagodi barvni odtenek Povečate lahko na primer količino rdeče ali rumene barve da prilagodite ton kože 10 Učinki Fotografiji doda posebne učinke k...

Page 371: ...i kartici ali pogonu USB Natisnite indeks fotografij označite slike ki jih želite natisniti optično preberite list in naprava bo natisnila izbrane fotografije Na tem listu lahko določite tudi druge nastavitve kot sta velikost in vrsta papirja tako da teh nastavitev ni treba določiti na nadzorni plošči naprave Spodaj opisani postopek se uporablja za tiskanje fotografij na pomnilniški kartici in na ...

Page 372: ...e tipko OK Izbirate lahko med temi obsegi Natisni vse fotografije Print all photos Natisne vse slike Nastavi št kopij Set no of copies Natisne navedeno število slik in začne z najnovejšo Išči Search Natisne slike z navedenim datumskim obsegom posnetka Opomba Od števila fotografij shranjenih na pomnilniški kartici pogonu USB je odvisno kdaj se prikaže zaslon Išči Search 7 Pritisnite tipko Barvno Co...

Page 373: ...tna koda umazana ali zmečkana naprava morda ne bo pravilno optično prebrala indeksa fotografij Pomembno Ne pozabite zapolniti krožca za vsak posamezni element nastavitve razen možnosti Če imate dva ali več indeksov fotografij izpolnite vse strani Če zapolnjeni krožci na indeksu fotografij niso dovolj temni ali veliki naprava morda ne bo mogla pravilno optično prebrati indeksa fotografij 9 Naložite...

Page 374: ...eet pritisnite tipko OK in preverite ali sta steklena plošča in indeks fotografij umazana ali ste pravilno postavili indeks fotografij tj sprednji del z licem navzdol ali ste zapolnili vse zahtevane krožce na listu ali ste morda izbrali več možnosti pri nastavitvah kjer je dovoljena le ena Med tiskanjem ne odstranjujte pomnilniške kartice pogona USB Opomba Če želite preklicati tiskanje pritisnite ...

Page 375: ... Order Format lahko fotografije natisnete s temi nastavitvami Tiskanje DPOF Tiskanje zajetih inform Captured info print Informacije o fotografiranju informacije Exif lahko natisnete na rob indeksa fotografij ali na izbrane posamezne fotografije Tiskanje zajetih informacij Tiskanje indeksa fotogr Photo index print Natisnete lahko indeks vseh fotografij shranjenih na pomnilniški kartici Tiskanje ind...

Page 376: ... 3 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite možnost Pomnilniška kartica Memory card nato pa pritisnite gumb OK 4 Pomnilniško kartico vstavite v režo za kartico Prikaže se meni pomnilniške kartice Pomembno Če je pogon USB vstavljen v vrata za neposredno tiskanje ga odstranite in nato v režo za kartico vstavite pomnilniško kartico Opomba Informacije o vstavljanju pomnilniške kartice najdete v poglavju Tiskanje ...

Page 377: zaslonu s postavitvijo fotografije pritisnite levi gumb Function Funkcija Če izberete možnost Brez roba Borderless vrste medija ne morete nastaviti na Navaden papir Plain paper Če izberete možnost Mešano 1 Mixed 1 Mešano 2 Mixed 2 ali Mešano 3 Mixed 3 lahko za velikost strani izberete velikost A4 ali LTR 8 5 x11 8 5 x11 LTR Fotografij ne morete prilepiti na več strani hkrati Če imate za dve ali...

Page 378: ...asete Nalepke naložite v zadnji pladenj V zadnji pladenj lahko hkrati naložite le en list z nalepkami Okvir ki ga želite natisniti izberite s kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali z gumbom Če želite natisniti fotografijo brez okvirja pritisnite levi gumb Function Funkcija ko se na zaslonu prikaže možnost Brez okvirja No frame Ko je slika obrnjena na glavo uporabite gumb da zavrtite okvir za 180 stop...

Page 379: ...itve za tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pomnilniški kartici Nastavitve za tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pogonu USB Spodaj opisani postopek se uporablja za tiskanje fotografij na pomnilniški kartici in na pogonu USB 1 Izberite Tiskanje vseh fotografij Print all photos in pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Druge možnosti Iskanje fotografij po datumu posnetka Iskan...

Page 380: ...isnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Na voljo so ti načini tiskanja Tiskanje kontakta Contact print Pri tiskanju kontakta so slike natisnjene v velikosti negativa na 35 milimetrskem traku Standardno Standard Število fotografij ki jih lahko natisnete na posamezen list papirja je odvisno od velikosti papirja A4 Letter 80 fotografij 8 x 10 palcev 203 2 x 254 mm 72 fotografij 5 x 7 palce...

Page 381: ...o DPOF določene kot Standardno tiskanje Standard Print Slog tiskanja tiskanje indeksa Natisne indeks fotografij ki so bile s funkcijo DPOF označene kot Tiskanje indeksa Index Print in sicer z uporabo postavitve tiskanja indeksa naprave Slog tiskanja tiskanje več fotografij na eno stran Natisne fotografijo ki je bila s funkcijo DPOF označena kot Tiskanje več fotografij na eno stran Multi Image Prin...

Page 382: ...berite Tiskanje zajetih info Captured info print in nato pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Na voljo so ti načini tiskanja Ena fotografija Single photo Natisne informacije na rob izbranih posameznih fotografij Seznam List Natisne informacije na rob indeksa vseh fotografij ali izbranih fotografij Fotografije ki jih boste natisnili lahko izbirate po datumu ko so bile posnete Drug...

Page 383: ...1 Izberite Tisk foto za os iz ID photo size print in nato pritisnite gumb OK 2 S kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali gumbom izberite fotografijo ki jo želite natisniti in nato pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Na voljo so naslednje velikosti Tiskajte na papir večji od velikosti ki ste jo določili 3 0 x 2 5 cm 1 18 x 0 98 4 0 x 3 0 cm 1 57 x 1 18 4 0 x 4 0 cm 1 57 x 1 57 4 0 x ...

Page 384: ...končno Za ležečo postavljeno fotografijo izberite ležečo obliko medtem ko za pokončno postavljeno fotografijo izberite pokončno obliko Fotografijo izberite s kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali z gumbom Če je slika obrnjena na glavo lahko uporabite gumb da zavrtite fotografijo za 180 stopinj Če želite spremeniti začetek tedna na natisnjenem koledarju pritisnite levi gumb Function Funkcija na zaslo...

Page 385: ... eno fotografijo Prikaz sličic Thumbnail display Prikaže devet fotografij hkrati S kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali gumbom izberite fotografijo in nato pritisnite gumb ali da določite število kopij Celozaslonski prikaz Full screen display Prikaže eno fotografijo na celem zaslonu Povečan prikaz Enlarged display Povečano fotografijo prikaže v dvakratni velikosti izvirnika Območje ki je prikazano ...

Page 386: ...močje ki ga želite natisniti Gumbi in namestijo okvir za obrezovanje Kolesce za preprosto pomikanje nastavi velikost okvirja za obrezovanje Kolesce za preprosto pomikanje obračajte v smeri urnega kazalca da povečate velikost okvirja za obrezovanje ali v nasprotni smeri da ga zmanjšate Levi gumb Function Funkcija spremeni razmerje višina širina okvirja za obrezovanje Desni gumb Function Funkcija za...

Page 387: ...kcija ko se na zaslonu prikaže Urejanje Edit izberite Preklic obrezovanja Cancel trimming in nato pritisnite gumb OK Izberite Samo prikazane slike Displayed images only ali Vse slike All images nato pa pritisnite gumb OK Na vrh strani Stran 387 od 958 strani Tiskanje določenega območja obrezovanje ...

Page 388: ... gumb OK Odpre se zaslon Išči Search 2 Določite način iskanja Če želite za iskanje določiti le en datum Izberite Samo en datum One date only Če želite za iskanje določiti obseg datumov Izberite Izbira obsega datumov Select date range 3 Pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon za vnos datuma Opomba Od števila fotografij shranjenih na pomnilniški kartici pogonu USB je odvisno kdaj se prikaže zaslon za v...

Page 389: ...Na vrh strani Stran 389 od 958 strani Iskanje fotografij po datumu posnetka Iskanje ...

Page 390: ...e iz rač po omr Writable from LAN PC preklicana nastavitev Ni možno pis iz rač Not writable from PC pa bo znova omogočena ko naslednjič vklopite napravo 1 Preverite da pomnilniška kartica ni vstavljena Če je vstavljena jo odstranite iz reže za kartico Podrobnosti najdete v razdelku Tiskanje s pomnilniške kartice 2 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in nato pritisnite gumb OK 3 Izberi...

Page 391: ...te ikono izmenljivega diska in kliknite Izvrzi Eject Če se možnost Izvrzi Eject ne prikaže na zaslonu preverite da lučka Dostop Access ne utripa in nato odstranite pomnilniško kartico Prek omrežja postopka odstranjevanja ni treba izvesti Če uporabljate računalnik Macintosh povlecite ikono Vpeti pogon Mount drive v koš Trash Na vrh strani Stran 391 od 958 strani Nastavljanje reže za kartico kot pog...

Page 392: ...zorne plošče naprave Tiskanje s pogona USB Tiskanje s pogona USB Tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pogonu USB Uporaba priročnih funkcij tiskanja Uporaba priročnih zaslonskih funkcij Na vrh strani Stran 392 od 958 strani Tiskanje s pogona USB ...

Page 393: ...B Tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pogonu USB Informacije o osnovnem postopku tiskanja s pogona USB najdete v razdelku Tiskanje s pomnilniške kartice Elementi nastavitev Tiskanje z uporabo indeksa fotografij Uporaba priročnih funkcij tiskanja Na vrh strani Stran 393 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pogonu USB ...

Page 394: ... 1 Velikost strani Izberite velikost strani naloženega papirja 2 Vrsta medija Izberite vrsto medija naloženega papirja 3 Kakovost tiskanja Kakovost tiskanja prilagodite glede na izvirnik 4 Tiskanje brez roba Izberite tiskanje z robom ali brez njega Opomba Če za vrsto medija izberete možnost Navaden papir Plain paper bo fotografija natisnjena z robom tudi če izberete možnost Brez roba Borderless Za...

Page 395: ...e hkrati Tudi če sta izbrani obe možnosti Datum VKL Date ON in Štev datotek VKL File no ON se natisne le datum ko je bila fotografija posneta Če želite natisniti številko datoteke izberite Datum IZKL Date OFF 3 VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix ON Če izberete nastavitev VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix ON naprava prepozna prizor ali obraz osebe in nato samodejno izbere najbolj primeren popravek za vs...

Page 396: ... tiskanja niso sprejemljivi ko izberete možnost VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix ON izberite Ročni popravek Manual correction in določite vse spodaj navedene dodatne nastavitve 1 Popravek rdečih oči Red Eye correction Na portretih popravi rdeče oči ki jih povzroči fotografiranje z bliskavico Odvisno od vrste fotografije rdeče oči morda ne bodo popravljene ali pa bodo morda popravljeni drugi deli in...

Page 397: ...h 5 Posvetlitev obraza Face brightener Osvetli zatemnjen obraz na fotografiji ki je bila posneta proti svetlobi 6 Image optimizer Popravi in zgladi nazobčane robove za tiskanje 7 Svetlost Brightness Prilagodi svetlost 8 Kontrast Contrast Prilagodi kontrast 9 Barvni odtenek Color hue Prilagodi barvni odtenek Povečate lahko na primer količino rdeče ali rumene barve da prilagodite ton kože 10 Učinki ...

Page 398: ...i kartici ali pogonu USB Natisnite indeks fotografij označite slike ki jih želite natisniti optično preberite list in naprava bo natisnila izbrane fotografije Na tem listu lahko določite tudi druge nastavitve kot sta velikost in vrsta papirja tako da teh nastavitev ni treba določiti na nadzorni plošči naprave Spodaj opisani postopek se uporablja za tiskanje fotografij na pomnilniški kartici in na ...

Page 399: ...e tipko OK Izbirate lahko med temi obsegi Natisni vse fotografije Print all photos Natisne vse slike Nastavi št kopij Set no of copies Natisne navedeno število slik in začne z najnovejšo Išči Search Natisne slike z navedenim datumskim obsegom posnetka Opomba Od števila fotografij shranjenih na pomnilniški kartici pogonu USB je odvisno kdaj se prikaže zaslon Išči Search 7 Pritisnite tipko Barvno Co...

Page 400: ...tna koda umazana ali zmečkana naprava morda ne bo pravilno optično prebrala indeksa fotografij Pomembno Ne pozabite zapolniti krožca za vsak posamezni element nastavitve razen možnosti Če imate dva ali več indeksov fotografij izpolnite vse strani Če zapolnjeni krožci na indeksu fotografij niso dovolj temni ali veliki naprava morda ne bo mogla pravilno optično prebrati indeksa fotografij 9 Naložite...

Page 401: ...eet pritisnite tipko OK in preverite ali sta steklena plošča in indeks fotografij umazana ali ste pravilno postavili indeks fotografij tj sprednji del z licem navzdol ali ste zapolnili vse zahtevane krožce na listu ali ste morda izbrali več možnosti pri nastavitvah kjer je dovoljena le ena Med tiskanjem ne odstranjujte pomnilniške kartice pogona USB Opomba Če želite preklicati tiskanje pritisnite ...

Page 402: ...Digital Print Order Format lahko fotografije natisnete s temi nastavitvami Tiskanje DPOF Tiskanje zajetih inform Captured info print Informacije o fotografiranju informacije Exif lahko natisnete na rob indeksa fotografij ali na izbrane posamezne fotografije Tiskanje zajetih informacij Tiskanje indeksa fotogr Photo index print Natisnete lahko indeks vseh fotografij shranjenih na pogonu USB Tiskanje...

Page 403: ...etnem zaslonu izberite možnost Pomnilniška kartica Memory card nato pa pritisnite gumb OK 4 Vstavite pogon USB flash v vrata za neposredno tiskanje Prikaže se meni pomnilniške kartice Pomembno Če je pomnilniška kartica vstavljena v režo za kartico jo odstranite in nato v vrata za neposredno tiskanje vstavite pogon USB Opomba Informacije o vstavljanju pogona USB najdete v razdelku Tiskanje s pomnil...

Page 404: zaslonu s postavitvijo fotografije pritisnite levi gumb Function Funkcija Če izberete možnost Brez roba Borderless vrste medija ne morete nastaviti na Navaden papir Plain paper Če izberete možnost Mešano 1 Mixed 1 Mešano 2 Mixed 2 ali Mešano 3 Mixed 3 lahko za velikost strani izberete velikost A4 ali LTR 8 5 x11 8 5 x11 LTR Fotografij ne morete prilepiti na več strani hkrati Če imate za dve ali...

Page 405: ...asete Nalepke naložite v zadnji pladenj V zadnji pladenj lahko hkrati naložite le en list z nalepkami Okvir ki ga želite natisniti izberite s kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali z gumbom Če želite natisniti fotografijo brez okvirja pritisnite levi gumb Function Funkcija ko se na zaslonu prikaže možnost Brez okvirja No frame Ko je slika obrnjena na glavo uporabite gumb da zavrtite okvir za 180 stop...

Page 406: ...itve za tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pomnilniški kartici Nastavitve za tiskanje fotografij ki so shranjene na pogonu USB Spodaj opisani postopek se uporablja za tiskanje fotografij na pomnilniški kartici in na pogonu USB 1 Izberite Tiskanje vseh fotografij Print all photos in pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Druge možnosti Iskanje fotografij po datumu posnetka Iskan...

Page 407: ...isnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Na voljo so ti načini tiskanja Tiskanje kontakta Contact print Pri tiskanju kontakta so slike natisnjene v velikosti negativa na 35 milimetrskem traku Standardno Standard Število fotografij ki jih lahko natisnete na posamezen list papirja je odvisno od velikosti papirja A4 Letter 80 fotografij 8 x 10 palcev 203 2 x 254 mm 72 fotografij 5 x 7 palce...

Page 408: ...o DPOF določene kot Standardno tiskanje Standard Print Slog tiskanja tiskanje indeksa Natisne indeks fotografij ki so bile s funkcijo DPOF označene kot Tiskanje indeksa Index Print in sicer z uporabo postavitve tiskanja indeksa naprave Slog tiskanja tiskanje več fotografij na eno stran Natisne fotografijo ki je bila s funkcijo DPOF označena kot Tiskanje več fotografij na eno stran Multi Image Prin...

Page 409: ...berite Tiskanje zajetih info Captured info print in nato pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Na voljo so ti načini tiskanja Ena fotografija Single photo Natisne informacije na rob izbranih posameznih fotografij Seznam List Natisne informacije na rob indeksa vseh fotografij ali izbranih fotografij Fotografije ki jih boste natisnili lahko izbirate po datumu ko so bile posnete Drug...

Page 410: ...1 Izberite Tisk foto za os iz ID photo size print in nato pritisnite gumb OK 2 S kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali gumbom izberite fotografijo ki jo želite natisniti in nato pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Na voljo so naslednje velikosti Tiskajte na papir večji od velikosti ki ste jo določili 3 0 x 2 5 cm 1 18 x 0 98 4 0 x 3 0 cm 1 57 x 1 18 4 0 x 4 0 cm 1 57 x 1 57 4 0 x ...

Page 411: ...končno Za ležečo postavljeno fotografijo izberite ležečo obliko medtem ko za pokončno postavljeno fotografijo izberite pokončno obliko Fotografijo izberite s kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali z gumbom Če je slika obrnjena na glavo lahko uporabite gumb da zavrtite fotografijo za 180 stopinj Če želite spremeniti začetek tedna na natisnjenem koledarju pritisnite levi gumb Function Funkcija na zaslo...

Page 412: ... eno fotografijo Prikaz sličic Thumbnail display Prikaže devet fotografij hkrati S kolescem za preprosto pomikanje ali gumbom izberite fotografijo in nato pritisnite gumb ali da določite število kopij Celozaslonski prikaz Full screen display Prikaže eno fotografijo na celem zaslonu Povečan prikaz Enlarged display Povečano fotografijo prikaže v dvakratni velikosti izvirnika Območje ki je prikazano ...

Page 413: ...močje ki ga želite natisniti Gumbi in namestijo okvir za obrezovanje Kolesce za preprosto pomikanje nastavi velikost okvirja za obrezovanje Kolesce za preprosto pomikanje obračajte v smeri urnega kazalca da povečate velikost okvirja za obrezovanje ali v nasprotni smeri da ga zmanjšate Levi gumb Function Funkcija spremeni razmerje višina širina okvirja za obrezovanje Desni gumb Function Funkcija za...

Page 414: ...kcija ko se na zaslonu prikaže Urejanje Edit izberite Preklic obrezovanja Cancel trimming in nato pritisnite gumb OK Izberite Samo prikazane slike Displayed images only ali Vse slike All images nato pa pritisnite gumb OK Na vrh strani Stran 414 od 958 strani Tiskanje določenega območja obrezovanje ...

Page 415: ... gumb OK Odpre se zaslon Išči Search 2 Določite način iskanja Če želite za iskanje določiti le en datum Izberite Samo en datum One date only Če želite za iskanje določiti obseg datumov Izberite Izbira obsega datumov Select date range 3 Pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon za vnos datuma Opomba Od števila fotografij shranjenih na pomnilniški kartici pogonu USB je odvisno kdaj se prikaže zaslon za v...

Page 416: ...Na vrh strani Stran 416 od 958 strani Iskanje fotografij po datumu posnetka Iskanje ...

Page 417: ... fotografij iz natisnjene fotografije Tiskanje fotografij iz natisnjene fotografije Tiskanje iz natisnjenih fotografij Uporaba priročnih funkcij tiskanja Uporaba priročnih zaslonskih funkcij Na vrh strani Stran 417 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij iz natisnjene fotografije ...

Page 418: ...ografije Tiskanje iz natisnjenih fotografij Tiskanje iz natisnjenih fotografij Informacije o osnovnem postopku tiskanja iz natisnjenih fotografij najdete v razdelku Tiskanje fotografij iz natisnjene fotografije Elementi nastavitev Na vrh strani Stran 418 od 958 strani Tiskanje iz natisnjenih fotografij ...

Page 419: ...krati odvisno od funkcij 1 Velikost strani Izberite velikost strani naloženega papirja 2 Vrsta medija Izberite vrsto fotografskega papirja ki jo boste uporabili 3 Kakovost tiskanja Kakovost tiskanja prilagodite glede na izvirnik 4 Tiskanje brez roba Izberite tiskanje z robom ali brez njega Zaslon za napredne nastavitve tiskanja Ko pritisnete levi gumb Function Funkcija na zaslonu za potrditev nast...

Page 420: ...N izberite Ročni popravek Manual correction in določite vse spodaj navedene dodatne nastavitve 1 Posvetlitev obraza Osvetli zatemnjen obraz na fotografiji ki je bila posneta proti svetlobi 2 Popravek bledenja Popravi barvo ko tiskate fotografije ki so sčasoma zbledele ali dobile nenaravno barvo 3 Svetlost Prilagodi svetlost 4 Kontrast Prilagodi kontrast 5 Barvni odtenek Prilagodi barvni odtenek Po...

Page 421: ...biro načina kopiranja glejte razdelek Nastavitve za tiskanje fotografij ki so optično prebrane Tiskanje nalepk Sticker print Svojo najljubšo fotografijo lahko natisnete na Canonove foto nalepke in tako izdelate lastne nalepke Tiskanje nalepk Natisni vse fotografije Print all photos Natisnete lahko vse optično prebrane fotografije Tiskanje vseh fotografij Natisni vse fotografije Na vrh strani Stran...

Page 422: ...etnem zaslonu izberite Enost tisk foto Easy photo reprint in pritisnite gumb OK 3 Sledite navodilom na zaslonu in pritisnite gumb OK za začetek optičnega branja natisnjene fotografije Prikaže se zaslon za Enost tisk foto Easy photo reprint 4 Papir naložite v zadnji pladenj Opomba Informacije o osnovnem postopku tiskanja iz natisnjenih fotografij najdete v razdelku Tiskanje fotografij iz natisnjene...

Page 423: ...avitve za tiskanje fotografij ki so optično prebrane 1 Izberite Tiskanje nalepk Sticker print in pritisnite gumb OK 2 Izberite postavitev nato pa pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Opomba Za tiskanje nalepk ne morete uporabljati kasete Nalepke naložite v zadnji pladenj V zadnji pladenj lahko hkrati naložite le en list z nalepkami Druge možnosti Spreminjanje prikaza Tiskanje določenega...

Page 424: ...j Natisni vse fotografije Tiskanje vseh fotografij Natisni vse fotografije Natisnete lahko vse optično prebrane fotografije Nastavitve za tiskanje fotografij ki so optično prebrane 1 Izberite Natisni vse fotografije Print all photos in pritisnite gumb OK Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Na vrh strani Stran 424 od 958 strani Tiskanje vseh fotografij Natisni vse fotografije ...

Page 425: ...rnete v prejšnji način prikaza Tiskanje določenega območja obrezovanje Fotografije na zaslonu LCD lahko uredite tako da jih obrežete 1 Izberite fotografijo ki jo želite obrezati 2 Ko se na zaslonu prikaže Urejanje Edit pritisnite desni gumb Function Funkcija 3 Izberite Prirezovanje Trimming in nato pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon za urejanje obrezovanja 4 Izberite območje ki ga želite natisni...

Page 426: ...te ga nastavili znova pritisnite desni gumb Function Funkcija ko se na zaslonu prikaže Urejanje Edit izberite Prirezovanje Trimming in nato pritisnite gumb OK Če želite preklicati obrezovanje ko je bilo že nastavljeno znova pritisnite desni gumb Function Funkcija ko se na zaslonu prikaže Urejanje Edit izberite Preklic obrezovanja Cancel trimming in nato pritisnite gumb OK Izberite Samo prikazane s...

Page 427: ...ko kartico z nadzorno ploščo naprave Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik prek nadzorne plošče naprave Optično branje s priloženo programsko opremo Optično branje z drugo programsko opremo Zasloni pripomočka Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Drugi načini optičnega branja Na vrh strani Stran 427 od 958 strani Optično branje ...

Page 428: ...Izpopolnjena navodila Optično branje Optično branje slik Optično branje slik Optično branje slik Pred optičnim branjem Nameščanje dokumentov Na vrh strani Stran 428 od 958 strani Optično branje slik ...

Page 429: ...ranite tudi na pomnilniško kartico ali pogon USB v obliki zapisa PDF oziroma JPEG Glede na svoje želje lahko izbirate med različnimi načini optičnega branja Shranjevanje optično prebranih podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico z nadzorno ploščo naprave Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik prek nadzorne plošče naprave Optično branje s priloženo programsko opremo Optično branje z ...

Page 430: ...rnik ki ga želite optično prebrati izpolnjuje zahteve za postavitev na stekleno ploščo Za podrobnosti o shranjevanju podatkov v računalnik si oglejte Nameščanje dokumentov Podrobnosti o shranjevanju podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico najdete v razdelku Nalaganje papirja izvirnikov Na vrh strani Stran 430 od 958 strani Pred optičnim branjem ...

Page 431: ...t the arrow alignment mark of the Platen Photos that have been cut to various shapes and documents smaller than 1 18 inches 3 cm square cannot be cropped accurately when scanning Reflective CD DVD labels may not be scanned properly Close the Document Cover when scanning When Scanning Photos Postcards Business Cards or CD DVD When Scanning Magazines Newspapers or Text Documents Placing a Single Doc...

Page 432: ... the edges of the Platen and documents and between documents Portions placed on the diagonally striped area cannot be scanned Note You can place up to 12 documents You can place up to 4 documents when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box Positions of slanted documents 10 degrees or less are corrected automatically Page ...

