<017: pseudo RBT signal pattern ON time length><018: pseudo RBT signal
pattern OFF time length (short)><019: pseudo RBT signal pattern OFF time length
.......................................................................................................................... 15-23
<020: pseudo CI signal pattern ON time length><021: pseudo CI signal pattern
OFF time length (short)><022: pseudo CI signal pattern OFF time length (long)>
<023: CNG detention level for fax/tel switchover>
....................................... 15-23
<024: pseudo RBT transmission level at time of fax/tel switchover>
........ 15-23
<025: Answering machine connection function signal detection time>
..... 15-23
<027: V.21 low-speed flag preamble identification length>
........................ 15-23
<056 - 061: Count type select >
...................................................................... 15-23
Setting of Scanner Functions (SCANNER)
............................................. 15-29
Numeric Parameter Functional configuration
.................................................. 15-29
<024:CIS scan position during ADF scanning>
.............................................. 15-30
<026:Distance from the standby position of CIS to the shading start point>
<031: Vertical scan start position adjustment>
............................................... 15-30
<032: Horizontal scan start position adjustment>
........................................... 15-30
<033: Vertical scan magnification correction>
................................................ 15-30
<034: Horizontal scan magnification correction>
............................................ 15-30
<035: - 036:Reader motor speed change>
...................................................... 15-31
<041: Vertical scan start position adjustment (when scanning on a document fed
.................................................................................................................. 15-31
<042: Horizontal scan start position adjustment (when scanning on a document
........................................................................................................... 15-31
<043: Horizontal scan end position correction ((copy:scanning on ADF)>
<044: Horizontal scan end position correction (superfine:scanning on ADF)>
<045: Horizontal scan end position correction (fine:scanning on ADF)>
.. 15-31
<046: Horizontal scan end position correction (standard:scanning on ADF)>
<047: Vertical scan magnification correction (when scanning on a document fed
.................................................................................................................. 15-31
<048: Horizontal scan magnification correction (when scanning on a document
........................................................................................................... 15-31
<054: Pickup motor speed correction (when the ADF is used) >
............... 15-32
<193: ADF special standard-sized paper: LGL misidentification-ready>
.. 15-32
<194: ADF special standard-sized paper: LTR misidentification-ready>
.. 15-32
<195: ADF special standard-sized paper: LTR_R misidentification-ready>
<213: XYZ correction value (X) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND
...................................................................................................................... 15-32
<214: XYZ correction value (Y) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND
...................................................................................................................... 15-33