WitH CAnon imageSPeCtRUm, yoU’LL mAnAge imAgeS
WitH PeACe oF mind.
Crucial elements for
imAge mAnAgement SyStemS
to meet the needs of today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment, an eye care image management system must excel
in four key areas in order to keep your life simple and to help keep data safe and secure.
imageSPectrUM is not only simple, efficient, and easy to use, but it also incorporates data portability and advanced
security features absolutely necessary to help you become—and stay—fully HiPaa compliant.
SimPLe, eFFiCient, And eASy to USe
imageSPectrUM employs a sleek and intuitive graphical
user interface that’s easy for you and your staff to use.
the system communicates with major eye care modalities
and is designed to optimize imaging workflow while
simplifying the entire image management process.
FULLy AUtomAted diCom FUnCtionALity
imageSPectrUM can easily be configured to support
virtually any practice network, small or large. designed
with your growing practice in mind, imageSPectrUM is
readily scalable. this means the system not only supports
the needs of your current practice, but it’s also capable of
easily expanding as your practice grows or your needs change.
an automated dicoM
system can help increase practice
efficiency by eliminating extra steps and chances for error
while streamlining workflow and enabling higher levels of
communication (i.e., Modality Worklist).
dAtA PoRtAbiLity And FLexibiLity
imageSPectrUM’s advanced architecture allows you to
store and manage your image management files from within
a single database or as a part of a multidatabase/multiarchive
system requiring only high-speed internet access. the system
is designed to communicate well with most eMr systems and
support practices of all sizes. it also allows clinical case data to
be quickly and securely viewed from just about anywhere in
the world.
designed with patient protection, the affordable Healthcare
act, HiPaa/HitecH, and future reforms foremost in mind,
imageSPectrUM uniquely provides high-level image
security and availability through features such as role-based
access control, aging Password, auto-logoff, advanced
encryption, and complete audit log recordkeeping, to
a few.
FULLy AUtomAted diCom FUnCtionALity
SimPLe, eFFiCient, And eASy to USe
dAtA PoRtAbiLity And FLexibiLity
A mULtiSite netWoRK WitH mULtiPLe exAm RoomS
A SingLe-Site netWoRK WitH mULtiPLe exAm RoomS