Page 433: ...ploščo naprave Shranjevanje optično prebranih podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico z nadzorno ploščo naprave Shranjevanje optično prebranih podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico z nadzorno ploščo naprave Na vrh strani Stran 433 od 958 strani Shranjevanje optično prebranih podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico ...

Page 434: ...ane podatke shranjene na pogonu USB ali pomnilniški kartici občasno shranite na drug nosilec podatkov da se izognete nepričakovani izgubi podatkov Ne prevzemamo nikakršne odgovornosti za izgubo ali poškodbo podatkov ne glede na vzroke in ne glede na to ali je izdelek v garanciji 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena 2 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite možnost Optično branje Scan nato pa pritisnite gumb...

Page 435: ... branje tako da sledite zaslonu za potrditev V eni datoteki PDF lahko shranite do 100 strani slik Če na pogonu USB ali pomnilniški kartici med optičnim branjem zmanjka prostora lahko shranite samo slike ki so že optično prebrane V oblikah zapisa JPEG in PDF lahko shranite do 2000 datotek z optično prebranimi podatki Imeni mape in datoteke z optično prebranimi podatki ki so shranjeni na pogonu USB ...

Page 436: ...mogli uporabiti 1 Vstavite pogon USB v vrata za neposredno tiskanje Preden vstavite pogon USB v vrata za neposredno tiskanje se prepričajte ali je pogon pravilno usmerjen Odstranjevanje pogona USB 1 Prepričajte se da naprava ne zapisuje podatkov na pogon USB Na zaslonu LCD preverite ali je postopek pisanja dokončan Pomembno Medtem ko naprava deluje ne odstranjujte pogona USB in ne izklapljajte nap...

Page 437: ...Na vrh strani Stran 437 od 958 strani Shranjevanje optično prebranih podatkov na pogon USB pomnilniško kartico ...

Page 438: ...pomnilniški kartici 1 Vrsta dok Document type Izberite vrsto izvirnika na stekleni plošči 2 Velikost opt br Scan size Izberite velikost izvirnika na stekleni plošči 3 Ločlj opt br Scan resolution Izberite ločljivost za optično branje 4 Oblika zapisa Data format Izberite obliko zapisa za optično prebrane podatke Zaslon Napredno Advanced Ko pritisnete levi funkcijski gumb na zaslonu za nastavitve op...

Page 439: ...azite neenakomerne sence ali črtasti vzorec Opomba Če sta možnosti Ostr maska VKL Unsharp mask ON in Derasterizacija VKL Descreen ON izbrani hkrati lahko ostane nekaj učinkov moire V tem primeru spremenite možnost Ostr maska VKL Unsharp mask ON na Ostr maska IZK Unsharp mask OFF 4 Prosojnost Show through Ko optično prebirate tanek dokument npr časopis lahko vidite tudi znake na hrbtni strani Izber...

Page 440: ...e v režo za kartice Pomembno Pogona USB in pomnilniške kartice ni mogoče uporabljati hkrati 3 Izberite Pogon USB USB flash drive ali Pomnilniška kartica Memory card in nato pritisnite gumb OK 4 Izberite Izbr opt preb pod Delete scanned data in nato pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se seznam datotek 5 Izberite datoteko ki jo boste izbrisali in pritisnite gumb OK Opomba Datoteko ki jo boste izbrisali si l...

Page 441: ...7 Izberite Da Yes in nato znova pritisnite gumb OK Naprava začne datoteko brisati Na vrh strani Stran 441 od 958 strani Brisanje optično prebranih podatkov s pogona USB pomnilniške kartice ...

Page 442: ...Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik prek nadzorne plošče naprave Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik prek nadzorne plošče naprave Dodatek Različne nastavitve optičnega branja Na vrh strani Stran 442 od 958 strani Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik prek nadzorne plošče ...

Page 443: ...oločite za vsak primer posebej Podrobnosti najdete v razdelku Izbira odziva na ukaze z nadzorne plošče s pomočjo programa MP Navigator EX 1 Nastavite začetno aplikacijo Če uporabljate operacijski sistem Mac OS X razl 10 5 x ali Mac OS X razl 10 4 x Postopek ni potreben Če uporabljate Mac OS X razl 10 3 9 MP Navigator EX morate nastaviti kot začetno programsko opremo za možnost zajemanje slik Image...

Page 444: ...kih Nadaljujte z 9 korakom Dokument Document Optično prebere izvirnik na stekleni plošči in pri tem uporablja optimalne nastavitve za optično branje dokumenta Fotografija Photo Optično prebere izvirnik na stekleni plošči in pri tem uporablja optimalne nastavitve za optično branje fotografije Pomembno Prepričajte se da je bil dokument naložen pravilno glede na vrsto dokumenta ki ste jo izbrali Ogle...

Page 445: ...Navigator EX zažene vsakič ko pritisnete gumb Color barvno ali Black črno Več informacij najdete v razdelku Za uporabnike sistema Windows Če uporabljate operacijski sistem Windows XP Zaslon za izbiro programa se lahko prikaže po prvem pritisku gumba Barvno Color ali Črno Black V tem primeru za izbrano aplikacijo določite MP Navigator EX Ver3 0 Izberite Za to dejanje vedno uporabi ta program Always...

Page 446: ...očjo ScanGear gonilnik optičnega bralnika Opomba Izvirnike lahko na tej napravi optično preberete tudi s programsko aplikacijo ki podpira TWAIN ali WIA samo Windows Vista in Windows XP in z uporabo nadzorne plošče samo Windows Vista in Windows XP Podrobnosti najdete v poglavju Drugi načini optičnega branja Na vrh strani Stran 446 od 958 strani Posredovanje optično prebranih podatkov v računalnik p...

Page 447: ... Settings Appendix Various Scan Settings Enabling network scanning Network Scan Settings Specifying how to respond when scanning using the Operation Panel of the machine Selecting a Response to Commands from the Operation Panel Using MP Navigator EX Page top Stran 447 od 958 strani Appendix Various Scan Settings ...

Page 448: ...ttings of the machine beforehand Refer to the printed manual Getting Started Complete the following settings to enable scanning over a network Setting for Scanning with MP Navigator EX To scan over a network using MP Navigator EX follow the steps below and change the connection status between the computer and the machine 1 Start MP Navigator EX Starting MP Navigator EX 2 Click Preferences 3 For ne...

Page 449: ...ility is running If Canon IJ Network Scan Utility is running its icon appears in the notification area of the taskbar If Canon IJ Network Scan Utility is not running from the Start menu select All Programs Canon IJ Network Utilities Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Canon IJ Network Scan Utility to start it 2 In the notification area of the taskbar right click the Canon IJ Network Scan Utility icon an...

Page 450: ...s are connected via a network you can select up to three scanners See Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Menu and Setting Screen for details on Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Page top Stran 450 od 958 strani Network Scan Settings ...

Page 451: ...y the response resulting from pressing a button for scanning on the Operation Panel of the machine You can specify the response individually for each event 1 Start MP Navigator EX Starting MP Navigator EX 2 Click Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens Note The Preferences dialog box can also be opened by clicking Preferences in the One click Mode screen 3 On the Scanner Button Settings tab s...

Page 452: ...ach to E mail Scanner Button Settings Tab Open with Application 4 Click OK The operation will be performed according to the settings when you press the Color Start or Black Start button on the machine Page top Stran 452 od 958 strani Selecting a Response to Commands from the Operation Panel Using MP Navi ...

Page 453: ...igator EX priložena programska oprema za optični bralnik Poskusimo optično brati Uporabne funkcije programa MP Navigator EX Uporabljanje slik v programu MP Navigator EX Zasloni programa MP Navigator EX Dodatek Odpiranje datotek ki niso optično prebrane slike Na vrh strani Stran 453 od 958 strani Optično branje s priloženo programsko opremo ...

Page 454: ...oftware This software allows you to scan multiple documents at one time or scan images larger than the Platen You can also save scanned images attach them to e mail or print them using the supplied applications Screens Main Menus There are two types of MP Navigator EX Main Menu Navigation Mode screen and One click Mode screen Navigation Mode Screen You can start various tasks from the Navigation M...

Page 455: ...w to scan photos and documents or import images saved on memory cards View Use Window Use the View Use window to select what you want to do with the scanned images Page top Stran 455 od 958 strani What Is MP Navigator EX Supplied Scanner Software ...

Page 456: ...nts photos magazines etc from the Platen Scanning Photos and Documents Scanning two or more photos small documents at one time Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time Scanning images larger than the Platen Scanning Images Larger than the Platen Stitch Assist Scanning easily according to purpose scan and save attach to e mail etc Easy Scanning with One click Page top Stran 456 od 958 strani Let s T...

Page 457: ... the network environment before scanning Network Scan Settings Starting MP Navigator EX 1 Double click Canon MP Navigator EX 3 0 icon on the desktop MP Navigator EX starts Note Alternatively from the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities MP Navigator EX 3 0 MP Navigator EX 3 0 Starting One click Mode 1 Click Switch Mode at the bottom left of the screen Stran 457 od 958 strani Starting MP ...

Page 458: ... Show this window at startup checkbox in the Navigation Mode screen to always open the Navigation Mode screen at startup If this checkbox is not selected the last used screen appears at startup Page top Stran 458 od 958 strani Starting MP Navigator EX ...

Page 459: ...pen the Navigation Mode screen Starting MP Navigator EX 2 Point to Scan Import and click Photos Documents Platen 3 Place the document on the Platen then select Document Type Placing Documents Note When you select Magazine Color the Descreen function will be enabled and scanning takes longer than usual To disable the Descreen function deselect the Descreen checkbox in the Stran 459 od 958 strani Sc...

Page 460: ... is completed click OK Scan Settings Dialog Box Photos Documents Important When scanning a large document such as an A4 size photo align its corner with the corner at the arrow alignment mark of the platen and specify the document size in the Scan Settings dialog box 5 Click Scan Scanning starts When scanning is completed the Scan Complete dialog box opens Select Scan or Exit Select Scan to scan t...

Page 461: ...s in Photos Documents Platen Screen Scan Import Window for details Note First select images to edit Selected images are outlined in orange Drag the mouse or use Shift arrow keys to select multiple images 7 Save the scanned images Saving Saving as PDF Files Page top Stran 461 od 958 strani Scanning Photos and Documents ...

Page 462: ...t case start ScanGear scanner driver then adjust the cropping frames scan areas in whole image view and scan again Photos that have a whitish border Documents printed on white paper hand written text business cards etc Thin documents Thick documents Scanning Multiple Documents in Whole Image View 1 Place the document on the Platen Placing Documents 2 Start MP Navigator EX and open the Navigation M...

Page 463: ...ify Select Auto Detect Multiple Documents for Document Size When setting is completed click OK Scan Settings Dialog Box Photos Documents 6 Click Scan Stran 463 od 958 strani Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time ...

Page 464: ...rt of an image etc See the Edit Tools in Photos Documents Platen Screen Scan Import Window for details Note First select images to edit Selected images are outlined in orange Drag the mouse or use Shift arrow keys to select multiple images 8 Save the scanned images Saving Saving as PDF Files Note If you want to preview the images before scanning use ScanGear scanner driver Scanning Multiple Docume...

Page 465: ... Start MP Navigator EX and open the Navigation Mode screen Starting MP Navigator EX Note You can complete from scanning to saving etc at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon in the One click Mode screen Stitch Assist is available from the One click Mode screen as well by changing the document size Click the corresponding icon and select Stitch Assist for Document Size Then skip ahead...

Page 466: for Document Size then specify the scanning resolution as required When setting is completed click OK Scan Settings Dialog Box Photos Documents 5 Click Scan Stran 466 od 958 strani Scanning Images Larger than the Platen Stitch Assist ...

Page 467: ...the Stitch assist window 8 Place the right half of the document face down on the Platen 9 Click Scan The right half of the document is scanned 10 Adjust the scanned image as required Use the icons to swap the left and right halves rotate the image 180 degrees or enlarge reduce the image Stran 467 od 958 strani Scanning Images Larger than the Platen Stitch Assist ...

Page 468: ...ce does not affect the actual size of the scanned image When the document is scanned upside down the image displayed in the Stitch assist window will also be upside down Click Rotate 180 to rotate the image to the correct orientation You can drag the right half of the image from right to left or up and down to adjust the position If the left and right halves do not match due to a slanted document ...

Page 469: completed the Scan Complete dialog box opens Select Scan or Exit Select Scan to scan the next document or select Exit to end 13 Save the scanned images Saving Saving as PDF Files Page top Stran 469 od 958 strani Scanning Images Larger than the Platen Stitch Assist ...

Page 470: ...time by simply clicking the corresponding icon 1 Place the document on the Platen Placing Documents 2 Start MP Navigator EX Starting MP Navigator EX The MP Navigator EX Navigation Mode screen or One click Mode screen appears Navigation Mode Screen One click Mode Screen Note Skip ahead to Step 4 if One click Mode screen is open 3 Point to One click Stran 470 od 958 strani Easy Scanning with One cli...

Page 471: ...e click Tab One click Mode Screen 5 Select Document Type according to the document to be scanned 6 Set the document size and scanning resolution as required 7 Start scanning Scanning starts Page top Stran 471 od 958 strani Easy Scanning with One click ...

Page 472: ...images quickly Correcting enhancing images automatically Correcting Enhancing Images Automatically Correcting enhancing images manually Correcting Enhancing Images Manually Adjusting color characteristics such as brightness and contrast Adjusting Images Searching for lost images Searching Images Classifying and sorting images Classifying Images into Categories Page top Stran 472 od 958 strani Usef...

Page 473: ...o select images saved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer 2 Click Edit Convert then click Fix photo images on the list The Correct Enhance Images window opens Note The Correct Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking Image Correction Enhancement on the Toolbar or in the Zoom in dialog box In that case only the target i...

Page 474: ...t be available for images edited using an application digital camera etc manufactured by other companies Note The Face Sharpener and Digital Face Smoothing effect levels can be changed using the slider that appears by clicking the corresponding buttons When you apply Auto Photo Fix dark backlit photos will be corrected automatically If the image is not corrected enough using Auto Photo Fix it is r...

Page 475: ...ed Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save corrected enhanced images as new files Note To save only the images you like select them and click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images The file format of corrected enhanced images is JPEG Exif Adobe RGB images are saved as sRGB images 8 Click Exit Important The corrections enhancements will be lost if you exit be...

Page 476: ...ved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer 2 Click Edit Convert then click Fix photo images on the list The Correct Enhance Images window opens Note The Correct Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking Image Correction Enhancement on the Toolbar or in the Zoom in dialog box In that case only the target image outlined in o...

Page 477: ...e Smoothing or Blemish Remover Note The Face Brightener Face Sharpener and Digital Face Smoothing effect levels can be changed using the slider that appears by clicking the corresponding buttons Move the cursor over the image The shape of the cursor changes to Cross 6 Drag to select the area you want to correct enhance then click OK that appears over the image Stran 477 od 958 strani Correcting En...

Page 478: ...stments applied to the selected image 7 Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save corrected enhanced images as new files Note To save only the images you like select them and click Save Selected Image To save all images click Save All Corrected Images The file format of corrected enhanced images is JPEG Exif 8 Click Exit Important The corrections enhancements will be lost...

Page 479: ...ges saved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer 2 Click Edit Convert then click Fix photo images on the list The Correct Enhance Images window opens Note The Correct Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking Image Correction Enhancement on the Toolbar or in the Zoom in dialog box In that case only the target image outline...

Page 480: ...s on the upper left of the thumbnail and preview image Note Click Defaults to reset all adjustments Click Reset Selected Image to cancel all corrections enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image 6 Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images You can save adjusted images as new files Note To save only the images you like select them and click Save Selected Image To save a...

Page 481: ...The file format of adjusted images is JPEG Exif 7 Click Exit Important The adjustments will be lost if you exit before saving adjusted images Page top Stran 481 od 958 strani Adjusting Images ...

Page 482: ...ed folder and its subfolders You can also specify folder and search in Specify Folder See Starting MP Navigator EX to start MP Navigator EX Quick Search In Text box on the Toolbar enter a word or phrase included in the file name Exif information or PDF text of the image you want to search for then click Search button For Exif information text in Maker Model Description and User Comment is searched...

Page 483: ... files that enables keyword search see PDF Settings Dialog Box Password protected PDF files cannot be searched Category You can search for images by category Modified Date To search for images that have been updated in a specific time period enter the first and last dates of the period Shooting Date To search for images captured in a specific time period enter the first and last dates of the perio...

Page 484: ...nnot be searched Search subfolders Select this checkbox to search subfolders Case sensitive Select this checkbox to match case Match all criteria Searches for files that meet all the specified criteria Match any criteria Searches for files that meet any of the specified criteria Start Search Starts search Related Topic View Use Window Page top Stran 484 od 958 strani Searching Images ...

Page 485: ...or EX to the latest version the classification information on the second latest version is transferred upon initial startup After the initial startup the classification information cannot be transferred 1 Scan documents into MP Navigator EX and save them then open the View Use window from the Navigation Mode screen Note See Let s Try Scanning to scan images into MP Navigator EX You can also select...

Page 486: ... removable media such as USB flash drive and external hard disk the classification information will be deleted once you remove the media From the next time the images are classified to Unclassified Images cannot be classified when Recently Saved Images is selected in the View Use window Note Some images may not be detected correctly and thus may be classified into wrong categories In that case dra...

Page 487: ...e up to 20 custom categories Up to 50 single byte characters can be used for a category name Double click a created category to open the Change Category Name dialog box in which you can change the category name Select a custom category and click Delete to delete it Related Topic View Use Window Page top Stran 487 od 958 strani Classifying Images into Categories ...

Page 488: ... corresponding sections below for details on using images files Creating editing PDF files from scanned images Creating Editing PDF Files Printing multiple scanned images at one time or printing at specific size quality etc Printing Documents Printing scanned photos Printing Photos Sending scanned images via e mail Sending via E mail Correcting enhancing scanned images or converting them to text E...

Page 489: dialog box specify the save settings Specify the destination folder file name and file type Save Dialog Box Important You cannot select JPEG Exif when Document Type is Text OCR Note By default the following folders are specified as the destination folders Windows Vista MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000 MP Navigator EX ...

Page 490: ...ettings To further use edit the scanned images on MP Navigator EX click Open saved location in the Save Complete dialog box Creating Editing PDF Files Printing Documents Printing Photos Sending via E mail Editing Files Page top Stran 490 od 958 strani Saving ...

Page 491: ... scanned with MP Navigator EX as PDF files 1 Select the checkboxes of the images you want to save then click Save as PDF file 2 In the Save as PDF file dialog box specify the save settings Specify the file type file name and destination folder Save as PDF file Dialog Box Select from the following PDF file types PDF Stran 491 od 958 strani Saving as PDF Files ...

Page 492: ...ified as well If a password protected PDF file is edited the passwords will be deleted Reset the passwords Note By default the following folders are specified as the destination folders Windows Vista MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000 MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder You can set passwords for PDF files Setting ...

Page 493: ...te See Let s Try Scanning to scan images into MP Navigator EX You can also select images saved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer Creating Editing PDF Files with MP Navigator EX 1 Select images and click PDF Note You can select PDF JPEG TIFF and BMP files 2 Click Create Edit PDF file on the list Important For PDF files you can on...

Page 494: ... Window for details on the Create Edit PDF file window 5 Click Save Selected Pages or Save All Pages The Save as PDF file dialog box opens Save as PDF file Dialog Box Important You cannot save images scanned at 10501 pixels or more in the vertical and horizontal directions If a password protected PDF file is edited the passwords will be deleted Reset the passwords in the Save as PDF file dialog bo...

Page 495: ...ating system starts Important Password protected PDF files cannot be opened in applications not supporting PDF security Files may not open if an application that can be associated with PDF files is not installed 3 Use the application to edit print the file For details refer to the application s manual Important In some applications the commands print edit etc restricted by Permissions Password may...

Page 496: ...images Note See Let s Try Scanning to scan images into MP Navigator EX You can also select images saved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer 2 Click Print then click Print Document on the list Important If a password protected PDF file is selected you will be prompted to enter the password Opening Editing Password protected PDF Fil...

Page 497: Printers 3 Right click the icon of your printer and click Properties The printer properties dialog box opens 4 Click the Advanced tab 5 Select Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster 6 Select Start printing after last page is spooled 7 After printing return the setting on the Advanced tab to Start printing immediately To cancel while spooling click Cancel To cancel while print...

Page 498: ...ou can also select images saved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer When Printing Photos Using Easy PhotoPrint EX You can use Easy PhotoPrint EX to print scanned photos at high quality or to layout and print images 1 Select images and click Print 2 Click Print Photo or Print Album on the list Easy PhotoPrint EX starts See Printing...

Page 499: Print Photo Dialog Box 4 Click Print Printing starts Note To cancel while spooling click Cancel To cancel while printing click Cancel Printing in the confirmation window for the printer status To open a confirmation window for the printer status click printer icon on the taskbar Page top Stran 499 od 958 strani Printing Photos ...

Page 500: ...gram s MAPI is enabled To enable MAPI refer to the manual of the e mail software program 1 Scan documents into MP Navigator EX and save them then open the View Use window from the Navigation Mode screen and select images Note See Let s Try Scanning to scan images into MP Navigator EX You can also select images saved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Image...

Page 501: ... from High Low Compression Standard or Low High Compression 4 Click OK Files are saved according to the settings and the e mail software program starts 5 Specify the recipient enter the subject and message then send e mail For details refer to the manual of the e mail software program Page top Stran 501 od 958 strani Sending via E mail ...

Page 502: ...saved on a memory card or computer Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Opening Images Saved on a Computer Correcting Photo Images You can correct enhance images in the Correct Enhance Images window 1 Select images and click Edit Convert 2 Click Fix photo images on the list The Correct Enhance Images window opens 3 Correct enhance images in the Correct Enhance Images window Note See Correct Enh...

Page 503: ...the document to be scanned When scanning multiple documents you can collect the extracted text into one file General Tab Text displayed in Notepad included with Windows is for guidance only Text in the image of the following types of documents may not be detected correctly Documents containing text with font size outside the range of 8 points to 40 points at 300 dpi Slanted documents Documents pla...

Page 504: ...pplications the commands print edit etc restricted by Permissions Password may differ from those in MP Navigator EX Password protected PDF files cannot be searched by text from the View Use Window 1 Scan documents into MP Navigator EX then click Save as PDF file Alternatively edit existing files in the Create Edit PDF file window then click Save Selected Pages or Save All Pages The Save as PDF fil...

Page 505: ...ict printing and editing of the document and its security settings checkbox then enter a password Important Up to 32 single byte alphanumeric characters can be used for the password Passwords are case sensitive Select both checkboxes to set both Document Open Password and Permissions Password You cannot use the same password for both 4 Click OK The Confirm Document Open Password or Confirm Permiss...

Page 506: ...s dialog box will be deleted Passwords are deleted once the file is edited Reset the passwords when saving edited files Note If you set the passwords via the PDF Settings dialog box the PDF Settings dialog box returns Click OK The Save as PDF file dialog box returns 6 Click Save Files are saved according to the settings Related Topic Opening Editing Password protected PDF Files Page top Stran 506 ...

Page 507: applications Only MP Navigator EX version 1 1 and 2 0 or later supports opening editing and printing password protected PDF files In Windows 2000 Internet Explorer 5 5 Service Pack 2 or later is required to open edit or print password protected PDF files Passwords are case sensitive You can create or edit up to 99 pages using MP Navigator EX Entering a Password to Open a File 1 In the View Use ...

Page 508: ... in dialog box Note To reopen the file after closing the Zoom in dialog box re enter the password Entering a Password Permissions Password to Edit or Print a File 1 In the View Use window select PDF files and click PDF or Print Stran 508 od 958 strani Opening Editing Password protected PDF Files ...

Page 509: ...t as well the Document Open Password will be required then the Permissions Password will be required 3 Enter the password and click OK The corresponding dialog box opens Important If a password protected PDF file is edited the passwords will be deleted Reset the passwords Setting Passwords for PDF Files Related Topic Setting Passwords for PDF Files Page top Stran 509 od 958 strani Opening Editing ...

Page 510: ...ow View Use Images on your Computer Tab View Use Window Create Edit PDF file Window Print Document Dialog Box Print Photo Dialog Box Send via E mail Dialog Box Correct Enhance Images Window Custom Scan with One click Tab One click Mode Screen Auto Scan Dialog Box Save Dialog Box One click Mode Screen PDF Dialog Box Mail Dialog Box OCR Dialog Box Custom Dialog Box Preferences Dialog Box General Tab...

Page 511: ...anies the machine View Use Images on your Computer Tab One click You can complete from scanning to saving etc at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon Custom Scan with One click Tab Switch Mode Switches to One click Mode screen In the One click Mode screen you can complete from scanning to saving etc at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon One click Mode Screen Show this...

Page 512: ...the Scan Import window with Memory Card selected Import images saved on memory cards Memory Card Screen Scan Import Window Switch Mode Switches to One click Mode screen In the One click Mode screen you can complete from scanning to saving etc at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon One click Mode Screen Show this window at startup Select this checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup...

Page 513: ... Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000 MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Specify Folder Opens the View Use window with Specify Folder selected You can open and use images saved in specific folders Recently Saved Images Opens the View Use window with Recently Saved Images selected You can open and use Scanned Imported ...

Page 514: ...ferences dialog box you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions Preferences Dialog Box Guide Opens this guide Related Topic Opening Images Saved on a Computer Page top Stran 514 od 958 strani View Use Images on your Computer Tab ...

Page 515: ... When you click this icon the Save dialog box opens and you can specify the scan save settings Save Dialog Box One click Mode Screen Save as PDF file Scan documents and save them as PDF files When you click this icon the PDF dialog box opens and you can specify the scan save and application settings PDF Dialog Box Attach to E mail Scan documents or photos and attach them to e mail When you click t...

