Canon Ink Technology
The technology that goes into the ink you use makes a big
difference in the results you get. Through advanced chemi-
cal engineering Canon specifically formulates all of the inks
used in Canon large-format systems for optimum print
performance. Why? Because having control over the
production of our inks gives us greater control over the
Inks: Engineered to
improve print quality
Canon Graphic Arts systems featuring LUCIA inks deliver a
wider color gamut for exceptional print quality. If you’re in
the photography, proofing or fine art fields, you’ll
appreciate the smoother gradations, sharper details and
finer overall image quality produced by these inks. LUCIA
inks are formulated to minimize graininess, improve
scratch-resistance and prevent “bronzing” (that unwanted
sheen that occurs when viewing output from different
angles and/or under light), while enhancing color-fastness
and fade resistance.
Canon Reactive Ink Technology: When
precision is paramount
When precision is critical, Canon’s breakthrough 5-color
dye/pigment Reactive Ink technology makes all the
difference. Canon imagePROGRAF Corporate and CAD
series printers feature an ink technology developed
specifically for printing detailed business documents and
engineering applications (CAD/GIS) with fine lines, small
text, detailed graphs and tables. This unique formulation
improves the ink’s adhesion to the media and minimizes
color “bleeding”. The secret is in the chemistry of the ink.
When the black ink intersects with a colored area (for
example words printed on a colored background) the black
and cyan inks cause a chemical reaction that prevents the
black from bleeding into the colors. As a result, you get
clearer text, smoother curves and sharp fine lines, even on
uncoated technical papers. What’s more Canon Reactive Inks
also improve scratch and marker resistance so prints are
more durable than when printed with conventional dye inks.
Clear and rich color expression
C ink
M ink
R ink
Y ink
G ink
B ink
Comprehensive Color Expression with CMYRGB Inks
Better Adhesion And Less Bleeding With Canon Reactive Inks
Chemical reaction
Black doloplet with
minimal diffusion
Color ink
Matte black ink