An Abundance of Variations to
Meet any Requirement
Adobe®PDF compatible
PDF files compressed to approx. one tenth of the original reduce the
load on networks and servers. It contributes to storage-space
reduction and file-transmission efficiency.
■Compact PDF reduces file size
OCR processing adds text data to the scanned documents,
enabling users to retrieve documents and reuse the text.
■Searchable PDF improves usability
1 Requires Scanning Solution Expansion Kit-A1.
2 Sold separately.
3 When printing PDF files, PS Printing Kit-AT1 or Direct Print Kit (for PDF/XPS)-H1 will be required.
4 Use of the separately sold HOME requires a separate contract.
Background extraction
and compression
Text extraction and compression
Show all documents
containing the keyword.
Show highlighted keyword
within the selected document.
Input search
keyword and location.
Digitize Paper Documents for Use
iR-ADV creates a PDF
file with a password
The password is required to
open the file
A document is
Set a
Illustration of the Scanning Process
Address specification and other setup operations are easy
to perform on the Scan and Send screen. Registering key
sequences in the Favorite Settings (top right) further
enhances operating efficiency.
Password-protected PDF allows only authorized users to open
the files, resulting in improved security.
■Encrypted PDF for enhanced security
Users can make a simple edit such as adding notes,
correcting and putting signatures by using Adobe
(V7 and later).
■Editable PDF with Reader Extensions
Text input with
Typewriter Tool
Stamp Tool
Text Box and Notes, etc.
Set the
destination and
file format
Press the start button to
begin scanning