Page 516: ...his checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup If this checkbox is not selected the last used screen appears Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens In the Preferences dialog box you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions Preferences Dialog Box Guide Opens this guide Important The following restrictions apply when you scan with Document Type set to Auto Mode in the Save or Cus...

Page 517: ...w Use Click this when you want to open images and PDF files saved on your computer The View Use window opens View Use Window Photos Documents Platen Displays the screen for scanning photos documents magazines and other printed materials Memory Card Click this when you want to import images saved on a memory card The screen for importing images from a memory card appears Memory Card Screen Scan Imp...

Page 518: ...ner driver screens Note This button changes to Scan when you deselect the Use the scanner driver checkbox Clear Delete all images in the Thumbnail window Note Images not saved on a computer will be deleted To keep important images use Save or other methods to save them to a computer before clicking Clear Save Save the selected images Click to open the Save dialog box and specify the save settings ...

Page 519: ...rget image outlined in orange You can also enlarge the image by double clicking it Display Size Changes the size of images in the Thumbnail window Sort by Sorts the images in the Thumbnail window by category or by date ascending or descending Thumbnail Window Thumbnail Window Scanned images are displayed When you select the checkbox of an image the image appears in the Selected Images area Note Th...

Page 520: ... image outlined in orange in the Selected Images area Selected Images Area Images selected in the Thumbnail window are displayed Related Topic Scanning Photos and Documents Page top Stran 520 od 958 strani Photos Documents Platen Screen Scan Import Window ...

Page 521: ...y select a document type that matches the document to be scanned Document Size Select the size of the document to be scanned When you select Custom a screen in which you can specify the document size appears Select a Units then enter the Width and Height and click OK Important When you select Auto Detect the image may not be scanned at the correct position and size In that case change the size to ...

Page 522: ...Document Type is Text OCR Remove gutter shadow Select this checkbox to correct shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets Important You cannot select this checkbox when Document Size is Auto Detect Auto Detect Multiple Documents or Stitch Assist Align the document correctly with the alignment mark on the Platen Note Use ScanGear s Advanced Mode tab to correct gutter shadows when...

Page 523: ...n be selected from Document Language are supported The orientation of the following types of documents may not be corrected as the text cannot be detected correctly In that case select the scanned image in the Thumbnail window of the Photos Documents Platen Screen Scan Import Window and rotate it with Edit Tools Resolution is outside the range of 300 dpi to 600 dpi Font size is outside the range o...

Page 524: ... details on how to enable writing refer to Setting Up the Card Slot as the Memory Card Drive of the Computer With network connection map the Card Slot as a network drive See Using the Card Slot over a Network for details File name Enter the file name of the image to be saved up to 64 characters When saving multiple files 4 digits are appended to each file name Save as type Select a file type to sa...

Page 525: in with the current date and save scanned files in it A subfolder with a name such as 2009_01_01 Year_Month_Date will be created If this checkbox is not selected files are saved directly in the folder specified in Save in Page top Stran 525 od 958 strani Save Dialog Box ...

Page 526: ...s as one PDF file or add pages to a PDF file created with MP Navigator EX Important You cannot save images scanned at 10501 pixels or more in the vertical and horizontal directions Dialog box that opens when Save as PDF file in the Scan Import window is clicked Dialog box that opens when Save Selected Pages or Save All Pages is clicked in the Create Edit PDF file window Save as type Select a PDF f...

Page 527: ...n you select PDF Add Page for Save as type and specify the PDF file to which images are added To change the file click Browse to specify another one Important Images can only be added to PDF files created with MP Navigator EX You cannot specify PDF files created with other applications PDF files edited in other applications cannot be specified as well File name Enter the file name of the image to ...

Page 528: ...ntation of the following types of documents may not be corrected as the text cannot be detected correctly Resolution is outside the range of 300 dpi to 600 dpi Font size is outside the range of 8 points to 48 points Documents containing special fonts effects italics or hand written text Documents with patterned backgrounds Correct slanted document Select this checkbox to detect the scanned text an...

Page 529: ...f 75 dpi to 600 dpi Security Set passwords for opening editing and printing the created PDF files Important In Windows 2000 Internet Explorer 5 5 Service Pack 2 or later is required to use this function This function is not available when images are automatically saved after scanning such as when scanning from the One click Mode screen or scanning using the Operation Panel of the machine Note Sele...

Page 530: ...nd Operation Buttons View Use Click this when you want to open images and PDF files saved on your computer The View Use window opens View Use Window Photos Documents Platen Click this when you want to scan photos documents magazines and other printed materials The screen for scanning photos and documents appears Photos Documents Platen Screen Scan Import Window Memory Card Displays folders of imag...

Page 531: ...ail window contents Display Size Changes the size of images in the Thumbnail window Sort by Sorts the images in the Thumbnail window by date ascending or descending Thumbnail Window Thumbnail Window Images saved on the memory card are displayed by year or month year When you select the checkbox of an image the image appears in the Selected Images area Selected Images Area Cancel All Cancels the se...

Page 532: ...Page top Stran 532 od 958 strani Memory Card Screen Scan Import Window ...

Page 533: ...e scanned images or images saved on a computer Important For PDF files only those created with MP Navigator EX are displayed You cannot display PDF files created with other applications PDF files edited in other applications cannot be displayed as well 1 Display Setting Items 2 Image Handling Buttons 3 Toolbar 4 Thumbnail Window 5 Selected Images Area Display Setting Items Scan Import Click this w...

Page 534: ...d are displayed separately Select a Month Date Year folder to display images by date in the Thumbnail window to the right Image date is the scanned or sent date Search The advanced search options opens Searching Images Jump to Main Menu Jumps to the Main Menu Image Handling Buttons Image Handling Buttons Specify what to do with the selected images See the corresponding sections below for details o...

Page 535: ...ages or a selected folder and its subfolders Refresh Refreshes the Thumbnail window contents Display Size Changes the size of images in the Thumbnail window Sort by Sorts the images in the Thumbnail window by category date ascending or descending or name ascending or descending Images can be sorted by category only when My Box Scanned Imported Images or Specify Folder is displayed Thumbnail Window...

Page 536: ... that have not yet been classified Images N The number of images classified into the category is displayed Selected n The number of images with the checkbox selected is displayed Note This portion is displayed only when one or more images are selected Close All Open All Close All Hides all images Open All Displays all images Note Immediately after opening the View Use window or sorting images all ...

Page 537: ...disks or memory cards appear in Unclassified Click Classify Images to classify them automatically This button is displayed only when My Box Scanned Imported Images or Specify Folder is displayed Note Classification may take time if there are many images to classify Selected Images Area Cancel All Cancels the selection of all images in the Selected Images area Cancel Selection Cancels the selection...

Page 538: ...nned at 10501 pixels or more in the vertical and horizontal directions If a password protected PDF file is edited the passwords will be deleted Reset the passwords Setting Passwords for PDF Files You can create or edit up to 99 pages using MP Navigator EX Rearrange Pages You can move the selected image outlined in orange Moves the selected image to the top Moves the selected image up one page Move...

Page 539: ... Save as PDF file Dialog Box for details on the Save as PDF file dialog box Save All Pages Opens the Save as PDF file dialog box Specify the save settings All PDF files in the list will be saved as one PDF file Finish Closes the Create Edit PDF file window Toolbar Rotate Left Rotates the page 90 degrees counter clockwise Rotate Right Rotates the page 90 degrees clockwise Preview Mode Switches to P...

Page 540: ...ll screen Enlarges reduces the image to display it fully in Preview Thumbnail Mode Switches to Thumbnail Mode Thumbnails of files are displayed Page top Stran 540 od 958 strani Create Edit PDF file Window ...

Page 541: Printer Select the printer to use Paper Source Select paper source Page Layout Select a print type Normal size Printing Print one image per sheet Scaled Printing Print images at the selected scale enlarged or reduced Fit to Page Printing Print an image at the paper size enlarged or reduced Borderless Printing Print the image on an entire sheet of paper without margins Page Layout Printing 2 on ...

Page 542: ...age may be printed rotated 90 degrees depending on its size Scale Select a scale from the list Important At normal size 100 some images may be printed small or with some portions cropped In that case select Auto to resize the print in proportion to the paper size Paper Size Select the size of paper for printing Match the size to the size of the paper set in the machine Note Selectable paper sizes ...

Page 543: ...inting with the specified settings Note To cancel while spooling click Cancel To cancel while printing click Cancel Printing in the confirmation window for the printer status To open a confirmation window for the printer status click printer icon on the taskbar Page top Stran 543 od 958 strani Print Document Dialog Box ...

Page 544: ...Note Double click an image to display it in a different window Printer Select the printer to use Properties Displays the selected printer s advanced setting screen Paper Size Select the size of paper for printing Match the size to the size of the paper set in the machine Media Type Select the type of paper for printing Print quality may be fixed depending on the paper type Page Layout Select a pri...

Page 545: ... Layout is Normal size Printing For others the image is automatically rotated according to the aspect ratio of the paper Copies Specify the number of copies to print Vivid Photo Select this checkbox to print the image in vivid colors Preview before printing Select this checkbox to display the print result before printing Print Starts printing Note Only the images in the Thumbnail window with the c...

Page 546: ...up via Preferences in the Navigation Mode screen is displayed Select the e mail software program you want to use Adjust attachment file size When Save as type is JPEG selecting this checkbox allows you to resize the images Select a size from Size Save in Displays the folder in which to save the images To change the folder click Browse to specify another one If resized the resized images are saved ...

Page 547: side for comparison Important Image correction enhancement cannot be applied to PDF files or black and white binary files Note The Correct Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking Image Correction Enhancement in the Zoom in dialog box It may take a while to correct large images See View Use Window for details on the View Use window 1 Task Area 2 Toolbar Task Area Available tasks and...

Page 548: ...removing blemishes and wrinkles You can adjust the effect level using the slider Apply to all images Applies the correction to all images displayed in the thumbnail list OK Applies the selected effect to the selected image or all images Reset Selected Image Cancels all corrections and enhancements applied to the selected image Save Selected Image Saves the corrected images selected Save All Correc...

Page 549: ...ght to soften the image Show through Removal Removes show through of text from the reverse side or removes the base color Adjust the show through level to prevent text on the reverse side of thin document or the base color of the document from appearing on the image Move the slider to the right to increase the show through removal effect Defaults Resets all adjustments brightness contrast sharpnes...

Page 550: ...level using the slider Blemish Remover Removes moles You can specify the area you want to apply the effect to OK Applies the selected effect to the specified area Undo Cancels the latest correction Reset Selected Image Cancels all corrections enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image Save Selected Image Saves the corrected images selected Save All Corrected Images Saves all the co...

Page 551: ...g to move the trimming area Note Place the main subjects along the broken white lines or at the intersections to create a balanced image Enlarge Enlarges the displayed image Reduce Reduces the displayed image Full screen Enlarges reduces the image to display it full screen Compare Opens the source image for comparison The source image appears on the left and the corrected image appears on the righ...

Page 552: ...Save Dialog Box One click Mode Screen PDF Scan documents and save them as PDF files When you click this icon the PDF dialog box opens and you can specify the scan save and application settings PDF Dialog Box Mail Scan documents or photos and attach them to e mail When you click this icon the Mail dialog box opens and you can specify the scan save and e mail software program settings Mail Dialog Bo...

Page 553: ...MP Navigator EX functions Preferences Dialog Box Guide Opens this guide Important The following restrictions apply when you scan with Document Type set to Auto Mode in the Save or Custom dialog box When you want to convert text in the scanned image to text data specify Document Type do not select Auto Mode Related Topic Easy Scanning with One click Page top Stran 553 od 958 strani One click Mode S...

Page 554: ...white paper Long narrow documents such as panoramic photos Reflective CD DVD labels may not be scanned properly Place documents correctly according to the type of document to be scanned Otherwise documents may not be scanned correctly See Placing Documents for details on how to place documents Note To reduce moire click another icon in One click Mode or on the Custom Scan with One click tab and se...

Page 555: ...DF files Note When Auto is selected files are saved in the following formats according to the document type Photos postcards CD DVD and business cards JPEG Magazines newspapers and text documents PDF You can change the file format from Set Set When Save as type is Auto You can specify the file format in which to save images Select a file format for Document and Photo each Important You cannot sele...

Page 556: ...directly in the folder specified in Save in Start scanning by clicking the one click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon Apply Saves and applies the specified settings Click Cancel instead of Apply to cancel the specified settings Cancel Cancels the specified settings The current screen closes Defaults Returns all settings in the screen to their defaults Scan Scans...

Page 557: ... following types of documents cannot be scanned correctly with Auto Mode In that case specify the document type or size Documents other than photos postcards business cards magazines newspapers text documents and CD DVD A4 size photos Text documents smaller than 2L 5 inches x 7 inches 127 mm x 178 mm such as paperback pages with the spine cut off Documents printed on thin white paper Long narrow d...

Page 558: ...ou can make advanced scan settings Scan Settings Dialog Box Save Settings Automatically save the image to your computer after scanning it Select this to save the images to your computer as specified after scanning them The File name Save as type and Save in settings will be displayed Important If you select this function you will not be able to set passwords for PDF files File name Enter the file ...

Page 559: ...ferring checkbox is selected on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box When Save as type is PDF PDF Multiple Pages or PDF Add Page Make advanced settings for creating PDF files See PDF Settings Dialog Box for details Save in Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images To change the folder click Browse to specify another one The following folders are specified by default Windows ...

Page 560: ...rds for PDF Files Application Settings Open with You can select whether to open the View Use window or Explorer after saving the images Start scanning by clicking the one click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon Apply Saves and applies the specified settings Click Cancel instead of Apply to cancel the specified settings Cancel Cancels the specified settings The cu...

Page 561: ... correctly select a document type that matches the document to be scanned When opened from the Scanner Button Settings tab in the Preferences dialog box the Document Type specified in the Scanner Button Settings tab is displayed and cannot be changed in this dialog box Color Mode Select how to scan the document Color This mode renders the image in 256 levels 8 bit of R ed G reen and B lue Grayscal...

Page 562: ...nt or reduce show through in newspapers Note Select this checkbox when Document Type is text document and show through is apparent in the scanned image Unsharp Mask Select this checkbox to emphasize the outline of the subjects and sharpen the image Remove gutter shadow Select this checkbox to correct shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets Important You cannot select this che...

Page 563: ...Note If you select a format other than JPEG Exif for Save as type and then select this checkbox a message appears and Save as type will be set to Auto Detect the orientation of text documents and rotate images Select this checkbox to detect the orientation of the document from the scanned text and rotate the scanned image to the correct orientation Select the language of the document to be scanned...

Page 564: ...F Add Page PDF Save each of the selected images as a separate PDF file PDF Multiple Pages Save multiple images in one PDF file Note PDF Multiple Pages is displayed when multiple images are scanned PDF Add Page Add the scanned images to a PDF file The images are added to the end of the PDF file You cannot rearrange the pages of the PDF file to which the images are added Important Images can only be...

Page 565: ...e and specify the PDF file to which images are added To change the file click Browse to specify another one Important Images can only be added to PDF files created with MP Navigator EX You cannot specify PDF files created with other applications PDF files edited in other applications cannot be specified as well Rotate Left 90 Rotate Right 90 Rotates scanned images 90 degrees counter clockwise or c...

Page 566: ...information specified on the right side of the screen Advanced Information Settings Area You can input Exif information such as the title and shooting data Select the checkbox of the items you want to specify and select or enter information Apply the Same Setting of Input Items Automatically Select this checkbox to automatically display the information you specified for the previous image Apply Af...

Page 567: ...document to be scanned Color Mode Select how to scan the document Document Size Select the size of the document to be scanned When you select Custom a screen in which you can specify the document size appears Select a Units then enter the Width and Height and click OK Important When you select Auto Detect the image may not be scanned at the correct position and size In that case change the size to...

Page 568: ...earrange the pages of the PDF file to which the images are added Important Images cannot be added to password protected PDF files Note Click Set to open the PDF Settings dialog box in which you can specify the PDF compression type and other advanced settings for creating PDF files PDF Settings Dialog Box See Creating Editing PDF Files to delete or rearrange the pages of saved PDF files Save in Dis...

Page 569: ...s after images are scanned Important Depending on the specified application the images may not appear correctly or the application may not start Reset Cancels the application setting Set Allows you to select an application to start Start scanning by clicking the one click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon Apply Saves and applies the specified settings Click Cance...

Page 570: ...e in the vertical and horizontal directions Save as type Select a PDF file type to save the scanned images PDF Save each of the selected images as a separate PDF file PDF Multiple Pages Save multiple images in one PDF file Note PDF Multiple Pages is displayed when multiple images are scanned PDF Add Page Add the scanned images to a PDF file The images are added to the end of the PDF file You canno...

Page 571: ...ate Right 90 File name Enter the file name of the image to be saved up to 64 characters When saving multiple files 4 digits are appended to each file name Save in Displays the folder in which to save the PDF files To change the folder click Browse to specify another one The following folders are specified by default Windows Vista MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP MP Navigator EX...

Page 572: ...e Select how to scan the document Document Size Select the size of the document to be scanned When you select Custom a screen in which you can specify the document size appears Select a Units then enter the Width and Height and click OK Important When you select Auto Detect the image may not be scanned at the correct position and size In that case change the size to the actual document size A4 Let...

Page 573: ...d White Set When Save as type is JPEG Exif You can specify a compression type for JPEG files Select High Low Compression Standard or Low High Compression Important This setting is not available when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box When Save as type is PDF or PDF Multiple Pages Make advanced settings for creating PD...

Page 574: ...eckbox to start scanning when you click an icon Apply Saves and applies the specified settings Click Cancel instead of Apply to cancel the specified settings Cancel Cancels the specified settings The current screen closes Defaults Returns all settings in the screen to their defaults Scan Scans documents with the specified settings When scanning is completed the e mail software program starts autom...

Page 575: ...ent to be scanned Color Mode Select how to scan the document Document Size Select the size of the document to be scanned When you select Custom a screen in which you can specify the document size appears Select a Units then enter the Width and Height and click OK Resolution Select the resolution at which to scan documents Resolution Use the scanner driver Select this checkbox to display the ScanGe...

Page 576: ...e General tab of the Preferences dialog box Save in Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images To change the folder click Browse to specify another one The following folders are specified by default Windows Vista MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000 MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Save to a Subfolde...

Page 577: ...row line spacing Documents with colors in the background of text Documents containing multiple languages Reset Cancels the application setting Set Allows you to select an application Important Depending on the specified application the text may not be extracted correctly or the application may not start Start scanning by clicking the one click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you...

Page 578: ...of documents cannot be scanned correctly with Auto Mode In that case specify the document type or size Documents other than photos postcards business cards magazines newspapers text documents and CD DVD A4 size photos Text documents smaller than 2L 5 inches x 7 inches 127 mm x 178 mm such as paperback pages with the spine cut off Documents printed on thin white paper Long narrow documents such as ...

Page 579: ...these settings in the ScanGear scanner driver screen Specify Click to open the Scan Settings dialog box in which you can make advanced scan settings Scan Settings Dialog Box Save Settings Automatically save the image to your computer after scanning it Select this to save the images to your computer as specified after scanning them The File name Save as type and Save in settings will be displayed I...

Page 580: ...f You can specify a compression type for JPEG files Select High Low Compression Standard or Low High Compression Important This setting is not available when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box Save in Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images To change the folder click Browse to specify another one The f...

Page 581: ...Important Depending on the specified application the images may not appear correctly or the application may not start Reset Cancels the application setting Set Allows you to select an application to start Start scanning by clicking the one click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon Apply Saves and applies the specified settings Click Cancel instead of Apply to cance...

Page 582: ... the Preferences dialog box you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions via the General and Scanner Button Settings tabs Note See the corresponding sections below for details on each tab General Tab Scanner Button Settings Tab Save Scanner Button Settings Tab Attach to E mail Scanner Button Settings Tab Open with Application Page top Stran 582 od 958 strani Preferences Dialog Box ...

Page 583: ...nned using MP Navigator EX or the Operation Panel of the machine This is useful when the machine is connected via a slow interface such as USB 1 1 or a network By default this checkbox is selected when using a network connection It is not selected when using a USB connection Important When Photo is selected for Document Type on the Scanner Button Settings tab allow 3 8 inches 1 cm or more space be...

Page 584: ...older in My Pictures folder Location of Temporary Files Displays the folder in which to save images temporarily To change the folder click Browse to specify another one Important An error may occur if you set the destination to the root directory of the drive on which the operating system is installed Be sure to specify a folder An error may occur if you set the destination to a network folder Be ...

Page 585: ...esults text into one file This checkbox is selected by default When the checkbox is selected you can scan up to 99 pages at one time Deselect the checkbox to display each conversion result text in a separate file When the checkbox is not selected you can scan up to 10 pages at one time Page top Stran 585 od 958 strani General Tab ...

Page 586: ... Operation Panel of the machine Save to PC Select this to specify the details for the scan mode Save to PC Save as PDF file Select this to specify the details for the scan mode Save as PDF file Document Type Select the type of document to be scanned Note Auto Scan can be selected only when the machine is connected via USB and Save to PC is selected for Select Event When Auto Scan is selected the d...

Page 587: ... be scanned at the correct position and size In that case change the size to the actual document size A4 Letter etc and align a corner of the document with the corner at the arrow alignment mark of the Platen This setting is not available when Select Event is Save to PC with Document Type set to Auto Scan Resolution Select the resolution at which to scan documents Resolution Important This setting...

Page 588: ...uto You can specify the file format in which to save images Select a file format for saving Document and Photo each Important You cannot select a compression type for JPEG files when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box When Save as type is JPEG Exif You can specify a compression type for JPEG files Select High Low Comp...

Page 589: ...Dialog Box when Select Event is Save to PC or Save as PDF file Dialog Box when Select Event is Save as PDF file for details on each dialog box To set passwords for PDF files select Open the save dialog box after scanning the image After scanning you can set the passwords in the Save as PDF file dialog box Setting Passwords for PDF Files Related Topic Scanner Button Settings Tab Attach to E mail Sc...

Page 590: ...he machine with the scan mode set to Attach to E mail Event Select Event Displays the scan modes that can be selected on the Operation Panel of the machine Select Attach to E mail Document Type Select the type of document to be scanned Important To scan correctly select a document type that matches the document to be scanned Actions Scan Settings Document Size Select the size of the document to be...

Page 591: ...Compression Standard or Low High Compression Important This setting is not available when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box When Save as type is PDF Make advanced settings for creating PDF files See PDF Settings Dialog Box for details Save in Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images To change the folde...

Page 592: Specify an e mail software program Related Topic Scanner Button Settings Tab Save Scanner Button Settings Tab Open with Application Page top Stran 592 od 958 strani Scanner Button Settings Tab Attach to E mail ...

Page 593: ...he machine with the scan mode set to Open with application Event Select Event Displays the scan modes that can be selected on the Operation Panel of the machine Select Open with application Document Type Select the type of document to be scanned Important To scan correctly select a document type that matches the document to be scanned Actions Scan Settings Document Size Select the size of the docu...

Page 594: ...anned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box Save in Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images To change the folder click Browse to specify another one The following folders are specified by default Windows Vista MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000 MP Nav...

Page 595: ...Scanner Button Settings Tab Attach to E mail Page top Stran 595 od 958 strani Scanner Button Settings Tab Open with Application ...

Page 596: Files Other than Scanned Images You can save or print data other than scanned images using MP Navigator EX Using images saved on a memory card Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Using images saved on a computer Opening Images Saved on a Computer Page top Stran 596 od 958 strani Appendix Opening Files Other than Scanned Images ...

Page 597: ...y cards When switching to another memory card of the same type or inserting another memory card in a different Card Slot make sure that the Access Lamp of the machine is not flashing then remove the memory card Then insert another memory card The machine s Card Slot memory card may become inaccessible In that case restart the machine or turn it off and reconnect the USB cable With network connecti...

Page 598: ...emory Card Screen Scan Import Window for details on the Memory Card screen Scan Import window Windows 2000 Start MP Navigator EX and open the Navigation Mode screen Starting MP Navigator EX Point to Scan Import and click Memory Card The Memory Card screen of the Scan Import window appears and the images and PDF files saved on the memory card appear in the Thumbnail window Important If you cannot i...

Page 599: ...X folder in My Pictures folder Save to a Subfolder with Current Date Select this checkbox to create a subfolder in the folder specified in Save in with the current date and save imported files in it A subfolder with a name such as 2009_01_01 Year_Month_Date will be created If this checkbox is not selected files are saved directly in the folder specified in Save in Change the PDF file properties Th...

Page 600: ...s below for details on using the imported images and PDF files Creating Editing PDF Files Printing Documents Printing Photos Sending via E mail Editing Files Page top Stran 600 od 958 strani Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card ...

Page 601: ...ages Specify Folder or Recently Saved Images Click My Box Scanned Imported Images to open images saved in My Box Scanned Imported Images click Specify Folder to open images saved in a specific folder or click Recently Saved Images to open recently saved images Note If the Show this window at startup checkbox is not selected the last used screen appears If the Scan Import window is displayed click ...

Page 602: ... you want to do with them See the corresponding sections below for details on using images Creating Editing PDF Files Printing Documents Printing Photos Sending via E mail Editing Files Page top Stran 602 od 958 strani Opening Images Saved on a Computer ...

Page 603: ...čnega bralnika Optično branje z dodatnimi nastavitvami s pomočjo ScanGear gonilnik optičnega bralnika Popravljanje slik in prilagajanje barv s ScanGear gonilnik optičnega bralnika Zasloni ScanGear gonilnik optičnega bralnika Dodatek Uporabne informacije o optičnem branju Na vrh strani Stran 603 od 958 strani Optično branje z drugo programsko opremo ...

Page 604: preview scan results or set document type and output size etc when scanning documents It is useful when you want to scan in a specific color tone as it allows you to make various corrections and adjust brightness contrast etc Screens There are three modes Basic Mode Advanced Mode and Auto Scan Mode Switch modes by clicking a tab on the upper right of the screen Note ScanGear scanner driver star...

