Scanning Shortcut
Save [Scanning Shortcut] -> Scan the document -> Output the
scanned images
By adding scanning shortcuts that combine frequently-used document
selections and outputs, you can scan just by clicking the Scanning
Shortcut panel.
Registering and editing scanning shortcuts
Multiple scanning shortcuts can be allocated to CaptureOnTouch.
Either click the [New shortcut] button in [Scanning shortcut], or
select the document scan and output in [Standard Scanning], and
click the [Save to Shortcut] button.
A scanning shortcut panel will be created.
The Edit Scanning Shortcut Panel dialog box appears when you click
the Edit button.
Click the [Document] tab to set the Select document settings. ->
"Select document settings"
If a registered scanning shortcut is allocated to the start button, you can
implement shortcut scans using these settings just by pressing the
scanner start button -> "Scanning with Start Button"
You can also create a new Destination panel by clicking [
] on the
[New] button, and in the menu that appears, selecting the type of
Scanning Shortcut.