Page 605: ...Auto Scan Mode Use Auto Scan Mode to scan easily by simply placing the document on the Platen and clicking Scan Page top Stran 605 od 958 strani What Is ScanGear Scanner Driver ...

Page 606: simple image corrections Scanning in Basic Mode Scanning documents after making advanced image corrections and brightness color adjustments Scanning in Advanced Mode Scanning with a simple operation Scanning in Auto Scan Mode Scanning multiple documents at one time after making image corrections and color adjustments Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time with ScanGear Scanner Driver Page top ...

Page 607: ...s Starting from MP Navigator EX Navigation Mode Screen Follow these steps to start ScanGear scanner driver from the Navigation Mode screen of MP Navigator EX 1 Start MP Navigator EX and open the Navigation Mode screen Starting MP Navigator EX 2 Point to Scan Import and click Photos Documents Platen The Scan Import window opens 3 Select the Use the scanner driver checkbox then click Open Scanner Dr...

Page 608: ...tart ScanGear scanner driver from an application The procedure varies depending on the application For details refer to the application s manual 1 Start the application 2 On the File menu of the application select Select Source and select the machine Important The scanner name to be selected in the application depends on whether you are scanning via a network connection or USB connection 3 Select ...

Page 609: ... view and scan Photos that have a whitish border Documents printed on white paper hand written text business cards etc Thin documents Thick documents The following types of documents cannot be cropped correctly Documents smaller than 1 18 inches 3 cm square Photos that have been cut to various shapes 1 Place the document on the Platen then start ScanGear scanner driver Starting ScanGear Scanner Dr...

Page 610: ...nd position of the cropping frame scan area on the preview image Adjusting Cropping Frames 7 Set Image corrections as required 8 Click Scan Scanning starts Note Click Information to open a dialog box in which you can check the current scan settings document type etc ScanGear s response after scanning can be specified in Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning on the Scan tab of the Preferences di...

Page 611: ... that case click Thumbnail on the Toolbar to switch to whole image view and scan Photos that have a whitish border Documents printed on white paper hand written text business cards etc Thin documents Thick documents The following types of documents cannot be cropped correctly Documents smaller than 1 18 inches 3 cm square Photos that have been cut to various shapes 1 Place the document on the Plat...

Page 612: ...ion function In that case use preview first 5 Set Output Settings Output Settings 6 Adjust the cropping frame scan area correct image and adjust colors as required Adjusting Cropping Frames Image Settings Color Adjustment Buttons 7 Click Scan Scanning starts Note Click Information to open a dialog box in which you can check the current scan settings document type etc ScanGear s response after scan...

Page 613: ...Page top Stran 613 od 958 strani Scanning in Advanced Mode ...

Page 614: ...text documents and CD DVD To scan other documents specify the document type on the Basic Mode tab or the Advanced Mode tab Scanning in Basic Mode Scanning in Advanced Mode 1 Place the document on the Platen then start ScanGear scanner driver Placing Documents Starting ScanGear Scanner Driver 2 Click Auto Scan Mode The Auto Scan Mode tab appears 3 Click Scan Scanning starts Note ScanGear s response...

Page 615: ...Page top Stran 615 od 958 strani Scanning in Auto Scan Mode ...

Page 616: ...written text business cards etc Thin documents Thick documents Scanning Multiple Documents in Whole Image View The following types of documents cannot be cropped correctly Documents smaller than 1 18 inches 3 cm square Photos that have been cut to various shapes Note See Scanning in Auto Scan Mode to scan easily by automatically detecting the document type You can also scan multiple documents at o...

Page 617: ...s required Note You can correct each image separately Select the frame you want to correct In thumbnail view you can only create one cropping frame scan area per image To create multiple cropping frames in an image scan in whole image view Scanning Multiple Documents in Whole Image View 7 Select the images you want to scan Select the checkboxes of the images you want to scan Stran 617 od 958 stran...

Page 618: ...changes to Whole Image 2 Adjust the scan areas cropping frames Adjust the size and position of the cropping frame scan area on the preview image You can also create two or more cropping frames If an area is not specified the document will be scanned at the document size Auto Crop If an area is specified only the portion in the specified area will be scanned Adjusting Cropping Frames 3 Set Destinat...

Page 619: scanning can be specified in Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning on the Scan tab of the Preferences dialog box Scan Tab Page top Stran 619 od 958 strani Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time with ScanGear Scanner Driver ...

Page 620: and changing the color tone of the entire image to scan Adjusting Colors Using a Color Pattern Brightening colors that have faded with time or due to colorcast Adjusting Saturation and Color Balance Adjusting images that are too dark or bright or too flat due to lack of contrast Adjusting Brightness and Contrast Adjusting the color tone using histogram a graph showing brightness distribution Ad...

Page 621: ... faded colors when scanning images Setting Items Click Arrow of a function and select an item from the pull down menu Important Do not apply these functions to images without moire dust scratches or faded colors The color tone may be adversely affected See Image Settings for details and precautions on each function Note See Scanning in Advanced Mode to start ScanGear scanner driver in Advanced Mod...

Page 622: ... dots are scanned Descreen is the function for reducing this moire effect Reducing dust and scratches Set Reduce Dust and Scratches to Low Medium or High according to the degree of dust and scratches None Medium Correcting photos that have faded with time or due to colorcast Set Fading Correction to Low Medium or High according to the degree of fading or colorcast None Medium Stran 622 od 958 stra...

Page 623: ...Correction to Low Medium or High according to the degree of backlight None Medium Correcting shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets Set Gutter Shadow Correction to Low Medium or High according to the degree of shadows None Medium Page top Stran 623 od 958 strani Correcting Images Unsharp Mask Reduce Dust and Scratches Fading Corre ...

Page 624: ...ent Correct colors that have faded with time or due to colorcast Colorcast is a phenomenon where a specific color affects the entire picture due to the weather or ambient strong colors Click an arrow in Color Adjustment to emphasize the corresponding color Cyan red magenta green and yellow blue are complementary color pairs each pair produces a shade of gray when mixed You can reproduce the natura...

Page 625: ...ct Before After Note Color adjustments are applied only to the scan area cropping frame or the frame selected in thumbnail view You can select multiple frames or cropping frames by clicking them while pressing the Ctrl key You can also select a color tone from the color pattern displayed on the left of the Color Pattern screen You can also use this function to add a specific tint to an image Incre...

Page 626: ...colors that have faded with time etc Move slider under Saturation to the left to decrease the saturation darken the image and to the right to increase the saturation brighten the image You can also enter a value 127 to 127 Saturation decreased Original image Saturation increased Note The natural color tone of the original image may be lost if you increase saturation too much Color Balance Adjust i...

Page 627: ...increasing the complementary color It is usually difficult to correct the image completely by adjusting only one color pair It is recommended that you find a portion in the image where it should be white and adjust all three color pairs so that the portion turns white You can also enter a value 127 to 127 Below is an example of an image in which the Cyan Red pair has been adjusted Cyan is increase...

Page 628: ...ow to switch to detailed view Click Up arrow to return to the previous view Click Defaults to reset all adjustments in the current window Channel Each dot of an image is a mixture of Red Green and Blue in various proportions gradation These colors can be adjusted individually as a channel Master Adjust the Red Green and Blue combined Red Adjust the Red channel Green Adjust the Green channel Blue A...

Page 629: ...rence between the brighter and darker parts of an image Increasing contrast will increase the difference thus sharpening the image Decreasing contrast will decrease the difference thus softening the image Move slider under Contrast to the left to decrease and right to increase the contrast of the image You can also enter a value 127 to 127 Decreased contrast Original image Increased contrast Note ...

Page 630: ...mixture of Red Green and Blue in various proportions gradation These colors can be adjusted individually as a channel Master Adjust the Red Green and Blue combined Red Adjust the Red channel Green Adjust the Green channel Blue Adjust the Blue channel Note Only Grayscale will be displayed in Channel when Color Mode is Grayscale Reading Histograms You can open Histogram of a specified area for each ...

Page 631: ...lack point and white point All parts to the right of White point Slider will turn white level 255 Image Adjustment is Auto by default Adjustments shown below are automatically performed Moving the Black point and White point Sliders Move the Black point Slider or White point Slider to adjust brightness Images with more data distributed to the highlight side Move the Black point Slider toward the h...

Page 632: ...histogram to change the setting The point clicked with Black point Dropper will be the darkest point You can also enter a value 0 to 245 The point clicked with Mid point Dropper will be the middle of the tonal range You can also enter a value 5 to 250 The point clicked with White point Dropper will be the brightest point You can also enter a value 10 to 255 Click Dropper for Gray Balance and click...

Page 633: ...and Blue in various proportions gradation These colors can be adjusted individually as a channel Master Adjust the Red Green and Blue combined Red Adjust the Red channel Green Adjust the Green channel Blue Adjust the Blue channel Note Only Grayscale will be displayed in Channel when Color Mode is Grayscale Reading Tone Curves With ScanGear scanner driver scanning images via a scanner is the input ...

Page 634: ...lting in a bright toned image when viewed on a monitor Underexposure Concave curve The midtone data of the input side is stretched toward the shadow of the output side resulting in a dark toned image when viewed on a monitor High contrast S curve The highlight and shadow of the input side are enhanced resulting in a high contrast image Reverse the negative positive image Downward sloping line The ...

Page 635: ...Edit custom curve You can drag specific points on the Tone Curve to freely adjust the brightness of the corresponding areas Page top Stran 635 od 958 strani Adjusting Tone Curve ...

Page 636: ...rmines a color as black or white By adjusting the threshold level you can sharpen text in a document or reduce show through in newspapers This function is available when Color Mode is Black and White In ScanGear s Advanced Mode tab click Threshold Note Click Defaults to reset all adjustments in the current window Adjusting Threshold Move slider to the right to increase the threshold value and thus...

Page 637: ...ions describe ScanGear s screens and functions and how to use ScanGear scanner driver Basic Mode Tab Advanced Mode Tab Input Settings Output Settings Image Settings Color Adjustment Buttons Auto Scan Mode Tab Preferences Dialog Box Scanner Tab Preview Tab Scan Tab Color Settings Tab Page top Stran 637 od 958 strani ScanGear Scanner Driver Screens ...

Page 638: ...e and how the screen was opened Settings and Operation Buttons Select Source Photo Color Scan color photos Magazine Color Scan color magazines Newspaper Grayscale Scan text and line drawings in black and white Document Grayscale Scan documents and photos in black and white Select this mode to create high resolution black and white images Note When you select a document type colors are adjusted bas...

Page 639: ... Destination Flexible Allows you to freely adjust the cropping frames In thumbnail view Drag the mouse over a thumbnail to display a cropping frame When a cropping frame is displayed the portion within the cropping frame will be scanned When no cropping frame is displayed each frame is scanned individually In whole image view When no cropping frame is displayed the entire Preview area will be scan...

Page 640: listed in Output Size List Delete To delete an item select it in Output Size List and click Delete Click Save to save the items listed in Output Size List Important You cannot delete predefined output sizes such as A4 and 1024 x 768 pixels Note Save up to 10 items An error message appears when you enter a value outside the setting range Enter a value within the setting range Note Whether or how...

Page 641: ...image s overall color You can correct colors that have faded due to colorcast etc and reproduce natural colors while previewing color changes Adjusting Colors Using a Color Pattern Perform Scan Scan Scanning starts Note When scanning starts the progress will be displayed Click Cancel to cancel the scan Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens and you can make scan preview settings Preferences ...

Page 642: ... when two or more frames are displayed Deselects the checkbox of the image in thumbnail view Select All Frames This button is available when two or more frames are displayed Selects the image in thumbnail view and the image will be outlined in blue Select All Cropping Frames This button is available when there are two or more cropping frames All cropping frames will be displayed in thick broken li...

Page 643: ...plied Double click a frame to zoom in on the image Click Frame Advance at the bottom of the screen to display the previous or next frame Double click the frame again to return the display to its non magnified state When Whole Image is displayed on the Toolbar Items on the Platen are displayed as a single image All portions in the cropping frames will be scanned Note You can specify the scan area c...

Page 644: ...Scanning in Basic Mode Page top Stran 644 od 958 strani Basic Mode Tab ...

Page 645: 3 Preview Area Note The displayed items vary by document type and how the screen was opened Settings and Operation Buttons Favorite Settings You can name and save a group of settings Input Settings Output Settings Image Settings and Color Adjustment Buttons on Advanced Mode tab and load it as required It is convenient to save a group of settings if you will be using it repeatedly You can also u...

Page 646: ...ghtness and color tones You can adjust the image s overall brightness or contrast and adjust its highlight and shadow values histogram or balance tone curve Color Adjustment Buttons Zoom Zooms in on an image or the portion within the cropping frame When the image is zoomed in Zoom changes to Undo Click Undo to return the display to its non magnified state In thumbnail view Zooms in on the selected...

Page 647: ... process the images if the total size of the scanned images exceeds a certain size In that case a warning message appears It is recommended that you reduce the total size To continue scan in whole image view Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens and you can make scan preview settings Preferences Dialog Box Close Closes ScanGear scanner driver Toolbar Toolbar You can adjust or rotate preview...

Page 648: ...scanned image The image returns to its original state when you preview again Auto Crop Displays and adjusts the cropping frame automatically to the size of the document displayed in the Preview area The scan area is reduced every time you click this button if there are cropping area within the cropping frame Check All Frames This button is available when two or more frames are displayed Selects th...

Page 649: ...the images with the checkbox selected will be scanned Note When multiple images are previewed different outlines indicate different selection status Focus Frame thick blue outline The displayed settings will be applied Selected Frame thin blue outline The settings will be applied to the Focus Frame and Selected Frames simultaneously You can select multiple images by clicking them while pressing th...

Page 650: ...displayed image In thumbnail view you can only create one cropping frame per image In whole image view you can create multiple cropping frames Adjusting Cropping Frames Related Topic Scanning in Advanced Mode Page top Stran 650 od 958 strani Advanced Mode Tab ...

Page 651: ...they can receive ScanGear scanner driver can scan data that is of 21000 pixels x 30000 pixels or less If you change Paper Size after previewing the preview image will be deleted Note If you are not sure which size you should select for Paper Size set Paper Size to Full Platen then measure the size of the document and enter the values into Width and Height Color Mode Select how to scan the document...

Page 652: ...ring the values into Width and Height Click Keep Aspect Ratio and change it to Locked to maintain the aspect ratio when you specify the cropping frame size Important Input size settings are available only when Output Size in Output Settings is Flexible If you select a size other than Flexible a cropping frame calculated from Output Size and Output Resolution is displayed and its aspect ratio is fi...

Page 653: ...size for printing or displaying Select Add Delete to set custom size and save it as a new output size option Flexible You can specify the output resolution and scale and adjust the cropping frame In thumbnail view Drag the mouse over a thumbnail to display a cropping frame When a cropping frame is displayed the portion within the cropping frame will be scanned When no cropping frame is displayed e...

Page 654: ... of the added size appears in Output Size List Click Save to save the items listed in Output Size List Delete To delete an item select it in Output Size List and click Delete Click Save to save the items listed in Output Size List Important You cannot delete predefined output sizes such as A4 and 1024 x 768 pixels Note Save up to 10 items for each destination An error message appears when you ente...

Page 655: ...message appears when you click Scan It is recommended that you adjust the settings to reduce Data Size To continue scan in whole image view Page top Stran 655 od 958 strani Output Settings ...

Page 656: ...e Settings allows you to set the following items Image Adjustment When Image Adjustment is set the brightness of the specified portion of the image is optimized Images can be adjusted according to the automatically detected document type or the specified document type The result of the adjustment will be reflected in the entire image This setting is Auto by default None Image Adjustment will not b...

Page 657: ...n is set to ON some moire effects may remain if Unsharp Mask is set to ON In that case set Unsharp Mask to OFF Selecting Magazine Color in Select Source in Basic Mode tab has the same effect as setting Descreen to ON in Advanced Mode tab Reduce Dust and Scratches Scanned photos may contain white dots caused by dust or scratches Use this function to reduce such noise This setting is None by default...

Page 658: ... is very grainy This can affect the gradation and sharpness of the image Important Grain Correction may not be effective if the scan area is too small Backlight Correction Use this function to correct photos that have been shot against light When you change the Backlight Correction setting the result will be reflected in the preview image This setting is None by default None Backlight correction w...

Page 659: ...aten Also do not press on the document with a force exceeding 4 4 lbs 2 0 kg If you press heavily the scanner may not work correctly or you might break the glass Align the document with the edge of the Platen If not the shadow will not be corrected properly Shadows may not be corrected properly depending on the document If the page background is not white shadows may not be detected correctly or m...

Page 660: ... When you adjust the image via the Color Adjustment Buttons the results will be reflected in the preview image Click a Color Adjustment Button to set the following items Saturation Color Balance Adjust the vividness and color tone of the image Use this function to brighten colors that have faded with time or due to colorcast Colorcast is a phenomenon where a specific color affects the entire pictu...

Page 661: this screen For a color image select a color in Channel to check either Red Green or Blue or select Master to check three colors together If you place the cursor on the preview image the portion will be enlarged and its RGB values only L when Color Mode is Grayscale before and after the adjustments will be displayed Threshold Set the boundary threshold at which black and white are divided By ad...

Page 662: select the saved item from the pull down menu To delete an item select it in Tone Curve Settings List or Threshold Settings List and click Delete Click Save to save settings displayed in Tone Curve Settings List or Threshold Settings List Note Save up to 20 items Defaults Reset all adjustments saturation color balance brightness contrast histogram and tone curve Page top Stran 662 od 958 strani...

Page 663: ...ments other than photos postcards business cards magazines newspapers text documents and CD DVD Text documents smaller than 2L 5 inches x 7 inches 127 mm x 178 mm such as paperback pages with the spine cut off Documents printed on thin white paper Long narrow documents such as panoramic photos Scanning in Basic Mode Scanning in Advanced Mode Reflective CD DVD labels may not be scanned properly Pla...

Page 664: ... open Follow the prompt to complete For details see Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning in Scan Tab Preferences dialog box Instructions This page appears Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens and you can make scan preview settings Preferences Dialog Box Close Closes ScanGear scanner driver Related Topic Scanning in Auto Scan Mode Page top Stran 664 od 958 strani Auto Scan Mode Tab ...

Page 665: ...a folder to save images temporarily and a music file to play during or at the end of a scan Scanner Tab Preview Tab Allows you to select what to do with Preview when ScanGear scanner driver is started and how to display cropping frames after previewing images You can also select the cropping size for thumbnails of scanned documents Preview Tab Scan Tab Allows you to select what to do with ScanGear...

Page 666: ...cify another one Sound Settings You can set the machine to play music during at the end of a scan Select the Play Music During Scanning or Play Sound When Scanning is Completed checkbox then click Browse and specify a sound file You can specify the following files MIDI file mid rmi midi Audio file wav aif aiff MP3 file mp3 Calibration Settings When you set Execute at Every Scan to ON the scanner w...

Page 667: ...Page top Stran 667 od 958 strani Scanner Tab ...

Page 668: ...layed The Color Adjustment Button settings the Toolbar settings and the Advanced Mode tab settings are also saved None No preview image will be displayed at startup Note Select None if you do not want to save the preview image Cropping Frame on Previewed Images Select how to display cropping frames after previewing images Execute Auto Cropping on Previewed Images is selected by default Execute Aut...

Page 669: ... area displayed for the standard size Standard The standard size Smaller Displays 95 in width and height of the area displayed for the standard size Note When you change the Cropping Size for Thumbnail View setting the preview images will be refreshed and cropped to the new size As the preview images are refreshed the color adjustments and other settings applied to them are reset Page top Stran 66...

Page 670: ... ScanGear automatically Select this to return to the original application when scanning is completed Do not close ScanGear automatically Select this to return to the ScanGear scanner driver screen for another scan when scanning is completed Display the dialog to select next action Select this to open a screen and select what to do when scanning is completed Note Even if Do not close ScanGear autom...

Page 671: ...or Adjustment Buttons will be disabled This function is available when Color Mode is Color Source Scanner Select scanner profile Target Select target profile Monitor Select this to display preview image with optimum correction for monitor Defaults Returns to the default Color Matching settings None Select this to disable color correction provided by ScanGear scanner driver Note Color Matching is a...

Page 672: not accurately reflected in the monitor Click Defaults to return to the default Monitor Gamma value 2 20 Note Refer to the manual of your monitor to check its gamma value If it is not written in the manual contact the manufacturer Page top Stran 672 od 958 strani Color Settings Tab ...

Page 673: ...opping frame scan area Adjusting Cropping Frames Selecting the best resolution Resolution Learning about file formats File Formats Learning about Color Matching Color Matching Matching the colors between the document and monitor See Monitor Gamma in the following section Color Settings Tab Page top Stran 673 od 958 strani Appendix Useful Information on Scanning ...

Page 674: ...y 3 Unselected Cropping Frame stationary thin broken lines The settings will not be applied Note Focus Cropping Frame and Selected Cropping Frames are displayed in whole image view Initial Cropping Frame In thumbnail view Cropping frame is not displayed initially Drag the mouse over a frame to create a cropping frame In whole image view A cropping frame Focus Cropping Frame is displayed automatica...

Page 675: ...egrees by clicking Switch Aspect Ratio However Switch Aspect Ratio is not available when Output Size is Flexible Creating Multiple Cropping Frames In thumbnail view You can only create one cropping frame per image In whole image view Click and drag the mouse in a space outside the existing cropping frame to create a new cropping frame in the Preview area The new cropping frame will be the Focus Cr...

Page 676: ...ttings of the latest cropping frame Note Create up to 12 cropping frames Scanning takes longer than usual when multiple cropping frames are selected Deleting Cropping Frames In thumbnail view To delete a cropping frame click an area outside the cropping frame on an image In whole image view To delete a cropping frame select it and click Remove Cropping Frame on the Toolbar Alternatively press the ...

Page 677: ...aper photos using a 600 dpi color printer you should set the resolution to 300 dpi However with a high resolution printer printing takes longer than usual if you set the resolution to half the resolution of the printer Example of Appropriate Resolution when Printing to Scale If you print a document at twice the size both vertically and horizontally the resolution of the document will be reduced by...

Page 678: ... dpi When Output Size is set to Flexible in ScanGear s Advanced Mode tab Select Source is Platen and the scale is 100 Document Use Color Mode Output Resolution Color photo Copying Printing Color 300 dpi Creating a postcard Color 300 dpi Saving to a computer Color 75 dpi 300 dpi Using on a website or attaching to e mail Color 75 dpi 150 dpi Black and white photo Saving to a computer Grayscale 75 dp...

Page 679: ...s information such as the date of image capture camera model shutter speed shooting mode and comments to JPEG files The file format version must be Exif 2 2 or later in order to print on a Direct Print compatible printer TIFF Standard File Extension tif A file format featuring a relatively high compatibility between various computers and applications Some TIFF files are incompatible TIFF is suitab...

Page 680: ... Driver Output Profile Target sRGB OS Application Application Printer Driver Monitor Printer ScanGear scanner driver converts the image s color space from the scanner s color space to sRGB When displaying on a monitor the image s color space is converted from sRGB to the monitor s color space based on the operating system s monitor settings and the application s working space settings When printin...

Page 681: ...pripomočka Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Zasloni pripomočka Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Meni in zaslon za nastavitve pripomočka Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Na vrh strani Stran 681 od 958 strani Zasloni pripomočka Canon IJ Network Scan Utility ...

Page 682: ...Utility Enables or disables Canon IJ Network Scan Utility When you select Disable Canon IJ Network Scan Utility you will not be able to scan over a network using the Operation Panel Enabled Disabled Settings The Canon IJ Network Scan Utility dialog box opens You can select the product you want to use About Displays the version information Exit Exits Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Enabled disappears...

Page 683: ... and select the scanner The MP Drivers are installed Network setup is completed after installing the MP Drivers Network communication between the product and computer is enabled If the scanner is still not displayed see Troubleshooting You do not need to use this software when scanning via USB or from a computer See Uninstalling the Canon IJ Network Tool Canon IJ Network Scan Utility to delete it ...

Page 684: ...čno branje Drugi načini optičnega branja Drugi načini optičnega branja Optično branje z gonilnikom WIA Optično branje z uporabo nadzorne plošče samo Windows XP Na vrh strani Stran 684 od 958 strani Drugi načini optičnega branja ...

Page 685: ...ddress in the displayed screen then select Install Scanning with WIA Driver 2 0 The following is an example of scanning using Windows Photo Gallery 1 Place the document on the Platen Placing Documents 2 In File click Import from Camera or Scanner then double click WIA Canon model name For network connection double click model name _MAC address from the list The scan setting screen appears 3 Specif...

Page 686: ...mage thus sharpening the image You can also enter a value 100 to 100 Preview or scan images as separate files Select this checkbox to preview or scan multiple images as separate files See how to scan a picture Click to open Windows Help and Support Note With network connection you cannot specify Brightness and Contrast 4 Click Preview to preview the image The preview image appears on the right 5 C...

Page 687: ...softening the image Moving it to the right will increase the contrast of the image thus sharpening the image You can also enter a value 127 to 127 Resolution DPI Enter the resolution Specify a value between 50 dpi and 600 dpi Resolution Picture type Select the type of scan you want for your document Reset Click to restore the original settings Note With network connection you cannot specify Bright...

Page 688: ... application to specify advanced settings for scanning Important With network connection you cannot scan using the WIA driver 1 From the Start menu select Control Panel 2 Click Printers and Other Hardware Scanners and Cameras then double click WIA Canon model name The Scanner and Camera Wizard dialog box opens 3 Click Next 4 Select Picture type according to the document to be scanned Note To scan ...

Page 689: ...ase the contrast of the image thus sharpening the image You can also enter a value 127 to 127 Resolution DPI Enter the resolution Specify a value between 50 dpi and 600 dpi Resolution Picture type Select the type of scan you want for your document Reset Click to restore the original settings 6 Click Preview to preview the image The preview image appears on the right Drag to specify the scan area 7...

Page 690: ...skanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave ali brezžične komunikacijske naprave Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave Tiskanje fotografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje Na vrh strani Stran 690 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave ali brezžične komunikacij ...

Page 691: ...cijske naprave Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave O nastavitvah tiskanja PictBridge Na vrh strani Stran 691 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave ...

Page 692: ...izbrati način tiskanja ki je združljiv s standardom PictBridge preden priključite napravo Morda boste morali po povezavi naprave s tiskalnikom tudi vklopiti napravo ali ročno izbrati način predvajanja Preden napravo ki je združljiva s standardom PictBridge povežete s tiskalnikom opravite potrebne postopke ki so opisani v navodilih za uporabo tiskalnika 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena 2 Nalož...

Page 693: ...hnologijo PictBridge nima nastavitvenega menija nastavitve prilagodite v napravi Nastavitve naprave 7 Pričnite s tiskanjem iz naprave združljive s standardom PictBridge Pomembno Med tiskanjem nikoli ne odklopite kabla USB razen če to izrecno dovoljuje naprava združljiva s standardom PictBridge Ko želite odklopiti kabel USB med napravo združljivo s standardom PictBridge in tiskalnikom sledite navod...

Page 694: ...žljiva s standardom PictBridge vendar ni znamke Canon se lahko pojavi sporočilo Hi Vision Vrsta papirja Privzeto Vrednosti na podlagi nastavitev v napravi Foto Photo Svetleč fotografski papir Plus II PP 201 Photo Paper Plus Glossy II PP 201 Svetleč fotografski papir Everyday Use GP 501 Glossy Photo Paper Everyday Use GP 501 Svetleč fotografski papir GP 502 Photo Paper Glossy GP 502 Polsvetleč foto...

Page 695: brez obrezovanja vključeno sledite nastavitvi fotoaparata izključeno Nastavitve naprave Nastavitve tiskanja PictBridge lahko spremenite na zaslonu Nastavitve tis PictBridge PictBridge print settings Če želite tiskati z nastavitvami ki so določene v napravi nastavite nastavitve tiskanja v napravi ki podpira tehnologijo PictBridge na Privzeto Default V tem razdelku je opisano kako odpreti zaslon ...

Page 696: ...tografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje Tiskanje fotografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje Tiskanje prek povezave Bluetooth Nastavitev velikosti strani vrste papirja in postavitve pri tiskanju iz mobilnega telefona Na vrh strani Stran 696 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje ...

Page 697: najdete v razdelku O komunikaciji Bluetooth Opomba Z mobilnim telefonom ki podpira profil OPP Object Push Profile ali BIP Basic Image Profile lahko tiskate fotografije Z mobilnim telefonom morda ne boste mogli tiskati tudi če podpira omenjena profila Informacije o profilih ki jih podpira vaš mobilni telefon najdete v uporabniškem priročniku zanj Tiskanje prek povezave Bluetooth 1 Preverite ali ...

Page 698: ... opreme Video datotek ni mogoče tiskati Podatki na pomnilniški kartici morda ne bodo natisnjeni odvisno od vaše naprave O podatkih ki jih je mogoče prenesti Zaradi varnostnih nastavitev mobilnega telefona ni mogoče tiskati naložene vsebine ali fotografij naloženih s spletnega naslova v elektronskem sporočilu Po vzpostavitvi brezžične povezave bo morda preteklo nekaj časa preden bo tiskalnik začel ...

Page 699: ...odpreti zaslon Nastavitve Bluetooth Bluetooth settings Za nastavitev posameznih elementov glejte Nastavitve Bluetooth 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena 2 Namestite enoto Bluetooth Unit BU 30 Vstavite enoto Bluetooth Unit BU 30 v vrata za neposredno tiskanje 3 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in nato pritisnite gumb OK 4 Izberite Nastavitve naprave Device settings in nato pritis...

Page 700: Bluetooth najdete v razdelku O komunikaciji Bluetooth Privzeta nastavitev je tiskanje brez obrob na papir Svetleč fotografski papir plus II velikosti 4 x 6 Prikaz zaslona Nast tiska iz mob tel Mobile phone print setting V tem razdelku je opisano kako odpreti zaslon Nast tiska iz mob tel Mobile phone print setting Za nastavitev posameznih elementov glejte Nastavitve tiskanja iz mobilnega telefon...

Page 701: ...e gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nast tiska iz mob tel Mobile phone print setting Za nastavitev posameznih elementov glejte Nastavitve tiskanja iz mobilnega telefona Na vrh strani Stran 701 od 958 strani Nastavitev velikosti strani vrste papirja in postavitve pri tiskanju iz mobilneg ...

Page 702: ...Izpopolnjena navodila Vzdrževanje Vzdrževanje Čiščenje naprave Poravnava tiskalne glave Izvedba vzdrževanja iz računalnika Na vrh strani Stran 702 od 958 strani Vzdrževanje ...

Page 703: ...iščenje naprave Čiščenje Čiščenje zunanjosti naprave Čiščenje steklene plošče in pokrova dokumentov Čiščenje notranjosti naprave Čiščenje spodnje plošče Čiščenje izbočenih delov v notranjosti naprave Na vrh strani Stran 703 od 958 strani Čiščenje naprave ...

Page 704: ...alniku in povzročijo težave kot so zamašena tiskalna glava in nekakovostni rezultati tiskanja Uporabite mehko krpo Za čiščenje naprave nikoli ne uporabljajte hitro hlapljivih tekočin kot so razredčila benzen aceton ali kakšno drugo kemično čistilo saj lahko povzročijo nepravilno delovanje ali poškodujejo sestavne dele naprave Čiščenje zunanjosti naprave Čiščenje steklene plošče in pokrova steklene...

Page 705: ... nežno obrišite umazanijo s površine Če je krpa nagubana jo pred čiščenjem po potrebi zgladite Pomembno Pred čiščenjem tiskalnik izklopite in izključite napajalni kabel Tiskalnika ne čistite s papirnatimi robčki ali brisačami grobimi krpami in podobnimi materiali saj bi lahko z njimi opraskali površino Na vrh strani Stran 705 od 958 strani Čiščenje zunanjosti naprave ...

Page 706: ...lni kabel Stekleno ploščo A in notranjo stran pokrova dokumentov bela folija B nežno očistite s čisto mehko krpo ki ne pušča vlaken Poskrbite da na očiščenih površinah ne pustite nobenih vlaken še posebej na stekleni plošči Pomembno Notranja stran pokrova za dokumente bela folija B se zlahka poškoduje zato jo nežno obrišite Na vrh strani Stran 706 od 958 strani Čiščenje steklene plošče in pokrova ...

Page 707: ...ritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve Settings 5 Izberite možnost Vzdrževanje Maintenance nato pa pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Vzdrževanje Maintenance 6 Izberite Čiščenje spodnje plošče Bottom plate cleaning in pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon za potrditev 7 Izberite Da Yes in nato pritisnite gumb OK 8 Odstranite papir iz zadnjega pladnja pri čemer sledite navodilom na zaslonu...

Page 708: ... enkrat izvedite čiščenje spodnje plošče Če težava po ponovnem čiščenju ne izgine so morda umazani izbočeni deli znotraj naprave Očistite jih v skladu z navodili Čiščenje izbočenih delov v notranjosti naprave Opomba Pri ponovnem čiščenju spodnjega nosilca uporabite nov list papirja Na vrh strani Stran 708 od 958 strani Čiščenje notranjosti naprave Čiščenje spodnje plošče ...

Page 709: Čiščenje izbočenih delov v notranjosti naprave Če so izbočeni deli v napravi umazani jih obrišite z vatirano palčko ali s čim podobnim Pomembno Pred čiščenjem tiskalnik izklopite in izključite napajalni kabel Na vrh strani Stran 709 od 958 strani Čiščenje izbočenih delov v notranjosti naprave ...

Page 710: ...Izpopolnjena navodila Vzdrževanje Poravnava tiskalne glave Poravnava tiskalne glave Poravnava tiskalne glave Na vrh strani Stran 710 od 958 strani Poravnava tiskalne glave ...

Page 711: ...rite ali je naprava vklopljena 2 V kaseto naložite list navadnega papirja velikosti A4 ali Letter 3 Previdno odprite izhodni pladenj za papir in odprite podaljšek izhodnega pladnja 4 Natisnite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave 1 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in nato pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve Settings 2 Izberite možnost Vzdrževanje Maintenance nato pa pritisn...

Page 712: ...čno preberite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave da prilagodite položaj tiskalne glave 1 Postavite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave na stekleno ploščo in pazljivo zaprite pokrov za dokumente Položite list za poravnavo tiskalne glave z natisnjeno stranjo OBRNJENO NAVZDOL in poravnajte oznako v zgornjem levem kotu lista z znakom za poravnavo 2 Pritisnite gumb OK Naprava optično prebere list za poravna...

Page 713: ...oročilo o napaki Opomba Pritisnite gumb Domov da zaprete meni Nastavitve Settings in da se prikaže začetni zaslon Če rezultati tiskanja še vedno niso zadovoljivi potem ko ste položaj glave nastavili po zgoraj opisanem postopku poskusite položaj glave ročno prilagoditi iz računalnika Poravnavanje položaja tiskalne glave Izberite Izpis poravnave glave Head alignment print da potrdite trenutne vredno...

Page 714: ...ka Izvedba vzdrževanja iz računalnika Čiščenje tiskalnih glav Čiščenje valjev podajalnika papirja Poravnavanje položaja tiskalne glave Preverjanje šob tiskalne glave Čiščenje notranjosti naprave Na vrh strani Stran 714 od 958 strani Izvedba vzdrževanja iz računalnika ...

Page 715: ...Check dialog box opens after the confirmation message 5 Check the results To check whether the print quality has improved click Print Check Pattern To cancel the check process click Cancel If cleaning the head once does not resolve the print head problem clean it once more Deep Cleaning Deep Cleaning is more thorough than cleaning Perform deep cleaning when two Cleaning attempts do not resolve the...

Page 716: ...te your printer s ink supply Consequently perform cleaning only when necessary Note If there is no sign of improvement after Deep Cleaning switch off the machine wait 24 hours and then perform Deep Cleaning again If there is still no sign of improvement the ink may have run out or the print head may be worn For details on the remedial action to be taken see Machine Moves But Ink Is Not Ejected Rel...

Page 717: ...ot be properly fed 2 Open the printer driver setup window 3 Click Roller Cleaning on the Maintenance tab The Roller Cleaning dialog box opens 4 Select Rear Tray or Cassette and click OK The confirmation message appears 5 Execute paper feed roller cleaning Make sure that the machine is on and click OK Paper feed roller cleaning starts 6 Complete paper feed roller cleaning After the rollers have sto...

Page 718: ...ngs on the Maintenance tab The Custom Settings dialog box opens 3 Switch head alignment to manual Check the Align heads manually check box 4 Transmit the settings Click Send and click OK when the confirmation message appears 5 Click Print Head Alignment on the Maintenance tab The Start Print Head Alignment dialog box opens 6 Load paper in the machine Load three sheets of A4 size or Letter size pla...

Page 719: white streaks A Less noticeable horizontal white streaks B More noticeable horizontal white streaks 9 Confirm the displayed message and click OK The second pattern is printed Important Do not open the Scanning Unit Cover while printing is in progress 10 Check the printed pattern Enter the numbers of the patterns with the least amount of streaks in the associated boxes Clicking the patterns with...

Page 720: ...e displayed message and click OK The third pattern is printed Important Do not open the Scanning Unit Cover while printing is in progress 12 Check the printed pattern Enter the numbers of the patterns with the least noticeable horizontal stripes in the associated boxes Clicking the patterns with the least noticeable horizontal stripes in the preview window will automatically set their numbers in t...

Page 721: ...produces the least noticeable horizontal white stripes A Less noticeable horizontal white stripes B More noticeable horizontal white stripes Note To print and check the current setting open the Start Print Head Alignment dialog box and click Print Alignment Value Page top Stran 721 od 958 strani Aligning the Print Head Position ...

Page 722: ...opens To display a list of items that you should check before printing the check pattern click Initial Check Items 3 Load paper in the machine Load a sheet of A4 size or Letter size plain paper into the cassette 4 Print a nozzle check pattern Make sure that the machine is on and click Print Check Pattern The nozzle check pattern is printed Click OK when the confirmation message appears The Pattern...

Page 723: ...leaning The procedure for performing bottom plate cleaning is as follows Bottom Plate Cleaning 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Click Bottom Plate Cleaning on the Maintenance tab The Bottom Plate Cleaning dialog box opens 3 Load paper in the machine As instructed in the dialog box fold the A4 size or Letter size plain paper in half horizontally and then unfold the sheet Load the paper into...

Page 724: ...ukrepi pri uporabi Priprave na uporabo enote Bluetooth Tiskanje podatkov prek komunikacije Bluetooth Osnovni postopek tiskanja podatkov prek komunikacije Bluetooth Nastavitve za Bluetooth Odpravljanje težav Tehnični podatki Na vrh strani Stran 724 od 958 strani O komunikaciji Bluetooth ...

Page 725: ...zpopolnjena navodila O komunikaciji Bluetooth Previdnostni ukrepi pri uporabi Previdnostni ukrepi pri uporabi Transportiranje naprave Na vrh strani Stran 725 od 958 strani Previdnostni ukrepi pri uporabi ...

Page 726: ...not be used in countries or regions other than the country or region where it was purchased due to local laws and regulations Please note that the use of this product in such countries or regions may lead to penalties and that Canon should not be liable for such punishment Page top Stran 726 od 958 strani Shipping the Product ...

Page 727: ...nikaciji Bluetooth Priprave na uporabo enote Bluetooth Priprave na uporabo enote Bluetooth Enota Bluetooth Nameščanje na tiskalnik in odstranjevanje z njega Na vrh strani Stran 727 od 958 strani Priprave na uporabo enote Bluetooth ...

Page 728: ... a Bluetooth enabled device such as a computer or mobile phone is possible Note Communication is possible in a range of up to about 33 ft 10 m depending on the conditions below Printing speed may vary depending on the following conditions Presence of obstacles between the communication equipment and radio wave conditions Presence of magnetic fields static electricity or electromagnetic interferenc...

Page 729: ...t to the Printer Attach the Bluetooth unit to the Direct Print Port A of the printer in accordance with the following procedure The external appearance may differ depending on the printer you are using 1 Make sure that the printer is turned on Make sure that the Power lamp is lit 2 Insert the Bluetooth unit to the Direct Print Port of the printer Detach the cap from the Bluetooth unit Store the ca...

Page 730: ...ct Print Port of the printer in accordance with the following procedure 1 Remove the Bluetooth unit from the Direct Print Port of the printer Important Make sure that the lamp on the Bluetooth unit is neither lit nor flashing before you remove the Bluetooth unit Important Store the Bluetooth unit with the cap attached Page top Stran 730 od 958 strani Attaching to and Removing from the Printer ...

Page 731: ...v prek komunikacije Bluetooth Tiskanje podatkov prek komunikacije Bluetooth Priprava Namestitev gonilnikov MP Drivers Nastavitev tiskalnika Registracija tiskalnika Izbris tiskalnika Na vrh strani Stran 731 od 958 strani Tiskanje podatkov prek komunikacije Bluetooth ...

Page 732: ...oth unit and print via Bluetooth communication the following steps are required 1 Check that the Bluetooth unit is properly attached to the printer See Attaching to and Removing from the Printer 2 Install the MP Drivers See Installing the MP Drivers 3 Check the device name of the printer using the LCD See Setting the Printer 4 Register the printer as a Bluetooth device using Bluetooth Devices When...

Page 733: ...IBA Bluetooth and Bluetooth Settings For details on Bluetooth Settings refer to the software application s instruction manual The operations may vary depending on your operating program In this case refer to your computer s operation manual Page top Stran 733 od 958 strani Preparation ...

Page 734: ...already been installed In this case move to the next step Setting the Printer Before connecting the Bluetooth unit to the printer for wireless printing first the USB cable must be connected between the printer and computer and the MP Drivers must be installed If you reinstall the MP Drivers perform Custom Install on the Setup CD ROM then select MP Drivers Page top Stran 734 od 958 strani Installin...

Page 735: ...ngs screen on the LCD For information about how to display the Bluetooth settings screen refer to Changing the Machine Settings on the LCD Note If the Bluetooth settings screen is not displayed on the LCD the Bluetooth unit may not be attached correctly Remove the Bluetooth unit from the printer and attach it once again For details see Attaching to and Removing from the Printer If the Bluetooth se...

Page 736: ... printer you will use See Bluetooth Settings Screen After checking the device name press the OK button on the printer After checking the Bluetooth settings using the LCD register the printer on your computer Registering the Printer Page top Stran 736 od 958 strani Setting the Printer ...

Page 737: ...ormation refer to your computer s operation manual If you want to re register the printer as a Bluetooth device first delete the registered printer and then re register it See Deleting the Printer 1 Log into a user account with the administrator privilege 2 Click Control Panel then Bluetooth Devices under Hardware and Sound In non Vista Windows click Control Panel Printers and Other Hardware then ...

Page 738: ... device name as that checked under Setting the Printer Note If the device name is not displayed see Check 3 Is the printer name which you want to register displayed in Printer List 6 Select Don t use a passkey and then Next Stran 738 od 958 strani Registering the Printer ...

Page 739: ... documentation and input the passkey then click Next For more information about a passkey see Bluetooth Settings Screen 7 Click Finish 8 Check that the device name selected at step 5 is registered on the Devices sheet and click OK Stran 739 od 958 strani Registering the Printer ...

Page 740: ...dy Note In Windows Vista the Windows needs to install driver software for your Bluetooth Peripheral Device screen may be displayed automatically In this case click Don t show this message again for this device Page top Stran 740 od 958 strani Registering the Printer ...

Page 741: ... it For the procedure to re register the printer see Registering the Printer 1 Log into a user account with the administrator privilege 2 Click Control Panel then Printers under Hardware and Sound When using non Vista Windows click Control Panel then Printers and Faxes under Printers and Other Hardware 3 Click the icon of the printer used for printing via Bluetooth communication 4 Select Delete fr...

Page 742: ... komunikacije Bluetooth Osnovni postopek tiskanja podatkov prek komunikacije Bluetooth Tiskanje z računalniki Tiskanje z napravami združljivimi s tehnologijo Bluetooth ki niso računalniki Na vrh strani Stran 742 od 958 strani Osnovni postopek tiskanja podatkov prek komunikacije Bluetooth ...

Page 743: ...n normal environment The distance may vary depending on the radio conditions or the communication equipment 1 Turn on the printer and load paper 2 Create a document or open a file to print using an appropriate application software 3 Open the printer properties dialog box 1 Select Print on the application software s File menu The Print dialog box opens 2 Select the printer to which you attached the...

Page 744: ...ize and so on Note You can specify the advanced print settings on Main sheet and Page Setup sheet For details on the print settings refer to Various Printing Methods 3 Click OK The Print dialog box is displayed 5 Click Print or OK to print the document Printing begins Note Stran 744 od 958 strani Printing with Computers ...

Page 745: ...ick Cancel Printing on the printer status monitor After printing is canceled a sheet of paper may be ejected with no printing results To display the printer status monitor click Canon XXX Printer Copy X on the taskbar X is a device name or a digit The number of digits may differ depending on the printer Page top Stran 745 od 958 strani Printing with Computers ...

Page 746: ... perform printing even if your product supports the profiles above For details of profiles refer to your product s instruction manual 1 Turn on the printer and load paper 2 Display the Mobile phone print settings screen on the LCD and set the media type and the paper size For information about how to display the Mobile phone print settings screen refer to Changing the Machine Settings on the LCD 3...

Page 747: ...dila O komunikaciji Bluetooth Nastavitve za Bluetooth Nastavitve za Bluetooth Nastavitev tiskanja prek povezave Bluetooth Zaslon z nastavitvami za Bluetooth Na vrh strani Stran 747 od 958 strani Nastavitve za Bluetooth ...

Page 748: ...inter flashes twice 2 Display the Bluetooth settings screen on the LCD For information about how to display the Bluetooth settings screen refer to Changing the Machine Settings on the LCD 3 Select the contents which you want to set on the LCD Bluetooth Settings Screen Note For information about how to set a media type and a paper size when printing from a mobile phone refer to Changing the Machine...

Page 749: ...nable and then specify the security mode to activate the passkey set on the Passkey screen Security Screen 4 Passkey You can change the passkey The passkey refers to an identification number to be determined It is used to prevent unwanted access from other Bluetooth devices The initial value is set to 0000 Passkey Screen Device name Screen Allows you to set the device name of the printer on a Blue...

Page 750: ...hrough the Bluetooth communication After setting the security mode we recommend making a trial print through Bluetooth communication If printing does not start change the security mode and try again Setting a passkey will prevent unwanted access from other Bluetooth devices You can change the passkey on the Passkey screen Disable Default setting When you register the printer you are not required t...

Page 751: ...njena navodila O komunikaciji Bluetooth Odpravljanje težav Odpravljanje težav Odpravljanje težav Tiskalnika ni mogoče registrirati Tiskanje se ne začne Na vrh strani Stran 751 od 958 strani Odpravljanje težav ...

Page 752: ...g Troubleshooting This section describes how to solve the problems occurred during the use of the Bluetooth unit Problems related to the printer s hardware MP Drivers installation and so on are also described in Troubleshooting Page top Stran 752 od 958 strani Troubleshooting ...

Page 753: ...omputers Log into a user account with the administrator privilege click Control Panel then Printers and Other Hardware Make sure that the Bluetooth Devices icon is displayed in the dialog The operations may vary depending on your operating program In this case refer to your computer s operation manual Check 3 Is the printer name which you want to register displayed in Printer List Make sure that t...

Page 754: ...Page top Stran 754 od 958 strani Printer Cannot be Registered ...

Page 755: ...ceiver sensitivity and antenna performance of the communication equipment Change the printer installation place or move the printer closer to the computer Check 3 Is the printer to be used selected correctly Follow the procedure described below to select the printer to which the Bluetooth unit is attached 1 Log into a user account with the administrator privilege 2 Click Control Panel then Printer...

Page 756: ...n of the printer for printing via Bluetooth communication 3 Select Delete from the Organize File in non Vista Windows menu 4 Authenticate the printer as a Bluetooth device on Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel For more information about the procedure see Registering the Printer This message is displayed when the print job is sent from the Bluetooth device while another print job through the USB po...

Page 757: ...luetooth adapter available from various manufacturers is attached OS Software Microsoft Windows Vista Satisfying any one of the following conditions is needed Bluetooth Devices is displayed in Hardware and Sound under Control Panel Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba Version 5 10 04 or later is installed Microsoft Windows XP Satisfying any one of the following conditions is needed Windows XP SP...

Page 758: ...preminjanje nastavitev naprave Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave v računalniku Na vrh strani Stran 758 od 958 strani Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave ...

Page 759: ...nje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD Nastavitve za podajanje navadnega papirja Nastavitve tiskanja Nastavitve omrežja LAN Napredne nastavitve Nastavitve tiskanja iz mobilnega telefona Nastavitve Bluetooth Nastavitve tiskanja PictBridge Izbira jezika Ponastavitev nastavitev Na vrh strani Stran 759 od 958 strani Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD ...

Page 760: ...ed copy amount 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena 2 Na začetnem zaslonu izberite Nastavitve Settings in nato pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve Settings 3 Izberite Nastavitve naprave Device settings in nato pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon Nastavitve naprave Device settings 4 Izberite element nastavitve nato pa pritisnite gumb OK Prikaže se zaslon z nastavitvami za izbrani elem...

Page 761: ...a Nastavitve omrežja LAN Napredne nastavitve Nastavitve tiskanja iz mobilnega telefona Nastavitve Bluetooth Nastavitve tiskanja PictBridge Izbira jezika Ponastavitev nastavitev Na vrh strani Stran 761 od 958 strani Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD ...

Page 762: papirja Nastavitve za podajanje navadnega papirja S temi nastavitvami določite vir papirja za navaden papir velikosti A4 Letter A5 in B5 Opomba Papir velikosti A4 Letter A5 in B5 lahko naložite v kaseto Papir druge velikosti naložite na zadnji pladenj Na vrh strani Stran 762 od 958 strani Nastavitve za podajanje navadnega papirja ...

Page 763: ...obovi čeprav tiskate brez robov težavo morda lahko odpravite tako da za to nastavitev določite možnost Velika Large Nast sam popr fotogr Auto Photo Fix setting Ko je izbrana možnost VKLOP ON lahko izberete ali želite tiskati fotografije z informacijami Exif posnetimi v slikovnih datotekah v naslednjih primerih ko je pri tiskanju s pomnilniške kartice izbrana možnost VKL sam pop foto Auto photo fix...

Page 764: brezžično omrežje LAN določate z možnostjo Windows Connect Now WCN Potrebovali boste pogon USB na katerem so shranjene nastavitve za brezžično omrežje LAN Potrdi omrežne nastavitve Confirm LAN settings Na zaslonu LCD se prikaže seznam nastavitev brezžičnega omrežja LAN v napravi Seznam lahko natisnete s pomočjo tega nastavitvenega menija Sez nast brezžič omr Wireless LAN setting list Na zaslonu...

Page 765: ...IPv6 settings Izbere različico IPv4 ali IPv6 Priporočamo da v napravi uporabljate z različico IPv4 Nast sk rabe pom karti Set memory card sharing Izbere ali bo režo za kartico uporabljal tudi računalnik ki je povezan v omrežje LAN Opomba Te nastavitve ne morete spremeniti če je pomnilniška kartica vstavljena v režo za kartice Nastavitev WSD WSD settings Vključi izključi nastavitev WSD enega od omr...

Page 766: ...tve naprave Pomembno Ne pozabite da z zagonom izbrišete vse nastavitve povezave z računalniki in tako lahko onemogočite tiskanje ali optično branje Če želite uporabljati napravo prek omrežja glejte priročnik za namestitev Bodite previdni pri zagonu omrežnih nastavitev naprave Opomba Če omrežne nastavitve zaženete z orodjem Canon IJ Network Tool glejte Zagon omrežnih nastavitev naprave Na vrh stran...

Page 767: ...Ko izklopite napravo bo nastavitev Pisanje iz računal USB Writable from USB PC ali Pisanje iz rač po omr Writable from LAN PC preklicana nastavitev Ni možno pis iz rač Not writable from PC pa bo znova omogočena ko naslednjič vklopite napravo Tihi način Quiet mode To funkcijo uporabite če želite zmanjšati hrup ob delovanju na primer če tiskate ponoči S to funkcijo se zmanjša hrup ki ga naprava odda...

Page 768: ...ekinjeno povečevanje vnosa za število kopij spreminjanje fotografije prikazane na zaslonu LCD nastavljanje razmerje povečave itd tako da pritisnete in držite gumb ali Na vrh strani Stran 768 od 958 strani Napredne nastavitve ...

Page 769: ...a tiskanje fotografij shranjenih v mobilnem telefonu 2 Izberite vrsto tiskalnega medija za tiskanje fotografij shranjenih v mobilnem telefonu 3 Izberite možnost Image optimizer VKL Image optimizer ON da pri tiskanju popravite in zgladite nazobčane robove 4 Izberite postavitev fotografij glede na papir za tiskanje Izpis nalepke Nalepke x16 Nalepke x9 Nalepke x4 Nalepke x2 Nalepke za rezanje 1 Nalep...

Page 770: ...ika Varnost Security Če izberete Omogoči Enable se aktivira koda ki ste jo določili na zaslonu Koda Passkey Z določitvijo kode drugim napravam Bluetooth preprečite dostop do tiskalnika Izbirate lahko med spodaj naštetima varnostnima načinoma Način 2 Mode 2 Ta način se aktivira za varnost na ravni storitev Ključ bo potrebno vnesti vsakič ko boste želeli tiskati prek povezave Bluetooth Ko izberete u...

Page 771: ...kost papirja pri tiskanju neposredno iz naprave združljive s standardom PictBridge Ko določate nastavitve PictBridge v napravi nastavite možnost Velikost papirja Paper size na Privzeto Default v napravi združljivi s standardom PictBridge 2 Izberite vrsto tiskalnega medija pri tiskanju neposredno iz naprave združljive s standardom PictBridge Ko nastavitve PictBridge določate s tiskalnikom nastavite...

Page 772: ...oto fix ON izberite še Popr rdečih oči VKL Red Eye correc ON ali Popr rdečih oči IZK Red Eye correc OFF Če izberete možnost Ročni popravek Manual correction lahko podrobno določite elemente nastavitev od 6 do 15 ki jih vidite spodaj Na napravi združljivi s standardom PictBridge nastavite funkcijo Image optimize na Privzeto Default 6 Photo optimizer pro Samodejno optimizira svetlost in ton fotograf...

Page 773: ...ografije rdeče oči morda ne bodo popravljene ali pa bodo morda popravljeni drugi deli in ne oči 12 Svetlost Brightness Prilagodi svetlost 13 Kontrast Contrast Prilagodi kontrast 14 Barvni odtenek Color hue Prilagodi barvni odtenek Povečate lahko na primer količino rdeče ali rumene barve da prilagodite ton kože 15 Učinki Effects Fotografiji doda posebne učinke kot sta tiskanje v tonih sepia in skic...

Page 774: ...a Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD Izbira jezika Izbira jezika Spremeni jezik sporočil in menijev prikazanih na zaslonu LCD Na vrh strani Stran 774 od 958 strani Izbira jezika ...

Page 775: ... nastavitev Nastavitve lahko spremenite nazaj na privzete Opomba Naslednjih elementov nastavitev ne morete spremeniti nazaj na privzete jezika prikazanega na zaslonu LCD trenutnega položaja tiskalne glave nastavitve Označba beri piši Read write attribute Nastavitve omrežja LAN Na vrh strani Stran 775 od 958 strani Ponastavitev nastavitev ...

Page 776: ...naprave v računalniku Spreminjanje možnosti tiskanja Registriranje pogosto uporabljenega profila tiskanja Nastavljanje vira papirja za navaden papir Upravljanje napajanja naprave Zmanjšanje hrupa naprave Spreminjanje načina delovanja naprave Na vrh strani Stran 776 od 958 strani Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave v računalniku ...

Page 777: ...the image data is cut off the paper source during printing differs from the driver settings or printing fails The procedure for changing the print options is as follows 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Click Print Options on the Page Setup tab The Print Options dialog box opens 3 Change the individual settings If necessary change the setting of each item and then click OK The Page Setup ta...

Page 778: ...1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Set the necessary items From Commonly Used Settings on the Quick Setup tab select the printing profile to be used and if necessary change the settings after Additional Features You can also set necessary items on the Main Page Setup and Effects tab 3 Click Save The Save Commonly Used Settings dialog box opens 4 Save the settings Set Name then click OK If ne...

Page 779: deleted register the print settings again Deleting Unnecessary Printing Profile 1 Select the printing profile to be deleted Select the printing profile you want to delete from the Commonly Used Settings list on the Quick Setup tab 2 Delete the printing profile Click Delete When the confirmation message appears click OK The selected printing profile is deleted from the Commonly Used Settings lis...

Page 780: ...Paper 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Click Paper Source Setting for Plain Paper on the Maintenance tab The Paper Source Setting for Plain Paper dialog box opens 3 Transmit the settings Select the paper source for plain paper and then click the Send button The selected settings are enabled hereafter Important The descriptions in the machine manual assume that the plain paper is supplied f...

Page 781: ...rinter power is as follows Power Off The Power Off function turns off the machine When you use this function you will not be able to turn the machine on from the printer driver 1 Open the printer driver setup window 2 Execute power off Click Power Off on the Maintenance tab When the confirmation message appears click OK The machine power switches off and the Maintenance tab is displayed again Page...

Page 782: items Do not use quiet mode The operating noise of the machine is at normal volume Always use quiet mode Select this option when you wish to reduce the operating noise of the machine Use quiet mode within specified time The operating noise of the machine can be reduced during a specified period of time Set the Start time and End time when you wish the quiet mode to be activated Important The ti...

Page 783: ...revent paper abrasion Check this check box to use this function Align heads manually The Print Head Alignment function on the Maintenance tab is normally set to automatic head alignment but you can change it to manual head alignment If the printing results are unsatisfactory even after you execute automatic head alignment see Aligning the Print Head Position and execute manual head alignment Check...

Page 784: ne premakne na mesto za zamenjavo Papir se ne podaja pravilno Papir se ne podaja iz vira papirja določenega v gonilniku tiskalnika Zagozden papir Na zaslonu računalnika se prikaže sporočilo Ko samodejno obojestransko tiskanje ni mogoče Za uporabnike sistema Windows Na napravi ki podpira tehnologijo PictBridge se prikaže sporočilo o napaki Tiskanje fotografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranj...

Page 785: ...ežav V tem razdelku najdete namige za odpravljanje težav do katerih lahko pride pri uporabi naprave Namige o odpravljanju težav ki so povezane z namestitvijo najdete v poglavju Navodila za odpravljanje težav z omrežjem Na vrh strani Stran 785 od 958 strani Odpravljanje težav ...

Page 786: ...gozdi papir se samodejno prikaže sporočilo za odpravljanje težav Izvedite ustrezne korake navedene v sporočilu Sporočilo je odvisno od različice operacijskega sistema nameščenega v računalniku Za operacijski sistem Mac OS X razl 10 5 x Za operacijski sistem Mac OS X razl 10 4 x ali Mac OS X razl 10 3 9 Stran 786 od 958 strani Če pride do napake ...

Page 787: ...Na vrh strani Stran 787 od 958 strani Če pride do napake ...

Page 788: ...reverite ali je vtič napajalnega kabla trdno vstavljen v vtičnico na tiskalniku in tiskalnik zopet vklopite 3 preverjanje izključite tiskalnik iz električne vtičnice nato ga po najmanj petih minutah zopet priklopite in vklopite Če težave niste odpravili se obrnite na servisni center Na vrh strani Stran 788 od 958 strani Naprave ni mogoče vklopiti ...

Page 789: ...e bil več kot en črnilni vložek te barve U071 Nekateri črnilni vložki niso nameščeni na pravem mestu Utripa lučka na rezervoarju za črnilo Nameščen je več kot en črnilni vložek iste barve Utripa lučka na rezervoarju za črnilo Preverite ali so črnilni vložki nameščeni na ustrezna mesta Redno vzdrževanje Ravni preostalega črnila ni mogoče pravilno zaznati Zamenjajte črnilni vložek U130 Preostalega n...

Page 790: ...toteke ali poti do mape določeni znaki Uporabite samo alfanumerične znake Fotografije ki jih urejate ali obdelujete v računalniku je treba tiskati iz računalnika Opomba Ko je bila na izbranem računalniku fotografija obdelana se na zaslonu LCD prikaže Zbiralnik odvečnega črnila je skoraj poln Pritisnite OK da nadaljujete tiskanje Obrnite se na servisni center Zbiralnik odvečnega črnila je skoraj po...

Page 791: ...a tiskalne glave Povezano je nepodprto zvezdišče USB Odstranite zvezdišče Če je naprava ki je združljiva s standardom PictBridge priključena prek zvezdišča USB odstranite zvezdišče in napravo priključite neposredno na tiskalnik B200 V tiskalniku je prišlo do napake Izključite napajalni kabel in se obrnite na servisni center Izklopite napravo in izvlecite njen napajalni kabel iz vtičnice Obrnite se...

Page 792: ... iz računal USB Writable from USB PC ali Pisanje iz rač po omr Writable from LAN PC Če režo za kartico nastavite na Pisanje iz računal USB Writable from USB PC ali Pisanje iz rač po omr Writable from LAN PC iz pomnilniške kartice ne morete tiskati ali nanjo shraniti optično prebranih podatkov Po zapisovanju na pomnilniško kartico znova omogočite možnost Ni možno pisan iz rač Not writable from PC N...

Page 793: ...e lučka Vklop izključena Naprava ni vklopljena Priključite napajalni kabel in pritisnite gumb VKLOP ON Če lučka Vklop sveti Zaslon LCD je morda v načinu ohranjevalnika zaslona Na nadzorni plošči pritisnite kateri koli gumb razen gumba VKLOP ON Na vrh strani Stran 793 od 958 strani Zaslona LCD sploh ni mogoče videti ...

Page 794: ...n počakajte pet sekund 2 Izberite in nato pritisnite gumb OK 3 Pritisnite gumb da izberete in nato pritisnite gumb OK 4 Petkrat pritisnite gumb nato pritisnite gumb OK Če je enota Bluetooth povezana z napravo sedemkrat pritisnite gumb in nato pritisnite gumb OK 5 Z gumbom izberite jezik za zaslon LCD nato pritisnite gumb OK Na vrh strani Stran 794 od 958 strani Na zaslonu LCD je prikazan neželen j...

Page 795: ...omputer V operacijskem sistemu Windows 2000 na namizju dvokliknite ikono Moj računalnik My Computer 2 V prikazanem oknu dvokliknite ikono za CD ROM Če se prikaže vsebina CD ROM a dvokliknite MSETUP4 EXE Za začetek nameščanja dvokliknite ikono za CD ROM na namizju Opomba Če ikona CD ROM ni prikazana izvedite ta postopek Odstranite CD iz računalnika in ga ponovno vstavite Znova zaženite računalnik Č...

Page 796: ... spodaj in ponovno namestite gonilnike MP Drivers 1 Kliknite Cancel na zaslonu Printer Connection 2 V pogovornem oknu Installation Failure kliknite Start Over 3 Na zaslonu ki se prikaže kliknite Back 4 Na zaslonu PIXMA XXX kliknite Exit in odstranite CD ROM 5 Izklopite napravo 6 Ponovno zaženite računalnik 7 Poskrbite da se ne zažene nobena programska oprema 8 Znova vstavite CD ROM in izvedite uka...

Page 797: ... Namestitvenem CD ju Setup CD ROM in izberite možnost MP Drivers Opomba Če se je namestitveni program zaprl zaradi napake programa Windows je sistem morda v nestabilnem stanju zato gonilnikov morda ne boste mogli namestiti Pred ponovno namestitvijo ponovno zaženite računalnik Na vrh strani Stran 797 od 958 strani Namestitev gonilnikov MP Drivers ni mogoča ...

Page 798: ...i Speed preglejte naslednje Ali vrata USB v računalniku podpirajo povezavo USB Hi Speed Ali kabel USB in vozlišče USB če ga uporabljate podpirata povezavo USB Hi Speed Uporabljajte certificiran kabel USB Hi Speed Priporočamo da ne uporabljate kabla ki je daljši od približno 10 čevljev 3 metrov Ali operacijski sistem v računalniku podpira povezavo USB Hi Speed Pridobite in namestite najnovejše poso...

Page 799: ... Elementi nastavitev Tiskanje iz natisnjene fotografije z napravo Uporabite nadzorno ploščo tiskalnika Elementi nastavitev Tiskanje iz naprave ki podpira tehnologijo PictBridge Potrdite z uporabo svoje naprave ki podpira PictBridge Tiskanje fotografij neposredno iz združljive naprave Uporabite nadzorno ploščo tiskalnika Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD Tiskanje iz naprave za brezžičn...

Page 800: ...tatov tiskanja Tiskanje je megleno Barve so napačne Bele črte Črte so napačno poravnane Natisnjeni papir je zvit ali pa so na njem madeži črnila Papir je umazan Natisnjena površina je opraskana Hrbtna stran papirja je umazana Na straneh natisa so navpične črte Barve so neenakomerne ali progaste Na vrh strani Stran 800 od 958 strani Rezultati tiskanja niso zadovoljivi ...

Page 801: Je velikost podatkov za tiskanje izjemno velika Kliknite Print Options na seznamu Page Setup Nato v prikazanem pogovornem oknu potrdite polje Prevent loss of print data 2 preverjanje Je na trdem disku računalnika dovolj prostora Izbrišite nepotrebne datoteke da sprostite nekaj prostora Na vrh strani Stran 801 od 958 strani Opravila ni mogoče natisniti do konca ...

Page 802: ... vpliva na postavitev odvisno od dokumenta 1 Odprite pogovorno okno z lastnostmi tiskalnika Odpiranje pogovornega okna Lastnosti tiskalnika Windows Kliknite Gonilnik tiskalnika Preden kliknete tukaj za odpiranje pogovornega okna z lastnostmi tiskalnika zaprite zagnano programsko opremo 2 Na kartici Page Setup kliknite Print Area Setup in izberite Use reduced printing 1 Odprite pogovorno okno Print...

Page 803: ...kanja niso zadovoljivi Ni rezultatov tiskanja Tiskanje je megleno Barve so napačne Bele črte Ni rezultatov tiskanja Tiskanje je megleno Barve so napačne Bele črte Stran 803 od 958 strani Ni rezultatov tiskanja Tiskanje je megleno Barve so napačne Bele črte ...

Page 804: ...tisnjen pravilno čeprav imate dovolj črnila očistite tiskalno glavo in znova poskusite natisniti vzorec za preskus črnilnih šob Če težava po dvakratnem čiščenju tiskalne glave ne izgine Začnite globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave Če globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave ne odpravi težave izklopite napravo in globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave izvedite ponovno po 24 urah Če težave po dvakratnem čiščenju t...

Page 805: ...erjanje Ali ste kopirali iztis natisnjen s to napravo Tiskajte neposredno s pomnilniške kartice pogona USB ali digitalnega fotoaparata ali znova tiskajte iz računalnika Če kopirate iztis natisnjen s to napravo bo kakovost tiskanja morda slabša Na vrh strani Stran 805 od 958 strani Ni rezultatov tiskanja Tiskanje je megleno Barve so napačne Bele črte ...

Page 806: Opomba Če poravnava tiskalne glave težave ne odpravi poravnavo tiskalne glave izvedite ročno pri tem glejte poglavje Poravnavanje položaja tiskalne glave 3 preverjanje Je velikost podatkov za tiskanje izjemno velika Kliknite Print Options na seznamu Page Setup Nato v prikazanem pogovornem oknu potrdite polje Prevent loss of print data 4 preverjanje Uporabljate tiskanje s postavitvijo strani ali...

Page 807: ... visoko gostoto na običajen papir lahko papir absorbira preveč črnila in postane valovit in se poškoduje Pri tiskanju iz računalnika Potrdite nastavitev gostote v gonilniku tiskalnika Prilagajanje gostote Pri kopiranju Elementi nastavitev 3 preverjanje Ali za tiskanje uporabljate papir za tiskanje fotografij Pri tiskanju podatkov z visoko barvno nasičenostjo kot so fotografije ali slike z bogatimi...

Page 808: ...h robovih papirja poslabša Območje tiskanja 3 preverjanje Naložite papir potem ko ste ga zgladili Za navaden papir Obrnite papir in ga znova naložite da natisnete še drugo stran Če pustite papir dlje časa ležati v zadnjem pladnju se lahko začne zvijati Če se to zgodi papir obrnite na drugo stran To lahko odpravi težavo Svetujemo vam da neporabljene liste papirje vrnete v embalažo in jih hranite na...

Page 809: ...vsa naslednja tiskalna opravila Nastavitev na nadzorni plošči naprave Pritisnite gumb Domov izberite Nastavitve Settings Nastavitve naprave Device settings in Nastavitve tiskanja Print settings v tem vrstnem redu in nato nastavite Prepreči odrgnj papirja Prevent paper abrasion na VKLOP ON Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD Nastavitev v gonilniku tiskalnika Odprite pogovorno okno z last...

Page 810: ...ega območja tiskanja Če tiskate zunaj priporočenega območja tiskanja papirja se lahko spodnji del papirja umaže s črnilom Spremenite velikost izvirnega dokumenta v programski opremi Območje tiskanja 7 preverjanje Ali je steklena plošča umazana Očistite stekleno ploščo Čiščenje steklene plošče in pokrova steklene plošče 8 korak Ali je valj podajalnika papirja umazan Očistite valj podajalnika papirj...

Page 811: ...end 5 Potrdite sporočilo in kliknite OK 1 Preverite ali je naprava vklopljena 2 Odprite pripomoček Canon IJ Printer Utility Odpiranje pripomočka Canon IJ Printer Utility Macintosh 3 V pojavnem meniju izberite Custom Settings 4 Povlecite drsnik Ink Drying Wait Time da nastavite čas sušenja in nato kliknite Send 5 Potrdite sporočilo in kliknite OK 11 korak Ali je papir opraskan zaradi drugega nalože...

Page 812: papirja in tiskanja Rezultati tiskanja niso zadovoljivi 2 preverjanje V tem primeru opravite čiščenje spodnje plošče da očistite notranjost tiskalnika Čiščenje notranjosti naprave Čiščenje spodnje plošče Opomba Če tiskate brez obrob obojestransko ali če tiskate veliko se lahko notranjost tiskalnika zamaže s črnilom Na vrh strani Stran 812 od 958 strani Hrbtna stran papirja je umazana ...

Page 813: ...a se bodo lahko na robovih natisnile navpične črte Nastavite velikost papirja v skladu s papirjem ki ste ga naložili Rezultati tiskanja niso zadovoljivi Opomba Smer vzorca navpičnih črt je lahko različna glede na slikovne podatke ali nastavitev tiskanja Ko je treba naprava izvede samodejno čiščenje da zagotovi čiste iztise Pri čiščenju brizga majhna količina črnila Čeprav se črnilo običajno brizgn...

Page 814: ...nskega čiščenja glave Če se vzorec za preizkus črnilnih šob ne natisne pravilno Preverite ali je črnilni vložek določene barve prazen Če vzorec za preskus šob ni natisnjen pravilno čeprav imate dovolj črnila očistite tiskalno glavo in znova poskusite natisniti vzorec za preskus črnilnih šob Če težava po dvakratnem čiščenju tiskalne glave ne izgine Začnite globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave Če globi...

Page 815: ...Opomba Če poravnava tiskalne glave težave ne odpravi poravnavo tiskalne glave izvedite ročno pri tem glejte poglavje Poravnavanje položaja tiskalne glave Na vrh strani Stran 815 od 958 strani Barve so neenakomerne ali progaste ...

Page 816: ...estu 5 korak Preverite ali je naprava pravilno priključena na računalnik Če je naprava na računalnik priklječuna s kablom USB preverite ali je kabel USB pravilno priključen na napravo ter računalnik in nato preverite Če uporabljate vmesnik npr zvezdišče USB ga izključite napravo povežite neposredno v računalnik in poskusite ponovno tiskati Če tiskalnik zdaj deluje normalno je težava nastala zaradi...

Page 817: ...liknite Nadzorna plošča Control Panel in nato Tiskalniki Printers 3 Z desno miškino tipko kliknite ikono Canon XXX Printer in izberite Lastnosti Properties 4 Kliknite zavihek Vrata Ports da potrdite nastavitve vrat Prepričajte se da so za možnost Tiskaj prek teh vrat Print to the following port s izbrana vrata USBnnn n je številka in da je v stolpcu Tiskalnik Printer prikazan Canon XXX Printer Če ...

Page 818: ...Tiskalna glava in njena okolica lahko postaneta zelo vroči v tiskalniku Nikoli se ne dotikajte tiskalne glave ali bližnjih delov 2 preverjanje Je papir naložen Preverite ali je v zadnjem pladnju ali v kaseti naložen papir Potrdite vir papirja in papir znova naložite 3 preverjanje Tiskate dokumente s številnimi fotografijami ali slikami Pri tiskanju velikih količin podatkov npr slik ali grafike tra...

Page 819: ...ite globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave Če globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave ne odpravi težave izklopite napravo in globinsko čiščenje tiskalne glave izvedite ponovno po 24 urah Če težave po dvakratnem čiščenju tiskalne glave ne odpravite Če težave ne odpravite z globinskim čiščenjem tiskalne glave je tiskalna glava morda poškodovana Obrnite se na servisni center 2 korak Ali je zmanjkalo črnila Glej...

Page 820: ...iskanja Če nastavite hitrost kot prednostno postane tiskanje hitrejše 1 Odprite pogovorno okno z lastnostmi tiskalnika Odpiranje pogovornega okna Lastnosti tiskalnika Windows Kliknite Gonilnik tiskalnika Preden kliknete tukaj za odpiranje pogovornega okna z lastnostmi tiskalnika zaprite zagnano programsko opremo 2 Na kartici Main izberite Fast za Print Quality Možnost Fast morda ni na voljo odvisn...

Page 821: ...o Podrobnosti o odpravljanju težave najdete v razdelku Na zaslonu LCD je prikazano sporočilo o napaki 3 preverjanje Ali je bila enota za optično branje pokrov odprta 10 minut ali dlje Če je enota za optično branje pokrov odprta več kot 10 minut se nosilec tiskalne glave pomakne na desno da se tiskalna glava ne posuši Če želite da se nosilec tiskalne glave vrne na sredino zaprite in znova odprite e...

Page 822: ...aložite tako da bo stran na katero želite tiskati obrnjena NAVZDOL Poravnajte desni rob svežnja papirja ob desni rob kasete in potisnite vodili za papir ob levi in spodnji rob svežnja Nalaganje papirja izvirnikov 2 preverjanje Preverite ali je papir na katerega tiskate predebel ali zvit Nalaganje papirja izvirnikov 3 preverjanje Ko v tiskalnik nalagate pisemske ovojnice se prepričajte o naslednjem...

Page 823: ...em valja podajalnika papirja se valj obrabi zato ga čistite samo ko je to treba 8 korak Če se iz kasete hkrati podajata dva ali več listov očistite notranjost kasete Informacije o čiščenju notranjosti kasete najdete v razdelku Redno vzdrževanje 9 korak Ali je zadnji pokrov popolnoma zaprt Če zadnji pokrov ni popolnoma zaprt se papir lahko zagozdi Potiskajte zadnji pokrov dokler ni popolnoma zaprt ...

Page 824: ...skalnika Spremenite nastavitev v programu tako da ustreza nastavitvi v gonilniku tiskalnika ali pa na kartici Page Setup kliknite Print Options in na zaslonu Print Options izberite Disable the paper source setting of the application software Če se nastavitev vira papirja spreminja med programom in gonilnikom tiskalnika ima prednost nastavitev v programu Na vrh strani Stran 824 od 958 strani Papir ...

Page 825: ... gumb Zaustavi da prekličete tiskalne posle preden izklopite tiskalnik Papir se je zagozdil v reži izhodnega papirja ali v zadnjem pladnju Papir je zagozden v napravi v transportni enoti Zagozden papir ni odstranjen ko je v uporabi funkcija samodejnega obojestranskega tiskanja V drugih primerih Na vrh strani Stran 825 od 958 strani Zagozden papir ...

Page 826: ...klopite in ga ponovno vklopite Naprava samodejno izvrže papir 2 Znova naložite papir in pritisnite gumb OK na tiskalniku Če ste napravo v prvem koraku izklopili so vsa tiskalna opravila v čakalni vrsti preklicana Po potrebi jih znova natisnite Opomba Ko v tiskalnik ponovno nalagate papir preverite ali uporabljate ustrezen papir in ga pravilno nalagate v napravo Nalaganje papirja izvirnikov Papir v...

Page 827: ...lecite papir Opomba Pazite da se ne dotaknete nobenih notranjih delov naprave Če papirja ne morete izvleči tiskalnik izklopite in ga ponovno vklopite Naprava samodejno izvrže papir 3 Namestite zadnji pokrov Potiskajte levo stran zadnjega pokrova dokler ni popolnoma zaprt Če v drugem koraku niste mogli odstraniti papirja 4 Odstranite kaseto 5 Počasi izvlecite papir Stran 827 od 958 strani Papir je ...

Page 828: ... Ko v napravo znova nalagate papir preverite ali uporabljate ustrezen papir in ali ga pravilno nalagate v napravo Nalaganje papirja izvirnikov 7 Kaseto znova vstavite v napravo in na napravi pritisnite tipko OK Če ste napravo v drugem koraku izklopili so vsa tiskalna opravila v čakalni vrsti preklicana Po potrebi jih znova natisnite Če papirja ne morete odstraniti če se papir strga v napravi ali č...

Page 829: ...avite mora biti enota za optično branje pokrov varno zaprta 4 Počasi izvlecite zagozdeni papir tako da se ne strga Opomba Napravo postavite nazaj v prvotni položaj takoj ko odstranite zagozden papir 5 Poravnajte papir in ga znova naložite v kaseto Po potrebi znova naložite papir na zadnji pladenj Opomba Ko v napravo znova nalagate papir preverite ali uporabljate ustrezen papir in ali ga pravilno n...

Page 830: ...že ni tujkov 2 preverjanje So v zadnjem pladnju morda kaki tujki Če so v zadnjem pladnju tujki ne pozabite izklopiti naprave in izključiti napajalnega kabla Šele nato odstranite tujek 3 korak Ali je zadnji pokrov popolnoma zaprt 4 korak Ali je papir zvit 3 preverjanje Naložite papir potem ko ste ga zgladili Na vrh strani Stran 830 od 958 strani V drugih primerih ...

Page 831: ...očila o napakah Odpre se zaslon programa Extended Survey Program o brizgalnih tiskalnikih optičnih bralnikih faksih Prikaže se ikona programa Extended Survey Program o brizgalnih tiskalnikih optičnih bralnikih faksih Prikazano je naslednje sporočilo Napaka št B200 Napaka v tiskalniku Izklopite tiskalnik in izključite kabel za napajanje Obrnite se na servisni center Error Number B200 A printer erro...

Page 832: ...ardware and Sound še možnost Tiskalnik Printer V operacijskem sistemu Windows XP kliknite Nadzorna plošča Control Panel Tiskalniki in druga strojna oprema Printers and Other Hardware in nato Tiskalniki in faksi Printers and Faxes V operacijskem sistemu Windows 2000 kliknite Nadzorna plošča Control Panel in nato Tiskalniki Printers 3 Z desno miškino tipko kliknite ikono Canon XXX Printer in izberit...

Page 833: Upravitelj naprav Device Manager na zavihku Strojna oprema Hardware 2 Dvokliknite Krmilniki USB Universal Serial Bus controllers in nato še Podpora za tiskanje USB USB Printing Support Če možnost Podpora za tiskanje USB USB Printing Support ni prikazana preverite ali je naprava pravilno povezana z računalnikom 3 preverjanje Preverite ali je naprava pravilno priključena na računalnik 3 Kliknite ...

Page 834: ...a ni združljiva v razdelku Na zaslonu LCD je prikazano sporočilo o napaki in ustrezno ukrepajte Prikaže se napaka št 2002 Preverite Glejte Povezano je nepodprto zvezdišče USB v razdelku Na zaslonu LCD je prikazano sporočilo o napaki in ustrezno ukrepajte Druga sporočila o napakah Preverite Če se izven prikazovalnika stanja tiskalnika prikaže eno od naslednjih sporočil o napaki preverite naslednje ...

Page 835: ...ime programa IJPLMUI exe nato pa ga dovolite Če počistite potrditveno polje Send automatically from the next time se podatki od drugega primera naprej ne bodo pošiljali samodejno med naslednjo raziskavo pa bo prikazan zaslon za potrditev Če želite podatke poslati samodejno si oglejte razdelek Spreminjanje nastavitev zaslona za potrditev Če ne želite sodelovati v raziskavi Kliknite Do not agree Zas...

Page 836: ... Opomba Če izberete Odstrani Uninstall ali Remove se program Extended Survey Program o brizgalnih tiskalnikih optičnih bralnikih faksih odstrani Sledite navodilom na zaslonu Prikaže se ikona programa Extended Survey Program o brizgalnih tiskalnikih optičnih bralnikih faksih Če je nameščen program Extended Survey Program o brizgalnih tiskalnikih optičnih bralnikih faksih se podatki o uporabi tiskal...

Page 837: ...lon za potrditev se bo znova prikazal po treh mesecih Če želite prekiniti pošiljanje podatkov Kliknite Turn off Program Extended Survey Program o brizgalnih tiskalnikih optičnih bralnikih faksih se zaustavi podatki pa ne bodo poslani Če želite raziskavo nadaljevati si oglejte razdelek Spreminjanje nastavitve Odstranjevanje programa Extended Survey Program o brizgalnih tiskalnikih optičnih bralniki...

Page 838: ...ion screen when information is sent Če je potrditveno polje označeno bodo podatki poslani samodejno Če potrditveno polje ni označeno se bo ikona Inkjet Printer Scanner Fax Extended Survey Program pri naslednji raziskavi prikazala v orodni vrstici Kliknite ikono in nato sledite navodilom na zaslonu Gumb Turn off Turn on Kliknite gumb Turn off da zaustavite program Extended Survey Program o brizgaln...

Page 839: ... v operacijskem sistemu Macintosh Opomba Obojestransko tiskanje morda ne bo na voljo kar je odvisno od različice programa Na kartici Main v operacijskem sistemu Windows ali kartici Quality Media v pogovornem oknu Tiskanje Print v operacijskem sistemu Macintosh preverite ali je vrsta naloženega papirja ustrezna za samodejno obojestransko tiskanje Če želite preklopiti na ročno obojestransko tiskanje...

Page 840: ...t pritiskanja gumba Barvno Color ali Črno Black na napravi Sledite spodnjemu postopku da določite odziv v računalniku 1 Prijavite se z uporabniškim računom s pravicami skrbnika 2 Kliknite Nadzorna plošča Control Panel Strojna oprema in zvok Hardware and Sound in še Optični bralniki in kamere Scanners and Cameras 3 Izberite WIA Canon XXX ser in kliknite gumb Lastnosti Properties Če se prikaže zaslo...

Page 841: ...jevati tiskanje lahko pritisnete tudi gumb OK na napravi namesto da izberete Nadaljuj Continue Paper jam Zagozden papir Če želite zaustaviti tiskanje na zaslonu naprave ki je združljiva s tehnologijo PictBridge izberite možnost Ustavi Stop Odstranite zagozden papir naložite novega na tiskalniku pritisnite gumb OK in znova poskusite tiskati Printer cover open Pokrov tiskalnika je odprt Zaprite enot...

Page 842: ...Redno vzdrževanje Na vrh strani Stran 842 od 958 strani Na napravi ki podpira tehnologijo PictBridge se prikaže sporočilo o napaki ...

Page 843: ... ne poteka pravilno Tiskanje fotografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje ne poteka pravilno Preverite Ali je mogoče tiskanje po povezavi Bluetooth Tiskanje prek povezave Bluetooth Na vrh strani Stran 843 od 958 strani Tiskanje fotografij iz naprave za brezžično komuniciranje ne poteka pravilno ...

Page 844: ...du nato pa izberite fotografijo ki jo želite natisniti da se prepričate da je shranjena na pomnilniški kartici ali pogonu USB 2 korak ponovno natisnite indeks fotografij Opomba Naprava morda ne bo mogla pravilno optično prebrati indeksa fotografij tudi če je krožec Natisni prazen indeks fotografij Print a blank Photo Index Sheet izpolnjen Če želite ponovno natisniti indeks fotografij pritisnite gu...

Page 845: ...a USB Pomembno Če med tiskanjem odstranite pomnilniško kartico ali pogon USB se lahko shranjeni podatki poškodujejo ali se izbrana fotografija ne bo natisnila ker branje fotografije na pomnilniški kartici ali pogonu USB in tiskanje fotografije potekata istočasno Na vrh strani Stran 845 od 958 strani Tiskanje iz indeksa fotografij ne poteka pravilno ...

Page 846: ...pinceto S tem lahko poškodujete napravo Opomba Za spodaj navedene pomnilniške kartice potrebujete posebne prilagojevalnike Te kartice vstavite v napravo šele ko nanje namestite prilagojevalnik Kartica miniSD Kartica miniSDHC Kartica microSD Kartica microSDHC Kartica xD Picture Kartica xD Picture vrsta M Kartica xD Picture vrsta H Memory Stick Micro RS MMC Na vrh strani Stran 846 od 958 strani Pomn...

Page 847: ... Not Appear Scan Quality Image Displayed on the Monitor Is Poor Scanned Image Is Surrounded by Extra White Areas Cannot Scan Multiple Documents at One Time Cannot Scan Properly in Auto Scan Mode Slow Scanning Speed There is not enough memory Message Is Displayed Computer Stops Operating during Scanning Scanner Does Not Work After Upgrading Windows Page top Stran 847 od 958 strani Problems with Sca...

Page 848: ...Make sure that the machine is turned on Check 2 Connect the USB cable to a different USB port on the computer Check 3 If the USB cable is connected to a hub remove it from the hub and connect it to a USB port on the computer Check 4 Restart the computer Page top Stran 848 od 958 strani Scanner Does Not Work ...

Page 849: ...up CD ROM into the computer s disc drive then select Custom Install and install MP Drivers Check 2 On the File menu of the application select Select Source and select the machine Important Do not select the model name that includes WIA in it Note The operation may differ depending on the application Check 3 Start from a TWAIN compliant application Page top Stran 849 od 958 strani ScanGear Scanner ...

Page 850: ...Check 4 Make sure that the MP Drivers is installed If it is not installed insert the Setup CD ROM into the computer s disc drive then select Custom Install and install MP Drivers Check 5 On the File menu of the application select Select Source and select the machine Note The operation may differ depending on the application Check 6 Make sure that the application is TWAIN compliant You cannot open ...

Page 851: ... the Display Settings dialog box Set the color depth to Medium 16 bit or Highest 32 bit Windows XP From the Start menu select Control Panel Display to open the Display Properties dialog box On the Settings tab set Colors to Medium 16 bit or Highest 32 bit Windows 2000 From the Start menu select Settings Control Panel Display to open the Display Properties dialog box On the Settings tab set Colors ...

Page 852: ...k Auto Crop in ScanGear scanner driver to automatically display the cropping frame scan area according to the document size You can also manually specify the scan area for example when there are white margins along the document or when you want to create custom cropping frames Adjusting Cropping Frames Page top Stran 852 od 958 strani Scanned Image Is Surrounded by Extra White Areas ...

Page 853: ...annot Scan Multiple Documents at One Time Check 1 Make sure that the documents are placed correctly on the Platen Placing Documents Check 2 Scan each item individually Some applications do not support multiple image scanning Page top Stran 853 od 958 strani Cannot Scan Multiple Documents at One Time ...

Page 854: ... Scan Mode Check 1 Make sure that the documents are placed correctly on the Platen Placing Documents Check 2 Multiple image scanning may not be supported Some applications do not support multiple image scanning In that case scan each item individually Page top Stran 854 od 958 strani Cannot Scan Properly in Auto Scan Mode ...

Page 855: ...00 dpi Resolution Check 2 Set Fading Correction Grain Correction etc to None Image Settings Check 3 In MP Navigator EX deselect the Correct slanted document checkbox and scan again Scan Settings Dialog Box Check 4 In MP Navigator EX deselect the Detect the orientation of text documents and rotate images checkbox and scan again Scan Settings Dialog Box Page top Stran 855 od 958 strani Slow Scanning...

Page 856: ... memory Message Is Displayed There is not enough memory Message Is Displayed Check 1 Exit other applications and try again Check 2 Reduce the resolution or output size and scan again Resolution Page top Stran 856 od 958 strani There is not enough memory Message Is Displayed ...

Page 857: ...t free hard disk space then scan again Error message may appear if there is not enough hard disk space to scan and save when the image size is too large such as when scanning a large document at high resolution Check 3 For Location of Temporary Files in MP Navigator EX specify a folder on a drive with sufficient free space General Tab Check 4 Multiple devices may be connected to USB ports Disconne...

Page 858: for details Step 2 Uninstall MP Navigator EX 1 From the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities MP Navigator EX 3 0 MP Navigator EX Uninstall 2 When a confirmation appears click Yes 3 When uninstallation is complete click OK MP Navigator EX is uninstalled Step 3 Reinstall the MP Drivers and MP Navigator EX Insert the Setup CD ROM into the computer s disc drive then select Custom Install ...

Page 859: ...tware Program You Want to Use Does Not Appear in the Screen for Selecting an E mail Software Program Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged Reduced Scanned Image Is Enlarged Reduced on the Computer Monitor Scanned Image Does Not Open Page top Stran 859 od 958 strani Software Problems ...

Page 860: ... Image are attached to the mail message automatically Windows Mail Windows Vista Outlook Express Windows XP Windows 2000 Microsoft Outlook Check 2 If an e mail software program does not operate properly check that the program s MAPI is enabled To enable MAPI refer to the manual of the e mail software program Check 3 If using an e mail software program other than the ones listed above select None A...

Page 861: ...ting Software Problems Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged Reduced Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged Reduced Check Set the printing size in the application Page top Stran 861 od 958 strani Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged Reduced ...

Page 862: ...isplay size in Paint To reduce the display size open the images in an application For details refer to the application s manual If you have any questions contact the manufacturer of the application Check 2 Change the resolution setting in ScanGear scanner driver and scan again The higher the resolution the larger the resulting image will be Resolution Page top Stran 862 od 958 strani Scanned Image...

Page 863: ...heck If the file format is not supported by the application scan the image again and save it in a popular file format such as JPEG For details refer to the application s manual If you have any questions contact the manufacturer of the application Page top Stran 863 od 958 strani Scanned Image Does Not Open ...

Page 864: ...ect Size Position or Size of the Image Cannot be Detected Correctly When Scanning Using the Operation Panel Document Is Placed Correctly but the Scanned Image Is Slanted Document Is Placed Correctly but the Orientation Changes in the Scanned Image Page top Stran 864 od 958 strani MP Navigator EX Problems ...

Page 865: ...the documents are placed correctly on the Platen Placing Documents Check 2 Set Document Size to the actual document size and scan again If the matching size is not found scan at a larger size and trim the image See the Toolbar Trimming in Correct Enhance Images Window for details Page top Stran 865 od 958 strani Cannot Scan at the Correct Size ...

Page 866: ... sure that the documents are placed correctly on the Platen Placing Documents Check 2 Check that the MP Navigator EX settings are correctly set according to the document If you cannot scan properly with Auto Scan using the Operation Panel specify the document type on the Scanner Button Settings tab of the Preferences dialog box Scanner Button Settings Tab Save Page top Stran 866 od 958 strani Posi...

Page 867: ...Image Is Slanted Document Is Placed Correctly but the Scanned Image Is Slanted Check In MP Navigator EX deselect the Correct slanted document checkbox and scan again Scan Settings Dialog Box Photos Documents Page top Stran 867 od 958 strani Document Is Placed Correctly but the Scanned Image Is Slanted ...

Page 868: ...nt Is Placed Correctly but the Orientation Changes in the Scanned Image Check In MP Navigator EX deselect the Detect the orientation of text documents and rotate images checkbox and scan again Scan Settings Dialog Box Photos Documents Page top Stran 868 od 958 strani Document Is Placed Correctly but the Orientation Changes in the Scanned I ...

Page 869: ...ite Izvlecite napajalni kabel iz vtičnice in se obrnite na prodajalca ali servisni center Naprave ne poskušajte popravljati ali razstavljati sami Če boste poskušali napravo popraviti ali razstaviti boste s tem razveljavili garancijo ne glede na to ali je potekla Preden se obrnete na servisni center preverite naslednje Ime izdelka Ime naprave je zapisano na naslovnici priročnika za nastavitve Serij...

Page 870: ...prava se premika vendar se črnilo ne izbrizga Namestitev gonilnikov MP Drivers ni mogoča Tiskanje se ne začne Kopiranje tiskanje se prekine preden je dokončano Napaka pri pisanju Izhodna napaka Napaka v komunikaciji Rezultati tiskanja niso zadovoljivi Zagozden papir Papir se ne podaja pravilno Na vrh strani Stran 870 od 958 strani Pogosta vprašanja ...

Page 871: ...ackground on the Page Setup tab Since the resolution in the preview display differs from the printing resolution text and lines in the preview display may appear different from the actual print result With some applications the printing is divided into multiple print jobs To cancel printing delete all divided print jobs If image data is not printed correctly display the Print Options dialog box fr...

Page 872: ... Word has the same printing functions as the printer driver use Word to specify them When selecting Scaled Fit to Page or Page Layout from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab the selected printing function may not be effective depending on the version of Word If this happens follow the procedure below 1 Open Word s Print dialog box 2 Open the printer driver setup window specify Page Layout ...

Page 873: ...4 Click OK Desktop changes to Windows Classic view Use the default display font size of the OS Otherwise software screens may not appear correctly Scanning may fail if the computer has resumed from sleep or standby mode In that case follow these steps and scan again 1 Turn off the machine 2 Exit ScanGear scanner driver then disconnect the USB cable from the computer and reconnect it 3 Turn on the ...

Page 874: ...of multiple documents In some cases only the first scanned image is accepted or multiple images are scanned as one image When scanning platen size images into a Microsoft Office application such as Word Excel or PowerPoint click Custom Insert in the Insert Picture from Scanner or Camera screen Otherwise images may not be scanned correctly Images may not be scanned correctly in some applications In...

Page 875: ... opravila Posodabljanje gonilnikov MP Drivers Odstranjevanje elektronskih priročnikov Prevoz naprave Odpiranje pogovornega okna Lastnosti tiskalnika Windows Odpiranje strani Priprava strani in pogovornega okna Tiskanje Macintosh Odpiranje pripomočka Canon IJ Printer Utility Macintosh Na vrh strani Stran 875 od 958 strani Dodatek ...

Page 876: ...II PR 201 Photo Paper Pro II PR 201 Nesvetleč fotografski papir MP 101 Matte Photo Paper MP 101 Če za tiskanje brez obrobe uporabite drugo vrsto papirja se lahko kakovost tiskanja znatno zmanjša in ali se na izpisih pojavijo spremenjeni barvni odtenki Če za tiskanje brez obrobe uporabite navaden papir so lahko izpisi slabše kakovosti Uporabite ga lahko samo za preizkusno tiskanje Funkcijo tiskanja...

Page 877: ... 0 mm 4 x 6 palcev 10 x 15 cm 3 73 x 5 69 palca 94 8 x 144 4 mm 4 x 8 palcev 10 x 20 cm 3 73 x 7 69 palca 94 8 x 195 2 mm 5 x 7 palcev 13 x 18 cm 4 73 x 6 69 palca 120 2 x 169 8 mm 8 x 10 palcev 20 x 25 cm 7 73 x 9 69 palca 196 4 x 246 0 mm Širok medij Wide 3 73 x 6 80 palca 94 8 x 172 6 mm Ta velikost papirja se lahko uporablja samo pri tiskanju iz računalnika Priporočeno območje tiskanja Natislj...

Page 878: ... Natisljivo območje širina x višina Letter 8 00 x 10 69 palca 203 2 x 271 4 mm Legal 8 00 x 13 69 palca 203 2 x 347 6 mm Ta velikost papirja se lahko uporablja samo pri tiskanju iz računalnika Priporočeno območje tiskanja Natisljivo območje Na vrh strani Stran 878 od 958 strani Velikost Letter Legal ...

Page 879: tiskanja širina x višina Evropska DL 4 06 x 7 07 palca 103 2 x 179 6 mm Ameriška ovojnica 10 US Comm Env 10 3 86 x 7 91 palca 98 0 x 200 9 mm Ta velikost papirja se lahko uporablja samo pri tiskanju iz računalnika Priporočeno območje tiskanja Na vrh strani Stran 879 od 958 strani Ovojnice ...

Page 880: ...dstranjevanje pokrova za dokumente Pokrov za dokumente postavite navpično nato pa ga izvlecite Pritrjevanje pokrova za dokumente Oba tečaja A pokrova za dokumente nastavite v držali B in ju navpično vstavite kot je prikazano na spodnji sliki Na vrh strani Stran 880 od 958 strani Kako odstraniti pritrditi pokrov za dokumente ...

Page 881: ...the print jobs Click Display Print Queue The print queue window opens 3 Delete the print jobs Select Cancel All Documents from the Printer menu When the confirmation message appears click Yes The deletion of the print job is complete Important Users who have not been granted access permission for printer management cannot delete the print job of another user Note When you perform this operation al...

Page 882: ...odabljanje gonilnikov MP Drivers Prenos najnovejših gonilnikov MP Drivers Brisanje gonilnikov MP Drivers ki jih ne potrebujete Preden namestite gonilnike MP Drivers Namestitev gonilnikov MP Drivers Na vrh strani Stran 882 od 958 strani Posodabljanje gonilnikov MP Drivers ...

Page 883: through the Internet and download the latest MP Drivers for your model Important You can download the MP Drivers for free but any Internet access charges incurred are your responsibility Before installing the latest MP Drivers delete the previously installed version For information on how to delete the MP Drivers see Deleting the Unnecessary MP Drivers Related Topics Before Installing the MP ...

Page 884: ... an administrator account click Continue or Allow to continue Some applications require an administrator account to continue When you are logged on to a standard account switch to an administrator account and restart the operation from the beginning 2 Execute the uninstaller Click Execute When the confirmation message appears click Yes When all the files have been deleted click Complete The deleti...

Page 885: And Package dialog box is displayed Select Remove driver and driver package and then click OK In the confirmation dialog box click Yes When data collection is completed in the Remove Driver Package dialog box click Delete 5 Click OK The deletion of the printer driver is complete Important You may not be able to delete the printer driver properly from the Installed printer drivers list If this h...

Page 886: ... Computer in the manual Getting Started Turn off the machine Checking the Personal Computer Settings Terminate all running applications In Windows Vista log on as a user who has the administrator rights In Windows XP log on as the computer administrator In Windows 2000 log on as a member of the Administrators group Note When an old version of the MP Drivers is already installed first delete uninst...

Page 887: ...he beginning 3 Install the driver At the Welcome window click Next Read the contents of the License Agreement window After checking the contents click Yes Installation of the MP Drivers begins After the Installation Complete window is displayed check that the machine and the computer are connected through a cable When the machine is connected directly to the network follow the procedure below to s...

Page 888: ...responsibility Related Topics Obtaining the Latest MP Drivers Before Installing the MP Drivers Page top Stran 888 od 958 strani Installing the MP Drivers ...

Page 889: ... ime vašega tiskalnika Uninstall 2 Ko se prikaže potrditveno sporočilo kliknite OK Opomba Ko se na zaslonu prikaže sporočilo ki zahteva da ponovno zaženete računalnik kliknite OK Odstranijo se vsi elektronski priročniki razen pomoči za gonilnik tiskalnika in gonilnik optičnega bralnika 1 V meniju Go izberite Applications 2 Dvokliknite mapo Canon Utilities in nato mapo IJ Manual 3 Povlecite mapo z ...

Page 890: ...veti ali utripa zeleno ker se lahko naprava poškoduje in ne bo več delovala ali bo delovala nepravilno 3 Pospravite oporo za papir in podaljšek izhodnega pladnja zaprite izhodni pladenj za papir nato pa zaprite še nadzorno ploščo 4 Izključite kabel tiskalnika iz računalnika in tiskalnika nato pa še napajalni kabel iz tiskalnika 5 Z lepilnim trakom zaščitite vse pokrove naprave da se med prenašanje...

Page 891: ...e čiščenje glave tiskalnika ali konfiguriranje nastavitev tiskalnika ki so skupne vsem programskim opremam sledite spodnjemu postopku 1 Izberite elemente iz menija Start kot je prikazano spodaj V OS Windows Vista izberite meni Start Nadzorna plošča Control Panel Strojna oprema in zvok Hardware and Sound Tiskalniki Printers V OS Windows XP izberite meni Start Nadzorna plošča Control Panel Tiskalnik...

Page 892: ...Priprava strani pred tiskanjem določite nastavitve strani papirja 1 V meniju Datoteka File programske aplikacije izberite možnost Priprava strani Page Setup Odpre se pogovorno okno Priprava strani Odpiranje pogovornega okna Tiskanje V pogovornem oknu Tiskanje pred tiskanjem določite nastavitve tiskanja 1 V meniju Datoteka File programske aplikacije izberite možnost Natisni Print Odpre se pogovorno...

Page 893: ...S X različica 10 5 x 1 V meniju Apple izberite možnost System Preferences 2 Kliknite Print Fax 3 Izberite ime tiskalnika v meniju Printers in kliknite Open Print Queue Prikaže se seznam tiskalnikovih poslov 4 Kliknite Utility Odpre se Seznam tiskalnikov Printer List 5 Na seznamu Product izberite ime naprave in kliknite Maintenance Zažene se pripomoček Canon IJ Printer Utility Stran 893 od 958 stra...

Page 894: ...liknite ikono Printer Setup Utility Odpre se Seznam tiskalnikov Printer List 3 Na seznamu Name izberite ime naprave in kliknite Utility 4 Na seznamu Product izberite ime naprave in kliknite Maintenance Zažene se pripomoček Canon IJ Printer Utility Na vrh strani Stran 894 od 958 strani Odpiranje pripomočka Canon IJ Printer Utility Macintosh ...

Page 895: ...hoto album is an easy task if you use Easy PhotoPrint EX All you need to do is select which photos to use select a layout then load paper into your printer and print After you bind the printed sheets you ll have the one and only album of your memories You can change the layout and background and attach comments to photos You can also select the size and orientation You can arrange a photo across t...

Page 896: ...own calendar using your favorite photos It ll be exciting to turn the calendar pages You can use all kinds of photos You can also create 2 month 6 month and 12 month calendars Create Stickers Create stickers easily with Easy PhotoPrint EX Create stickers of your favorite photos and share them with your friends CHECK You can add text to photos Stran 896 od 958 strani Using Easy PhotoPrint EX ...

Page 897: ...Page top Stran 897 od 958 strani Using Easy PhotoPrint EX ...

Page 898: ...ou can scan easily by navigating through MP Navigator EX screens You can also save print scanned images using MP Navigator EX Scan Small Documents at One Time You can scan multiple small documents photos cards etc at one time It is useful as you do not need to scan multiple times Scan Large Documents You can easily scan documents that are larger than the Platen using MP Navigator EX It allows you ...

Page 899: ...ave images as PDF files or attach them to e mail automatically Scan and Correct Enhance Photos You can easily correct enhance scanned photos using MP Navigator EX You do not need to use other applications For details on how to use MP Navigator EX refer to Scanning with the Bundled Application Software Page top Stran 899 od 958 strani Using MP Navigator EX ...

Page 900: ...the Canon Solution Menu icon on the desktop Alternatively from the Start menu select All Programs Canon Utilities Solution Menu Solution Menu From the next time Solution Menu starts when Windows starts If the Start Solution Menu when Windows starts checkbox at the bottom left of the window is not selected Solution Menu does not start when Windows starts Note Solution Menu will start automatically ...

Page 901: ...e product information Important Internet connection is required to access the online information Internet connection fees apply Exiting Solution Menu Click Close on the title bar Restriction on Use of Solution Menu This software is subject to the following restriction Keep this point in mind when using it All icons of the installed applications that support Solution Menu are displayed in the windo...

Page 902: ...polnjena navodila O omrežni komunikaciji O omrežni komunikaciji Spreminjanje in potrjevanje omrežnih nastavitev Odpravljanje težav Dodatek Glosar Na vrh strani Stran 902 od 958 strani O omrežni komunikaciji ...

Page 903: ...a Canon IJ Network Tool Spreminjanje nastavitev na kartici brezžičnega omrežja LAN Spreminjanje podrobnih nastavitev WPA ali WPA2 Spreminjanje nastavitev na kartici skrbniškega gesla Nadzorovanje stanja brezžičnega omrežja Inicializiranje omrežnih nastavitev naprave Ogledovanje spremenjenih nastavitev Iztis informacij o omrežnih nastavitvah Na vrh strani Stran 903 od 958 strani Spreminjanje in pot...

Page 904: ...poročilo da programska oprema družbe Canon poskuša dostopati v omrežje Če se opozorilo prikaže varnostno programsko opremo nastavite tako da vedno dovoli dostop Orodje Canon IJ Network Tool preverjeno deluje s sistemom Windows XP vendar ne podpira funkcije za hitro preklapljanje med uporabniki Fast User Switching Ko preklapljate med uporabniki zaprite orodje Canon IJ Network Tool Zagon orodja Cano...

Page 905: nastavitve tiskalnika spremeniti z orodjem Canon IJ Network Tool ga priključite prek omrežja LAN Če je za ime prikazano Ni gonilnika No Driver vrata povežite s tiskalnikom Če je za stanje prikazano Ni najden Not Found preverite ali je dostopna točka vključena Če tiskalnik v omrežju ni zaznan preverite ali je vklopljen in nato kliknite Update Zaznavanje tiskalnikov lahko traja več minut Če tiska...

Page 906: ...Na vrh strani Stran 906 od 958 strani Pogovorno okno orodja Canon IJ Network Tool ...

Page 907: ...a povežite s tiskalnikom Če je za stanje prikazano Ni najden Not Found preverite ali je dostopna točka vključena Če tiskalnik v omrežju ni zaznan preverite ali je vklopljen in nato kliknite Update Zaznavanje tiskalnikov lahko traja več minut Če tiskalnik še vedno ni zaznan priključite napravo na računalnik s kablom USB in nato kliknite Update Če tiskalnik uporabljate iz drugega računalnika se odpr...

Page 908: ...vrata s tiskalnikom Ta meni je na voljo ko je za izbrani tiskalnik prikazano Ni gonilnika No Driver Če vrata povežete s tiskalnikom jih lahko uporabljate Maintenance Prikaže pogovorno okno Maintenance v katerem omrežne nastavitve tiskalnika vrnete na tovarniške privzete nastavitve in režo za kartico namestite kot omrežni pogon 4 Meni Help Help Topics Prikaže spletno pomoč za program About Prikaže ...

Page 909: ... kartici Wireless LAN Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD 1 Zaženite orodje Canon IJ Network Tool Zagon orodja Canon IJ Network Tool 2 Na seznamu Printers izberite tiskalnik 3 V meniju Settings izberite Configuration 4 Kliknite jeziček Wireless LAN Ko spremenite konfiguracijo kliknite OK Odpre se pogovorno okno ki zahteva vašo potrditev preden bodo nastavitve poslane tiskalniku Če klikn...

Page 910: ...bnosti WEP WEP Details Use WPA Use WPA2 Prenos je šifriran s ključem WPA ali WPA2 ki ste ga določili Varnost je bila povečana bolj kot WEP Če ključa WPA ali WPA2 niste nastavili se samodejno odpre pogovorno okno Authentication Type Confirmation Če želite spremeniti vnaprej določene nastavitve WPA ali WPA2 kliknite Configuration da odprete pogovorno okno WPA Details ali WPA2 Details Spreminjanje po...

Page 911: ...el da se vrnete na prejšnji zaslon in v polje SSID vnesite določevalni niz storitev dostopne točke Opomba Preverite ali je dostopna točka vklopljena 3 Set Kliknite če želite nastaviti SSID dostopne točke v razdelku SSID na kartici Wireless LAN Opomba Ko kliknete gumb Set se glede na nastavitve ki ste jih določili prikaže pogovorno okno WEP Details pogovorno okno WPA Details ali pogovorno okno WPA2...

Page 912: ...SCII ali Hex 4 Key ID Izberite ID ključa kazalo ki ste ga nastavili za dostopno točko 5 Authentication Izberite način preverjanja pristnosti da preverite pristnost dostopa tiskalnika do dostopne točke Običajno lahko izberete Auto Če želite način določiti ročno izberite Open System ali Shared Key in sicer glede na nastavitev dostopne točke Pomembno Če tiskalnik ne more komunicirati z računalnikom k...

Page 913: ...non IJ Network Tool 2 Na seznamu Printers izberite tiskalnik 3 V meniju Settings izberite Configuration 4 Kliknite jeziček Wireless LAN 5 V razdelku Encryption Method izberite Use WPA ali Use WPA2 in kliknite Configuration Če v tiskalniku niste nastavili šifriranja nadaljujte s 7 korakom 6 Kliknite Change Settings 1 Authentication Type Prikazuje vrsto preverjanja pristnosti ki se uporablja za prev...

Page 914: ...friranja in kliknite Next 1 Passphrase Vnesite geslo ki ste ga nastavili za dostopno točko Geslo naj bo niz od 8 do 63 alfanumeričnih znakov ali pa 64 mestna šestnajstiška vrednost Če ne poznate gesla dostopne točke preberite navodila priložena dostopni točki ali se obrnite na izdelovalca 2 Dynamic Encryption Type Izberite način dinamičnega šifriranja med možnostma TKIP Basic Encryption ali AES Se...

Page 915: ...zamenjate način šifriranja v tiskalniku preverite ali načini šifriranja za računalnik in dostopno točko ustrezajo tistim nastavljenim v tiskalniku Nastavitev ključa WEP WPA WPA2 Na vrh strani Stran 915 od 958 strani Spreminjanje podrobnih nastavitev WPA ali WPA2 ...

Page 916: ...reminjanja podrobnih možnosti Če želite uporabiti to funkcijo potrdite to polje in vnesite geslo Pomembno Geslo je lahko sestavljeno iz alfanumeričnih znakov in ne sme biti daljše od 32 znakov Geslo razlikuje med malimi in velikimi črkami Ne pozabite gesla ki ga nastavite 2 Password Vnesite geslo ki ga želite nastaviti 3 Password Confirmation Znova vnesite geslo da ga potrdite 5 Kliknite OK Odpre ...

Page 917: ...ite bližje brezžični omrežni napravi 3 Advanced Measurement Kliknite če želite preveriti učinkovitost povezave med tiskalnikom in dostopno točko Sledite navodilom na zaslonu če želite začeti meriti in prikazati stanje Merjenje traja nekaj minut Ko je v razdelku Učinkovitost povezave med tiskalnikom in dostopno točko Connection Performance between the Printer and the Access Point prikazana ikona la...

Page 918: ...orno okno Initialize Settings in kliknite Yes da zaženete omrežne nastavitve tiskalnika Med zagonom tiskalnika ne izklapljajte Ko je zagon dokončan kliknite OK Če boste napravo zagnali ko ste povezani prek brezžičnega omrežja LAN se bo povezava prekinila Ko boste želeli napravo ponovno namestiti upoštevajte navodila za nameščanje 2 Network Setup of the Card Slot Prikazuje stanje reže za kartico Po...

Page 919: ...ste v pogovornem oknu Configuration spremenili nastavitve tiskalnika se odpre pogovorno okno Confirmation Ko v pogovornem oknu Confirmation kliknete Yes se prikaže ta zaslon za potrditev spremenjenih nastavitev 1 Settings Prikaže se seznam sprememb narejenih v pogovornem oknu Configuration Na vrh strani Stran 919 od 958 strani Ogled spremenjenih nastavitev ...

Page 920: ...itisnite gumb OK 8 Izberite Yes in nato pritisnite gumb OK Naprava natisne te informacije o omrežnih nastavitvah naprave Element Opis elementa Nastavitev Wireless LAN Brezžično omrežje LAN Omogoči Enable Onemogoči Disable Link Status Stanje brezžičnega omrežja LAN Aktivno Active Neaktivno Inactive MAC Address Naslov MAC XX XX XX XX XX XX SSID SSID SSID brezžičnega omrežja LAN Connection mode Način...

Page 921: ...njour Omogoči Enable Onemogoči Disable Bonjour Service Name Ime storitve Bonjour Ime storitve Bonjour največ 52 znakov Bonjour LPR Service Obvestilo o povezavi LPR Bonjour Omogoči Enable Onemogoči Disable X je alfanumerični znak od 0 do 9 ter od A do F 1 Naprava natisne stanje omrežja le če v meniju Nastavitev IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv6 settings izberete IPv4 2 Naprava natisne stanje omrežja le če v meni...

Page 922: ...iško geslo nastavljeno za napravo Preverjanje informacij o omrežju Vračanje omrežnih nastavitev naprave na tovarniške privzete nastavitve Posodabljanje gonilnikov MP Drivers Odstranjevanje orodja Canon IJ Network Tool ali pripomočka Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Priklop reže za kartico ni mogoč Uporaba reže za kartico ni mogoča Dostop do pomnilniške kartice v reži za kartico s programsko opremo MP...

Page 923: ...pravljanje težav V tem razdelku najdete namige za odpravljanje težav do katerih lahko pride pri uporabi naprave Namige o odpravljanju težav ki so povezane z namestitvijo najdete v poglavju Navodila za odpravljanje težav z omrežjem Na vrh strani Stran 923 od 958 strani Odpravljanje težav ...

Page 924: ...te šestnajstiško obliko zapisa ključa za napravo Primer Če uporabite 64 bitno dolžino ključa dostopna točka ob vnosu niza canon ustvari te kode Ključ 1 C9 42 28 B8 AE Ključ 2 87 C0 FB 05 6B Ključ 3 9A 15 FB F6 F3 Ključ 4 62 56 67 58 44 Če želite komunicirati s tako dostopno točko napravo nastavite za uporabo ključa ki ga bo ustvarila dostopna točka tako da ga vnesete v šestnajstiški obliki zapisa ...

Page 925: ...Na vrh strani Stran 925 od 958 strani Nastavitev ključa gesla za omrežje ...

Page 926: ... WPA2 se mora ključ za računalnik ali omrežno napravo in tiskalnik ujemati s tistim ki je nastavljen za dostopno točko Poleg samega ključa WEP se morajo dolžina ključa oblika zapisa ključa kateri ID ključa uporabiti in način preverjanja pristnosti pri napravi dostopni točki in računalniku ujemati Po navadi za način preverjanja pristnosti izberite Auto Če želite način določiti ročno izberite Open S...

Page 927: ...omrežna povezava Wireless Network Connection in izberite Lastnosti Properties 3 Kliknite jeziček Brezžična omrežja Wireless Networks in se prepričajte da je izbrana možnost Uporabi sistem Windows za konfiguracijo mojih omrežnih nastavitev Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings 4 Prepričajte se da je ciljna dostopna točka prikazana na seznamu Želena omrežja Preferred networks Ko je š...

Page 928: ...a pravilne Postopke za povezavo omrežne naprave z računalnikom in njune nastavitve poiščite v navodilih omrežne naprave ali pa se obrnite na proizvajalca 8 korak Prepričajte se da ni težav pri radijski zvezi in prilagodite namestitvene položaje medtem ko z orodjem Canon IJ Network Tool nadzorujete radijsko zvezo Nadzorovanje stanja brezžičnega omrežja 9 korak Prepričajte se da je uporabljen veljav...

Page 929: ... prostoru znotraj učinkovitega obsega brezžične komunikacije Napravo postavite v območje 50 m od dostopne točke 8 korak Zagotovite da v bližini ni virov radijske interference Morda je v bližini naprava kot je mikrovalovna pečica ki uporablja enako frekvenčno širino kot brezžična postaja Brezžične naprave postavite čim dlje od vira interferenc 9 korak Prepričajte se da so omrežne nastavitve računal...

Page 930: ...Na vrh strani Stran 930 od 958 strani Komunikacija z napravo ni mogoča Tiskanje iz naprave ni mogoče ...

Page 931: gesla Ko v pogovornem oknu Search izberete dostopno točko se prikaže pogovorno okno za nastavitev šifriranja To pogovorno okno se samodejno prikaže če spremenite nastavitve šifriranja na dostopni točki Spremenite nastavitve šifriranja naprave da se bodo ujemale s tistimi ki so nastavljene za dostopno točko Če želite več informacij o nastavitvah šifriranja glejte Spreminjanje nastavitev na karti...

Page 932: deluje Uporabite gonilnik tiskalnika z dvosmerno komunikacijo V pogovornem oknu gonilnika tiskalnika na kartici z lastnostmi v razdelku Vrata Ports izberite Omogoči dvosmerno podporo Enable bidirectional support Odpiranje pogovornega okna Lastnosti tiskalnika Windows Na vrh strani Stran 932 od 958 strani Nadzor stanja tiskalnika za stanje Naprava ne deluje ...

Page 933: ...h namestite Vstavite Namestitveni CD Setup CD ROM v diskovni pogon računalnika in izvedite namestitev po meri Custom Install nato izberite možnost MP Drivers da izvedete namestitev še enkrat 3 korak Nadzor dostopa ne sme biti nastavljen na dostopno točko Postopke za povezavo in nastavitev dostopne točke poiščite v navodilih dostopne točke ali pa se obrnite na njenega proizvajalca Opomba Natisnite ...

Page 934: dostopno točko in napravo Brezžična komunikacija med različnimi prostori in nadstropji je običajno slaba Kovinski zid betonski zid zid iz lesa vključno s kovinskim materialom zid iz blata ali izolacija lahko povzročijo motnje v brezžični komunikaciji Če naprava ne more komunicirati z računalnikom prek brezžičnega omrežja LAN zaradi materialov v zidu postavite napravo in računalnik v isti prost...

Page 935: ...eno skrbniško geslo za napravo Zaženite nastavitve omrežja LAN Vračanje omrežnih nastavitev naprave na tovarniške privzete nastavitve Po zagonu nastavitev omrežja LAN preberite navodila za namestitev naprave in znova nastavite napravo Na vrh strani Stran 935 od 958 strani Pozabljeno skrbniško geslo za napravo ...

Page 936: ...and Prompt 2 Vnesite ipconfig all in pritisnite tipko Enter Prikažejo se naslovi IP in MAC omrežnih naprav ki so nameščene v računalniku Če omrežna naprava nima vzpostavljene povezave z omrežjem se naslov IP ne prikaže Preverjanje ali lahko računalnik in naprava oz računalnik in dostopna točka komunicirata med seboj Če želite preveriti ali je komunikacija na voljo izvedite preskus ping 1 Odprite u...

Page 937: ...žnih nastavitvah ali natisnite te informacije Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD Tiskanje informacij o omrežnih nastavitvah Na vrh strani Stran 937 od 958 strani Preverjanje informacij o omrežju ...

Page 938: ...leg tega morda ne bo več mogoče tiskati ali optično brati dokumentov iz računalnika prek omrežja Če želite napravo uporabljati prek omrežja si oglejte navodila za namestitev naprave in znova nastavite napravo Če želite zagnati omrežno nastavitev na nadzorni plošči naprave izberite Ponastavi nast LAN Reset LAN settings Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD Na vrh strani Stran 938 od 958 st...

Page 939: ...novejše gonilnike po običajnem postopku Ko je prikazan zaslon za izbiro načina povezave izberite možnost Uporabi tiskalnik v omrežju Use the printer on network Naprava bo v omrežju zaznana samodejno Ko je naprava zaznana namestite gonilnike MP Drivers po navodilih na zaslonu Opomba Napravo lahko uporabite prek omrežja LAN ne da bi morali znova izvajati namestitev Na vrh strani Stran 939 od 958 str...

Page 940: ...dajanje ali odstranjevanje programov Add or Remove Programs oziroma Dodaj odstrani programe Add Remove Applications na Nadzorni plošči Control Panel Odstranjevanje pripomočka Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Če želite iz računalnika odstraniti pripomoček Canon IJ Network Scan Utility sledite spodnjim navodilom Pomembno Tudi če odstranite pripomoček Canon IJ Network Scan Utility lahko tiskate in optič...

Page 941: ...mestiti reže za kartico za uporabo prek omrežja sledite spodnjemu postopku in režo za kartico namestite ročno 1 Preverite privzeto ime naprave tako da v orodju Canon IJ Network Tool v meniju View izberete Network Information 2 Kliknite Start Vsi programi All Programs Pripomočki Accessories Zaženi Run V operacijskih sistemih Windows XP in Windows 2000 kliknite Start Zaženi Run 3 Vnesite xxxxxxxxxxx...

Page 942: ...rom USB PC do pomnilniške kartice ni mogoče dostopati prek omrežja Možnost Označba beri piši Read write attribute nastavite na Pisanje iz rač po omr Writable from LAN PC da boste lahko podatke zapisovali na pomnilniško kartico prek omrežja Spreminjanje nastavitev naprave na zaslonu LCD 4 korak Ali je možnost Označba beri piši Read write attribute nastavljena na Ni možno pis iz rač Not writable fro...

Page 943: ...e sporočilo Dostop do pomnilniške kartice ni mogoč potrdite sporočilo in kliknite Poskusi znova Če se sporočilo ponovno prikaže režo za kartico namestite kot omrežni pogon Če želite izvedeti podrobnosti o namestitvi reže za kartico glejte Namestitev reže za kartico kot omrežnega pogona Preverite ali je ikona reže za kartico prikazana v mapi Računalnik Computer ali Moj računalnik My Computer in pos...

Page 944: ...postopku Več informacij o varnostni programski opremi najdete v navodilih za uporabo ali pa se obrnite na proizvajalca Pomembno Če ste onemogočili požarni zid prekinite povezavo med omrežjem in internetom To naredite tako da dostopno točko ali usmerjevalnik konfigurirate tako da ne vzpostavi povezave z internetom ali omrežjem WAN Če želite onemogočiti požarni zid Windows sledite tem navodilom 1 Kl...

Page 945: ...alnik My Computer izberite Lastnosti Properties in kliknite Spremeni nastavitve Change settings Če uporabljate operacijski sistem Windows XP z desno tipko miške kliknite Moj računalnik My Computer in izberite Lastnosti Properties 2 Kliknite jeziček Ime računalnika Computer Name in nato kliknite Spremeni Change 3 Ime delovne skupine spremenite v WORKGROUP in nato kliknite OK 6 korak Izključite omre...

Page 946: ...a spremeni Preverite Ali se pripomoček Canon IJ Network Scan Utility izvaja Če prek omrežja zapisujete datoteke na pomnilniško kartico ko pripomoček Canon IJ Network Scan Utility ni zagnan se bo datum spremembe datotek spremenil Pred zapisovanjem datotek na pomnilniško kartico prek omrežja zaženite orodje Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Na vrh strani Stran 946 od 958 strani Datum zadnje spremembe da...

Page 947: ...Izpopolnjena navodila O omrežni komunikaciji Dodatek Dodatek Omejitve Prvotne vrednosti nastavljene v tovarni omrežje Uporaba reže za kartico prek omrežja Na vrh strani Stran 947 od 958 strani Dodatek ...

Page 948: ...sisteme zato ključ za omrežje WEP WPA ali WPA2 za dostopno točk nastavite tako da šifrira brezžični prenos Brezžične komunikacije z izdelkom ki ni združljiv s standardom WiFi ni mogoče zagotoviti Če vzpostavljate povezavo s prevelikim številom računalnikov to lahko vpliva na delovanje tiskalnika npr na hitrost tiskanja Na vrh strani Stran 948 od 958 strani Omejitve ...

Page 949: ...Omogoči Enable Omogoči onemogoči WSD nastavitev WSD Enable disable WSD WSD settings Aktivna Active Nastav časovne omejitve nastavitev WSD Timeout setting WSD settings 1 minuta 1 minute Nastavitev LLTD LLTD setting Omogoči Enable Omog onemog Bonjour nastavit storitve Bonjour Enable disable Bonjour Bonjour settings Omogoči Enable Ime storitve nastavit storitve Bonjour Service name Bonjour settings C...

Page 950: ...e prikaže glejte poglavje Reže za kartico ni mogoče uporabljati Če teh ikon ni potem reža za kartico še ni nameščena Če želite izvedeti podrobnosti o namestitvi reže za kartico glejte Namestitev reže za kartico kot omrežnega pogona Namestitev reže za kartico kot omrežnega pogona 1 Zaženite orodje Canon IJ Network Tool Na namizju dvokliknite ikono orodja Canon IJ Network Tool Orodje lahko zaženete ...

Page 951: ...o dostopate prek omrežja bodo imena datotek ki so sestavljena iz osmih ali manj malih črk brez pripone morda prikazana z velikimi črkami Primer Ime datoteke kot je npr abcdefg doc bo ABCDEFG DOC medtem ko bo ime kot je AbcdeFG doc prikazano v enaki obliki Datoteka dejansko ni preimenovana le videti je kot da je spremenjena Če nastavitev Označba beri piši Read write attribute v napravi nastavite na...

Page 952: ... Utility ni zagnano datum spremembe datotek morda ne bo pravilen Pred zapisovanjem datotek na pomnilniško kartico prek omrežja zaženite orodje Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Podrobne informacije o uporabi orodja Canon IJ Network Scan Utility najdete v spletni pomoči za orodje Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Opomba Če pri uporabi omrežnega pogona reže za kartico prek omrežja pride do spodnjih težav gl...

Page 953: ...Izpopolnjena navodila O omrežni komunikaciji Glosar Glosar O tehničnih izrazih Na vrh strani Stran 953 od 958 strani Glosar ...

Page 954: ... geslo orodja Canon IJ Network Tool ki uporabnikom v omrežju omejuje dostop Vnesti ga morate če želite dostopati do tiskalnika in spreminjati njegove nastavitve Če so omrežne nastavitve tiskalnika tovarniško privzete ni treba vnesti skrbniškega gesla AES Način šifriranja Ni obvezno za WPA Močan kriptografski algoritem ki so ga vladne organizacije ZDA uvedle za obdelavo informacij Način preverjanja...

Page 955: ...k ali dostopna točka samodejno dodelita naslov IP kadar koli zaženete tiskalnik ali osebni računalnik v omrežju F Požarni zid Firewall Sistem ki nepooblaščenemu računalniku preprečuje dostop v omrežje Če želite preprečiti nepooblaščeni dostop uporabite funkcijo požarnega zidu širokopasovnega usmerjevalnika varnostno programsko opremo ali operacijski sistem za računalnik I IEEE 802 11b Mednarodni s...

Page 956: ... Quality Stanje povezave med dostopno točko in tiskalnikom brez hrupa motenj je prikazano z vrednostjo med 0 in 100 odstotki LLTD Protokol podatkovne povezave ki je vgrajen v sistem Windows Vista je namenjen raziskovanju razporeditve v omrežju in diagnostiki kakovosti storitev Funkcija Network Map uporablja LLTD za prikaz grafične predstavitve lokalnega omrežja LPR Protokol tiskanja ki ni odvisen ...

Page 957: ...SSID nastavljen za dostopno točko da ga lahko zazna Maska podomrežja Subnet Mask Naslov IP ima dve komponenti naslov omrežja in naslov gostitelja Maska podomrežja iz naslova IP preračuna naslov maske podomrežja Masko podomrežja ponavadi samodejno dodeli dostopna točka ali usmerjevalniški strežnik DHCP Primer Naslov IP 192 168 127 123 Maska podomrežja 255 255 255 0 Naslov maske podomrežja 192 168 1...

Page 958: ...rablja za preverjanje pristnosti WPA PSK Geslo naj bo niz od 8 do 63 alfanumeričnih znakov ali pa 64 mestna šestnajstiška vrednost WPA2 Varnostni okvir ki ga je združenje Wi Fi objavilo septembra 2004 kot novejšo različico okvirja WPA Ponuja močnejši mehanizem šifriranja prek šifrirnega algoritma AES Advanced Encryption Standard Authentication WPA določa ta dva načina preverjanja pristnosti PSK ki...
